After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News (2020) Poster

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Good Watch for Those Willing to Think Critically
maximusthemerciful25 March 2020
I'd like to disclaim that I am a U.S. citizen who does not identify as either Republican or Democrat. I also do not get my news from any TV networks. If you believe Trump is an ethical and honest person, or if Fox News and Info Wars are your only source of "news," or if you are not prepared to recognize the fact that the majority of misinformation and fake news originates from international sources (mostly Russian) and domestic white nationalists, then you will not enjoy this documentary that addresses perpetrators on both sides of the political spectrum.

"After Truth" explores the origins, spread, and devastating consequences and human costs of fake news and misinformation via interviews with various journalists, political operatives, conspiracy theorists, and real-life victims. Topics include Jade Helm 15; Pizzagate; the murder of Seth Rich; the attempt to smear Robert Mueller; the Doug Jones/Roy Moore Alabama Senate race; Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook Senate hearings; and the fate of psychopathic hatemonger Alex Jones of Info Wars.

Filmmaker Andrew Rossi does a good job of providing just the facts and various people's perspectives who are both Republican and Democrat, without putting his own spin on the events or concepts. His message is one that rings the alarm to warn us of the nefarious and insidious psychological effects of fake news and urges people of all political persuasions to think critically when evaluating information and to fact check using reliable sources before adopting that information as truth and sharing it with others. It shows the devastating costs, the worst of which being the erosion of civil political discourse and human costs such as the pizza restaurant's employees and owner that still to this day receive death threats (and had an armed gunman drive from North Carolina to Washington who stormed the restaurant) all due to completely unsubstantiated and fabricated allegations that started on the internet and was fueled by fear, resentment, and animosity toward the Democratic Party.

Where the film falls a bit flat is proposing an effective solution to fight the circulation of fake news. "Stop using online social media and interact with people face-to-face" is one obvious but unrealistic and impractical proposed solution. "Ensure our populace is better educated and trained to think critically" is idealistic but unlikely to eradicate the problem. The inherent problem, as recognized by Rossi, is that one cannot stop a fake news article from being circulated without serious censorship and First Amendment considerations. The slippery slope argument applies here more than ever, as without free speech and freedom of the press, we cease being a democratic republic and descend into authoritarianism.

I recommend this quick 90-minute watch to those seeking to learn and understand the serious threat fake news poses to our political process, especially with the upcoming presidential election. In the end, it's up to each of us to do our due diligence to determine whether the information provided to us is real or fabricated. We should never blindly trust what we hear on TV, what we read on the internet, or the speech of public figures, especially politicians, and especially politicians who have been objectively proven to have no integrity and no interest in serving the needs of the American people, Democrat and Republican alike.
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The sad truth.
marnoldcst24 March 2020
Well made documentary. The look in some of the victims eyes shows how incredible and frustrating it must be to be a target of the fake news culture. The saddest thing is knowing our current president has utilized this counter culture for political gain.
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Very Disturbing
alderton-116-66821429 March 2020
It's very disappointing and disturbing that people make up stories they know to be false and publish them without any thought to the consequences.
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Feeling sad for USA, and sad for everybody with
theowlofthegame24 August 2020
Disclaimer: I'm European and I only read quality newspapers, both domestic and international. Sorry, I prefer specialist experts over self-proclaimed investigators.

That being said, I have a few friends who believe in multiple conspiracy theories. I see them sucked deeper into the rabbit hole everyday. Strangely enough, they present me with 'proof' of these outlandish theories (articles and videos), that, as it turns out, come from abroad, mostly USA and Russia. So this infowar is affecting the rest of the world also, slowly but surely.

Russia's tactic is simple: "Divide et impera" In the USA the tactic it's less clear: false news is being spread to discredit people, influence elections or just to make money.

In the documentary some guy says 'it's a war'. I don't understand: who are you fighting against? Another political party?

This documentary shows the consequences of spreading lies, and the effects are devastating. I nearly fell off my chair. Fake news, alternative facts, conspiracy theories, trolling, clickbait... This divisive messages are undermining the democracy in the USA. A country which could achieve anything if only they would work together, all politicians. Now they are bombarding each other with smear. Happens elsewhere too, but not in such a nasty way... yet..
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Everyone needs to see this
dorian00711 April 2020
The documentary covers in astonishing clarity the cancer of fake news in our too connected society.

