"Better Call Saul" Axe and Grind (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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MamadNobari9717 May 2022
Do the people who call this a "straight filler" and say we should skip it, also skip the scenes in other episodes where characters are talking?

Like how do you call this a filler when the plots are moving forward? Does a mind-blowing thing have to happen for you to not consider it a filler? Does a character have to die, or a should a cameo be in here so it wouldn't be a filler to you?

You realize that you're watching a tv show right? And not only that, it's the 6th season of it. That means you've watched 5 seasons with 10 episodes each, just to come here and call this a filler. Seems like someone forgot every season before, or just doesn't know this show and considers this character-centric episode a filler.

Do you hate characterization? Do you hate build-up and want them to rush everything and get to the big plot points quickly?

I gotta admit, it is a little slow, specially with how the Lalo plot is going, but it's still going nonetheless, and this episode is in no way a filler.

If you hate characterization and the way this show works this much, you might as well just skip all the episodes and come back when the finale airs, and just skip to the part where Heisenberg has a cameo or something and get your rush and go away.

Better Call Saul isn't what it is today if it wasn't for these very episodes that are slow but necessary for the plot and their characters, and isn't what it is today with being fast and rushed and skipping important characterizations.

Rant aside, this wasn't the best episode of this show (not that it was bad, it was actually good, this show doesn't have bad episodes, it's just lower than episodes that are masterpieces like episode 3 of this season), but it was necessary and important for many characters. Skipping this episode is like skipping the first 3 seasons and missing every characterization Saul has.

Because this episode not only gives more backstory and characterization to Kim - which the actress that played her mother nailed it -, but also gives us a better look inside Howard's personal life, and also gives us little crumbs as to why Francesca is the way she is later on. We get an insightful scene with the vet too. Did I mention that Lalo is one step closer to his goal too? Which you probably can argue that his scene was short and they could've put it in the last episode and gave more scenes with him in this episode, which is a fair complaint, but this is how this show has always done things.

If you're not interested in Howard's character, or Francesca or Saul and Kim's planning of D-Day, then fair I guess, but why are you watching the show exactly? Would the scene where Nacho switches Hector's pills be still as powerful and tense as it was, if it wasn't for those scenes we see of Nacho rehearsing it? Setup and payoff people, setup and payoff!

Obviously they're not gonna reveal everything beforehand and ruin the surprise and the natural flow of things, and these scenes, especially Kim's and Howard's, are necessary and important to what's gonna come next.

Patience is a virtue, and if you've watched BB and BCS for all these years, you had to have learned to be patient and trust that the writers know what they're doing.

The only thing I didn't get, was the 60-second stargazing scene. (the short time of it didn't make sense) Like I get that they don't want to drag the scene for too long and make the episode longer, but it didn't make sense that they did all that for to look at stars only for half a minute.

This episode might be slow, but it is in no way a filler -nor is it boring, because the show never was -, it moves the plot forward and has lots of characterization.
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It's the small things that make this episode decent.
Adam-0926517 May 2022
Better than last weeks but still a slow burner, a few more interesting moments in this episode between characters. A few nostalgic places coming into light just like we saw them in Breaking Bad.

We are almost at the mid season finale and things are starting to build up quite nicely. I may have detected a little foreshadowing in one of the episodes earlier scenes, it's interesting to think how this will play out for people like Kim. Lalo gains closer and closer, Sauls plan hits some snags and Howard's focus on Jimmy stays resilient. The arc of the series is starting to unfold.

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Puts the accent on the characters
tristan_1917 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Axe and Grind excels when it puts the focus on the characters. We get another Kimmy flashback, which is always welcomed, Mike gets a sweet and tender moment with Kaylee, and Francesca gets awesome development.

On the other hand, we feel the carrot hanging over our heads, but the show knows how to keep the suspense. It happens today ! Cliffhangers are experienced throughout. Kim drives back, and Lalo gets to one up Casper. Loved seeing the film crew again, as well as the Vet. We also see the Best Quality Vacuum card at Caldera's, which was an holy hell moment. The lab is also in the episode for a brief moment.

