Crushed (2009) Poster


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Ambitious low budget horror thriller
Siamois28 January 2010
Context: In August 2006, a new user called "taraiscrushed" started uploading videos on Youtube. They were essentially vlogs by a women in her mid-20s called Tara. At first, the videos were of the usual sort you would find there; diaries about Tara's day-to-day life. As the weeks and months passed, Tara displayed increasing signs that things were not right, along with revealing a difficult past. It turns out this was an elaborately planned promotional campaign (which some may understandably qualify as a hoax) for the movie that I am now going to review, Crushed. This will be followed by a mini-review of the uploaded promotional campaign.


Crushed features a premise that is almost identical to the 80s classic Fatal Attraction. Ray (Henrik Norlén) cheats on his girlfriend with the new girl in town, Tara (Natalie Dickinson). He wants it to remain a one night stand but she has other plans. Unlike Fatal Attraction the movie doesn't revolve mainly around Ray's point of view. Sure, we see things from his perspective once in a while and learn more about him but the lion's share of screen time goes to Tara. Her behavior becomes increasingly disturbed as the film goes on and thanks to this character, the movie is far from a Fatal Attraction rip-off. Tara does not want to let go and when she feels threatened by the people around this man she is obsessed with, she goes to any length to get them out of her way. And this is where this movie goes into modern horror territory. The gruesomeness displayed reminded me partly of Hannibal (although director Patrick Johnson's work will not be confused for Ridley Scott). The acting might not be great, the cinematography is basic and the thing was filmed on a budget but still, that violence was probably the thing the movie had most going for it. It's definitely not for the squeamish and has Hostel overtones.

The overall screenplay and direction does have problems. The most blatant was the lack of chemistry between the two leads. Patrick Johnson made an odd choice right from the start by not having Tara and Ray share a single moment of mutual interest, lust, passion or even flirting on screen. She picks him up while he's completely drunk bordering on passed out, we fade to black, then the next thing Ray wakes up next to her and leaves in a hurry. The whole movie revolves around one thing: Tara's obsession with that man but how she actually gets hooked is barely implied. This rings somewhat hollow as a viewer and prevents the movie from having the intensity it could easily have had.

This film was obviously made cheaply and strange casting choices also affect the product. Swedish actor Henrik Norlén seems talented but very much not at ease playing an American war veteran. His accent is noticeable in some places more than others and this also seems to affect his acting delivery. Natalie Dickinson is doing a solid job in a dream role (so many actors have put themselves on the map playing bad guys and psychos!) although a bit inconsistent at times. But overall, she does well playing Tara who alternates between irony- filled psycho and a hurt soul with a difficult past. Many of the supporting actors were adequate but special nod goes to Keith Malley, who has great comic instinct and is a real natural on camera!

Where the budget shows is in the action sequences, if I may call them that. There is some pretty rigid cinematography and editing here, which could have used more creativity. That's a shame because in other places, Johnson shows nice artistry with beautiful, evocative shots.


This is extremely ambitious when you realize this movie is just getting out while these videos were updated through three full years. They revolve entirely around Tara, as if it was a real person's Vlog. And while you sense some structure in many videos, it looks like Natalie Dickinson ad-libbed much of it. And that's actually what is so wonderful about it. The less structure, the more soul she seems to give to Tara. As well, an entirely unexploited side of her in the film is explored here. She is much less caricatural, seems vulnerable and displays her artistic side. I was very disappointed that her paintings did not appear at all in the movie. Having praised the down to earth nature of the promo, several clips actually hint that this is staged, and some show the darker side of Tara. Unlike the movie, none of the 50-or- so clips features any sign that this would be such an intense and gory movie. I think only one clip has Tara throw F-bombs if i recall correctly. But the most surprising thing to me was that the clips made Tara into a gorgeous women, the kind that would certainly fascinate people, while the Tara of the movie seems bland in comparison. It is strange that these clips that are even cheaper than the movie flatter Natalie Dickinson even more than the movie (she has a magnetic gaze thanks to amazing eyes).


