American Son (2008) Poster


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American Son
natashabowiepinky4 May 2014
You're a young black marine. You have 96 hours leave before being posted to Iraq for more than a year. How do you break the news to your family? What will you get up to in the last period of civilian life you'll have for a while? And will you trying calling that cute girl you met on the way back home? Decisions, decisions...

American Son is what I would refer to as a tepid drama. Everyone involved gives their all, and it all feels pretty realistic. It's just all a little too by-the-numbers for my liking, from the booze-filled parties he attends filled with clothes-shedding nymphets (don't these girls have any self respect) to the decision to inform all and sundry he's off just a few hours before departure. Cue the waterworks, before a quick acceptance. And if you think he's going to spend a bonk-filled final rendezvous with this young lady in a hotel he's known for all of three days... BANG! You win the internet!!

One last question: Our lead seems like a really nice guy... so why are all his friends complete jerks? If I was him, I would dump the lot.... and start afresh. Well, that's what we do with bad Scrabble letters, anyway.... 5/10
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Good look at the 96 hours before shipping out. Its not just Iraq its all wars. One of the better Iraq war films
dbborroughs20 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Young marine returns home 96 hours before being shipped off to Iraq . Over the course of the next four days he will meet a girl and start a relationship, meet his friends and deal with his family and his past. This is one of the increasing number of Iraq films that plays wider than Iraq . Here we get to crawl around inside the head and heart of a soldier about to ship out over seas, however where he's going could be any war anywhere. I like that the film is much more universal than the current war that the US is involved in. Extremely well acted the cast helps sell the story and makes you want to see how it all plays out past the final fade out. The film is good enough that I wish it didn't try so hard. The film tries very hard to be relevant and very independent by hitting too many issues in too short a time with the result that its hard to completely forget you're watching a movie (though I do have to give the film credit for not wrapping everything up). Its not bad, but it's the sort of like watching someone do an incredible trick that is amazing unto itself, but which is some how made less so by the "look at me" attitude. I really liked the film a great deal I just wish that it clicked more with me. Definitely worth a look. Certainly on the small list of completely good Iraq related films (most Iraq films only work in fits and starts)
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A worthy story with one glaring flaw
jrneptune10 February 2021
The sound and cinematography was great and the actors did well.

For all the youth that served after 9/11 I salute them but there is one serious that stands out to me. How can he be a fresh Marine out of boot camp and having flashbacks from battle if he has not been in combat yet?

It definitely added impact to the movie but again HOW could he be having combat flashbacks if he has not been in combat yet?

Worth the time to watch but not one of the best post 9/11 movies concerning military service.
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What was the point of this?
damlonyc30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, did I miss something? This would've been way better as a 1 hour short..

The entire movie takes place over 96 hours pretty much, and you mean to tell me that he was being introduced to this girl's friends and entire family without even knowing her for 48 hours? Then they're off romanticizing as if they've been in love for months?? This movie had too many scenes that jumped the gun and lacked depth (like Mike beating some guy at a party to a pulp for ??, hitting on Cristina?), I thought that guy was gonna come back for revenge and shoot one of them or something, but nothing happened at all. And then I thought there was going to be a serious rift with Mike and his best friend after they got into an argument while playing basketball, but then they were best friends again in the next scene?

Overall I walked away from this movie holding nothing. It wasn't the actor's faults tho, they all did a pretty good job, it was just a ridiculous script. The only reason I gave it 4 stars is cuz I like Nick Cannon and Melanie Diaz is a cutie
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Great Movie
nortneyaam8 September 2009
I can completely relate. My question is when are they going to make a movie about the life of a Female military member? They have all these war movies and military movies that are all about Men in the military, why not make one about the Females? It is hard for us too, being in a male dominate career field. I love the movies about my brothers at war...but where is the love for the sisters fighting too? I do think that this was a Great movie. It really throws down how it feels to come home after going to Boot. Friends and family do not understand that it is not just a job, it is also a commitment, a life style that one chooses when they sign that dotted line. You don't actually realize how much you have changed as a person until you go back home after about a year or so of training and see all your old friends doing nothing with their lives.
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Good small movie, examines emotions of being deployed to Iraq.
TxMike30 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Before very recently I never heard of Nick Cannon. But he has been on my personal radar for marrying Mariah Carey recently, and for that I have great admiration for him. Since she is now 40 and he is still in his 20s he might be her boy-toy, but I admire him anyway.