Please watch and give an honest review, the only defense we have agianst tabloid news is information. I was aware of the fake news problem but I was still aghast at the raw view this piece gives of this detrimental outlet.
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Informing on the dangers of misinforming.🤔
kippenn14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great information. For anyone who rates 6 or less they're realizing everything they've believed before now IS WRONG apparently. Like mom always said- the truth hurts. But nonetheless, it's a great reminder to all. It's not cool to be a rumor mill, gossiper or someone who spread lies. That makes you a liar actually. Cool, smart and popular people are the ones trying to learn the truth. (Somewhat) Spoiler🚨 I will say, for what it's worth, Alex Jones was a pioneer in "getting to the truth" or lambasting the conspiracies (so to speak). The biggest mistake he made (this can be researched too btw) was Sandy Hook. That sealed his fate, his fall from grace started there IMO. I told him, let it go Alex, don't mess with the kid stories. I saw the death certificates, these children died, LET IT GO. He made his own choices. Look where he is now. All the best to Alex. God love him but he needs to take care of his health. Anyway- you should watch this if you're in a mood to learn. If the truth hurts don't blame just feel blessed, for crying out loud. Be informed on how to not be misinformed! 👍🏼
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Must see this election year
llossow14 April 2020
This doc examines (primarily) the alt right's creative manufacture and use of Fake news to push its pro-Trump anti government agenda. It may start as one post on Reddit or 4Chan and within weeks is being shown on Fox News. Please see for yourself.
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What a waste of time
samayun1 April 2020
It's a documentary about fake news that literally focuses only on making the liberal polititions and media look good. How the hell is this a documentary instead of propaganda? To find the truth you can't start off by pick sides.

On another note as of writing this there were two 1 star and two 8 star reviews. Yet the average score for the film was still 8 stars.
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Goodbye fake news
rickd-8418010 May 2020
In a country where the term "Fake News" has become the battle cry of the uneducated conspiracy theory spreading, Trump worshipping Right-Wing nut jobs that have hijacked every comment thread on almost every news story on social media sites, we finally have a eloquent and much needed response. My hope going into the 2020 elections is that more of these Alex Jones types are exposed before they can continue to do actual harm to individuals, the truth, and our nation as a whole.

Eventually one can hope that more and more people will remember incidents that were reported by these fake news machines and blown up by social media were, without question, absolutely false. One only need to examine carefully the aftermath of events like Sandy Hook and Pizza Gate to conclude what the rest of us have always known.
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It only proved one thing:
MovieIQTest21 November 2020
The American education system is a totally failure. Half of the American population is so easily to be manipulated by certain people with illogical way of thinking. They are so naive to be manipulated and so easy to be mouth fed by fake news created by certain ideological extremists. Some of the fake news creators are completely depending on what they sow daily over their radio programs or particularly by a specific TV News. The so-called Fake News, if I remember correctly was appeared and spread like wild fire across America since 2016. The "Fake News" creators actually created Fake News on a daily basis. It was used by a guy on the Twitter to discredit any news that were not to his favor, anything not good to him would be tagged as "Fake News" by him. The No.1 Fake News creator has since divided America into two parts. He uses Fake News to polarize the naive Americans, creating a cult like belief that if anything and everything he doesn't like or not in his favor IS FAKE NEWS. Before this guy appeared, I never thought America got so many rednecks with guns. They are waving American flags to show that they are the true patriots, they love and care about America more than those who don't wave the flags or hold guns. These hotheads don't believe anything that was not from or certified by the fake news creator. They don't believe science, they don't trust anything from the other side of the aisle if they don't carry the same political color like them. The result: America has the largest number of death from COVID-19. They even believe if they wear MASK would only mean the loss of their FREEDOM. Fake News is the weapon of certain politicians to fool the poorly educated Americans, it's also how certain people make their living by creating and spreading them.
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America where have you gone and where are you going
arojasjr7 May 2020
It's a sad view of what misinformation has done to our democracy and our way of life. This is a much watch and hopefully you can open your eyes to see how misinformation can destroy lives.
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This is a must see!!
happycmb-3016615 May 2020
If nothing else, this really opened my eyes about the fact that we really need to be discerning about what we hear and see in the news and media and not just take everything for face value. I teared up a couple of times due to how devastating starting and spreading untruths can be and the fact that there are individuals out there who are only selfishly concerned about themselves with no regards to how this may affect others. So sad and sometimes downright evil. Eye opening.
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Good watch
b_eazy0121 October 2020
Seeing the fake news machine do their work blatantly on camera doesn't surprise me at this point.... what scares me is that a lot of Americans will watch this and chalk it up to "poor editing". Don't get me wrong I'm not fond of politicians in general. But this last 4-5 years has been a turning point in our history. We have shown the government that they can get away with anything. And we can thank Russia for that. Let's keep up with these nonsensical conspiracy theories while they keep screwing all of us in ways the average American can't comprehend.
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Orwellian "documentary" on disinformation only furthers a dishonest narrative.
yavoyavo1 April 2020
What you have here is the usual HBO narrative, "our truth", ignoring the lies that are inconvenient. Disinformation through selective "fact checking" and omission, the usual concern over supposed red state untruths, no self awareness, no self examination. The usual clips of Alex Jones are seen and never is it mentioned that after 4 years of Russia conspiracy people like Rachel Maddow admitted that they were also playing a character and should not be held to any truth standard for what they were saying during a lawsuit.

