The Ghosts of Borley Rectory (2021) Poster

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leatherdykeuk12 October 2021
...if only for Toyah Wilcox. Honestly, terrible, slow-paced tale of a "scientist" trying to find evidence of ghosts. There are, it has to be said, some terrible acting performances, and if the stilted dialogue is representative of pre-war Britain, then I'm surprised we got anything done.
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Ghost movie without much of any fright or spooks...
paul_haakonsen11 October 2021
When I got the chance to sit down and watch "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" I did so immediately. Why? Well, first of all, the movie has Julian Sands on the cast list, and also it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen.

However, I only knew about "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" because I had seen it on Julian Sands IMDb list, but aside from that, then I had heard nothing about this movie. So I wasn't really sure what I was in for here, nor really knowing anything about it, aside from it being a horror movie.

Well, "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" wasn't really all that great of a movie. And even for a horror movie then its plot and storyline was fairly bland, if not actually downright generic. This was essentially just a run-of-the-mill haunted house movie, and not a particularly great one at that.

There was nothing scary to be seen in "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory", unless you are a rookie and a newcomer to the horror genre. For a seasoned veteran such as myself then "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory", as written by Christopher Jolley and Steven M. Smith, was a mere stroll in the park.

Visually then "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" wasn't particularly thrilling or great. There were a few special effects here and there, but they weren't on any noteworthy level, and came off merely as being watchable. So don't sit down to watch this movie with the intentions of seeing something amazing or super scary.

Director Steven M. Smith didn't really revolutionize the horror genre here with "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory", nor did he bring anything new or interesting to the haunted house subgenre.

The acting performances in "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" were bland. There wasn't any particular great performances here, and even Julian Sands seemed to run on auto-pilot, and he wasn't given all that much screen time anyway.

"The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" was not a horror movie that left me with any great impression, and it is one that will slowly fade into the mists of oblivion and I will never take another gander at it. Yeah, it was just that bland and mundane.

My rating of "The Ghosts of Borley Rectory" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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The Ghosts of Borley Rectory
henry8-329 December 2021
With various assistants in tow, top ghost investigator Harry Price starts a 6 month stay in England's famously most haunted house where he faces a variety of supernatural goings on.

Intriguing given that there is some truth in this story and the rectory is famous in England for being so haunted. This focus on the investigation ranges from quite spookily effective with some decent jump scares to going over the top and heading into quite cheesy territory and indeed less is more is not something the film aims for. The acting varies considerably in quality but it's particularly nice to see Julian Sands in action who is about the best thing in it. Ok if you like ghost stories but manage your expectations.
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Definitely one to miss.
KRS_UK8 April 2022
With such an interesting subject matter, this had the potential to be really good. Unfortunately it wasn't. In fact it was quite dreadful. From the opening music to the clumsy editing, wooden acting and stilted dialogue, the only redeeming feature seemed to be Toyah, hamming it up for all she was worth. Definitely one to avoid.
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Here we go again....
thestot-113 October 2021
When will they ever learn?

I mean, when will they learn anything about filmmaking?

I should have guessed by the over the top "Production Company" titles, followed by the numbingly endless actual titles, that this was going to end badly.

Still, I wasn't disappointed by my own prediction, so that deserves, at best, one grudgingly appointed star.

But please, don't let this talentless twit direct anything ever again.

Spoiler alert : There is nothing left to spoil.
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And interestiing telling of a real story
mckennawilliams-5489612 October 2021
It isn't fair to judge this film as a genre ghost story, because it isn't. It's a retelling of real story from the 1920's and should be judged as such. As a based on a True Story tell it reasonably recreates the story as told in the papers of the time. There have been a number of films and TV plays retelling the story over the last few years and this is one of the better ones with good acting from Wilcox, Sands and Baker and some interesting photography and direction. So if you watching this in expectation of a 'The Conjuring' style story are going to be disappointed but if a story of another time when the people where recovering from the impacts of a mass casualty war with an attendant growth in belief in the supernatural then this will be of interest.
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Truly awful
nigelcummingsuk-5280211 October 2021
The lure of this film were the stars, Colin Baker, Toyah Wilcox and Julian Sands. The reality of this film is the utterly awful script, terrible special effects, dreadful acting that makes 1 and a half hour seem to drag on for three! Avoid it like ghe plague. Dont throw your £4.99 away on Amazon to watch this rubbish! Terrible, truly terrible - all those that appeared in it should be ashamed of themselves. Awful is as awful does!
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time you will never get back.
davetfilmguy25 October 2021
The production company behind this film is the very definition of quantity over quality. As of Oct 2021, the director has 10 films in pre-production, film or post, with 3 out in 2021, and there are only 2 months of 2021 left.