Here Nick Cannon is Mike, coming home by bus to his California neighborhood after completing basic training as a Marine. There he meets pretty Melonie Diaz as Cristina and they form a quick, unlikely friendship. Unlikely because people don't usually meet on the Greyhound.

I also enjoyed seeing Chi McBride of "Boston Public" TV fame, as Mike's dad, Eddie. And Tom Sizemore as Mike's step-dad, Dale.

Mike has 4 days, 96 hours, to enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays with family and friends, and new girlfriend, before going where no young man wants to go. Iraq is today what Viet Nam was to us in the 1960s.

Good, small movie, probably shot on a small budget. I came away impressed with Nick Cannon as an actor. I look forward to seeing him in other roles.
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American Son: One of the Best Films I Have Ever Seen
bobbylabonte1811 October 2010
From the first credits to the final scene of American Son is a complete masterpiece. Neil Abramson co-wrote and directed this story of a 19 year old Marine named Mike, who on a four day Thanksgiving leave, must let his family and friends in Bakersfield know that after that leave, he will be deployed to Iraq and on his way home from training camp, meets a young woman he ultimately falls in love with and ultimately must decide between his home life and his soldier side. Nick Cannon gives what I think would be the performance of a lifetime as this young soldier, he must tell his mother, his step father, played brilliantly by Tom Sizemore, his long time best friend, and his newly found love. THis film is one of the best depictions of a soldier going off into combat and the inner turmoil he faces with his choice to leave what he considers home. This film is understated and I believe deserves to be seen by everyone at least once in their lifetime.
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How is this not rated higher?
dbean6613 April 2011
This film was beyond excellent. How is it at a mere 5.5? Transformers 2 has a higher rating. Everything was great in this movie. The story. The acting. The music. The direction. First off, Nick Cannon has proved that he is more than just a great actor, he's an extraordinary actor. His performance was Oscar worthy. Jay Hernandez has a small role here, but he was also incredible. Also a great performance by Matt O'Leary as Nick Cannon's friend Jake. This film deserved multiple Oscar nominations including best picture. It's short at only 85 minutes, but a LOT happens and not a single second feels wasted. This film was funny, sad, and deeply moving. This movie deserves at least an 8.0. Incredible
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Rough cut screening - very powerful
breakthemdown511 January 2008
I saw a rough cut of this movie in Los Angeles. A friend of mine was involved with post- production and he invited me to a screening. I didn't know what to expect -- I'd only seen Nick Cannon in Drumline and thought he was kind of lightweight. Not so in this movie. Basically, the story follows him for a few days before he's about to be sent of to Iraq, and in this short time, he falls in love with a girl he's just met.

The movie is very powerful and heartbreaking but it somehow doesn't feel depressing. I've seen a few other Iraq war movies, but this one all takes place in the US, and it's not really a war movie. It's more like a coming of age film.

The performances were great -- especially the kid who plays Nick Cannon's best friend -- and the story is gripping as hell. The cut i saw was terrific and i am really looking forward to seeing the final version.
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provocative film, very moving and subtle. made me reflect about war...
miahoffmanmusic12 January 2008
I saw this movie at a screening in LA with some friends and was very moved.

The story is in essence about a young marine who returns home for the first time since joining the army for Thanksgiving, before being shipped to Iraq. The movie follows his story for the 3 or 4 days of his visit home.

The movie is very topical, but subtle too - and deals with the sensitive effects of war on family, and young men whose lives are essentially put on pause for the Iraq war.