Talking about pizzagate when the lies started way before, now we are finding out that the Trayvon case was media and justice system hoax, the prosecutor put up woman with a 4th grade reading level to make the false claim that she was Trayvons girlfriend on the phone with him during his last moments, when it was entirely a lie, wrong woman, false witness, and that's just the start of it, but it led to years of protests and burning cities, never mind clock boy.

This is the usual slanted propaganda, nothing is new nothing is there to be learned. Conspiracy theory? Feminism doesn't pass a fact check, patriarchy theory IS a conspiracy theory, replace men with jews and the game becomes obvious, so obvious that the game is. The "men kampf" browser extension was removed for making the truth too apparent.

This is establishment propaganda, instead of holding their feet to the fire over obvious frauds like the Covington kids frame up, its the usual "trust the corporate journalist" spiel from corporate HBO. The man who revealed the Covington american indian "vet" was stolen valor and little more than a fridge technician who stayed state side had his youtube channel shut down, these are the inconvenient truths that these people work to keep hidden while they point at "Alex Jones".
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Fabrication, Lies, and Propaganda 0 out of 10
plang-151-69526830 August 2020
If you are a Liberal or a fan of CNN this is the mockumentary for you. It is obviously biased opinions since it is CNN and Democrats making up whatever they can to try to win back presidential power. HBO has joined the ranks of leftist propaganda. I will be cancelling my subscription.
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Beware of Russian Bots
msbuff22 May 2020
Excellent, must see doc. Of course it is somewhat one-sided but so is the effort to spread fake news. It is really sad to see how little the American Government is taking on the Russian interference into our elections and their sowing of descent in our everyday lives. All of these one star reviewers on here are more than likely Russian Bots or straight up close minded, easily brainwashed, sheeple.
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An extremely necessary documentary
pedrohabib-1404929 August 2020
I found the approach of After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of fake news" very complete and grounded. It brings very famous cases of recent fake news and makes a very interesting analysis about them and shows how harmful they can be. The fact that many conspiracy theorists are irritated by this documentary, just proves how much this was a necessary and truthful documentary. I just thought it got a little confusing in the middle and that they could have explored some more of the issues covered. Other than that, it's just wonderful!
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Must-see TV and sure to make your blood boil in disgust
paul-allaer18 May 2020
"After Truth - Disinformation and the Cost of Fake News" (2020 release; 94 min.) is a documentary about the recent (as in: last 5-6 years) phenomenon by (mostly) right-wing conspiracy theorists to purposefully spew falsehoods onto social media. As the film opens, we get to know Jack Burkman, right wing consultant who looks at the use of "fake news" as nothing more than one would look at the use of chemical weapons in time of war: "it's there to use, it doesn't mean I like it". We then go to "2015, Bastrop, Texas" as Washington Post journalist Elizabeth Williamson talks about how local conspiracy nuts create a media frenzy claiming that US military exercises are just a front for imposing martial law and rounding up political opponents... At this point we are 10 min. into the documentary.

