Dark Cycle (2021) Poster


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The themes exploredin dark cycle are complex and layered
mosoci-134153 May 2023
Dark Cycle is a rare gem in the world of cinema, a movie that is both entertaining and thought-provoking." "The writing in Dark Cycle is top-notch, with sharp dialogue and a story that keeps you engaged from start to finish." "Dark Cycle is a movie that will stay with you long after you've finished watching it. It's a true cinematic experience." "The themes explored in Dark Cycle are complex and layered, making for a movie that is both entertaining and intellectually stimulating." "Dark Cycle is a movie that rewards repeat viewings, with hidden details and clues that be. The direction in Dark Cycle is masterful, with each scene expertly crafted to build tension and suspense.
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Not funny and not clever
tomdenton-732542 October 2023
I'm confused. This film has lots of 10/10 ratings, which is why I rented it. Cleary low budget but I don't hold that against it. However, it is at best exceedingly average. One review suggests amazing soundtrack. To me the sound is poor and music almost nonexistent. Competent acting and a slightly intriguing story but I didn't find any of it funny. I wonder if all the reviewers worked on the film... Very disappointing. I think there is some error in the IMDb system that allowed this film to score so highly without any checks. Ninety minutes of my life that I will never get back. The only reason we finished watching was so I could write an honest review.
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Philosophical content
soweya-679384 May 2023
The chemistry between the leads in "Dark Cycle" was electric - their dynamic was a highlight of the film.

The pacing of "Dark Cycle" was tight and relentless - I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie.

I appreciated the way "Dark Cycle" tackled complex philosophical concepts without becoming too heavy-handed or preachy.

The attention to detail in "Dark Cycle" was impressive - everything from the costumes to the props felt thoughtfully designed.

"Dark Cycle" is a film that demands your full attention - it's not a movie you can check your phone during.

The ending of "Dark Cycle" was satisfying and earned - it didn't feel like a cheap twist, but rather a logical conclusion to the story.

I was impressed by the way "Dark Cycle" incorporated elements of horror without becoming too over-the-top or gory.

"Dark Cycle" is a movie that rewards patience - it's not a film that lays all its cards on the table at once, but rather builds to a satisfying climax.
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Tedious, badly acted - puffed here
fustbariclation18 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Notice there are no external reviews.

There are only manufactured puff reviews.

The acting is stiff and bad.

The plot is trite and obvious.

The cinematography is flat and boring.

There's no sign of any flair or imagination.

It is annoying to see the, obviously artificial puff reviews - IMDB should do something about them, so as not to be discredited as a source of useful reviews.

Please remove the silly, untruthful reviews.

The costumes, too, are lacking any flair or imagination. Why would anyone fund such an obviously terrible idea, and use such bad actors? Was it, perhaps just a money-laundering exercise?
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doter-083884 May 2023
Dark Cycle is a harrowing journey that is well worth taking." "The cinematography in this movie is absolutely breathtaking." "The pacing in Dark Cycle is spot-on - it never feels rushed or slow." "A deeply emotional film that explores the depths of human despair." "This movie is a true masterpiece - one that deserves to be watched over and over again." "The score in Dark Cycle perfectly complements the film's eerie atmosphere." "If you're a fan of complex, multi-layered storytelling, you'll love Dark Cycle."The themes explored in this movie are universal and deeply resonant." "Dark Cycle is a tour de force of suspense and tension." "The attention to detail in every aspect of this film is truly impressive." "A cinematic triumph that will leave you breathless."
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At best 2 stars
johnathanwood-8998124 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
10 minutes In I had to research how this had an 8.8 score. 20 minutes gave up.

Majority of acting is very wooden.

Cinematography is nauseous.

Vfx are hilarious, similar to tik tok or free apple / android app.

Think cast / family and friends must have given anything over 4 stars.

Can't comment on actual plot as could not endure any more. The back story/infill was extremely suited to the acting. I would say the audio was OK but the effects and music was on a par with the vfx. No microphone headbutting sadly as would have given a reason to keep watching.

