Collision Earth (TV Movie 2020) Poster

(2020 TV Movie)

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There is hope for us all!
generoney29 April 2020
If these guys could get financing for this, then there is hope for us all. The IMB website ask me does this contain spoilers, well yes it does. Don't waste your time. That the best spoiler I can think off.
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This was a disaster movie alright...
paul_haakonsen15 August 2020
This movie was bad, even for a movie from The Asylum.

Granted, when I sat down to watch the 2020 movie "Collision Earth", I must admit that I didn't really have much of any expectations or hopes for the movie. I mean, it is a natural disaster movie with Eric Roberts. Not exactly the recipe for a guaranteed success.

But still, I sat down to watch the movie, because I hadn't seen it before, plus once in a blue moon an enjoyable natural disaster movie comes along. Turns out that "Collision Earth" wasn't one such movie.

The storyline was as generic and predictable as it was stupid and unrealistic. You knew right away what would transpire in the movie, and you knew exactly how the movie would end. Yup, another generic Earth-is-in-dire-peril-but-miraculously-gets-saved-by-a-small-band-of-people type of movie. It was just despicable.

And yeah, this was also one of those disaster movies where you sit in awe and dumbfounded stupor wondering how come so many asteroid impacts happen within such close vicinity of the small group of people. It is like the asteroids were singling them out individually. It was just stupid.

The special effects in the movie were bland. They were serving the movie well enough, but they were not overly realistic or believable. But hey, at least they helped to show what was going on.

Not to mention the laughable ending of the movie, which you already knew to happen as the movie started.

I am rating "Collision Earth" a mere two out of ten stars. If you enjoy natural disaster movies, do yourself a favor and avoid this movie from writer Joe Roche and director Matthew Boda
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Bad, just bad
greenlarry31 March 2020
Well that's an hour and half of my life I won't get back. Eric Roberts must have had bills to pay... 2/10, and that's because I'm in a good mood
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Awful, Just Awful
j-ashley-howell29 April 2020
If like me you read the reviews and think "It can't be that bad, it's got Eric Roberts in it", well believe the reviews and don't waste your time. And in all seriousness someone give Eric a better story than this,,,
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Terrible beyond belief
birkby-7042329 April 2020
I did not think it was possible to make a Film this bad, I was wrong.
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Run ...
djak-4304929 April 2020
Please, for the sake of your children, your sanity, run, run as fast as you can from this film.

Continuity was shot and killed before the titles had finished running. The plot murdered the effects and the actors died from a complete and utter lack of any conviction or talent.

Save yourself the pain and avoid this at all costs.
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The target has been neutralized
Luminous_Blackhole28 September 2020
If you decide to watch this movie, which I don't recommend unless you have absolutely nothing better to do, I guarantee you will laugh out loud when the headline of this review is uttered in the movie. No it isn't supposed to be funny, but you will laugh anyway. In all honesty, this doesn't qualify as a movie. It felt more like a failed art school project. Calling it a sci-fi is an insult to the genre.
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A complete waste of time, effort and money. A pathetic effort
stormy-582189 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I could rate this zero, I would. For a movie this bad to be released in 2020 is amazing. The plot is hideous, the effects are that of a 1970s film and do not deserve the word 'special' in front of it. I cannot fathom how any 'director' can stand back and say 'yep, proud of that'. The production and SFX teams should be ashamed. A meteor apparently dropping pebbles as the mini ground explosions propelling people a few feet away. A woman who can suddenly fly an F22 or whatever....lost interest... and seemingly eject 2 feet from ground impact to gently parachute from 300 or so feet to the ground where her friends were waiting. A war room with 4 people in it. I actually only watched the last 30 mins and that was enough to make me need to review it. Some films are laughably bad, this just filled me with anger as to how someone could ever deem this release-worthy.
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Arguebly one of the worst Films in history!
sepehr_davarpanah29 April 2020
I'm gonna make it short and sweet. Do NOT watch this movie. Unless you really really want to know how bad a movie can be. Terrible acting. Beyond stupid story-line. Possibly worst CGI than movies from 50's. I know some people, including myself, do enjoy movies with this kind of ideas. And are willing to overlook some bad acting and/or incoherent storytelling and not so great special effects. But I'm telling you, this one is so bad that I believe the director should never be allowed near even a toilet-paper commercial set! Do NOT waste your time on this.
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Gender flipping makes it unwatchable
BrianKitt5 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers. To save you the pain of watching the moving.

I would give 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes' at least a '2' or a '3'. I can't give this more than a '1', I wish there was a '0'. And I will tell you I am/was Eric Roberts fan. His acting in this movie has to be worse than his first high school play.

I saw at least one good review here, but I promise you any review on here above a '2' is clearly a friend of the production crew. They are giving sympathy points, and those should be automatically discounted.