Couple of comments: this is the latest from veteran documentary-director Andrew Rossi. Here he examines the rise of "disinformation" (translation: falsehoods) being launched onto social media and what it does to society, The documentary focuses on several specific incidents: Bastrop, TX (2015), "pizzagate" (2016), Seth Rich's death (2016), and the smearing of Robert Mueller (2018). All of it is sure to make your blood boil in disgust, if not anger, as we watch how (mostly) right wingers cynically use and abuse facts to twist a "new" or "alternative" or outright false truth that suits them politically. The great thing about this documentary is that it isn't a one-way street, but instead it lets both sides of the story give their view/version, and the viewer can deduce his or her own conclusion. Along the way, Rossi and his team also examine how technology platforms like Facebook and Twitter enable these manipulations while standing by. And then this dilemma: should the left join the frenzy and spew their own falsehoods? As someone laments: "Do you win by playing their game?" "Two wrongs don't make it right", offers Alabama Senator Doug Jones.

"After Truth" premiered on HBO in late March, and is now available on HBO On Demand and other streaming services. If you have any interest in politics, or simply in understanding how falsehoods come about and influence society, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion. I myself found it to be must-see TV.
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In a world of conspiracy theories...
sijaha2 September 2020
This is such an Important documentary in a world where more and more people are willing to believe just about anything (QAnon, Pizzagate, 4chan, satanists in Hollywood eating and raping babies) I can imagine that this will rile up a lot of people who are not into critical thinking and facts.
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The irony
spaulagain20 June 2020
Such a one sided attack that it qualifies as misinformation itself.

Sure Fox News and InfoWars are a problem, but so are the rest of the media that are equally guilty of pedalling the divide and manipulating it's audience. Of course HBO wouldn't bother exploring that now would they.

If you're gullible enough to swallow this joke of a documentary whole, you are part of the problem.
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Play this in every school!!!
rolfhu2 January 2021
A very deep inside, how people work (for Trump/Republicans) to interrupt or stop investigations for break the laws. You people should be educated how social media works and what that means for them. If the US is a democracy, then this will be shown in every school.
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For anyone here complaining about bias, feel free to find enough material as egregious as this film had and produce it.
spmccall27 August 2021
Unless you think this Documentary is *also* a part of a grand conspiracy in controlling our minds. In which case, thank you for proving the film's message.
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It's got all peanut theories Pizzagate, sandy hook etc.
nottoday-572-80736117 August 2023
Very good expose on the fakenews virus infecting America (mainly conservatives). Exposes two conservative peanuts(who clearly highlight theyre manufacturing fakenews) trying to frame Mueller with sexual assault trying to damage his Russian investigation (they fail hard).

Also touches on the pizzagate conspiracy, highlightling how the so called pro business mob tried to destroy a business owner, cause of garbage they got brainwashed by online. Touches on how/why that bloated oxgen thief Alex Jones (who used dead children to grift from imbeciles online) got de-platformed. Hightlights where, how it started, spread, how Russia uses the same methods plus much more.
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Assault on truth
sergepesic13 November 2022
The assault on truth is an attack on common sense, on basic decency. Without some minimal understanding between different political stands, we are inching towards violence and, perhaps, towards a point of no return. Watching few of the amoral shysters that shamelessly peddle pure lies under the guise of free speech, one has to feel deep unease with the reckless and evil disregard for common good. Burkman, Corsi, Wohl, are just a few of despicable alt-right manipulators who prey on the vulnerable. This is well done, hard to watch documentary, that would, I have to confess, frighten me more if I didn't see it after the outcome of the midterm elections. It seems that people like living in democracy. God bless them for that.
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Title says it all!
flamingo-9759718 July 2020
This was a very liberal leaning viewpoint. Not broad enough to be believed. What else would we expect from Hollywood and HBO? Waste of time.
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