Bride of the Werewolf (2019) Poster

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Bad writing, painful dialog and wooden acting---RUN AWAY
johnanthonymazzei28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The home owner / werewolf takes two traveling women into his home when their car breaks down. They ask if a hot shower is a possibility when they are shown to their room for the night. The owner states he will have to start a fire to get the water hot. The room has a flat screen TV on the wall and there is a smoke detector on the ceiling. Not something you would have if you had to burn wood to get hot water. The firewood is mentioned several times for some reason. The movie's dialog leads viewers to believe it takes place in Europe but, obviously done in the US.

Technical flaws abound as do bad f/x. Two hunters go after the werewolf in the films opening. One shows the other a silver Bullet to kill the werewolf. Pistol cartridges don't work in shotguns. A truck radiator won't fit in a little Kia...

burglars kill the one of the traveling girls and the home owner's housekeeper yet, they aren't mentioned again. As the other girl and the werewolf have fallen in love .Then they kill a wino and resurrect a mummy.
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Care in the Community..
jcallender12117 February 2022
This was most definitely an experience,, I can honestly say I've never witnessed something of such biblical crapness, galactic awfulness, and dare I venture airtight buffoonery that made me smile as much as I did watching this film. There's no point wailing on about the acting or special effects because the budget obviously didn't show up for work, it's the complete lack of effort in every department that really shines through, but in a hilarious way whether intended or not. For example they try to portray a Hammer esque vibe with Oldy World references, castles, mad scientists, simple villagers etc but no attempt whatsoever is made to put this on film. Our heroines find themselves stranded at an old stately house inhabited by a wealth recluse with a disfigured companion, which is actually a 2 bed semi with a fat bloke and a grimacing woman. They have simple meals prepared because there's no electricity so far from civilization, yet there's a flamin TV on the wall and light switches in every room, it's obviously just a house, we know this and so do they but they just rumble on regardless. I sort of liked the brute force and ignorance approach after I got used to it, if you go into this expecting absolutely nothing then you might have a laugh like I did, just don't blame me if you see it for what it actually is, the purest ever form of unadulterated nonsense.
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Someone's School Project
mangoamante14 March 2021
This was someone's school project or some fun friends were having. The script is super cliche, I think on purpose. It's super campy. The acting is absolutely horrendous. But at least it follows a storyline and it was more fun than I thought it was going to be. It is pretty bad though.
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So Bad It's Kinda Fun To Watch
knightox29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love werewolf 🐺 movies. Anytime I see anything that remotely mentions them being in a film 🎞 it gets my full attention. When I saw Amazon Prime had this flick called "Bride of the Werewolf" newly listed I had to check it out. Now I didn't go into this movie with super high expectations seeing how Amazon only ranked it two out of five stars and the title itself sounded a little goofy. Well I'm glad I had this mindset because this movie 🎥 was definitely not "An American Werewolf in London", "Dog Soldiers" or "The Howling". What it was (was) a cheap, poorly acted, poorly directed B horror motion picture. However it was so BADLY done it's tremendously funny in several parts. From the lead actresses inabilities to say their lines to the absolutely horrible special effects (including CGI Crappy Generated Images) everything was done in an explicitly awful way. The guy running around in the daylight wearing a cheap latex werewolf mask in a pitiful gorilla 🦍 suit looked so f-cking goofy I wanted to laugh every time I saw his lame ass. And the idiots portraying local idiots shouldn't have tried so hard to act. They'd probably been better off. Like I said DO NOT watch this for scares because none exist! Some late evening 🌙 if you feel like watching funny, unintentional idiocy 🤡 at its best then this flick might be a good bet for you.
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Another Epic...
tmccull5223 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The title of the movie alone strongly suggested that this was going to be a low budget chunk of cheese, which I generally like. As soon as I saw that this was a Polonia Brothers production, I was assured that this would be a crapfest.