It's coming to a head. The pace is incredible and the episode came to an end really quickly. Excited to learn more about Lalo's plan, and Jimmy and Kim's. Next episode can't come quick enough.
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I feel like Season 6 Part 1 is more like establishing episodes and then we pay it off in Season 6 Part 2.
I absolutely loved the episode btw. A lot of people will compain about it how the show is slow (which isn't true) but it's important to establish something so that the pay off will seem reasonable and not rushed. Most of the TV shows suffer from being rushed and seriously If you want to check something fast paced check Game of thrones Season 8, where everything is fast paced but nothing makes sense.
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patience is a virtue
implicxt17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps i will come back and change my mind about this rating if the rest of the season ends up being disappointing, but i really enjoyed this episode and thought it was possibly the best from this season. I understand the complaints about this season being slow, and i would agree that some of the scenes have seemed unnecessary. However, the plot of this season is not one that can be rushed through. Both saul and kim's plan for howard and lalo's plan with gus cannot be shown over the course of a single episode. I expect, or at least hope, that the payoff will be well-worth the "slowness" of this season. It seems clear to me that the writers are building up to something very significant. I personally found this episode engaging and definitely enjoyed watching it, and i can't wait for the next one. This show has always been quite slow, especially in the earlier seasons. I also think that with most of us watching one episode a week as opposed to binging it, the "filler episodes" become a lot more noticeable (even though there really isn't filler in this show, every episode has some sort of significance to the overall plot).
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Great episode and the 'calm' before the storm
suleymn17 May 2022
Great debut directing episode by Giancarlo Esposito. Not much to say other than it's a really good episode with much to think about until next week when it's D-Day. I can feel that the end is near...
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Did you catch the Kim foreshadowing!?!?**biggest moment of episode**
dweiselberg17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers

Now as the series is drawing to a close we all know the big question everyone is asking, now that nacho is dead. What happens to kim??! Well its long been my theory that there will be no plausible way to kill kim off, The only explanation that will make sense is once things get so intense/bad with Lalo and Howard, Jimmy wont have a choice but to protect kim and give her a new life thru our old friend Ed the dissapearer. NOW HERE IS WHERE MY THEORY COMES TO LIGHT. In tonight's episode Jimmy and Kim are at the Vet's office and the Vet hands him his booklet of contacts underground contacts and kim DISTINCTLY flips the page BACKWARDS from the pages jimmy was flipping thru, and she pulls out YOU GUESSED IT, a best quality vacuum business card, she recites the name in the form of a question, stares at it for a moment, and then puts it back. There you have it folks, your answer to what will happen to kim has been foreshadowed tonight.
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Phenomenal episode again
ldedja17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the cold open to the excruciatingly painful cliffhanger, Better Call Saul remains as the best show on TV. I loved the way this episode was building up to something huge, with some amazing scenes from Lalo and heart-renching ones from Mike, this episode kept me on my toes throughout. I audibly shouted no at the end, but this has kept me wanting more.

I don't get the people saying this was filler or slow yet again, they clearly do not understand the point of this episode, and I thought it was easily one of the most edge of your seat and suspenseful episodes of the entire show. I audibly shouted NO at the end, but my anticipation is very high for the next episode, and I cannot wait for them to blow it out the park again.
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To all the people saying this is "filler"
bobbobaa17 May 2022
A lot of people seem to be misunderstanding this whole season, calling it all filler just because it's not what they was expecting from the final season.

Just a reminder to all of you, this is not Breaking Bad so why are people all of a sudden expecting the same crazy stuff we got from that show when Better Call Saul has never been that type of show.

Bob Odenkirk even said in a interview before this season started that it's gonna be more of a slower and character development based season rather than a lot of flashiness.

This constant filler talk has me thinking you people didn't even watch the 1st few seasons of this show and that you only started watching this season because it's getting closer to that Breaking Bad timeline.

I'd rather this show have a slower final season and it wraps up nicely over it being really crazy and the ending being a mess. It's definitely slow but filler absolutely not and it's still better than majority of shows out there so people need to stop complaining.
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i have a talk to some of you
alirezaemami-6950917 May 2022
I think some of you came to see the series just because of Walter and Jesse. If you started watching the series from season 6, I must say stop right now and do not hit the series any more and do not say filler. Drama for some of you means filler. I'm a fan of the Breaking Bad series. If you really can not stand this series, do not hit. The series grew from season to season, but the content of the drama did not change and remained stable.
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It's becoming a grind, as the title implied. Warning: Spoilers
We're all BCS fans, but let's be real here. The previous two episodes should have been one. If you'd missed them, what wouldn't you have known?

That Lalo is in Germany, looking for answers to what Gus is building.

Kim looks at a card from the vacuum cleaner repair guy, suggesting she is going to have to disappear at some point. Their great scheme is still in working progress, but because we know so little about their scheme, it just doesn't get you on the edge of your seat.

