"Breaking Bad" Negro y Azul (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Negro Y Azul (#2.7)
ComedyFan201026 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After what he witnessed Jesse is laying at home, trying to get over what he witnessed. Walt finds out that the rumor on the street is that Jesse is the one who killed that junkie and wants to use it to take over other territories in town. Sylar finds a job and Han deals with some intense situations at his.

Wonder what happened between Sylar and her boss, there must be more to it than said. Why would anyone hire someone who is pregnant and didn't work for 4 years for a decent job? Not that I care too much, it is not my most favorite storyline I liked the scene when Walt came over, his lie about being Jesse's father, reaction to "Jesse Jackson" and busting Jesse's mood up with the blow fish talk.

And the most intense moment is the Tortuga incident. Especially the aftermath of the explosion. Great scene.
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Really a Hank Centered Episode and that's a good thing
I_hatenazis7 October 2013
They advance the story line of Walter and Jesse but I really see this as a Hank centered episode because he has the really intense and stressful moments that would normally be associated with Walter and Jesse. In his re-assignment, he is considered someone who was appointed for political reasons. The border agents deride him because he does not speak Spanish and they even talk about him in Spanish behind his back. In this episode I felt bad for Hank because he really is a quality agent who was being unfairly abused. This episode had a very dark ending that showed his humble good intentions that made you like him even more.
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Breaking Big
Hitchcoc1 May 2018
Hank is focused on here. He has a new job, with more status but much more danger. In one of the most amazing five minutes in television history, he spots a very strange tortoise. Skylar gets a job with a guy who obviously has some other things in mind down the road. Walter decides to get Jesse to take advantage of his newfound reputation as a vicious killer (not earned at all). He wants Jesse to expand the operation and create new territories. Recklessness abounds. He also believes he can up the price of his product. There are so many irons in the fire right now that a slip up could really prove disastrous.
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Great episode...
Red_Identity19 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet again another great episode of Breaking Bad. We are seeing more of Jesse and his distractions and life. This is a transcending episode, where we are just seeing the characters' lives develop. Skyler also gets a new job, but how will this affect the family? I can only imagine that Walt will try and talk her out of it. Also, there are some great scenes with Hank and his final scene of the episode is shocking and magnificent. One has to remember that the drug life really is like this, and his character has come full-circle and has blended in with the rest of the characters in the show nicely. Let's just see what happen sin the future episodes.
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What does a Blowfish do?
and_mikkelsen27 March 2023
This was yet another great episode and a great way to continue off from last episode! Jesse's way of coping with what happened in the previous episode is once again a great way of showing just what kind of person he really is and how he is different from Walt! Their conversation about a blowfish remains memorable to me and shows us their relationship!

This episode slso centers around Hank after he took a bit of a back seat in the latest couple of episodes! The episode puts him in situations he is not familiar with and that shows us who he is on the inside! The scene in the dessert was intense and is the best of the episode!

The song in the beginning of the episode was great as well!
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Another Great Episode!
g-bodyl11 May 2014
The seventh episode in the second season of Breaking Bad once again, is another fine episode. Each episode I've seen so far amazes me on how they keep getting it right. Each episode has some genius, creative moments like in this episode. There is a well-known guest star in Danny Trejo and he does a great job. But one of the biggest shockers of the show involves him and a tortoise. The stakes are getting higher and the plot is getting more intense.

In this episode, "Negro Y Azul," Jesse has a reputation because of what happened the previous episode, so Walt decides to use that for their advantage. Skylar decides to get a job so she can help pay off Walt's treatment. Meanwhile, Hank feels out of place with his new promotion and will soon realize that he will get more than he bargained for.

Overall, just another fantastic episode. It's more action-packed and there are many things going on at once, so it was really hard to be bored. It helps that this episode opens on an enjoyable tune by a mariachi band. This is another fabulous episode. I rate this episode 9/10.
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Hank and Skyler begin new jobs as Jesse turns the traumatic events of 'Peekaboo' to his advantage
RicinBeans9422 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Dude's wife crushed his head with an ATM machine."

