The Farm (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

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For those of us that have actually lived on a farm
angelboy-6538930 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is actually fairly good. For those that missed it the title of the movie is "The Farm" and that's exactly what it is. So it delivers. Is it slow and boring at times? Yes, of course, because that's what farm life is. Every day passes like the next. It's not a very exciting lifestyle for a movie. Also on a farm difficult and arduous work must be performed, sometimes for survival, other times to make things nicer and easier (like chopping extra wood). So while the movie is not a cinematic masterpiece, whoever wrote it at least had a decent understanding of what farm life is like. It is boring, in the movie, and in actuality. For those of us that actually grew up on a farm, we can relate, and that is also the reason I left. There are a few flaws that can be nitpicked about how some of the things the lead male character does either don't make sense for farm work, just some of the details, but they could be chalked up with a few explanations. 1) everyone conducts their affairs differently and sometimes (like getting the tractor stuck and then repair) it's a learning process if you haven't done it before, so it could be done better the next time which segways into 2) the couple are making a go of it running the farm, so presumably they're new to it also and all the responsibilities that go along with it and they're just trying to learn and manage, or 3) The writer did not grow up on a farm or have any real farm experience but studied it for the movie and got it mostly right, but just missed the details. Basically on a farm in real life you only do stuff that make sense and stuff you have to do. This movie did ok at portraying that. I do gotta zonk the writing though near the end for having the lead male character get snake bit and then does not successfully kill the snake or retrieve it without getting bit again and then he doesn't make very far at all before he passes out like a dandy. Anyone that lives on a farm or out in the woods knows that from the moment you get bit you're on a countdown to get where you need to go for help. He wasted time and his case he should've hightailed it to the farm house without moving too quickly or getting to excited causing the venom to circulate faster. Depending on the snake and type of bite it's possible it could've overtaken him that quickly, but not likely. Also since this movie seems to be set in the current present time it doesn't make sense that even someone out on a farm wouldn't have a cell phone. I've got cell service out on the farm. We're farm people not cave people. And he should've had snake gaiters on anyway. But being that the characters were possibly new to farming and making a go of it, it's plausible that they didn't know that stuff. In real life you learn lessons like that once out on the farm. It's possible this was their education rather than people who've grown up on a farm and already know. I do appreciate that the lead male character did not shoot the deer he was "hunting" though. I've never been for killing any animals that I didn't need to. Anyway that's my take on it. Not bad.
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An absolute snoozefest.
tinmanjs21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young couple inherit a farm after a "horrible" accident that kills his parents. Of course you never hear how they die or any details about it. They struggle to make a go at making the farm profitable again.

They take turns narrating little things about the other one's life in the most monotone dialog imaginable.

Catherine is a nurse in the city.

Tom struggles with life.

They both struggle with infertility.

After many scenes of Tom mowing grass or weeds or something, he gets his tractor stuck in mud and continues to gun the engine until it starts smoking. Frustrated, he sits and pouts in the yard until Catherine comes out to see what's wrong. Tom sulks and then announces that it's time for dinner.

(spoiler alert) Catherine leaves for work.

Tom finds a repair manual in the barn and quickly deduces that the reason the tractor smokes and is stuck in the mud is because the alternator must be bad. He replaces it and successfully drives out of the mud pit.

Tom washes the tractor and leaves a trail of muddy clothes through the house. Catherine surprises Tom in the shower and he estutely asks, "Oh, are you home?" The movie goes on like this for another 30-some minutes, with another life changing event that I won't spoil for you.

This is the slowest moving and one of the most uneventful movies that I have a ever wasted an hour and 28 minutes and 10 seconds on.

It's a must to watch with subtitles for the descriptions of the music, etc.
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Slow, boring waste of time
msrac21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This"movie" has no plot line, no interesting characters, terrible music score and subtitles that will make you laugh at how much they reinforce the fact that there's absolutely nothing going on. Even fast forwarding through much of it did not reduce the plodding and lack of anything interesting. The wife just sits around at home writing in a journal and looking out the window. Evidently she has a job at a hospital but can't seem to find it in herself to do anything at home. She even tells her husband that he has some cleaning up to do when she comes home from work and finds his muddy clothes. Not even a greeting for the poor guy who is trying to make a go at running their farm all by himself.

They barely talk to each other, but you'll hear their thoughts on love and life- nothing original for sure. FInally, after 1 hour of nothing happening, the highlight is that the husband is bit by a snake when he's out hunting; unfortunately it still proceeds with the same melancholy scripting after that. What were they thinking when they decided to put this thing on film?
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Plowing through
daviddarabian10 March 2024
The Farm is a movie about a farm. There's a tractor, a field to plow, a checkered flannel shirt, a married couple, and what feels like a very boring life. If it's not boring the movie's deceptive because it sure is. About 30 minutes into the movie I was struggling, but I had a hard time exactly pinpointing what was wrong. Was it the quietness, with scenes without the ambiance that usually helps make dialogues feel less strained, was it the acting, or maybe the cast? I eventually came to the conclusion that it was all of the above.

1. There isn't any plot, it's just like driving along a straight road for two hours with a broken radio.

2. There's no chemistry between the actors. They act as if they're strangers to one one another, they read their script instead of acting it.

3. There's a lack of ambiance. Scenes just feel like a series of awkward moments.

4. Then there's the so called backstory. The couple struggle to get pregnant, the guy blames himself for the death of his farming father, it's all sad events for them but not for us! There's no buildup to it, it's just there, like a bird turd on your windowsill.
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