You could always watch the promo on youtube but it doesn't share all that much with the movie, except as an appetizer. As for the film, I think it has flaws but the intensity of certain scenes will make it worthwhile for horror/thriller fans. An intense little ride that would have been improved by tighter direction and a better co-lead. It is a pity that Patrick Johnson didn't use the vlogs more efficiently in the narrative of the film. A missed opportunity in that regard. Still, he does nice things here and Natalie Dickinson shows some promise as well.
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Supposed horror riff on Fatal Attraction.
poolandrews15 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Crushed starts as Ray (Henrik Norlén) turns up for work one morning & sees a young attractive woman named Tara Wood (Natalie Dickinson) struggling with some heavy luggage, Ray offers to help & the two introduce themselves to each other. Ray is a recovering alcoholic & after a row with his girlfriend Maddy (Caitlin Wehrie) goes on a drink binge & ends up on the side of the street drunk, Tara just happens to be there & helps Ray to his feet & they both go home together where they have sex. The next day & Ray tells Tara that it was a one night stand & he doesn't love her or want to be her boyfriend, Tara doesn't take rejection that well & goes psycho on Ray. Tara kills Ray's boss, Ray's friends & finally targets Maddy in an attempt to make Ray love her...

More commonly known as She's Crushed this was photographed, edited, written & directed by Patrick Johnson & after having just watched it I was reminded of the psycho thriller Fatal Attraction (1987) with a one night stand turning into an absolute nightmare for one man who slept with the wrong woman, the main difference is that Crushed has no depth & writer, director Johnson tries to turn a twisted love story into a Saw (2004) style torture film. While Fatal Attraction had great depth & a real resonance Crushed doesn't, in fact the character's are paper thin & the plot is wholly predictable from start to finish. There's some sub-plot about an old woman in a mental institution that never seems to have any relevance to anything else, a black and white opening sequence that again seems totally pointless & a central story that never moved me. Tara's victims barely get any screen time, Ray is unlikable, Tara's back-story is never explored & she manages to murder an awful lot of people without any suspicion falling on her whatsoever. At one hour & twenty five minutes long the pace is alright but the first thirty odd minutes are quite dull, things pick up by the end as Tara kidnaps Maddy & Ray but it's too little too late.

The film looks alright, while not badly made there's little in the way of style here. A lot of IMDb user comments state how gory Crushed is, well there's lots of fake blood splashed around but very little actual gore. There's a shot of a drill going into someone's forehead, a woman's feet are tortured & her toes chopped off but otherwise it's just lots of fake blood splashed over people's faces or over the floor or walls. Apparently actress Natalie Dickinson recorded several video dairies which were posted on YouTube under the channel 'TaraisCrushed' which described her descent into madness, maybe some of the story deficiencies & empty plot are addressed here & Tara's feelings, thoughts & background are covered but who is going to sit through all of those before actually watching the film? It just seems a bit pointless to me.

Apparently shot in Dallas in Texas, reasonably well made there's not a lot to the film to be honest & it does feel empty & repetitive at times. The acting isn't great, Natalie Dickinson does alright I suppose but everyone else is pretty bad.

Crushed is a Fatal Attraction rip-off that goes for bloody horror rather than tense psychological thrills & it just descends into badly staged set-pieces. Not a film that I could recommend, Crushed doesn't quite know what it wants to be, either a psychological thriller or gory brutal horror, & ends up satisfying as neither.
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The low budget could not be any more clear
Rosser9421 February 2012
I was never expecting 'Crushed' to be of the same standard as 'Fatal Attraction', especially after looking at the cast. However, I also did not expect the film to be this below-average.

The plot of this film is good, despite its lack of originality. Furthermore, the pacing is acceptable and the script is passable. Yet, despite this, the low-quality recording, matched with acting that is, at points, humorously poor, creates a film that does nothing but symbolise its low budget. As a result, this movie does not engage its audience or establish a sense of care regarding the fate of the characters on- screen, therefore the experience is not a memorable one.

Although this film is, generally, not very good, it is easy-to-watch due to little thought being necessary to keep up with the storyline. In addition to this, Natalie Dickinson does not do too badly (especially in comparison to the actors she accompanies on-screen) and conveys her character in quite an interesting manner.

Overall, despite limited positives, the poor acting and unspectacular production values render 'Crushed' as a victim of its low-budget and a very forgettable film. With so many great horrors around, I advise you spend your viewing time elsewhere.
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As shocking as some scenes are, I am more shocked at Red Box
petejensen2230 June 2013
This movie might make want to never rent a Redbox movie that I had previously not heard of ever again. Being a low budget independent film, you can't have your expectations too high, but you would not expect a movie that could at least make it to Red Box to be this terrible.