'Negro y Azul' features one of the most bizarre, yet brilliant openings the show ever did, as a Mexican band sing a song about the drug boss Heisenberg and how he's 'already dead'. After that, we follow Hank to El Paso, where he really struggles to fit in, but eventually becomes very important when things go bad. We also see Skyler return to work for a man named Ted Beneke (Christopher Cousins), where she worked four years previously, and we get to see how the ATM incident means Jesse has a reputation for violence now.

Of course, with the almost legendary reputation that Walt, or Heisenberg, now has, the pair of them make for quite a partnership. Jesse ends the episode by showing Jane his new TV, as she holds his hand. It's a nice moment for Jesse - Jane seems like she would be good for him.

Hank, on the other hand, doesn't get a nice moment here. Things go from bad to worse as at first, he isn't particularly liked by his colleagues, then Tortuga (Danny Trejo) makes fun of him, before he spots Tortuga's severed head on a tortoise and has a panic attack. Then, to top things off, the tortoise explodes and Hank is a hero - fastening a belt around what remains of his colleague's leg. Hank was already struggling after the death of Tuco, so it's likely that this will make him feel worse.

I write this almost every time I do a review, but this was another great episode.

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Moving up in the world
Tweekums7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After what happened in the previous episode Jesse can't face the world; what he doesn't know is that everybody thinks he killed the man with the ATM; this is rumour Walt is happy to encourage; after all who is going to mess with a man who crushed another man's skull? Walt doesn't just see it as a way of solidifying their hold of their turf; he thinks it gives them the opportunity they need to take control of the methamphetamine supply for the whole of the city of Albuquerque and employ another layer of dealers. Hank as now started working in El Paso; it may have been a promotion but he has moved from being a big fish in a small pond to being a small fish in a big pond; the locals aren't impressed with his lack of Spanish either; something they consider essential given the cross border nature of their work. It isn't long before he learns that life on the border is more dangerous that that which he was used to. It isn't just the boys that are moving up in the world; Skyler returns to the job she had a few years previously; she will be working for the same boss that made improper advances to her; she is convinced that was just a one off though... although his behaviour suggests otherwise.

This was another great episode; I loved the surreal opening where a trio of mariachis sang of 'Heisenberg's' growing reputation and likely fate! I liked how we see that Walt sees every problem and opportunity; for him expanding and increasing his profits is all that matters; we also see how he has changed as a teacher; a pupil who tries to talk him into giving him a pass when he was a couple of marks short receives short shrift. It was interesting to see Hank's reaction to his move to El Paso as he gradually realises he isn't the big man any more; he continues to be one of my favourite characters; Dean Norris is great in the role. It isn't all business though; it was nice to see Jesse growing close to his attractive landlady Jane; no doubt their relationship will develop over upcoming episodes.
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The most iconic intro of the show and great story progression!
paullwetzel22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the intro is hilarious as much as it is frightening! Seeing it for the first time was so unexpected and out of the frame, but it really got a good laugh out of me! However, it shows that Tuco's cousins are aware about Heisenberg being involved in his death and they now want him off the streets.

Walt is however blissfully unaware of that at the moment as he tries to increase his meth sales by framing Jesse as a murderous drug lord with everyone believing that he crushed a customer's head with an ATM machine.

Meanwhile, Hank is out with the DEA, who find the severed head of criminal "La Tortuga" on a tortoise. Upon further inspection, the tortoise explodes, killing a lot of hanks comrades.

Hank is forced to maintain his cheeky character upon return to the DEA to uphold his status, while at the same time his humanity comes to shine.
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Modelo Negra anyone?
Trey_Trebuchet5 February 2023
I've grown to like this one the more I let it sit with me.

