Demon Fighter (2022) Poster


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Cool mash of styles
marceladorjan13 July 2022
This little indie gem is an interesting combination between a neighbourhood mystery, a possession horror and a kung-fu flik and I praise the bravery of coming up with something original. The acting is solid, the direction is steady and the kung-fu parts look awsome. If this sounds like something you fancy, give it a go.
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Slick action horror film
bchaffin2317 August 2022
Very slick action horror film with an intriguing premise and well choreographed fights! If you dig movies about cults give this a go. Looks good, cool story and nicely acted.
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Not all Demons are alike
baroque-417355 October 2022
Demon Fighter, a 2022 film brought to us by David Espinosa and Craig Ahrens , is now available for streaming on YouTube ( link below). In full disclosure, I did work on 2017's Belzebuth and am well versed in demonology as part of my art history studies. When it comes to films of this subject matter, I look for the small nuisances that separate and embody each demon.

The horror genre, which is currently in a Renaissance-type state, has repeatedly sunk it's fangs into kung fu movies. In fact, there is an entire sub-genre specifically for "Martial Arts Horror Movies." The connection between the supernatural and the apparently superhuman skills of martial artists has often been made in the past.

Fun Fact: Although ghouls, ghosts, the undead and evil priests had appeared in martial arts films from the earliest days of kung fu cinema, it was Sammo Hung's "Encounters of a Spooky Kind" that really kickstarted a whole martial arts horror genre and then there was "Blade" which brought the concept to a whole different level. This ever evolving category and the multitude of directions that it can go in is what led me to Demon Fighter.

A meth-addicted priest, played by the very talented John Ozuna, rescues people from everyday crime and participates in a "Fight Club" style underground fight in a warehouse. With the way NYC is at the moment, this scenario is not only plausible but probable to say the least. This is just in the first minutes of the film.

As with many of it's horror alum, Michael's backstory is introduced to explain his troubled existence. A lot of that takes the form of flashbacks, dealing with a drug addicted, prostitute mother, getting beaten by her clients and getting taken in by the church. It's a backstory we've seen plenty of times and lately it has become familiar territory in the True Crime community with everyone from Aileen Wuornos to Nicholas Cruz having a similar backstory.

After a series of attempts, John is asked to check in on his friend who has been acting a bit hinkey since he came across some ancient relics (have people not learned not to mess with artifacts by now????).

Now, the possessive demon is Abaddon or more affectionately known as, The Destroying Angel. Abaddon, as described in ancient Hebrew text is the spirit of Destruction, the Abyss, Sloth, Discord, Chaos, Disaster, Distortion, Evil. Abaddon is the fallen cherub that was tempted to fall by Lilith and becoming the Archdemon that rules the Abyss. He was known as the angel that banished Lucifer and his rebel angels after the War in Heaven. Abaddon is also more akin to a force of nature than a living being, as is evident by the fact his name can also refer to a portion of Hell where sinners are said to be surrounded by snow and fire. That was my main issue with the film.

Abaddon would not say, "Your mother spread her legs for a nickel bag". Even a demon as powerful as Satan openly admitted that he wishes to avoid a confrontation with Abaddon, implying that Abaddon is maybe even more dangerous than the King of Hell himself. I'm sure he would have better comebacks than that. When it comes to demonic portrayal in cinema it would be best to get yourself well acquainted with the character you are trying illustrate. It's not a one size fits all standard being. Every demon has it's own embodiment. Just say no to familiar demonic tropes.

I had hoped for more fighting and a more accurate portrayal of the hellion so it was a little bit of a letdown but overall, it was a solid indie film that ticked the right boxes with Halloween just around the corner.
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What the hell did I just watch?!?!
frogwooddesigns2 December 2022
I am not sure how this movie even got all the 10 out of 10 stars. Maybe they were stoned or drunk while watching the movie. It was absolutely HORRIBLE!!! The story made no sense, the script was horrible, and 99% of the acting was so bad. Not even sure who wrote the script, but it was terrible. Like when the Preacher introduces Hank to the neighbor and Hank says Call Me Hank. Why? There was no point to him saying that at all. He introduced him as Hank, what else was he suppose to call him? Joe?