As you can tell by other reviews, yes there are a lot of bloody scenes that can be at times shocking. So if that is all you want and could care less about film quality, acting, or any sort of a plot whatsoever, be my guest. Honestly, a bunch of middle school kids letting their twisted imagination runs could have written that screenplay in about two hours.
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Waste of Time
billcr124 June 2012
She's Crushed is a sort of light weight Fatal Attraction with Natalie Dickinson as a teen girl who flirts with her next door neighbor, Ray, until he finally breaks down and has sex with hot Tara. He sees it as a one night stand. She believes that it is true love. On a return, Ray tries to explain the situation, including the fact that he has a girlfriend. Big mistake, as his nubile lover sees him as her night in shining armor.

Ray's life becomes an unending nightmare as Tara stalks him and becomes a serial killer simultaneously. She tortures her victims with glee, and for no apparent reason. The movie's poster, with Ms. Dickinson in a Catholic school girl outfit holding a knife in her hand, is much more interesting then the film itself. Bad acting; bad script; waste of time.
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Decent thriller/horror flick though lacking in areas
D-Sligar30 January 2010
This movie wasn't too bad for a low-budget thriller/horror movie. There were buckets of blood/gore, tons of maiming and a lot of sick sadistic acts perpetrated by the main psychotic freak. What really killed the movie the most for me, though, is how much of a weak pathetic loser the guy is portrayed as. He has many opportunities to take the chick out in the movie, but since he's such a pathetic wuss you'll find yourself yelling at him to grow a pair and do something besides being a tool. They should have picked an actor more congruent to the role, the actor here is a pretty decent size guy and yet he can't take out a little 115 lb psychotic chick when he has the chance (and he has many!). GROW A SET OF TESTICLES MAN!

Anyway, as I said there is a ton of gore, the story is quite intense and for the most part the actors do a good job; the problem for me is the absurdity of the guys situation and how he handles it... or in this case, fails to handle it.

Would I recommend it? Yes, it's a good ride and has decent shock value. The story is decent enough to keep you there, if only to see what she'll do/get away with next. Another thing I'd like to know is how when she's cutting people up she only gets blood on her face and nowhere else...
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Low-Budget, Low-Quality
CoPSwords8 October 2010
Not all Low-Budget movies are Low-Quality however, it is the case with She's Crushed(2009). I don't want it to be bad, but it is. It had a great concept that is not often portrayed in American films, but the lack of good equipment, and lack of talent destroyed the movie.

The biggest flaw I saw, or heard rather, was the sound quality. It was ridiculously loud, and grainy for every single scene. The grain of the audio almost overpowered the speaking parts entirely. I have seen much older movies with better sound equipment. As for the video quality, it was OK. Just a little out of focus at times, and it did look a bit grainy, but I've seen worse.

Almost every single character was cliché and poorly written. The acting didn't save it much, although Natalie Dickinson was fantastic in this movie. She really captured Tara's instability. It's just that the writing was absolutely terrible, and it felt that even she was aware that the lines were garbage.

I really, really wanted this movie to be good. Had they got their hands on some good equipment, and replaced half the cast, this movie would have been awesome and unique. But, they did not, and now it suffers the fate of fading away in the dark depths of low-quality horror.
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So bad that I forget that I saw it!
atinder12 November 2013
I saw this movie about two years ago, I sure it on The Horror Channle that is aired in UK.

I heard of the plot is sound it really good, but i did record this movie and watched before i went to work next morning.