The story is very poorly thought out and is significantly less realistic than 'Armageddon'. (Yes, I do realize that NASA shows Armageddon as a spoof movie to new recruits to point out scientific impossibilities). NASA won't be taking this one though, because new recruits would file OSHA violations on NASA for making them sit through this as a condition of employment. On top of a very poor story, they took gender flipping and made it comically stupid.

The meteor shower hitting earth is so dense, that meteors are striking all over the world, simultaneously, no more than a few yards apart. (Yea, I can't wrap my head around the physics there).

The main character 'Gwen' is a planetary geologist, who just happens to carry a handy dandy battery powered laser diamond bit drill everywhere she goes. This cuts through everything from asteroids to steel reinforced blast walls. Even quickly makes perfect 2' diameter holes upon request! Wow!

The plot device to save the day though, is that they decide to take all of the electricity from all of the power plants, and pump it all into one plant. They will blow up this one plant and zap the asteroid. Just so happens Gwen's husband, a Corporal at the base, has both legal authority and knowledge to do that (he points this out).

However, at the air force base there are no pilots to fly fighter jets. And then there are no fighter jets with missiles. So how do they blow up the plant?

Gwen will, again, save the day!

Gwen jumps in a fighter jet wearing her tennis outfit, and flies up to the stratosphere, and straight back down turning the jet into a supersonic missile.

Gwen pulls so many G's that the jet is nearly shaking apart creating 'tense drama', but her tennis outfit does protect her from blackout. Whew!

Finally, Gwen blows up a standard (not nuclear) power plant by running the jet into it, and that fires a bolt of lightning into the air that will vaporize every single asteroid/meteor in earth orbit (you know, the same ones that are hitting every yard or two around the world.)

Luckily, nothing other than the asteroid is harmed! The other survivors are so close to the power plant, that Gwen's parachute drops her right by them when she ejects, yet, they are not affected by the explosion and crazy asteroid seeking lightning.

And I almost forgot to mention the stupidity of the whole nuclear attack on the meteor shower! Every country in the world launching nukes simultaneously that somehow all simultaneously hit a meteor shower above Wyoming. More strange astrophysics at work here!

The story is so preposterous, that it becomes a beer drinking game, to drink a beer every time the characters/story does something stupid.
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Very bad
cloggy1200329 April 2020
Very bad acting, even from an icon like Eric Roberts, incredibly inaccurate scientific facts, implausible outcome, generally not worth watching
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IF only YOU had been on this set! It deserves more
wyannjameson2 June 2022
Look, I get it. You think this movie is SO bleak. It's choppy, visuals are non comparable to anything with a large budget, and the story has fantasyland science.

It's a MOVIE! One of the most difficult things in life to make, aside from brain surgery. So many different elements have to come into play- of which I can promise you acting was NOT an issue on this set. (I'm a producer, not on this film, and yes- I know how about every detail on this shoot)

With 6 days to shoot (yes, you read that correctly) the novice director was a massive issue. The director spoke over every take- making much of the dialogue unusable, changed lines on the spot, and didn't trust the actors or crew to execute A TON of story in next to no time. Have you ever had to memorize lines right before a take? How about set up a shot with no understanding of the context, with an ever changing script?

I'm not explaining this for you to excuse your opinion, rather I'm explaining this to give you an idea of what your taking aim at, pointing the finger at the actual professionals involved on this production that where strong armed.

When producers don't give any time for filmmakers to prep and execute due to an unreasonable budget, the team on set can only do so much.

Easy to critic and not create. It's a miracle this film was made- thanks to the actual talent it did have.
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B-movie all the way
bluesblake27 August 2020
B-movie all the way I knew it was gonna be a B-movie from the first scene when the meteor hit behind the barn and the barn was left standing. If this was a big budget film, when the meteor hit behind the barn it would've shredded the barn to pieces
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Seen worse, but still,..
ilonacuster1233 May 2020
Thats what you get when you let a comedian write a screenplay and a lampoperator do the directing.
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Reasonable Plot Awfully Executed
jonnywine2 May 2020
In parts I laughed, especially at the editing errors that included repetition and an amusing stand up and then stand up again!

Also funny were the shouted warnings just before meteors hit - some amazing ability to predict the unpredictable!

The effects are mostly awful and there is some pretty bad acting, the real rotten tomato going to John Morrisey as General Ambrose. The former film editor should quickly return to behind the camera as his performance could at best be described as wooden.

Several of those on screen try hard but this remake of the also awful 2011 version should never had made it to the screen. Even in lockdown for the coronavirus crisis, I could only sit through this whilst responding to my emails.

