(TV Series)


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What?! Completed rigged.
kristenskrzelinski8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've noticed the judging has been off all season, but this episode quite literally takes the cake. Catherine completely ignores the brief and does her own thing and guess who wins dessert of the day and is completely safe whilst the other 3 who tried to meet the brief have to fight for their spot.

We all know that the contestants are told beforehand what the brief is and have time to prepare for it. You don't just magically have the exact specific mould, idea, recipe in that 30 seconds after having the challenge set but at least pretend and if someone doesn't meet that brief even after all of that don't celebrate them and their "accomplishment". It's insulting to the viewers, but it's gut wrenching for those contestants who really put the effort in.

Jeff is a pompous #($'; but at least he tried.

I'm really disappointed with the show, the channel, the everything.
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