This is a bad film, badly written, badly directed and badly shot, very similar to all their other films which can been seen on streaming sites. Funny for all the wrong reasons.

Avoid, don't waste your time.
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Terrible. terrible , terrible it will Bore'ly you to death!
omendata26 October 2021
What is it with the British film industry these days, it has really gone downhill if this is the level of filmmaking that we are left with!

Dreadfully, dreadfully dull, terrible acting from nearly the whole cast; the guy who used to be in the bill trying to do a country yokel has to be seen and heard to be believed (or perhaps not), waffling script with some truly, truly, stilted dialogue, no real scares, dreadful shaky camerawork.

It is based on the true story of the most haunted house in the UK and the old story of the nun who was bricked up in the walls for having an affair with a Monk in the local monastery, which was eventually found to be a whole load of fakery as was Mr Hill himself, so there is very little you can really use to make a film out of; perhaps a 30 min short but to see good actors like Julian Sands and others waste their time in this is cringeworthy - they must really be hard up for the cash these days!
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Itter rubbish
frank-ancestor-hunter1 November 2021
Harry Price was a conman. Borley Recroty was never haunted by anything other than Harry Price was a sub-standard newspaper reporter with a vivid imagination and a wish for glory. He returned to the Rectory after it burned to the ground and published a photograph allegedly of a house brick floating in the air. Not so: the 'brick' is most likely the end of a balk of wood being supported from or nailed to the floor of the black open doorway to its rear. Don't waste your time with this junk. If you want to know the real story look on the internet.
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dont waste your time
olddragon44-237-37261519 April 2022
Over rated crock. Useless actors like learning english ..... or learning how to act. Very weak . Had to walk away could not watch whole movie. Was expecting a great thriller horror got crap. Very dull. Bad acting bad movie.
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A very good horror film by a low budget production
christine-chalk27 October 2022
It works if you give it a chance. The nun herself is creepy looking with hollowed-out, bloody eyes and a rotted looking face. It's a simple but effective makeup job and we get to see it several times throughout the film so you get your money's worth. The horned demon that pops up near the end of The Ghosts of Borley Rectory on the other hand is a fairly obvious spooky mask but just a simple shot.

Being a low-budget film there are a fair amount of talky scenes, but the script has the good sense to put some scares in some of those scenes even if it's just a simple jump scare. And there are plenty of those throughout the film, performed by an excellent cast. The horror in The Ghosts of Borley Rectory never really gets much deeper than that, but sometimes that's fine, every film doesn't have to be elevated horror. It's worth watching.
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The most haunted house in England
killercharm1 November 2021
The most haunted house in England burned down before WWII. Until then it had the scariest rep in town. A team shows up in the 30s for a six-month stint at getting to the roots of the hauntings. This was better than expected. It held me and even shivered me timbers on occasion.
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Awfully produced and tedious
mjsreg4 November 2021
Any review over 5 has to be highly dubious.

It seems that the most basic of film skills has been totally abandoned- such as lighting, and creating an atmosphere to evoke emotion. In fact, most of the lighting seems to have been reproduced for each scene, often totally contrary to the apparent lighting in the frame!!

Then there is the acting. Oh my goodness! It's not as though there is a lack of talent and experience in some of the roles (and in others there is zero ), even so, the on screen performance seems to have been left to reading some lines of the script and repeating them as the scene is shot. Zero direction for the rare talented individuals at all.

The few shots meant to be horrific were just shot as is with zero effort made in post to make them anywhere near scary at all!

The story isn't any better. It is fragmented and bland with no thought being given to engaging the audience.

Just don't waste your time - and certainly not your cash - on seeing this. It really isn't worth it.
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The scariest thing was the acting.
gsrprivatetuition27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Cast: actually some interesting additions here, Toyah Wilcox and Julian Sands for starters.

Acting: The dialogue came across very rehearsed to the extent that one person did not really bounce of the others, so the tone of each piece of dialogue didn't really follow. If you want an example of this: compare the talk around the table about 20 minutes in when they talk about whether the house is haunted (the first discussion as a big group) where the acting is quite poor, in contrast with the séance involving Toyah Wilcox, where she responds to the other actors as a pro should. Unfortunately many of the actors were quite wooden. As for Louisa Warren, her solo scenes involved her walking around with wide open eyes and strange expressions, either smiling or a quizzical look, all of which were over the top. She was walking around like she was off her nut on drugs half the time.