Only watch for a laugh!
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I don't like it
miladbadboy10 May 2020
At first i thought it is a good movie .. but after i saw it , i changed my mind . It is the worst movie i have ever seen .. Don't bother to see it
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This is comedy, right?
damsan-525837 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, look here is a meteor. Ok, lets talking about us. And so we can easly save the world. In the mean time the meteor fall exactly on the cars , no other damage. Very inteligent meteors...Or Scenarist.
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WTF ???
I am very very very sorry which there is no grade 0..teribble
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Avoid at all costs
murphy-shay23 September 2020
Asylum does some fun stuff, I love Z Nation but is possibly the worst movie I've ever seen. The only reason I saw all of it I ended up working with it on.

Actors absolutely horrendous (worst driver acting ever!), script a joke, storyline scrapping the barrel to add time, too many bad moments to list.
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hippoplankton-7150215 September 2020
Quite possible THE worst film ever produced!

It almost looks like they were just improvising on the spot and didn't really have a script. . or a plot. . . or a director. . .the camera is out of focus, the plot is thin, the acting is wooden, . the script is repetitive, the 'science' is beyond silly and the special effects and the use of 'stock' film is blatant and not even matched.

I cant remember that last time cringed, laughed and had to rewind to double watch the tragic editing/sound/CGI/camera/stunt/script mistake.

Ill give it a 1 just because there isn't a 0, and it certainly WAS entertaining. . . but for the WRONG reasons :/
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Don't waste your time
browser12324 August 2020
They need negative stars to rate this movie. Bad acting, bad special effects, bad story line, completely unrealistic. There are no redeeming qualities. Everything about this movie was bad.
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Eric Roberts apart, 'Collision Earth' released in 2020 is dire
blueboot17 June 2020
In 'Collision Earth' meteors bombard our planet. A meteorite lands behind a house, forcing a woman to fall yet the house is undamaged. There is no crater. An hour later, scientists arrive to investigate.

While they do other meteors, falling vertically, land mere meters away. They all tumble, a few sods of turf and stone debris fly upward. Still no craters.

At this juncture because Earth spins later meteors, unless coming from other directions would land at least 1,000 miles away, not the distance of a coronavirus sneeze. This indicates filming is badly flawed. Our intrepid scientists are injured. They gad about madly in a car, with meteors narrowly missing by inches. Explosions abound with all the force of a hand-grenade made of jelly, plus a few puffs of smoke.

They make it to a military medical facility where an injured scientist is seen to sit several times in repeated badly edited clips. A bandage is applied to his gaping torso wound - without stitches or even applying 'trump' disinfectant!

Dr. Armstrong, the movie's apparent heroine, delivers her lines in mumblegate fashion at phenomenal speed, nasally, and unintelligibly. Sound quality throughout is inconsistent, yet Eric Roberts, a general in command at a nuclear facility who continuously twirls two metallic balls in his arthritic right hand, speaks crystal clearly. Roberts has featured in 300+ movies, in many excellent roles and usually does better fare than this. Dr. Armstrong (Kate Watson) could be uttering Vietnamese or Martian for all clarity she offers.

Then a military female computer operator punches in keyboard commands frenetically to launch nukes, no less, while chatting and typing awkwardly with excessively loooooooong fingernails. The scene is ludicrous.

Meteors zoom in horizontally, diagonally and vertically (an impossibility from one celestial source). More nukes launch from a fighter plane, piloted by Dr Armstrong, in the path of the largest meteor. Naturally she saves the planet and parachutes down next to an appreciative applauding crowd plus boyfriend gasping in awe; and everyone lives happily ever after. Except for the inconvenient truth, real science determined meteors travel at such enormous speed any nuclear explosion will create tens of thousands new meteors, still very large, travelling at thousands of miles an hour, and still impact Earth. Known physics debunks the film's solution.

One wonders why in sci-fy disasters everyone rushes about in cars and the military always resort with tunnel vision to their obsession of using nuclear devices as the panacea to all known evils.

To conclude, Eric Roberts apart, 'Collision Earth' released in 2020 is dire. A masterclass how not to make a so-called movie. Rating? Minus 10.
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Save earth
mika-2954317 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Best movie ever....

Good actors and fantastic plot! 1.5 hour of pure adrenaline rush. Really like all sfx and the vr "scope"

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Absolute Rubbish
heliparts3 May 2020
Thought it would of been ok since Eric Roberts was in it. Special effects were bad, too many goofs to mention, like they kept referring to an F35 aircraft, but it was actually an F18. Meteors hitting the ground and the actors all shaking & falling over, but people in the background walking down the street nice & casual, they probably didn't even know there was filming going on. One of the worst scifi movies I have watched all year.
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Plan 9 from outer space...
noctivagante29 April 2020
We may be facing the "Plan 9 from outer space" of this era...
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