Seriously this film has definitely been upvoted and clearly is not anything close to the ratings it is currently showing.
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abdulkareemfaruq6 April 2023
This is one of those rare movies that manages to be both entertaining and thought-provoking. I highly recommend it.

"Dark Cycle" is a thrilling ride from start to finish. The twists and turns in the plot will keep you guessing until the very end.

The performances in this movie are outstanding. The actors bring their characters to life in a way that makes you care about what happens to them.

The cinematography in "Dark Cycle" is stunning. The visuals are striking and really help to immerse you in the story.

This is one of the most intense and suspenseful movies I've seen in a long time. It's a real nail-biter.
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Don't Bother Watching
garrybarr10 October 2023
Pointless, boring 'd' rated film! Pathetic story line that fails to deliver any interest or intrigue. I can only conclude that most of the reviews on this page were submitted by the Producers/ Directors of the film, as it really is utter dross! I had read that the soundtrack was 'amazing'. This is not the case, the soundtrack is almost non existent. Also the sound quality is very poor, with some of the dialogue being too quiet to hear at times. I would rate the film as one of the 10 worst I have ever seen and can only recommend that you pass this one by and spend the evening watching paint dry for better entertainment!
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hicim-268524 May 2023
With each actor bringing depth and nuance to their roles.

The world-building in "Dark Cycle" is expansive and imaginative, creating a fully realized universe that feels both unique and believable.

"Dark Cycle" is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, taking you from heart-pounding action to poignant moments of reflection.

The attention to detail in "Dark Cycle" is impressive, creating a film that feels meticulously crafted and thought-out.

Overall, "Dark Cycle" is a must-see film that delivers on every level, from its stunning visuals to its compelling story and characters. Dark Cycle" is a must-see film that delivers on every level, from its stunning visuals to its compelling story and characters.
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Could have been great but fails.
mail-521366 November 2023
Promising idea and could have been great. Obviously a low budget film, with inconsistent sound levels and very dodgy effects. However this, in itself, would not warrent a low rating. I enjoy watching low budget films which are so bad that they become good, but this isn't one of them.

The low rating is because the plot is incomprehensible with no clear story line. It was intriging but it ends with a 'to be continued' message so there is no pay off at the end to justify spending 90 minutes watching this film. A complete 'raised finger' to the viewer.

Finally a comment about the 10/10 reviews, as other reviews state they must be fake. Most of them repeat the same statements and have no relationship to the film I saw. Do not heed these reviews.
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Woeful offering
roxmewild8 November 2023
I am half way through this Badly written horrendously acted load of Garbage but am persevering just so I can give a hundred percent honest review!

I have not heard of the writer whom also directed this movie and I think maybe it is due to either his newness to both or that he is just a dreadful writer as the story is quite pathetic and is only bested by the truly awful acting that suggests the cast is also are fresh to acting . If this was a college students first script and he got his college mates to act in it you maybe give him some leeway ! Describing this tipsy turvy story as Sci Fi is laughable just because it supposedly has aliens featured in the nonsensical offering!

My advice skip this movie unless you want to cringe for 80 mins The writer needs to keep going to classes as do the actors neither are at a level for an audience yet! My rating 1 star for effort on a D.
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ecommercexpert6 April 2023
The score is haunting and beautiful, perfectly complementing the visuals and adding to the overall atmosphere of the film.

The script is sharp and witty, with dialogue that crackles and pops with energy.

The characters are fully realized and three-dimensional, with each one having their own unique backstory and motivations.

The movie is a bold and daring work of art that is not afraid to take risks and push the envelope.

The directing is masterful, with the filmmaker displaying a keen eye for detail and an ability to elicit powerful performances from the actors.

The movie is a true cinematic achievement, deserving of all the accolades it has received.

"Dark Cycle" is a movie that will stay with you long after you've left the theater, haunting you with its thought-provoking themes and powerful emotions.
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I Feel My Life Force Was Sucked Away...
icocleric6 November 2023
I feel like I was tricked into watching this film with it's high rating. The synopsis looked promising too. When I saw the obvious poor production value from the start, I was like well maybe it does something clever with the story... I was wrong. Save yourself. It's not even the fun kind of bad. It's just bad.