It is poignant that Mike meets Christina, someone who he really feels he could care about, the weekend before he is shipped to Iraq. Young love is not even given a chance because of war.

The style of the movie is very realistic, great dialogue and acting. It is very well directed. My personal favorite character is Matt O'Leary as Jake, whose performance is outstanding. April Grace portrays the mother of a soldier incredibly well.

In short, I think this movie is excellent - and as citizens of the world, it sheds important insights onto the current political situation. Not necessarily political or macro insights, although those are there to be interpreted, but certainly a personal view of war - and how it affects individual families.

It gives me more conviction that we should stop sending our wonderful young men over there to die!
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Excellent, Truthful Film
pmalt4 July 2012
American Son is a gem of intimacy, conflict, and the poetry of Americans living their choices. I have always leaned toward movies that illuminate the inner emotion of people as they work through relationships and vulnerabilities. Nick Cannon is masterful in expressing the scorchingly intense emotion of his introverted and torn character, Mike, who is so authentic and such a quality guy --- I feel as if I knew him or people like him, though I cannot bring them to mind... I probably met them in passing over the years.

Neil Abramson deserves great kudos for directing this riveting and engaging film. It is not riveting in the sense of feverish constant action --- which I only find annoying anyway, with its self-conscious, intrusive camera work as in the Bourne movies. Rather, American Son is riveting in the sense of losing oneself in the lives of these people. Melonie Diaz is excellent as Christina, in her vulnerability and intense love for Mike, which she tries to keep hidden... you can feel her fear of being hurt by this wonderful guy who has joined this war.

The movie made me hurt for all people who have had to fight or loved anybody who went to war. These goodbyes have been a part of human history since forever. So much pain. I won't get political here, but I grew up with the Vietnam War in my life, and I truly thought when it ended after those ten arduous and agonizing years, that America was done dealing with war. So young I was.
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American Son
ichocolat14 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever imagine what would you do if you have 96 hours before you are being drafted to war zone? Places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Places where you never know if you are going to be back alive, and in one piece. Places so foreign that you wonder whether you will feel settled in once you get there. Places where you know for certain that not many people over there who are happy to see you, and just as glad to see you go away.

This is what the film is all about. About an American who has been chosen to serve as military man in Iraq. A man who went back to his hometown for Thanksgiving, and who has 96 hours before he will be sent to Iraq to serve his country.

This is a very good film. A film that has makes you wanna let the powers-that-be to seriously consider calling the troops in foreign countries to return back home, to their family and friends.

The film was nominated for 1 award. Though it didn't win, it goes to show how good the film is.
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mr-mike883-964-88576213 April 2011
This movie really made me teary in some scenes and i never cry in movies. NEVER! This is seriously to date, the first and only movie that I have ever cried at. Why? Because i'm a heartless bastard. That's why. This movie must have given me a heart, because I felt so emotionally involved with the characters and the story that I did, no joke, cry. I loved this movie. I love this movie with all the love a loving lover can love with. Love. love. love.

Seriously though. This film is incredible. It's too bad that so few people have actually seen it.

Please check it out. It's great
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Ambitious and excellent
ambercederman13 April 2011
American Son is an extraordinary work of art. It tells the story of a young man named Mike (played by Nick Cannon.) Mike has joined the marines. He is fresh out of boot camp and is going to be deployed to Iraq in 96 hours. He gets to spend 96 hours with his family and friends, but nobody knows that he's shipping out to Iraq and he's afraid of telling them. This is a thought provoking, sad, emotional, fascinating movie. There are many other adjectives that I could add, but you get what I'm saying. The story is great. The pacing is great. the performances are all around fantastic. The characters are well rounded and likable. What's not to love?
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Simple and realistic
wpostaff2 December 2020
Speaking from a veteran this movie is spot on for me and the salient life details that soldiers often face at home on leave. Only soldiers can relate to that and it is refreshing to see it reflected.
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