As I put it on, it was one of those low budget movies

The most of the movie felt a bit cheesy not the good cheese, where not enjoyable.

it did not live up to plot at all and movie did have some bloody moments but i still was fast forwarding some part of movie to see if it was going get better, it didn't

Not worth watching at all! 2/10
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God Awful
rng-71610 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ruddiger and I have been watching horrible horror movies for almost two years now, and this one is definitely on the bottom of the barrel. For one, the title of the film is idiotic, and the website of the film company is pasted directly on the DVD. Very classy. We popped this sucker in and from the very first moment we saw that ugly CGI horse run across the screen, we both just let out a sigh of disgust. This is going to be a great one. The characters in this film were not thought out well at all. The main man, Ray, is just a loser that can't stay off the sauce long enough to realize he's having sex with his crazy neighbor, Tara, who ends up just killing everyone. I get it, "she's crushed", but God I feel like Ray could've done something to fix the situation. He called the cops but nothing ever came of it.. It's ludicrous. Anyway, Rick's bald friend and co-worker, the "troublemaker", as Ray's girl puts him, was the most offensive movie character I have ever seen. Every line seemed like he was taking an improv class, and he managed to insult about ten different social groups, until he finally gets killed. I was relieved. Bottom line, this film had nothing good in it. Bad acting, bad plot, bad filming.. Just a horrid affair the whole way through. I would buy this movie just so I could burn it.
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It sucked badly
vnation-0010718 September 2023
First off let me start by saying this movie was horrible it was bad acting all the way through from the main character to just the extras also didn't like how the white guy said n**** it was a lot of unnecessary parts of this movie unnecessary killing I don't know who the director was but I hope he don't have any other movies I would have really been mad if I had paid to see it I'm glad it was on tubi for free I have seen a lot of cheesy movies in my lifetime sometimes you just want to try something new but this is one I could have went without seeing I don't recommend anyone you can waste their time unless you just want to kill time this movie was the waste of time.
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Hollywood could not have done it this well.
Velusion3 February 2010
For those who enjoy brutal violence generously delivered by a woman you wouldn't mind taking to bed yourself (assuming she wouldn't kill you too) then this is a movie for you... A very well made blood and guts piece in which the director did a thoughtful job of helping us, the audience members, try to understand the murderous impulses of the killer. In many ways, this movie is more about the cause and affect of violence than the simple blood on the walls shock fest that is so prevalent in today's horror market... and although I did appreciate the director, Patrick Johnson, taking the time to elevate this piece or at least attempt to do so, I still can't help but feel he shied away from an element that seemed completely natural to the story; nudity. there should have been more nudity. Movie violence and nudity go together like peanut butter and jelly especially if the killer is a good looking female sociopath.

If they do a sequel to this little gem, I hope they do it in 3D!!
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A Brutal Guilty Pleasure!!!
Pumpkin_Man16 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night. At first, I thought it was gonna be boring, but got a whole lot better. First off, this movie is cheap and low-budget so the audio is a little off. The one thing I really loved about this movie was Natalie Dickinson as Tara. I just absolutely loved her performance as this crazy psychotic sick twisted woman! She starts flirting with her neighbor, Ray. After a regretful one night stand, Tara believes that he's in love with her and stalks him and slowly begins to kill his friends. She abuses and cuts herself to show her love to Ray. (The torture scenes are very brutal and will make you squirm. To make it even more creepy, they play fun circus-like music) I would definitely recommend SHE'S CRUSHED!!!
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She's Crushed crushed my movie watching will Warning: Spoilers
If you thought R. Sloppy thought that voodoo moon and haunting of the innocent was at the bottom of life's barrel then wait until you rent from red box the film no one is talking about "Crushed" or "She's Crushed" This movie is what big Neil would call God Awful. This has to be one of the worst films I have seen in a while and I tried running through the Friday the 13th bore fest. The acting is horrendously bad. The story made no sense and had constant jump scenes which I think was trying to be transition cuts? Scenes that had nothing to do with the original plot but I don't think this film had a plot, the website was a sticker on the actual movie disc I mean this is even low for red box standards. They make full moon productions look like Top Gun. TOP GUN!

The bald side line character was doing in prov for every single line and was vocally the most racist character in any film ever. The name does make some sense because she is a girl who gets crushed by 'Ray' though it doesn't really explain why and how she had intercourse with him made absolutely no sense. She picks him up on the side of the road 'without knowing who he is' brown out drunk and goes to town. If your into that... then

Don't bother with this one folks. I would rather break beer glass bottles in my hands by squeezing them then shove them into my eyes. It's that bad.
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Gory, Bloody and Squeamish people beware. However this is an Independent Movie and its not great but its got one Crazy female in it
aashstel14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Highlight is the Gore and Blood but the plot and production isn't fantastic, it is after all what it says on the tin - an independent movie. So the actors aren't great and the budget is low, but the fact that Keith Malley and his unique character is in this movie makes it better. I would have liked to see Keith as the main character but back to this movie, it was okay but it's nothing great. The Crazy female was quite good at acting and the camera work was okay, Keith Malley is cool and hopefully we will see him in more movies.