Plot: standard haunted house story. Nothing out of the ordinary, so if you want something to blow your mind, this is not the film. But for a diversion, yeah why not.

Dialogue: Quite predictable. Not an amazing piece of screenwriting.

Pace: Nothing really happens. It doesn't really get going, and the atmosphere is not built up, so it just doesn't scare.

Setting: A lovely old house, reasonably atmospheric.

Impact: Will quickly forget this film.

SFX: given the budget, ok I suppose.

Realism: The events took a year, but it felt like it was a couple of night's vigil.

Contribution to the genre: Nothing new from this film. It doesn't scare, so as a horror film, it isn't really doing it's job. The scariest thing about this film, was the acting of the lady playing the part of Helen.

Enjoyment: not really for me, this one. Once I have started watching a film, I am normally committed to the end. Whilst I did persevere, I could easily have given up on it.

I have given it an extra point for the fact this had a low budget.
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Wow! I enjoy some low budget films but this was just awful
djewoofoo6 May 2022
The idea behind this film is good. In honesty, I cannot say if it fulfills the idea because I couldn't watch more than the first half hour due to the most diabolic acting I've ever witnessed! A GCSE drama group could stage a more convincing set of characters with ease compared to what is presented in this film - wooden acting, strange stereotyping accents, and some of the most bizarre enunciation which would not be out of place in a primary school Nativity play. It's actually too bad to even be funny. Don't think I've ever given a 1 rating before!
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Very boring film
traceybeck-8696727 October 2021
Thought this would finally be a good film about the hauntings of Borley Rectory, seeing there were good actors starring in it. How wrong I was!! It was terrible, badly filmed and a very weak story...don't waste your time watching this rubbish!!!
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Hmm. Wonder who wasted their money on the making of this.
judegraysmith24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes a movie is so bad it's good, but not in this case. It was within the first 15 mins I was hoping it would get better but no. Absolutely awful acting from the entire cast and even the delightful Julian Sands who was wonderfully wicked in Warlock, could not raise this turkey from the dead. In fact he looked and sounded as if he was mortally ashamed of being in this movie. The actor from The Bill was totally miscast and he knew it. Toyah has proven once again she is no actress. One of the 'assistants' had the most god awful accent, trying to sound like a public schoolboys from the 1930's but to be honest was still better than the girl assistant and the dark haired bloke. I know by my partner's 'nods off' how bad a movie is and within the first half an hour we had three sessions of sleep, which is at the top end of the scale. I watched for longer just to confirm if it got better. It didn't. I would have given zero stars if I could. Funniest part of the movie (and I'm sure it was supposed to scary not funny) was the spirit's Hand when the fingers were wiggling for ages in the direction of the sandwich. I've seen kids messing about making better movies than this. One to avoid.
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xbatgirl-300293 December 2022
I really chose of stinker when I decided to watch this. The writers apparently couldn't decide if they wanted to make a ghostly horror movie or a retelling of a pseudoscientific investigation, so I guess they randomly shuffled some pages from various scripts together, took some adderall, and made this. This takes itself so seriously, it's pretty much looped back around to almost being funny. I think this could be great fodder for the old MST3k or Riff Trax. In fact the adult kid characters, Helen and her brother, never stop giving the impression like they wandered in from a different production, a parody of this movie, where they provide broad comedy. I have no idea what the filmmakers were thinking. I was 3/4 into this and still wondering every few minutes if I should just turn it off.