"Bride of the Werewolf" checks all of the boxes of the usual Polonia movies: terrible acting, and even more terrible special effects. In the opening scene, two hunters are in the woods trying to track down a werewolf. Both hunters are carrying firearms that would be virtually useless in a hunt. One of the "firearms" is so painfully obviously a toy gun, and the bullet produced by one of the hunters as a silver bullet is a handgun cartridge, and not a rifle bullet. Apparently, his plan was to load the handgun cartridge into his rifle, which has about an eight inch barrel. The other hunter is carrying a sawed off shotgun with a pistol grip; great for the commission of a crime or maybe home defense, but not a weapon that you would take hunting.

We get to see the werewolf very quickly, and it is a monster up to the usual Polonia Brother standards, such as when they used rubber children's toys for the rampaging monster in "Dinosaur Activity".

If you approach this movie with the understanding that it is absolutely going to suck, and watch it strictly for the unintentional laughs, you might be able to sit all of the way through it.
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Hannahwilson,can I have some of what your smoking.
albundy696916 April 2020
You wrote the best movie I've ever seen .either your part of the cast.or you dont get out very much. This movie was so bad does not even have a grade list say like a B movie or C. Just bad bad bad
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Not enough words
There aren't enough words to describe how awful this movie is. I'd give it a zero if I could. The "acting" is atrocious and unconvincing. I've seen better performances out of children playing make believe.
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Who comes up with this?
jpmarin-1431712 July 2021
Sorry but, when I watch a werewolf movie, I want to see a werewolf like the one from An American Werewolf In London or Van Helsing. Not some guy in a Halloween costume. Not only that but, Jade, who plays Saul gives off creepy vibes. Seriously, the way he talks makes him sound like a creepy obssessive stalker.
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Campy Fun
naterrey-853-50391423 November 2019
If you're looking for a relaxing evening giggling at a campy horror movie, this one is for you. Some neat effects, a really odd looking werewolf, some utterly ridiculous props...we laughed all the way through!
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Had promise but cast was lacking
DukeLarsonNeverDies3 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One of the bright spots of every Polonia film is the screen presence of Kenny Van Sant. He didn't have enough screen time and when he did he was sharing it with a science experiment gone wrong called a Kevin Coolidge. Mel Heflin should not be a leading lady. A better role for her would have been the mummy. This would have been a better movie if Danielle Donahue was the lead and if they got a decent looking chick to play the hooker. Overall it was entertaining and I was thrilled that Jeff Kirkendall was killed off in the opening scene. This was initially a 5/10 when I saw he was in it but once he was dispatched in the first few minutes it got a bonus point. So if you like a campy funny horror film with a lackluster leading lady I would highly recommend this one!
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Low Budget but Solid B-Movie Greatness
rpaleschi22 April 2020
This movies never lets a clear lack of budget stop it and delivers everything that you'd want from a werewolf movie.

Unlike some other recent werewolf films, you actually see the monster in this and there's plenty of full moon action.

The plot is ambitious but what really makes it brilliant is that it's hilariously rough around the edges. If you like old fashioned monster movies then this is for you.
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A love letter to classic horror
jeffwoods-931-50067220 September 2020
If you enjoy the classic Universal Horror films, you'll appreciate "Bride of the Werewolf."

Our sympathetic hero, Saul Ashley (Jade LaFont,) has lived in isolation since being inflicted with the curse of the werewolf. That all changes; however, after he rescues two women from being assaulted on a desolate road near his home, and offers them shelter. They enlist a scientist (Tony Brown) who claims he will rid Saul of his nocturnal metamorphosis with the aide of a revived ancient Pharoah.

My primary grievance is that there's the lost opportunity of titling this film, "The Wolfman Meets the Mummy"
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hannahwilson-1138416 April 2020
This is easily the best movie I've ever seen, such a great film. It's evident hard work was put into this film by the subpar acting, realistic props, and amazing story line. I've watched it ten times already today!! This movie makes Pulp Fiction look like utter garbage. When someone asks me what my favorite movie is, I always tell them Bride of the Werewolf. I love this movie. If I could, I would marry this movie. Bride of the Werewolf, I love you.
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