See this movie if you are a fan of Gore Movies or Keith Malley 'KATG' NYC. She's Crushed is very very Bloody but its kinda spoilt when Tara gets in the shower and the blood turns to a shade of orange. Squeamish people beware because there are scenes of throwing up, toes being cut off etc etc.

/////-__- She's Crushed- 4.7/10
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She's Crushed
Scarecrow-8828 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone's always nagging on old Ray. Working for a demanding boss in insurance, his woman constantly griping, Ray just drowns away in his booze, very unhappy with how his life has turned out. If he thought his life was complicated already, wait until he awakens in the bed of Tara(the next morning after recovering from a night of drink at a local bar), a hot young woman who moves in next to his place of employment. Tara seems sweet and innocent enough, but we will soon see that this girl has a dark side(get a load of her temper tantrum while calling places of employment with want ads in the paper, coming up short time and again). It's PLAY MISTY FOR ME with a low budget, a mentally unstable, but very attractive woman who doesn't handle rejection well(in her own fragile mind, the one night stand between Tara and Ray was more than that)and responds in kind. Like in other movies in the "psycho female stalker" genre, Tara won't leave Ray alone, and he can not avoid her. And, Maddy, Ray's gal, is in danger because she stands in Tara's way. Tara harasses Ray with excessive phone calls, wants to talk about "their relationship", and can not get a hint that he wants nothing(zip, zilch, zero)to do with her whatsoever. It's a slow process where she reduces him to a weakened shell, murdering his boss, implicating Ray by planting his semen on her. Ray must accompany Tara as they dispose of the dead body and this is a major contributor to his weary psychological state as he comes to realize that this demented lunatic may never cease to torment him. All hell eventually breaks loose as Tara starts brutalizing anyone associated with Ray, because she wants him all to herself. Natalie Dickinson is the psychopath, Tara, Henrik Norlén, her tortured obsession, Ray. Caitlan Wehrle is Maddy, Ray's fiancé, who is the cruel subject of Tara's rage, suffering mightily in a torture scene pretty difficult to watch, her fate quite tragic. Even Ray's little son isn't safe from this wacko. It's suggested that Tara was(and continues to be)sexually abused by her father. Tara's mother sits in an asylum, lost to the world around her, staring off into space. Tara likes to lobotomize her victims with a power drill, saw them into pieces, fitting the remains in suitcases for later dumping(in fact, Ray unknowingly helps Tara load a victim into the back of her truck when they first meet!). It's a cycle that repeats itself over and over and will continue until someone stops her. The most ridiculous aspect of the movie is how Tara cuts herself and takes repeated blows to the face, yet remains pretty and healthy despite such damage.
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This is a teeth-puller... literally!
paul_haakonsen15 February 2010
Okay, let me just start off by saying if you liked movies like Audition (Ôdishon, 1999) or May (2002), then you are most definitely going to love this one.

Yes, this is not a major Hollywood production with millions of dollars in the production, but wow! This movie was thrilling from start till end. It is one of the most disturbing movies I have seen.

The way the movie is shot is phenomenal, the images and the camera angles. The images go from being serene and pure to being disturbing and downright diabolic.

Crushed (or "She's Crushed") will keep you nailed - almost literally - to your chair throughout the entire length. The movie is one big roller-coaster ride, building up suspense and tipping over with great thrills, and often toe-curling scenes.

The characters in the movie are vividly brought to life by an amazing cast. None of which I can recall having seen before. The cast really did a great acting job in this movie. And the set was good as well, very believable. Natalie Dickinson (Tara) and Henrik Norlén (Ray) were perfect in the lead roles.

The gore effects were good, but some quite obviously fake. But that didn't matter, because the whole movie is so well put together that you will look past some fake effects. It has enough blood to keep even gorehounds glued to the screen.

This is one of those movies that will stay with you for a long time. The images are compellingly haunting, bizarre and beautiful at the same time. And the characters are believable and real. A shame that it haven't gotten more attention than it did, because this is most definitely a movie worth watching - a gem in an otherwise flooded genre of thrillers.