Watch this movie, then watch the first Evil Dead, then watch arguments that budget was the problem vanish in a ghostly mist.
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marklightfoot-0595414 January 2023
I'm guessing this movie was made on the cheap. The cast is littered with has beens and never will beens. There's some woeful acting and a very poor script. The main apparition actually becomes amusing after you've seen it more than once. There's next to no tension and what little there is is ruined by the inadequacies of the acting. Strangely, the best of the actors in this movie have been reserved for bit parts, with the main roles being played by a crop of talentless oafs who, I can only imagine, got very poor marks at acting school. The icing on this poo cake is a ridiculous decision to have the lead actors using their very limited skills to speak in RP English. It doesn't even begin to come off. Finally, Reece Putinas, What can I say? Like the dead stump of a giant oak tree, he gives what must be the most wooden perfomance I have ever seen.
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Indie version of the famous story
Leofwine_draca26 October 2022
Another in the endless cycle of BORLEY RECTORY movies, this one made on an indie budget and largely shot in a single location. I know the history of the building well and have read both of Harry Price's books on the subject but I can report that this film is only a very, very loose adaptation of that story. It starts out literately enough with some recognisable characters and situations, but it becomes gradually more ridiculous as it goes on. The ending, complete with silly Halloween mask frighteners straight out of THE CONJURING, is nonsense, but there's some cult value in the presence of Julian Sands, Colin Baker and Christopher Ellison in the cast.
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OK, based on true events.
Saiph902 January 2022
I do not believe in gods, ghosts, paranormal but I still enjoy a good horror. This was ok but a bit lacking in pace, a few decent jump scares, apparently based on a true story of a journalist was a over used imagination. Also with Toyah Willcox to add to the mystery.
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An Amateurish Mess.
woodgatejack-sfr16 May 2022
The story of Borely Rectory is one of the most fascinating in British paranormal history. Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, the legends and folklore, as well as the story about the real investigation are intriguing.

However, what we have here is really sub-par.

I called it "amateurish", but I've seen better amateur ghost stories on YouTube.

The editing and pacing are all over the place, the special effects are basic (think one step up from those face-filters you can get on your phone) It's badly shot, badly framed and tries to pull every horror film cliche in the book- ineffective jump scares, constant fake-outs, cheap gore.

Not worth it even as a curiosity.
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Bad enough to raise the dead! Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the worst film I have ever seen in my 57 years. A shame as Harry Price was a famous psychical researcher and Borley Rectory his infamous research vehicle therefore it could have been very interesting in different hands.

Acting was either so cringingly amateur (the support roles) or hammed up to the hilt (Price character and Toyah Wilcox's medium). I can't understand why the local landowner had a cliche'd farmer 'ooh arr' accent when Borley Rectory was in the Essex countryside.

And the entity itself.. really? I mean.. an evil nun.. REALLY? ! And the part where its hand moves, twisting and turning, and hovers over the food, was simply laughable - which drama class did they learn that in?! Oh dear.. just awful.

An utter waste of time sadly. Did they really take it seriously or was it supposed to be tongue in cheek?

Absolutely dreadful film.
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A generally enjoyable and fun genre entry
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 November 2021
Arriving at the Borley Rectory in 1937, a paranormal investigator and his assistant try to get to the bottom of the reports of a series of hauntings at the location with a small crew of helpers, but as they stay more and more incidents continue forcing them to find the truth about the hauntings.

Overall, there's quite a lot to like with this one. The main likable feature here is the generally enjoyable setup that brings everybody together in the facility to carry out their investigations. The fact that so much of the first half focuses on a series of stories and experiences involving the incidents at the location between several different individuals within the community gives this a fun, old-school character. The retelling of the incidents, with one coming complete with a flashback recreation of the incident as well, adds a highly chilling and atmospheric vibe to the film which adds a lot to like here. That carries over into the eeriness of the various buildings and rooms that the chilling encounters and sightings occur. With the stories giving this a fine start with the ghostly figure being spotted in brief blasts standing menacingly behind someone, the film gets quite fun with the later seance that goes wrong as well as the brief encounters between the group and the figure in the building creates some chilling scenes at points. These are kept to short enough encounters that the sudden shock of the deformed nun ghost looks creepy in these quick scenes throughout the film, giving this one enough to like that hold it up overall. There isn't much to dislike here, which really only focuses on one area. This one tends to come off way too talky at times in favor of the supernatural action present here which might be a bit underwhelming at those points. The conversations that arise from the discussions of the incidents that occurred to each of the parishioners at the church or the investigators looking at the incidents within the house while they're there which does seem somewhat as the focus becomes far more laid back and lethargic during these scenes which for a film of this length is a bit of a drawback. The other issue is a confusing and somewhat nonlinear approach taken in the finale where it curiously decides to skip around in various timelines and different character outcomes that is really jarring to see play out. The final minutes of this one seem so random and disjointed in a rushed-through manner that just doesn't make any sense or tie into anything that came before, making for an underwhelming finish to the film. Combined with the lack of blood and gore at all with so little potential for any of that to happen that may or may not be an issue for some, these overall are what brings the film back.

Rated Unrated/R: Language and Violence.
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