I only sat through 15 minutes before I walked out. The setups on TikTok had better story lines and acting then this movie. The special effects were awful. Maybe at one time the idea was great but the execution was worse. Maybe a script rewrite with someone who knows horror.

I do not recommend this movie to anyone.
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professorart28 September 2022
Very slow movie. Decent idea but the script needed a lot more development. The first part of the movie was set up as an action flick with martial arts. Then it turned into a self indulgent talking head sleeper. The acting was mediocre and could have been better if the director knew how to get in and out of scenes instead of hanging on like the guest who never leaves a party. Actors need to learn when to say no to a poor script. The editing was uninspired. You lose interest in have no real reason to care about any of the characters in the movie. The end sets up a sequel - also uninspired and offers nothing we haven't seen before.
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Awesome action, great acting
theliteratedragon13 September 2022
The action was amazing, acting was great and I loved seeing familiar sites.

I would recommend everyone see it at least once especially if you are local, let's support indie projects, they are honestly better Hollywood's most times.

I hope one day to be in Christian movies with my wife.

We all have the authority in the name of Yehshuah to rebuke demons, run to God my friends, he loves you, don't ever forget that.

This movie was all around good, it was uncomfortable to watch, but I think that was the point, it is on theme with what a real demon's presence feels like.

Let's go indie let's go, let's go indie, let's go.
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Great action/supernatural entertainment!
LorrainePozniak12 September 2022
This is a well-written, excellently produced and directed movie, with great acting, character development and practical effects. I really felt for the main character, Father Mike, as he rescues vulnerable people from both physical and spiritual danger. He is aided in his by combat veterans and a learned Rabbi. This movie was left wide open for a sequel, and I seriously want to see this as a possible trilogy. It was that good. The team of Craig Ahrens and David J. Espinosa have created another wonderfully imaginative realm of possibilities. Bravo, gentlemen. Kudos to the cast and crew, as well...
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pattifan-442974 August 2022
I really like this movie. It started out a bit slow. But progresses. To intense action. Very impressive. The demons very real . I liked the back stories for movie about the people involved in it . The ending was a bit of suprise.
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Ozuna outdoes himself ,He is more then fast hands
guestar-4946514 September 2022
Someone finally gave John Ozuna a leading role and it has him run thru gamut of emotions.

Yes,He is strongest character in film that feels like a tv pilot.

Ensemble cast has Ozuna not carrying it by himself, That Hatch guy is very scary.

Found out it was filmed in Valleywood and I smile.

Downside is hurting of innocents,obvious drug use, Tearing at the fabric of family which actually this movie studio has running thru its films Down The Street... and Crumbs too.

The Demonic angles,Possessions can be nearly impossible to convey,But feel you all accomplished it with flying colors, If that sounds approriate ?
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Watch till the end!
roblesharhold4 August 2022
Holy cow, some good stuff going on here! For an Indie film, there is some incredible production value here! The make up department hit a home run!! Great camera work and acting. But you have to hang on to the last second for the ending! Watch!
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Exorcist who?
Chuckle_hut17 September 2022
David Espinosa and Craig Ahrens deliver once again! This time they bring a little kung fu into the mix. It's what solid indie movies are all about. You take a little and bring 1000 fold. The action scenes are really well done. That priest is just cool as hell with a tear dropping back story. I'm always surprised with your unique camera angles. Character development is the best yet! Standing ovation to the whole crew!

