A Dangerous Place (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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Poor Cinematography
mkwhit1421 March 2013
The story is simple:

1) company makes TB vaccination,

2) TB outbreak occurs,

3) company has monopoly on TB meds.

Throughout the whole movie, the filming was jerky. I think the longest continuous shot was about 5 seconds. I watched this with my brother (15) and even he thought it was a stupid plot and he had a headache from the quick movements. Says the boy who thought Chronicle was a GREAT movie and enjoys fast, jerky, war movies.

DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE...or if you do, be sure to stock up on motion sickness pills.
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Enormously average film that sinks into sticky sap at the end.
paulhfromthedeep24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd counter the suspicious number of single review users who give this a 9 or 10 and say its the bestest movie ever by giving a more neutral review. Whilst not totally appalling, the production standards are good for an independent and the acting, at the start at least, is tolerable enough, this film sinks, somewhat like the Titanic, rapidly and ferociously by the end. It has a bioterror plot combined with two sideplots, one high finance one (sorta), and the other about the emotional effects of death of a loved one during the 9/11 attacks. None of these are particularly convincing although the bioterror one starts off semi-intriguingly. However it all comes across both a bit weak and forced as well obvious, i knew that the perp was one of either two major candidates. There's also a minor storyline about the 'spirit' of the husband, killed in 9/11, who hangs around the house looking either morose or slightly disinterested.

As I mentioned, this film largely fails in the end, where it rapidly descends into predictability and cloying sentiment. Any interest in the plot elements rapidly vanishes as they complete in a long-winded and banal final 'fight' scene and then the, aforesaid, excessively simplistic emotional tie up ending. If I was stuck in a motel, late one night and had nothing much to do, Id watch this at least 1/2 way through before probably nodding off, or maybe I'd watch to the end, whereupon I'd then wish I'd nodded off. Or done something else.
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It just wasn't that good (may contain spoilers)
LoupGarouTFTs8 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie should have been a good one. It had several story lines that could have been compelling: the sale of the company, the TB outbreak, the mystery thrillers. But while these stories would have been good paired in several movies, their use in a single movie mad for a disjointed movie whose action was too frenetic. It could have been a decent ghost story about a woman who lost her husband in the 9/11 attacks and who is "losing" her son and wants to sell her business from grief and stress. It could have been a story about a company that is going underwater and created a phony crisis in order to capitalize on a drug to which only they had a patent. It could have been a great "ticking clock" story that had an a woman infected by a disease created by the research for an unlicensed drug and she's running through the movie to save her distant son and her suspicious mother-in-law.

However, with so many story lines in a single movie, the pacing cannot help but be frenetic. Someone on the message boards pointed out that the scenes were short and disjointed, with each scene lasting about five seconds or less. The longest scenes take place when the main character is hiding in the office building cubicles and at the end, when she's under attack. As a result, the dialogue is rushed. Every character speaks at the same tempo and usually with an angry inflection. The dialogue was enough to give me a headache by the end of the movie.

Finally, the character development was poor. We were never allowed to develop any empathy for the main character, her mother-in-law, or her son. Even though they had suffered great loss, all we ever saw from them was anger and abusiveness toward each other. We never developed any empathy for the company employees, who were combative over the settlements their work superiors were going to receive. We never developed a clue as to why the person who poisoned everyone did what he did--his was just a typical villain monologue before he was overcome. At the end, it didn't matter to me who got their comeuppance, who lived, who died, or got rich. It's too bad, because the movie had a lot of unrealized potential.
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lysergic-acid21 January 2013
So a movie with a 2.8 rating has 22 reviews, all giving it 8, 9, or 10 out of 10 stars and filled from beginning to end with soapy blind praise for the film and over-the-top fawning for the film makers. Oh and surprisingly all of these rather generic and utterly useless reviews have 100% usefulness ratings.

But the really odd part about all this is the fact that all 22 users have only a single review to each of their accounts and no message board posts. So they happen to have no interest or strong feelings about any movies except this one--amazing! Well, this is either the best indie film ever made or a film so bad, by filmmakers so incompetent and with so little professional integrity, that they actually resorted to such a tactless and blatant astroturf job.