Not only is the movie great entertainment, but it also leaves you with some questions. Could this happen for real? Should we trust strangers who come into our lives?

I felt like I had my teeth pulled out and still I was begging for more! Watch this one! You will not be disappointed!
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That's one crazy-ass bitch..
Foreverisacastironmess12325 December 2014
Okay, so for a start I don't like what's apparently the American version of the title, "She's Crushed", as it makes the movie sound lighthearted, which it certainly is not! I think what it went by when they used to show it here in England on the Horror Channel, simply "Crushed", sums it up much better as it's a double meaning, with her being crushed by her perceived rejection, and in return he and all that he holds dear being crushed by her... Natallie Dickinson really did play one of the scariest psychotic women I'd seen in a movie in years. Her character "Tara" is a tortured but quite unsympathetic soul who has a mother who is comatose in a psych ward, and her doctor who you learn is actually her father thanks to one mighty quick scene that's easy to miss, and who also has a relationship with his daughter that's on the sick and perverse side, and her sole mission in life seems to be to find true love with whatever extremely unfortunate guy she happens to choose, even if she has to make them hers alone by obliterating everyone they know and even not unlike a famous real life grisly serial killer, mutilating their craniums to render them drooling zombies that she can make dance like macabre puppets to do it! And the story ends like it begins, with Tara hauling away the sorry remnants of her latest failed 'conquest' in a suitcase, getting away scott-free, which I found scary and interesting because it's like a cycle, only throughout the movie we got to see how the 'process' goes, and the descent into her murderous madness. And despite claims to the contrary there is a sort of weird flashback type deal that offers something of an explanation as to why Tara became such a bloodthirsty freak. And it ends on her spotting the next unfortunate 'love' of her life whom she'll be manipulating into her nightmare and loving to death... What I most enjoy about this picture is seeing a damn fearless actress portraying a big larger than life level of deranged insanity and actually succeeding in sustaining some genuine unhinged menace for the duration of the whole story, and I completely bought it and was very impressed by her because that kind of role is something that's a lot easier for men to act than it is women are just not naturally as threatening, but in my opinion Dickinson accomplished one of these monster-women roles with astonishing gusto, and to me she is the only real highlight and saving grace of this movie and she alone makes it engaging and above-average. Of course you've gotta take her physical appearance into account to.. She was kind of pretty, but she looked a complete neurotic witch, all bony angles and mean sharp facial features. It helped! And this was not just a cute little kooky kind of crazy we're talking here - it was great big nasty roll-it-up-to-your-car crazy!!! And the actor who played the object of her devotion, "Ray", was alright and I did feel terribly sorry for the guy and the hell that he's put through, but he also seemed a bit miscast and out of place, and he had a heavy German-sounding accent that was distracting. I did like the lively dude who played his horny and obnoxious workmate though, he was funny and brought a little much needed levity. I consider this a good horror movie because it really is hellishly disturbing and points, namely the demented centerpiece of the story, when Ray's poor pregnant girlfriend is butchered in an uncomfortably prolonged sequence that the first time I saw it, it left my emotions raw because you really feel the horror and tragedy of the character's death and you keep hoping that something, anything will happen that'll allow her and Ray to live! It's a frightfully ruthless cautionary tale that will go to just about any lengths to shock and absolutely pulls no punches when it comes to who will live or die, and it doesn't play by the conventional rules of slashers either, with no happy medium ending being allowed, and in this instance I took that as a plus. I'd cautiously recommend Crushed, while I'll admit that it does greatly lack in many areas, does have a cheap feel, and anyone looking for something more than a plain, no-frills bloodbath will probably be left wanting, but to me its a perfectly watchable and entertaining straight-up horror thriller which carries no pretensions beyond being a gripping if mindless time-burner, and in the horror department it doesn't fail and is grim and nasty enough to give anyone a run for their money. Take care and beware of deadly Venus-mantrap psycho harpy women!
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Movie Review of "She's Crushed"
laughalt16 February 2010
Here is the synopsis so you know what you're in for:Tara sets her sights on the unassuming guy-next-door, Ray, and their innocent flirting turns into a regretful one night stand. He is hoping to put the indiscretion safely behind him, but Tara makes it horrifically clear that she is more than willing to go to extremes to keep her man. Everyone that Ray cares about will pay for his reckless decision as they are all forced into a twisted game of love, torture, and death at the hands of sadistic Tara.