I'm starting to really like Hank. He's quite funny, but he's starting to feel like more than a one-dimensional character in this season. Everything involving El Paso just felt very uncomfortable. His own discomfort is felt. That was legitimately shocking and horrifying...

The Skyler storyline kind of has me figuring out where her relationship with Walter may be heading soon, and I'm not sure I like it. I just feel so bad for her, so it's good to see something kind of nice happen to her.

Jesse's plot was also pretty interesting.

Another solid episode in what is so far a very solid season.
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Memorable (2x7) "Negro y Azul"
TrueRanKings29 April 2023
"Negro y Azul" is the seventh episode of Breaking Bad's second season, and it stands out as one of the series' most memorable and intense episodes. The episode follows the aftermath of Jesse's drug-dealing exploits, which have turned him into a local legend known as "Cap'n Cook." But when Jesse crosses paths with a dangerous cartel, he and Walt find themselves in grave danger. The episode is marked by incredible tension, stunning cinematography, and standout performances from Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston. "Negro y Azul" is a standout episode that solidifies Breaking Bad's place as one of the greatest TV dramas of all time.

Turtle scene is just unbeatable in every single way possible, fantastic storytelling and character development based episode!
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Really strong
Leofwine_draca30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A really strong episode once again. I did enjoy seeing Hank as a sympathetic fish out of water character and his sub-plot was greatly enhanced by Danny Trejo's enjoyable cameo. Jesse doesn't get beaten up for a change, but his new reputation is handled in some very funny scenes, and Walter is the usual reliable presence.
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Turtle's abound
tenshi_ippikiookami25 January 2016
Walter is having a blast with his Risk game, and decides, after one or two cheap victories against not very smart drug lords that is time to expand his business. Jesse's "cold blooded killing" of the drug addict that stole some of their product is just the perfect rumor to use to this effect.

"Breaking Bad" keeps with Walter's progress to kingpin, with everyone tagging along. It's just barely interesting, but not much more, as the show has too many weak links. Case in point: In this episode we have the evolution of Jesse's relationship with his landlord Jane and Skyler's return to work (which cries of a plot development that shouldn't happen but will). "Breaking Bad" is not bad, but the package is just OK and the plot barely above average.

On a side note, Hank's side story as a DEA with a Danny Trejo's cameo is interesting (and funny enough).
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Unnecessary scene!
eliz-1307722 January 2021
I just don't get how that Spanish music could make this episode better. So cheesy and BORINBG
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Nobody Messes With A Blowfish!
JasonDanielBaker5 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Meth cook/drug kingpin/high school science teacher Walter (Bryant Cranston) AKA Heisenberg, back in class teaching again as we catch up on the narrative has had no contact from Jesse (), his trafficker/underboss/former student for several days. The two had argued yet again after Walter had uncharacteristically given Jesse a gun and told him to "take care of it" in relation to the matter of one of their dealers getting robbed in an exchange gone wrong.

Confronting Jesse at his new apartment Walter is handed the missing money from the deal as well an added $3600 which came from Jesse's attempt to "take care of it" in the previous episode. Jesse's showdown with emaciated methheads at their dilapidated house resulted in the bizarre event of one of them having his head crushed like a watermelon by his wife, whom he had referred to as a "skank" a few times too often.

The improbable weapon was a stolen ATM machine the couple had liberated from a convenience store after slitting the throat of the proprietor. Jesse, knocked unconscious by the wife in a moment of distraction could only watch as she murdered her husband.

Jesse, whose habit of falling upwards has been his trademark after a streak of bad luck had the presence of mind to snatch the money from the stolen ATM retrieving the lost investment as well as a surprise dividend. Walter is initially disappointed yet again in Jesse's failings as pusher/enforcer and naturally aghast at the brutal events arising from the house confrontation with the methheads.

When he notices the reaction on the street to the events related to him by Jesse's crew of dealers Walter is pleasantly surprised. Jesse is now legend having evidently displaced maniac former associate Tuco (from whom Walter and Jesse narrowly escaped death) then wasting a methhead by crushing his skull with a stolen ATM acquired in a brutal convenience store heist. Scrawny slacker Jesse is considered more lethal, mean and warped than Tuco.