Let's be honest here, the last two episodes combined are 90 minutes long, and I could sum up what happened in 2 minutes. This is taking slow-burn to a whole new level. Losing a bit of intrest to be honest. And I think I am not alone.
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One of the weaker episodes this season, but still great!
lovemichaeljordan17 May 2022
This season has not delivered a single below great episode. This episode features great character development. Saul is getting closer to the Saul Goodman we knew in Breaking Bad and we get to see more personal and intimate moments with Kim and Mike. Those who say this is just a filler episode, what do you expect? We can't expect twists in every episode. This is a great episode with great character- and worldbuilding.
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Why stretch this show like bubblegum?
tahatayyab17 May 2022
Last three shows are dry and seems to be drifting away from the real Better Call Saul theme. And, end Howard revenge BS. This is season 6, so if the director is still trying to develop the characters, I don't know how effective it is. I was expecting this season to be fast paced and crisp, not this boring long, nonsense.

I just hope they don't ruin this show like Ozark, Dexter.
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Another boring episode
MehmetAnimatedLover17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, watching this show since ep 1 and a big fan of bcs and also bb universe. And I'm totally okay with filler episodes at all. But back-to-back 3 filler episodes?

I'm not really interested in Howard-Saul-Kim story to be honest, not exciting, not interesting, not tense. I mean that boxing ring, what was that seriously?

First 3 episodes of this season were impecable and last 3 episodes were like.. meh. I felt like nothing really happened in last 3 episodes except Lalo's part.

Also I don't really understand why we don't much more of Lalo/Tony Dalton? He's a great actor, character and the show just gives a little bit of him.

Even Chuck story was a lot entertaining for whole damn 3 seasons.
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To the people who are complaining about people "rating before watching...'
rolandkruse16 May 2022
AMC+ is a thing. It releases at around midnight that Monday morning on AMC+ so people can watch it before it airs on TV. I don't know about other TV stations, but mine doesn't have AMC on it so I'm forced to watch this show on AMC+. But I loved the episode and I actually watched it so that's why I'm rating it.
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This is how Better Call Saul works, a game of patience.
caballero-1918 May 2022
Yes, once again more than ever, I'm concerned by Kim Wexler's fate. I love how the writers don't make Jimmy (their protagonist), the protagonist in this episode, unlike Jimmy, when Kim does her cons, there is a side of her screaming: STOP, but she doesn't stop because her excuse is - as we saw in this new flashback - her disappointment of the real world and the people she loves.

The whole episode smells bad to me, I smell tragedy, we don't even know how exactly this plan against Howard will turn out, but knowing how the series is I'm pretty sure we'll have a Chicanery's twin brother very, very soon. I could wait for another couple of episodes about Saul and Kim building their plan, because I know the result will be something unforgettable.

Also, that scene when Mike is helping his grandchild to find the stars, c'mon, I wouldn't change that for anything, when the show feels real and touching, that is probably one of my favorite Mike's scenes ever.
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odderr18 May 2022
First of all you can't call it slow..cz the whole show is from the start is about detailing and depth and building story/characters

How did you even get here if you are not liking this pace?

Stop expecting a breaking bad drama in every episode if you felt boring, then you really didn't invest in characters such as saul, kim, mike, gus and the story.

This 1st half of the season just makes it more curious and nervous about the 2nd half.

Just have patience and enjoy the beautiful world that vince and peter created.
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Good episode.
mahshidrose17 May 2022
Its crime drama series. Its has to be slow its not f*kin money heist or prison break.rating below 8 is not make any sense.the drama of the series is very strong and i do not recommend it for those who say that they are bored. Perfect acting. Filming is stunning. What do you really expect from a crime drama series? Just enjoy. Also i think the criminal and emotional part will be added in the second part of season and it will be shocking like ep3.we shall see.
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Just Wow.
matp-4760017 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is such a rollercoaster of emotion and this episode was a perfect example of that. Great scenes all round for all the main characters (minus Gus, who doesn't appear this episode).

Seeing Mike have such a wholesome moment with his family nearly brought me to tears knowing what happens to him eventually in BB. We also got some more of Howard's perspective and meet who I assume Is his wife and his home situation and her cold attitude towards him made me feel more sympathetic towards him.

This was Jimmy and Kim's episode though and despite not knowing much at all about their latest scheme I was panicking the whole way through over whether it would work and the vibe the ending gives off is not a good one. I am genuinely terrified of what will happen in the mid-season finale now and I can't wait to see it.

