"Citadel" The Human Enigma (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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I'm Not A Spy!
I'm not an expert spy, so it's very doubtful I could ever possibly know if it believable or not. It is a spy "movie" so that's a mute point. As far as "seen that", this is the 21st century and obviously some of the plot we've seen in other spy movies. It is a movie so as such, I'm enjoying the characters, the actors and the action. I don't watch a whole lot of action movies, but this has definitely made me take notice. I didn't feel like I've seen it all before. The detail of the stunts are awesome and I love it. I did find the beginning a little cheesy, but as the storyline developed, it made sense.
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I do despair at some reviews
aharris6929 April 2023
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I do wonder if some people have watched the same programme as me?

The start is full of energy. People saying it's not believable, well we been watching, and enjoying unbelievable for decades, from Bond to Mission Impossible etc.

It is exactly these type of 1 episode reviews that is getting highly enjoyable, entertaining series cancelled after 1 season. Leaving us all with no conclusions to storylines.

I found the first episode entertaining, full of energy and action, leaving me wanting more. Excellent acting and let's be honest, anything with Stanley Tucci is worth a watch.
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Not Your Typical Spy Series...so far...
Erin5026629 April 2023
We've all seen Stanley Tucci play, well everything and do exceedingly well and often with a touch of humor. Priyanka has shown us her sexy spy character previously. Richard Madden's Rob Stark is legendary so when one sees these three principles in the casting, one might not get excited in this series. Enter Leslie Manville. If you are a fan of her work as I am, you are already excited. Then you see her playing what I call an Elizabeth 1 character: cold, calculating, truly evil but in a very proper titled British lady of the manor way. That gives you chills up your spine in a frisson of delight. So truly different from most of her other characters, especially in the last decade. The special effects of the 1st episode and the fighting were fun but I cannot wait to see what Ms. Manville's character brings to the series. Good beginning.
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Episode 1
bobcobb3017 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit of buzz around this show and having watched the first episode, probably the right amount of buzz. Some good old-fashioned fun with the fighting that we saw in the opening 10 minutes and your absurd over the top shootout scene.

But then the story started to unravel a little bit. They gave us yet another massive conspiracy show and at this moment I am not sure if that is what I really want to watch right now.

It turns out Citadel is pretty much like SHIELD from the Marvel universe, and they have helped a lot of good in the world. But somehow all the bad governments that want them dead can't handle a few living spies?
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Citadel a fun ride from amazon episodes 1 and 2
pappywatts28 April 2023
Surprisingly good, talented cast,great production values,fast moving,comparisons are every good spy series from the last decade this series has all the elements,bite your knuckle stuff,and strap yourself in.

The Russo brothers executive producers have gathered talent old and new,with the multicultural flavours,lots of familiar faces from other action movies on board,this has a distinct flavour however,who is good or bad is the grey area, everyone has secrets,and their own set of principles.

Of course all designed to pull the viewer in wanting more,first rule of Showbiz.

I'm definitely hooked on this one ,four episodes to go,okey-dokey, just finished watching episode 4,5 and 6, which had so many twist and turns and reveals with flashbacks for the key characters, However just another setup for another season, which I doubt there will be more afterwards....really designed for spy novel/movie fans only.
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On track (unlike the train)
xmasdaybaby196628 April 2023
A good opener to this slick drama (how on earth did Birmingham get chosen as a filming location? I love the UK's second city but it does often get overlooked despite being in the centre of the country so I do hope this puts it in a positive light and more will be made here).

I know he churns out roles but this is the first I have seen of Stanley Tucci since the brilliant Inside Man last year.

Again, he appears to be an intelligent bad guy except this time it seems that he is on the side of good.

Of the rest of the cast, I only know Lesley Mandeville, an actress seemingly working regularly on both sides of the pond and doing very well in Magpie Murders at present.

The BBC reporter was off-putting with her over the top plum in the mouth voice (surely, there must have been someone with a genuine British accent that could have been used).

It took a while but, once it settled down; I got into it.
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Seen it all before, and better
bananasaboutmovies29 April 2023
This is terrible. Nothing you won't have seen before. The two main leads are irritating and charisma free. There's a fight in a toilet which lasts what feels like three hours and becomes boring one hour in. The action, on the whole, is very poorly shot with way too many fast cuts. I know that's been the trend for a long time now, but it's a trend that needs to die. The fast cuts just cover up a lack of planning and decent action choreography. It's lazy and boring to watch.