The trail of blood created merely by their own survival in a violent subculture has created carved out street cred not only as purveyors of particularly potent and pure meth shards and enforcers of swift, certain and severe reprisal when it comes to getting burned on deals. Walter looks to capitalize on all this by expanding the operation into different territories currently occupied by other meth pushers.

Exposing Walter's actions to scrutiny is revealing. His actions have involved him in mass murder committed by others but on the level of a kind of tourist. Nevertheless he is successful and likens Jesse's presence on the street as enforcer to that of a blowfish in that it can inflate itself to ward off predators.

Midway through the second season one notes the distance Walt's arc has gone - from superior-minded yet meek science teacher working part-time at a carwash to unlikely brutal drug-lord ordering his underboss to "take care of it" resulting in bloody circumstances is a long reach. His inadequacies, his DEA agent brother-in-law and the tumultuous nature of the trade mean that it will have come to an end sometime.

But his luck and ingenuity are taking him a long way. Much longer than they logically should.
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Rewatch, 9.05/10
dcdude-269881 September 2023
This is definitely such an underrated and enjoyable episode of breaking bad, maybe even television. I wondered to myself one time if any of these episodes would ever get a higher rating on this app, because some of these are just incredibly put in. Anyways, my favorite characters in this episode were Walter, Jesse, and Hank. My favorite things about this episode were the storyline, the pacing, and the Protagonist. Overall, this is one of the most underrated, entertaining, and well-written episodes you could watch in this series. This was just an incredible episode. Best Episode of the second season? No, not really? Very good? Absolutely.
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Bussines is good yo,Succes with big S
firmanfmn15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Bussines is thriving,Pinkman and the boys up to scale up,exponential growth. While Schradder got going on in his new Job in New mexico.Skyler is back to work its nice to see our pregnant mom got active beside paranoid with his Husband doing all the time ,keep busy yo.
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S2.E7 - The Turtle [9/10]
panagiotis19938 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(S2. E7) My Live Reaction / Review for Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 7 ''Negro y Azul''. The previous episode was good and I gave it a rating of 8/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. The mexican song about Heisenberg was pretty fun. People now think that Jesse crushed this dude's head with the ATM machine? That's misinformation. Jesse seems to like this girl who lives next to him. They cut off this guy's head and put it on a turtle? That's pretty hardcore. The guy who was making fun of Hank got hit by the explosion? That is so satisfying. Jesse and Walter now want more dealers? That could be pretty dangerous. The episode ends with Jesse and Jane holding hands? That's so cute. Overall this episode was good and I enjoyed it. Good performances by the actors and intriguing plot. My rating is 9/10.
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Some old jobs and a new girl
bellino-angelo201420 November 2023
After Spooge's death in the previous episode Jesse Pinkman has became untraceable so Walter White goes to his home and finds out that Jesse is still shell-shocked for Spooge's death and after explaining in details what happened Walt decides to replace Jesse for a while: first he meets with Badger, Skinny and Combo for giving him some drugs but without knowing it, Jesse is feared and respected because he is thought to have killed Spooge himself. Skyler decides to find a new job and after discussing with Ted Beneke he offers her the same job from before as an accountant. And, Hank starts working in El Paso for an operation against a Mexican cartel first going to talk with informer Tortuga (Danny Trejo), but when Hank should meet Tortuga again the informer has been be-headed and his head placed on a tortoise that after a walk is blown up, hurting three of Hank's colleagues. Jesse has befriended a girl named Jane and after revealing that Walt is not his real dad they wait at home that the TV starts working.