And it should be no surprise to anyone that it's not the former. This movie is really, _really_ bad (even worse than the trailer). Paying barely literate people to spam positive reviews for their film on IMDb and YouTube is pretty much the only way they can trick anyone into watching this rubbish. But they couldn't even do that right.

What they really should have done was use all that money to hire some professional writers and film makers to make an actually decent film for them.

P.S. See the message board discussion entitled "Reviews" for more anomalies.
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A Dangerous Place: And it started off so promisingly
Platypuschow23 February 2018
A Dangerous Place is an interesting but stupidly flawed thriller that started out strong but fell apart due to baffling writing.

It tells the story of a virulent strain of TB that breaks out in new york 8 months after 9/11. The movie follows a high ranking member of staff within a big pharma company, the one that actually has the drug that can combat the TB. But with internal pressure to sell the company, fear of terrorism and a potential conspiracy is everything as it seems?

Again A Dangerous Place starts strong and had me really quite gripped, the lead is excellent and story really felt like it was really going somewhere.

But now here is the problem, when it falls apart it falls apart hard. Some of the later writing is beyond stupid and the tacked on supernatural feel good element made me facepalm harder than I have for a longtime.

Had it not been for these two issues this could have been a fantastic thriller, but the way it's come out is a beautiful diamond drowning in a puddle of poop.

The Good:

Kristen Dalton is excellent

Some good ideas

Excellent soundtrack

The Bad:

Tad predictible

Too much religious nonsense

The pet again, really!

The antagonists motivation makes no sense

The supernatural elements are beyond stupid

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The writer for this film needs hanging upside down from the nearest tree and have sponges dipped in Ox pee thrown at them for at least a week
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Not a spoiler
woodleykevin17 February 2013
I made the effort to register, just to write this review. I have watched many films, some good, some bad,some unwatchable, but this one opens up a whole new category, i can only describe it as unbelievable, this has to be the worst film i have ever seen. As one of the reviewers has said, the only way this could have any positive reviews, is if the cast wrote them, and as there are so few, it would seem they couldn't be bothered either, as it was so bad. If there were any redeeming features, i failed to see them, in so much, that the final four minutes were just laughable. In summery, avoid this like the plague, or like me, you may have to join a review site, just to vent your spleen.
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A deadly outbreak of yawning...
paul_haakonsen26 January 2013
It happens only rarely, very rarely I might add, that a movie turns out to be so utterly boring and uninteresting that I have to give up on it and turn it off. "A Dangerous Place", however, turned out to be one such movie.

The story, as far as I made it into the movie, is about a woman who apparently lost her husband in the World Trade Center tragedy, but he has come back as a ghost. The woman is not the mother to her child that she should be, and is more devoted to her work than her family. And a deadly outbreak of Tubercolosis runs rampant.

To me there was absolutely no coherent red thread in the storyline, and it seemed like it was a heap of mere random clips put together to attempt forming a movie. It just didn't really make much sense most of the time.

As for the acting in the movie, well I wouldn't exactly say that the performances were poor or bad, but they just weren't overly impressive either. None of the performances managed to leave a lasting impression on me. But I can't hardly say that any of the performances that I witnessed were helping the movie along in any great way either.

I think I made it about halfway into the movie, because I had to give up and find some other movie to watch out of sheer boredom and lack of interest in the storyline portrayed in "A Dangerous Place". And I can honestly say that I have no intention of attempting to finishing it either, it was just that devoid of appeal.
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Could have been so much better...
slopo26 September 2013
I'm no critic... just an average movie viewer.

However, after seeing this movie, I had to write this commentary to tell you my thoughts. I'll keep it simple.

Acting was below average. Directing/editing is disappointing.

I could see where they were going with the story and it had so much potential but it fell short in so many places. In some instances it was confusing and erratic.

And the ending... well... that didn't really make a lot of sense but I could see the intention.

Audio production is at times woeful and inconsistent throughout the entire movie. Levels and EQ (equalisation) were all over the place.