As for the plot, it's total rubbish. This agency versus this agency versus that agency, end of the world, conspiracy yadda yadda yadda. The main dude's motivation doesn't extend beyond keeping his family safe. Nothing else. No sense of honour, of duty to the greater good, of empathy outside of his family bubble. Will that change? Who knows? Right now, it's the usual "it's personal" nonsense which afflicts a lot of modern shows/films of this type.
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It's the little things ...
dave-969874 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes in and it is much as expected: a slightly corny, super violent, plot-light spy series. Not my favourite genre but the kind of thing I will watch if I have time on my hands.

On that basis it is OK to good but I find a lot of little things annoying, starting with the shots that start upside-down and slowly rotate to normal orientation (why?), storing all their secrets (without a backup) on a site belonging to another spy organisation, the lab "on the top floor" that clearly isn't, leaving main thug alive with injuries so light that he was soon driving away without apparent difficulty.

Given the quality of key actors involved it may recover, but I am not hopeful.
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Good if you are under 12
efornes1 May 2023
(english is not my language, disclaimer here)

First scene: it can't be more childish... it made me laugh out loud then plot keeps on being just plain... and childish. I read some critics saying this series is a mix btwn mission imposible and jason bourne!! OMG... I can't stop laughin' Jason Bourne is gold. Mission impossible is naif but plot is kind of interesting (my kids, all under 10 yo, love it!)

But Citadel is just... nothing. Plot? What plot? Really, this is for kids under 12, even younger.

I watched the first 30 minutes of E1 and left it. If, for some reason, the series gets serius in following episodes, I'll come back and rewrite my review.
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You Want To Save Your Family? Come With Me.
wandernn1-81-68327428 April 2023
Alright! First episode! The opening sequence is very Bond-esqe, and totally unbelievable....-1 Star

Somehow our two heroes survive vs about 12 counter agents in a fight with shotgun and handguns inside a train car , a bomb going off, and a train derailment that falls off a cliff into a river. And then on top of that Kyle Conroy wakes up with amnesia of who he is...this reminds me of Metal Gear Solid V for some reason. I wonder why.

Anyways, plot thefts aside, apparently it's 8 years later and Conroy has a family. Then he decides to go to therapy....8 years later.

Then of course we get to the best part of this show so far, Stanley Tucci. And he's a mean one. Haha. Bernard Orlick! And Orlick is reorganizing whatever is left of CITADEL, to fight against MANTICORE, which is a terrorist organization headed by rich families to rule the world. Reminds me of an older show where CONTROL fought against SPECTER. +1 Star for Orlick

Okay I was not impressed by the first ep. 5/10.
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Veery bad
miladsoh3 May 2023
This series is really nonsense... First of all, let me say that it is an imitation of James Bond and Jason Bourne and it has nothing of its own, but it is copied... and that they say it is the second most expensive series in history is really a fraud, it means that the cost of making this series is equal to the entire John franchise. Vike..now see for yourself the movie Jan Kaja and In Kaja...a series that is four hours long and nothing special, how does it cost so much...can you believe it...it's pure stupidity..they should play Indian movies. The action scenes are full of many cuts and very funny. Watch the movie John Wick, then watch this. The movie John Wick Chahar, even the first two minutes, is worth more than the whole series.
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The Human Enigma
Prismark1019 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What is it with Richard Maddern and toilets in trains when a thriller series opens. Just like Bodyguard, Citadel begins with a train sequence.

Only this time two Citadel agents Nadia Smith (Priyanka Chopra Jones) and Mason Kane (Richard Madden) end up fighting for their lives.

Jumping forward eight years. Mason has no idea who he is. While a sinister organisation called Manticore is calling the shots. One of its head honchos is the British Ambassador to the US Dahlia Archer (Lesley Manville.) She wants to recover the Citadel X case and is not afraid to make threats to get it.

Meanwhile Mason comes across his ex colleague Bernard Orlick (Stanley Tucci) who has abducted Mason and his family to a black ops site in Miami.

The first episode comes across as a Jason Bourne style conspiracy thriller with some bad opening CGI for the train scenes.

It is not very original with seen it all before. It is just a case of whether this generic spy conspiracy thriller brings anything new to the table.
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