My prediction for Kim this season is that her career will somehow be ruined. Whether or not she dies or has to disappear (there was a little easter egg where she discovers Mr Vacuum-cleaner man), I'm calling it - her career is definitely going to be ruined and it will be heartbreaking to see.

Overall, I'm just amazed at how this show can make me feel so many emotions over the course of 45-odd minutes. This season has really been something special and I've enjoyed every second of it.
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Slow, but smart
jaredc-2423117 May 2022
Like Breaking Bad, Vince and Gould hold us out, paining to watch the next one. With high-brass, sometimes too eventuated sequences and compilations of writers / filmmakers getting too hard on their ideas. Overall, I do agree the show is moving too slow for where it is in the story. But I hope what it builds to is worth it.

Can't wait for tomorrow.
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Better Call Saul's Still One of the Finest Shows Out
TheMelancholySpirit17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
However, these last couple episodes aren't the best. Sure, slow-build works, it is slow-burn crime drama, and it does it well. I feel the last episode and this are taking it too far, though. There's a few things starting to irritate, the whole romance and beyond dynamic of Kim and Saul, I'm over it. We get it already. The stuff with Howard is somewhere between meh and really boring. The Lalo, Gus and Mike stuff is still the best thing going on. The tension isn't just as high, the camera work and colour palette to this show is toned down a little as well. It doesn't look quite as good. I don't know, if anything it's probably still the best ongoing series, and there's much to like. It's just a bit tiresome given the last three episodes have been no more than decent or a bit above average. Episodes 1-3 were excellent and gripping. Side note: fanboys stop rating this a 10/10 when you clearly either haven't seen it or you're just deluding yourselves in thinking these are all consecutive 10/10s. Another, some of you guys have to stop being a tad ignorant with your blatant spoilers in the title of your reviews, seen this a half dozen times over the last five episodes spread out.

Anyway, an okay episode, I'd give it, like, 5.9/10 (rounded to 6) and the last one was a 5.6/10, episode 4 was a 6/10, but those first three episodes were all 9 and 10/10 and they had your mix of slow burn and fast paced tension, doing it excellent and elegantly. To be clear, the fifth season is still the best but I do have hopes that in this final season, by its conclusion it will be the best of the six. Still have lots of love and appreciation for this fantastic show. And the scenes that show Lalo in this one, while brief, were brutal and tense and dark - the axe scene was just teeth grinding - pure chaos. And the black book scene with the veterinarian was also good. The guy who knows a guy and so on. The heartfelt scene on the phone with Mike and his granddaughter was also sweet and shows us, well, reminds us why we root for Mike. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week's episode. Here's hoping we get another Rock and Hard Place one next week before it goes off air until July.
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Laser focus ...
bosporan17 May 2022
The gradual build up to Jimmy's damascene Saul conversion continues, as his practice continues to attract unsavoury types. He seems ambivalent on Howard's entrapment, but Kim is rabidly determined and we get to see the parental foundation to her attitude. Lalo continues his Gus revenge quest.

A slow moving episode with not a lot of progress, yet laying necessary groundwork.
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Much better episode!
dominicv-4192517 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Big step up from last episode, you can feel the tension building up. Love that they're showing the start of Saul's office, looks so nice but we know how that turns out. Just great writing this episode all around. I think the mid season finale has something good in store!
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Lalo the invincible terminator
ben_jarmin_417 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My axe to grind is how poor the writing for Lalo has been this season. Turns up in Germany out of no where, tracks down Sarah Connor from what i presume to be a phonebook, can take an axe crack to the ribs and still win a fight. We have all turned up at peoples houses looking for information and immediately pulled a gun...right? I think the writers put that in there because they cant think smarter than a 14 year old twilight fan writing their blog post fan fic. The whole "im a merciless killer who just can't be stopped" has been killed to death over the years. No tension at all.

Here's a tell sign that the writing is poor, he puts a razor blade behind the card. Think about it logically, either he's just chilling with an open razor blade in his pocket that can easily cut him and his clothing for no reason, or the writers went "oh, and then, after getting hit by an axe, he puts a razor blade behind the card" and no one, not one person in the room asked "why is he carrying a razor blade? What is the logic? Did he know the axe man would beat him with an axe and would need it?" It's trash guys, anyone who thinks that was a good bit of writing probably rates twilight 10/10 big time.
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Howard plot doesn't deserve it's place
saishivaganesan19 May 2022
As we move into the finale episodes of BCS, the go-after Howard plot feels so out of place and takes too much screentime. They could've just handled that in one of the mid seasons.
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