There were a few good moments in the movie that made me think there was some hope for it to get better... but they quickly disappeared.

Overall, poorly executed by both production and acting - could have been so much better... shame.

I'm sure there are better reviews about this movie but I had to pass on my thoughts...

You can find much better ways to spend 95 minutes - sitting through this movie is NOT one of them.
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Don't bother.
ejamroz30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I get that the bar for production quality in an indie film is set lower than for a blockbuster, but please. To me, there were too many things that were too amateurish to take this film seriously-the camera work, the acting, the dialogue, the plot. The film has an ambitious reach, trying to tie together the events of 9/11, Wall St greed, and bio-terrorism, but on a budget like they obviously had, nothing seemed to work well. TV news reportage is overused to advance the plot, too many scenes take place in generic office environments, and a very unconvincing fight scene near the end all combine to make for a rather regrettable viewing experience.
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Not as bad as actually having TB
IsaacJake30 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Good effort for an independent, but the attempted plot twists kept getting in it's own way.

It's the story of how greed is the true corruption and American's live in fear and it takes one mad man with a virus to save them all from... a mad man with a virus. Cue not really a single mother (and the ghost of 9/11 hero father) and her demand for justice.

The performers are awesome, the camera-work is decent, some of the dialogue mixing needed more work, the choices of music was good, and if the story had only stuck with one plot (are you a story of a family saying goodbye to the dead hero father or a story of how a woman broke the corruption of her greedy company and saved lives? Or maybe you are the first words of a very silent child with PTSD?) it would have made for a much more streamlined project overall.
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Serious Pacing and Filming problems
floridamangosteen27 November 2019
I could only watch the first 15 minutes of this film before giving up. The story and acting is fine - the problem is pacing and cinematography. The dialog from actor and from scene to scene moves at lightning speed making it unwatchable. It seems the director was trying to squeeze a 2 hour film into 90 minutes ? I felt as if the films play speed had been increased !? Meanwhile the cinematography was very poor - too many shots too close to the actors faces.
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Great movie! I want to see it again!
misskellyvalente18 December 2012
I saw A Dangerous Place at the Prescott Film Festival and truly enjoyed it. This movie has the perfect amount of heart stopping suspense and gut wrenching emotion. There are so many elements and layers to the plot which means it is far from cliché or predictable. I was on the edge of my seat and engrossed in the story-line the entire time. The actors are also great and very believable. The emotion and feeling they show is engaging and captured my full attention.

I would suggest A Dangerous Place to anyone who enjoys thrillers. It was really great and I will definitely be buying it on DVD so I can watch it again.
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Very confusing
paul-ayres-6078423 January 2020
I am in shock because I seriously can't decide whether I enjoyed or even understood this movie at all. I realize that my statement doesn't make much sense but then nor did the flick. What I can say is I became totally engrossed in it. I gave a 6/10 because I thought Kristen Dalton's acting was superb and the rest of the cast were pretty admirable in their roles. I kept expecting to understand the relationship between husband, wife and son by the end of the movie but in reality I still don't get it fully. No other movie has left me so confused. It's worth watching for that experience alone.
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Do not watch it
evrustundag11 September 2016
It's 5 am right now but I decided to register just for writing this review, otherwise I would not sleep. Einstein's quote is the tag line huh? "The world is A Dangerous Place to live not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who do nothing about it". Here might be your part to do Mr. Director. If I were you, I would definitely think about a different career. I've watched thousands and thousands of movies and I know there is no accounting for taste, but this is the worst movie I have ever watched! I can't believe someone's paid for this production masterpiece! I wish you spent that $1,000,000 for a more useful thing. I hated it and I hate it even more after seeing all previous positive ratings for this garbage. I even hated myself how I tolerated to watch it till the end. DO NOT WATCH IT!!!
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Love this film.
gabrielverasjr20 January 2013
Once again the brilliant minds of Corrado/Shoner have done it again,in my eyes another well blended masterpiece of suspense and the horrific realities of todays society.This great film makes one wonder,exposes the truth and stirs up controversy.I love the concept of this film and quite honestly enjoy all films by Corrado Shoner.This duo of creative minds are a team to keep an eye on.I cannot wait and see what they come up with next. Very gutsy approach I must commend this duo for utilizing a concept that many do not dare to attempt,conspiracy theorist at its very finest.lets face it folks we all know this stuff really goes on in our society today and to highlight and expose through a film is pure genius i am new to the indie scene and must say this film brought me closer to this scene.
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Only watch to learn HOW NOT TO MAKE A MOVIE
watchtiger116 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There isn't much to say that is positive about this movie.