The story was an incoherent hot mess, and it also just ends, with a "to be continued..." I was left feeling, what the hell did I just watch? Not much actually happens, that isn't covered by the synopsis, and honestly the acting is just awful.

It uses a lot of the bad special effects too, so it just looks a hot mess.
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pilotdigital6 April 2023
If you're tired of formulaic Hollywood blockbusters, then Dark Cycle is the refreshing change of pace you've been looking for."

"The performances in Dark Cycle are truly remarkable, with each actor delivering a tour de force performance."

"Dark Cycle is a movie that will stick with you long after the credits roll. It's a film that demands repeat viewings."

"The visual effects in Dark Cycle are stunning, making for a truly immersive cinematic experience."

"This is a film that will challenge your preconceived notions of what a thriller can be. Dark Cycle is a must-watch."

"If you're looking for a film that will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you breathless, then Dark Cycle is the movie for you."
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Thoughtfully designed
falsonwalker30 April 2023
The attention to detail in "Dark Cycle" was impressive - everything from the costumes to the props felt thoughtfully designed.

"Dark Cycle" is a film that demands your full attention - it's not a movie you can check your phone during.

The ending of "Dark Cycle" was satisfying and earned - it didn't feel like a cheap twist, but rather a logical conclusion to the story.

I was impressed by the way "Dark Cycle" incorporated elements of horror without becoming too over-the-top or gory.

"Dark Cycle" is a movie that rewards patience - it's not a film that lays all its cards on the table at once, but rather builds to a satisfying climax.
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Top notch
bahiwor3 May 2023
Dark Cycle is a thrilling ride from start to finish with an ending that will leave you on the edge of your seat." "The acting in Dark Cycle is top-notch, with each actor delivering a powerful performance that truly brings the story to life." "Dark Cycle is a masterclass in suspense and tension, with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end." "The cinematography in Dark Cycle is stunning, with each shot beautifully crafted and perfectly capturing the mood of the film." "Dark Cycle is a must-see for anyone who loves a good mystery. The story is intricate and well-paced, and the characters are fully realized and complex."
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abdulkareemf-973706 April 2023
The pacing of this movie is spot-on. It's a slow burn that builds to an explosive finale, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

The score for "Dark Cycle" is haunting and beautiful. It really sets the tone for the movie and adds to the overall atmosphere.

This is a movie that doesn't pull any punches. It's raw, visceral, and unflinching in its portrayal of a society on the brink of collapse.

The world-building in this movie is fantastic. The attention to detail is impressive, and it really helps to immerse you in the story.

The themes of "Dark Cycle" are so timely and relevant. It's a cautionary tale that we should all take to heart.

The performances in this movie are simply outstanding. The actors really bring their characters to life and make you care about their journey.
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enticingdigital6 April 2023
Dark Cycle is a hauntingly beautiful film that will leave you with chills."

"The writing in Dark Cycle is brilliant, weaving together a complex plot with ease."

"This is one of the most original and creative films I've seen in a long time. Dark Cycle is a must-watch."

"The soundtrack for Dark Cycle is absolutely fantastic, perfectly complementing the mood and tone of the film."

"Dark Cycle is a film that will keep you guessing until the very end. The twists and turns will leave you stunned."

"The direction of Dark Cycle is masterful, with each shot and scene carefully crafted for maximum impact."

"If you're looking for a film that will challenge you intellectually and emotionally, then Dark Cycle is the movie for you."
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Interesting movie
superiorman-590666 April 2023
The attention to detail in Dark Cycle is impeccable, with each element of the film carefully crafted for maximum impact."

"This is a movie that will leave you breathless. Dark Cycle is a cinematic tour de force."

"The themes explored in Dark Cycle are deep and profound, making for a truly unforgettable film."

"If you're tired of formulaic Hollywood blockbusters, then Dark Cycle is the refreshing change of pace you've been looking for."

"The performances in Dark Cycle are truly remarkable, with each actor delivering a tour de force performance."