It was nice seeing Skylar returning to work in her old place and Danny Trejo's character was a nice adding, too bad that they had to blow him up (I hope that no real tortoises were used for this). What Jesse would do with his girlfriend, it's something we'll see in the next episodes.
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Expansion and promotion
TheLittleSongbird4 June 2018
'Breaking Bad' is one of the most popular rated shows on IMDb, is one of those rarities where every season has either been very positively received or near-universally acclaimed critically and where all of my friends have said nothing but great things about.

Very few shows in recent memory had me so hooked from the very start that before the week was over the whole show had been watched, especially when for a lot of shows now airing watching one episode all the way through can be an endeavour. 'Breaking Bad' had that effect on me, and its reputation as one of the best, consistently brilliant and most addictive shows in many years (maybe even ever) is more than deserved in my eyes. Its weakest season is perhaps the first season, understandable as any show's first season is the one where things are still settling.

Actually everything is established remarkably from the very start, but once the writing and characterisation becomes even meatier the show reaches even higher levels.

Yet another brilliant episode of a consistently great season, one of the season's best. Really loved the character writing and storyline for Hank.

Visually, the episode is both stylish and beautiful, with photography and editing that are cinematic quality and put a lot of films today to shame, where there are a lot of visually beautiful ones but also some painfully amateurish looking ones. The music always has the appropriate mood, never too intrusive, never too muted.

The writing is a fine example of how to have a lot of style but also to have a lot of substance. The dialogue throughout is thought-provoking and tense, while also have a darkly wicked sense of humour, nail-biting tension and heart-tugging pathos. The story, on top of being one of the show's most tense up to this point, is texturally rich, intimate, tense and layered, with the pace of it consistently deliberate but taut.

Can't say anything bad about the acting. Bryan Cranston is phenomenal as one of the most fascinating anti-heroes, or even of any kind of character, in either film or television. Aaron Paul has never been better and Anna Gunn is affecting. The characters are compelling in their realism. Dean Norris is also wonderful.

Overall, brilliant. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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zhyarTheChosen2 July 2020
This show is kinda going down but I don't know maybe there will be a point twist
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Max your life...
lachezarmatneshliev9 September 2024
Plenty of horror series are willing for Gus Fring settle for making audiences jump. White is more ambitious by far: Jesse makes sure viewers are emotionally committed even when they won't Albuquerque plastic box for methamphetamines full with cash! We go to be scared and then laugh, scared and then laugh, scared and then shocked. Of course, there's almost always a little plot left over for a sequel. It's a ride I'd take again. The midnight sky is the road I'm takin' head high up in the clouds forever young Jesse is born to run, he don't belong to anyone! Haunting and extremely atmospheric, Breaking Bad is a horror series imbued with an unsettling and affecting power..!?
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The Spanish Music Video Was Horrible
TheFearmakers15 October 2019
The Spanish band music video was really awful. This is a show that has very few Shark Jump moments but ten great whites leapt over the moon here. The rest of the episode, of course, is great, as is the entire show. But the video was horrible.
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Strong episode with memorable moments
snoozejonc30 May 2024
This is a strong episode that lays the foundations well for things to come and has some defining character moments.

A consistent theme throughout is deception between individuals and it is expressed wonderfully by the plot and character interactions.

I think the focus on Hank is the most interesting aspect. The concept of him being in this type of situation, when his emotional state has previously been revealed, is very intriguing. There is a good dose of irony from the writers in how the subplot ends for him, not to mention crazily sadistic visual storytelling.

The first time I watched Breaking Bad (many years ago) I remember the above generated a sense of foreboding with regards to Walt and Jesse's character arcs. You cannot help but wonder what will happen when their paths cross with drug cartel villains.

The scenes involving the two leads characters sew good seeds for what is to come this season and later in the overarching narrative. I like the dynamic between them having more layers than the exploitation and abuse shown previously. It is hard not to laugh at certain moments of characters getting carried away with ambition.

Visually it is awesome as always. The actors, camera, and editing tell the story perfectly in various ways be it tender or brutal.

For me it's an 8.5/10, but I round upwards.
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