You've got a young boy traumatized by his father's death from the events of 9/11.

You have the owner of a pharmaceutical manufacturer, the above boys mother who is not only trying to sell the company, she is also planning a funeral for her husband, the above boy's father. She is also dealing with a TB out break that just happens to be a drug the company she owns sells that could help the situation.

There is also a bunch of "other" characters you are supposed to have an interest in, by the way they are thrown at you and you are supposed to care about them.

Suddenly we have people all bleeding out at the office and police there yet everyone is able to run in on the dead or dying people.

Such as the pregnant secretary who is warned to get tested before she takes the stash of the TB medication they magically just "found". Then Five minutes later you see the owner of the company running into a hospital door (an outside glass door labeled with gynecology department) and every one from the office around this pregnant secretary now having just had a still born. OK, now I understand tight budgets but a door with a label and then EVERYONE from the office is in there. OH and the Company owner just happens to know which room this Secretary is in and runs in there w/o anyone stopping her.

This company owner also has a daughter, who is at least the 1/2 sister to the boy I first mentioned, why doesn't she take care of her brother instead of the what I presume is the mother in law.

Oh did I mention that the Tuberculosis out break is a terrorist plot too.

Then you have a "ghost" (I think not really sure) that kept switching key rings around for others on the key ring collection case. Also follows the boy around.

Now, I am in the business of making productions and I know how to write a script, I also know how to do an establishing shot so things make sense even if your budget can't afford a real hospital. This movie was made in 2011/2012 there is enough computer tech out there to make an outside of a hospital or take a shot of a real building and put a CGI lettering to make it seem like a hospital. Then use a set to make your inside shots. Using a glass door with some lettering on it doesn't work. OH and for a bed you don't use a twin bed that looks like you took the head board out of your child's bedroom.

This movie shouldn't have been allowed to be shown. It is just bad all around to watch. If it had been written properly it could have been good, but instead you have a movie that is a jumbled up as a shuffled deck of cards.
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Great Film!!!
tvisionpro20 December 2012
Seen it at the Garden State Film Fest and loved it. Not your average thriller in any way, twist and turns from beginning to end. As an indie film you usually don't expect much, but this film delivers. The cast was great and the direction was impeccable. I seen a few films from the Corrado/Schoner team and have enjoyed them all. From my honest opinion, this new addition was by far their best. If your into thrillers, make sure you pick this one up. You should also checkout Minimal Knowledge, A 1000 Points of Light and Stay, Go, Don't Linger. If your interested in a good movie night. Looking forward to seeing what this team has up their sleeves next.
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Not bad actually
katiatsit10 September 2020
Nice acting, maybe the music was a bit too much sometimes, but the story was good although I found the last ten minutes or so to be a bit too drawn, it didn't hit me all that bad. I've seen too many bad movies, so as to not appreciate a fine effort.
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Highly Recommended Film!
jsgaray20 December 2012
Incredibly entertaining, "A Dangerous Place" is full of action and suspense. I would highly recommend as it is one of those movies I could watch over and over again on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I originally saw this film at the Garden State Film Festival and was very impressed. The film premiered on a Saturday night and was one of the featured films at the festival. The two hours flew by and it did not disappoint.

Kristen Daulten, from the "Departed", has always been one of my favorite actresses and has a lead role in "A Dangerous Place". This movie really makes you think about life in so many different ways. There are several ongoing plots throughout the film and they all tie in beautifully at the end. While the story is based on the outbreak of a deadly virus spreading throughout the Country, the movie also chronicles a family dealing with the loss of a loved one from 9/11. The special effects and cinematography are really well done. This film is not just an action packed thriller, but provides hope and courage for so many people out there. I highly recommend.
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Mostly scary but occasionally touching
vchimpanzee20 November 2014
This is a pretty good movie. Not great, but exciting enough. There are plenty of scary moments, and of course the urgent tone and frenzied editing of the various news outlets. Weird lighting, strange angles and shaky cameras add to the mood in the scary situations.