I don't want to give away any spoilers but this is a must watch indie. From the action, to the amazing storyline that sucks you in from the beginning. It's just a really fun movie that gets your heart into the mix. This may be your best movie yet and can't wait for more!
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This movie packs a punch with intense and creepy vibes.
mettlesetdesigner25 January 2024
This movie packs a punch with intense and creepy vibes. It follows Father Michael Martinez, a street-fighting priest battling demons within a troubled family. Kudos to the special effects makeup department for expertly handling blood scenes, adding a lot to the horror element. The storyline takes an unexpected turn as it begins with a promising street-fighting priest protecting citizens but evolves into a tale of demonic possession involving a peculiar church. Despite the unexpected twists this film is an entertaining must-watch with a good dose of blood and gore that heightens its intensity. If you're up for a unique blend of street fighting, demonic battles, and solid exorcism thrills, this movie won't disappoint.
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kjs114425 January 2024
This film was pretty disturbing and powerful. A priest battles demons within a family. The cast was impressive. The actors really were very convincing and should be commended for their intense performances. The special effect make up department also deserves a shout out, as I thought the blood etc. Was expertly done and really added so much to the horror. The film was well directed and the cinematography was solid as well. It reminded me of the William Friedkin's The Exorcist from 1973. If you're looking for a disturbing and powerful film about a priest fighting demons, this is right up your alley.
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Demon Fighter
wolfwalker-2450915 September 2022
This was the most intriguing and compelling movie yet. You kept the ending more of a surprise but yet one could only surmise what really was happening. The fight scenes were excellent, the plot lines were incredible as well as the dialogue. This movie was a game changer throughout. I was impressed with each indivual's roles The actors were well chosen for their parts on screen. The fight scenes throughout the movie was incredible. I will be watching it again only the big screen this time. A movie worth watching from time to time. I find that Indie Movies are amazing to watch. I have watched a few already and the plot lines in them just like this one keeps you in your seat. They the movies are captivating and and keep you in suspense.
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Interesting, tasteful horror
sugarparksmusic25 January 2024
I thought this film had an interesting, creative, unique story and the actors performed it well. So many horror films these days have so much blood, guts, and gore, so I was pleasantly surprised this wasn't super gory and more about the story and characters. The priest character had depth and was somewhat of a super hero in his own right. I could see this being a cool comic book series. You get to enjoy some cool kung-fu action from a kung-fu master, but it is short lived. This was overall a solid indie horror film. I enjoyed watching it play out and would recommend to fans of possession films.
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Supernaturally Powerful
jannycwriter5 December 2022
Written and directed by David J. Espinosa, his overall tone and direction here remind me of reading a Stephen King book. I always found the beginnings of his books a bit slow, but he keeps you engrossed enough not to shut the book, and by the end, boy, are you glad you didn't. That is how I felt with Demon Fighter. Espinosa starts out a bit slow but keeps you enticed, rewarding you in the end. This is also thanks to the cast, who delivered impressive performances. Jeff Hatch (Nicolas Stark) and Jeanne Young (Vivian Stark) are powerful in their 180-degree performances. My breakout star, though, is Jeffery Battaion (Anthony Stark). When they are all praying in the end, and Battaion gets on his knees... oh boy! It wasn't the line that struck me but how he delivered it. I felt it. I connected with it. I've watched many horror exorcism films but never not emotional over one. That is due to Espinosa, Ahrens (producer), and the cast.
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A wild ride!
livingword-3475513 September 2024
It flips the script on traditional exorcism movies, delivering a wild of mystery, action, and martial arts. The film features a gritty, innovative story blending intense fight sequences with a deep, character-driven story. The cast delivers powerful performances, and the special effects are top-notch, adding a disturbing yet compelling edge to the film. It's a mashup that's fresh, engaging, and definitely worth watching all the way through. I would encourage anyone looking for a thrilling supernatural adventure to check out Demon Fighter. You won't be dissapointed. You can truely count on a wild ride.
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Solid Exorcism Thrills
SGarrett496123 February 2024
The movie is about a priest who seeks to free a family from demonic forces after they become involved in a strange alternate church. Father Michael Martinez (John Ozuna) plays the lead character with conviction and force. The idea of a street fighter who is also a priest (occasionally smoking weed) is definitely unique here. I enjoyed the relationship between him and his buddy Hank Jefferson (Robert Crow). I found the family he is saving to be less interesting. Middle section lags a bit, but overall this film is a must-watch-truly unlike anything you've experienced before! It features a good amount of blood and gore that adds to its intensity.
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A genre mash up only indie movies can provide!
catchengery29 January 2024
A movie that has you right from the start. We think we've seen it all when it comes to exorcist films, but this movie tells you right from the beginning to throw all expectations out the door. It commits to it's excitedly eccentric take and has a lot of twists and turns along the way. The first 20 minutes had me reeling from excitement, and then act 2 came along and sent me spiraling through a maze of mystery and suspense. It's a genre mashup made in good spirits with a game cast and a solid/satisfying finale. Maybe a franchise is in order? I certainly would tune in. Check it out for yourself and be sure to see it all the way through for the full effect!
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