Whow, this film is sure to give you a scare!!! I love horror flicks and this one definitely left me shaking and also craving more. The plot is engaging and keeps you interested in what's gonna happen next. The thriller and suspense are in place and are intensified by the excessive amount of bloodshed(which is not lacking,lol)If you love horror flicks then check your local retailer for this cool indie thriller.

*Sponsored Post
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Every mans nightmare..
bbsalamander13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Every mans nightmare, crazy girl who will do anything to get and keep her man. I see this as the Fatal Attraction meets any bloody torture porn and that's not a bad thing. I love the way this woman can get away with almost anything just by the mere fact that she is female. I think this is a great angle for a horror film and I for one felt pretty bad for Tara's new lover. Tara is the main character of the movie and is played by Natalie Dickinson who knocks her role out of the ball park. This is movie had me squirming and as a jaded horror fan this is not an easy thing to do. I like this movie and recommend it to the true gore hounds and horror movie buff but this is not for the average movie crowd in my mind.
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very powerful and effective thriller
christopher-underwood3 March 2012
I'm not quite sure why some love to jump on a film like this. Maybe, the clever use of internet promotion backfires, maybe people are upset by the movie and get their own back, maybe because there are no big name stars, maybe just because they can. Anyway, I reckon, this little film that surely achieves everything it sets out to do, has been very unfairly dismissed. It is stylishly shot, with imaginative soundtrack and a furious pace that never lets up. The violence is believable and horrendous and once the thing starts to roll, (that is right at the beginning!) there is nothing to stop it. Well, and here's my only gripe, the lead guy should have tried a little harder to nip this in the bud. There were a couple of opportunities when as a viewer you feel like screaming at him for being so 'understanding', when, of course, he seems not to understand at all. In fairness to the film he is set up to be this type of guy, taking it from his girlfriend and boss but it would have been absolutely perfect if he'd shown a bit more muscle. This is not, however, to take away from this very powerful and effective thriller.
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Excellent pshyco film
casablancavic17 October 2018
I found this movie to be far better than the Fatal attraction movie that this is so compared to.

her casting was excellent.

She's crazy for real - and she really got into her character.

For all the horror movies that are made, this is one that I actually feel could be real - because there are people out there like this.

I have nothing to do with this film and I don't know any of the cast or crew - but I did like it. Many of the comments on here are very negative, but I actually think that this was well made for a very low budget movie.

It will never be a favourite, but it's pretty wicked and the casting on the crazy girl was perfect.

I ended up seeing a few of the youtube videos, though I didn\t sit through them all. Some were good, some were bad - this beat them all.

The writer/director kept the story interesting and I'm looking forward to another movie about this character.

Hopefully, the next movie won't go into Hollywood mode and become too commercial - because this was pretty gritty and well done in it's own,

I'll be looking for more movies from this director/writer and from the actress who played the crazy girl to extreme - and I hope that I never cross her path - because she played her role a little too well.

She also knows how to use her tools. There are many construction workers who don't use them that good.

Yes, low budget. Yes, cheesy. Yes - awesome.
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nogodnomasters1 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When we first see Tara Wood (Natalie Dickinson) moving in next door, she is bare footed and has some heavy baggage. She has her eye on Ray (Henrik Norlén), an insurance adjustor who for some reason hasn't been able to get his life together. His girlfriend Maddy (Caitlin Wehrle) wants a commitment from him. The first thing we notice is that Tara has some severe psychological issues. After Ray gets drunk, Tara takes him home...her home. Ray breaks the first rule of sex: "Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself."

Tara's actions are way over the top and could be described as darkly comical. There are "Taraiscrushed" interview videos on "You Tube" that provides background information for Tara. It is recommended that you watch them before seeing the film...although few people have watched them. They should have made them a bonus feature on the DVD. I enjoyed the Tara Wood character as played by Natalie. There is plenty of blood and gore, but I has more amused than horrified.

F-bomb, sex, nudity, rape, Natalie Dickinson in a short skirt with frequent up skirt camera angles.
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