And we are given many different possibilities about the cause of what's going on. But we always suspect there is one main reason. We just don't know the details.

But it's not all a tense thriller. There are sweet family moments, and even a role for faith, as the family's priest helps with honoring Will.

And there is room for occasional comedy, like that huge pile of what looks like a week's worth of celebrity fan mail, but is really eight months of regular mail.

Kristen Dalton does an okay job. Claire has to be strong, but she falls apart occasionally. She's no superwoman, which is fine. She isn't necessarily a person of faith, but she is open to the idea of relying on a higher power.

I could have done without all the blood, but I guess that's how you know people are sick.

It's worth seeing.
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Good Film!!!!
evas4289 February 2013
I came across this film not to long ago. I heard that it had won some film festivals so decided to check it out. I was impressed with the quality of the production and the overall story.

I feel that the film did continue to move forward in the plot and had minimal lag time which I notice a lot in independent films. I read some of the reviews and noticed that the negative ones focused on the reviews and not the movie.

I'm out in Los Angeles so I have no connection to anyone who has posted reviews. However, I do not feel that the negative critics are justified in their remarks. Is this film a 10, of course not. But it is not a 1 either. No film that wins any film festival could be less then a 5. I did not like some of the elements of the script but thought the premise of the film was clear and brought to life correctly.

Some advice to those of you who just sit around and bash others hard work... keep your criticisms to the project at hand and not waste time creating conspiracy theories. OR, if you cant handle that, create something and let us review you.
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Good Time
cgpalma21 December 2012
I went to the Garden State Film Festivale last winter and saw this movie. It was very good. The characters were interesting and the plot built to a suspenseful ending. It is a story that many people in the United States can related to.

The leading actress, Kristen Dalton, gave an excellent performance. This movie was suspenseful, I was biting my nails at the end of it waiting to see what would happen next.

The entire family will enjoy a Dangerous Place. I recommend this movie for purchase to be added to your DVD collection. Don't forget to make some popcorn.
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nogodnomasters9 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Claire (Kristen Dalton) and her son Ryan (Hans Otto Schundler) do not have closure 8 months after 9-11 when her husband Will (Joe Ryan) died. The ghost of Will returns to help the pair in a discreet manner. Claire works for a pharmacy company which produces a drug for TB...and it just so happens there has been an outbreak. She is also being pressured to make a pitch to sell the company during the outbreak.

The film centers around the character of Claire. She is a driver, a super woman. If you don't like her, you won't like the film. I loved her role, the relationships she had with everyone, and the crisp dialogue. The production reminded me of a Lifetime film, except for some strange reason I enjoyed watching Kristen Dalton overcome all kinds of issues.

This is a film I don't normally like, it just caught me in the right mood.

Parental Guide: No sex or nudity. I don't recall any F-bombs.
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Great Characters
travelinggirl21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The characters in this film are compelling and original. The actors do a great job!

Kristin Dalton was amazing in her portrayal of Claire. As a mother dealing with personal tragedy and faced with the responsibility of thwarting a terrorist plot, the character of Claire goes through an emotional roller-coaster. Her fear and panic, especially at the end of the film, felt so real that it had my heart racing.

This is an excellent film if you enjoy watching films with strong female leads.

A Dangerous Place is worth buying.
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Fantastic find that doesn't disappoint
varagirl8520 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at a film festival and just loved it.

I am actually excited that it is coming out on DVD so I can watch it again.

I have started attending film festivals when I can, because I find there are always these hidden unseen diamonds out there. This film was one of those fantastic finds for me. I love thrillers and this film did not disappoint.

The story is one that anyone can relate to in today's age - "can one person make a difference in these times of terrorism?" I am not going to report anything more because I don't want to give any spoilers away.
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