"Dark Cycle is a movie that will stick with you long after the credits roll. It's a film that demands repeat viewings."
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shanksedward30 April 2023
"Dark Cycle is a masterclass in suspense and tension, with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end." "The cinematography in Dark Cycle is stunning, with each shot beautifully crafted and perfectly capturing the mood of the film." "Dark Cycle is a must-see for anyone who loves a good mystery. The story is intricate and well-paced, and the characters are fully realized and complex." "If you're a fan of psychological thrillers, you won't want to miss Dark Cycle. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end." .

The chemistry between the leads in "Dark Cycle" was electric - their dynamic was a highlight of the film.
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Dark Cycle is a movie that will challenge your expectations and leave you reeling."
fodola-109164 May 2023
The score in Dark Cycle perfectly complements the film's eerie atmosphere." "If you're a fan of complex, multi-layered storytelling, you'll love Dark Cycle." "The themes explored in this movie are universal and deeply resonant." "Dark Cycle is a tour de force of suspense and tension." "The attention to detail in every aspect of this film is truly impressive." "A cinematic triumph that will leave you breathless." "Dark Cycle is a movie that will challenge your expectations and leave you reeling." "The director's vision for this film is executed flawlessly - a true cinematic achievement."."If you're looking for a movie that will keep you engaged from beginning to end, Dark Cycle is it."
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richardedward-962316 April 2023
Dark Cycle" is a masterpiece that transcends the genre and delivers an unforgettable cinematic experience.

The movie is a tour-de-force of filmmaking that showcases the talents of everyone involved, from the director to the actors to the production team.

The story is riveting and engrossing, with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.

The performances are outstanding, with each actor bringing their A-game to their respective roles.

The action sequences are breathtakingly choreographed and expertly executed, leaving you on the edge of your seat.

The cinematography is stunning, with each shot meticulously crafted to create a visual feast for the eyes.
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Absolutely breath taking
felixjames-8070630 April 2023
Dark Cycle is a thrilling ride from start to finish. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time." "This movie is a must-watch for any sci-fi fan. The visuals are stunning and the storyline is gripping." "Dark Cycle is a unique and thought-provoking film. I couldn't stop thinking about it long after the credits rolled." "The performances in this movie were incredible. Each actor brought depth and emotion to their role."The performances in this movie were incredible. Each actor brought depth and emotion to their role." "Dark Cycle is a perfect blend of action and suspense. I was hooked from the very first scene." "The cinematography in this movie is absolutely breathtaking. The shots are expertly crafted and visually stunning." "If you're looking for a film that will keep you guessing until the very end, look no further than Dark Cycle."
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gatee-743646 April 2023
Dark Cycle" is a must-see movie for anyone who loves time travel stories. The acting is superb and the plot is truly thrilling.

The filmmakers have done a great job of balancing action and suspense with thought-provoking ideas about the consequences of time travel.

This is one of the most intelligent and exciting thrillers I've seen in a long time. The plot is intricate and the characters are well-drawn.

"Dark Cycle" is a movie that will leave you thinking long after it's over. The questions it raises about time travel and its impact on the world are fascinating.

The special effects in "Dark Cycle" are incredible. They bring the story to life in a way that makes you feel like you're actually there.
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Great story telling
goldroger-639546 April 2023
If you're looking for a movie that will make you think, Dark Cycle is it. It's a movie that raises important questions about our world and our future."

"Dark Cycle is a thrilling and unpredictable movie. You'll never know what's coming next."

"I was blown away by the performances in Dark Cycle. The actors brought their A-game and it shows."

"Dark Cycle is a movie that demands to be seen on the big screen. It's an immersive experience that you won't forget."

"The direction in Dark Cycle is top-notch. It's clear that the filmmakers put a lot of thought and care into every shot."

"Dark Cycle is a movie that will stay with you long after it's over. It's a testament to the power of great storytelling."

"If you're a fan of sci-fi, Dark Cycle is a movie you don't want to miss. It's a thrilling ride from beginning to end."

"Dark Cycle is a movie that will make you question everything you thought you knew about the world. It's a must-watch."
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