Under Paris (2024) Poster


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What did I just see?!
nikkijoesterle5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So. First things first: this movie will most likely entertain you sufficiently, that's why it got 5/10 stars from me. It's also got Berenice Bejo who I adore and who clearly needed to pay a mortgage or something. But apart from that this film is wild: Sharks in the Seine! A shark nest in the catacombs! The mandatory ignorant mayor! A dumb plan involving explosives! Lots and lots of dead people! A triathlon-turned-breakfast-buffet! World War II shells! And a tsunami. No clue where all that additional water came from but there's a tsunami. Whoever wrote this and felt confident enough to send the script in and somehow secured funding, kudos, I'm in awe. No shred of logic or reason will obfuscate your viewing experience.
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Started strong...then got silly....then got outright ridiculous!
chris_reed-698428 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It started off very strong and watching it in French with subtitles really added to the ambience for me as nothing was lost in translation and acting seemed decent.

The more the story progressed, the more it became apparent Deep Blue Sea was an influence with some of the deaths and shots/angles that were filmed.

It stays believable until around a third of the way in and then things start to become unrealistic but forgiving at this stage. By the third act, it loses all integrity and becomes laughable in places. The way the shark flips the RIB and everyone out of it, the speed in which it kills swimmers in the triathlon, the shells all going off and every bridge collapsing along the river. The list goes on.

There's some decent special effects throughout, especially of the traumatic amputations in the catacombs and of the sharks in general but the head of police and the mayor are extremely caricature and kill the depth of the story in my opinion even if the special effects were faultless.

Worth a watch but it's not a classic or a film you'll revisit, even if you're after a brain-disengage-type film.
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You'll probably be cheering for the shark
jatstar-112-8838915 June 2024
Will this movie win any awards? No It was a full of your standard shark movie cliches and the middle drags a little, but I have to admit I was surprised in the last quarter of the film, and even though I was cheering for the shark (there was just too many stupid people waiting to be eaten) I did end up enjoying the film. I love shark movies though, so if you aren't generally into shark movies then this probably won't float your boat.

A lot of action at the beginning and end, lots of blood, heavy dose of environmental message which is very topical. Would I watch it again. Yeah I would. And I'd watch a sequel if that happens too.
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'Sharks' as a metaphor for 'Climate Change' made me see the film very differently.
TreeFiddy538 June 2024
You know how there's a whole set of films that's based on stupid people making stupid decisions?

Person 1: DON'T DO IT!

Person 2: *proceeds to do it anyway and gets killed* Audience: SHE TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT! How dumb are you!?

Those types movies. However, if they're done well, you don't mind the stupidity in it and play along.

I kept reading "If you liked Jaws, you'll enjoy Under Paris." "One of the best Shark films since Jaws" - High praise. So, I had to watch it, despite low scores.

The dumb people in this film don't listen, do dumb things, and get killed. But it's been filmed well; it's intense, the sound design and cinematography keep you engaged. Shark graphics - decent enough. It's got enough going on to keep you engaged, the plot is not boring at all. The ending may have you scratching your head though.

Here's a perspective that I don't think anybody is considering - I don't know the first thing about Shark Biology or marine evolution, but I looked at the 'Sharks' as a metaphor for 'Climate Change' and the plot AND the ending suddenly made so much more sense. That made me feel like the movie was actually better than people are making it out to be.

Either that, or I'm just trying to convince myself that I didn't waste 2 hours watching stupid people make stupid decisions.
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I love shark movie but its hilariously non-logical
helenliu-900177 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow I really love shark movie but this movie is more of a comedy instead of thriller. I guess maybe the seriousness of the movie title and Netfix produce put my expectations up so I was looking for some logic in a shark movie. I shouldn't be doing that. I apologize.

A 10 meter long shark can live in catacomb and hundreds of its children can live there. Question: What are thier food source? Seine river wont have that many of fish that can feed them.

There is no way that bombs can survive under water for over decades and still able to explode in a sequence and big enough to induce a tsunami.

Also where is that all additional water coming from? Bomb explosion in seine river wont bring extra water from the sea and in the movie seine river is not even in flood season and there is no rain. How can that amount of water flooded the whole city and looks like its about 10 meters deep water in the city.

I guess the script is just as dumb as those people who make dumb decision. Also this is what I enjoy about shark movie!
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Great popcorn film. People need to lighten up
dfdwdn5 June 2024
I love shark films. Be it serious, with the likes of Jaws, (The best shark film ever) Deep blue sea, The shallows. To the ridiculous, like The Meg films, Sharknados, Three headed shark. This falls in the middle. It had a few tense bits, there was definitely times, when you routed for the shark ( you'll get what I mean,if you watch it lol) Tbh it's no award winner. But what is a film, unless it entertains in some way, even just to make you lol. Don't get put off by the naysayers. Some people, have seriously lost their sense of fun these days. Or maybe I have a bizarre sense of humour. Get the popcorn out, turn off your brain, enjoy it for what it is. Trust me, ive seen movies with £300 million budgets I've hated, as we've all x.
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Rooting for the shark
Otte15 June 2024
A movie is not good when you are rooting for the villian. In this case, the shark was my superhero.

First of all, with 50 years of advanced technology, robotics, cgi and advancement in film....that sharks today look less realistic than Jaws? It is insane how fake today's sharks look.

To the story...it follows every cliche, nothing is original here, with scenes and dialogues almost straight out of Jaws or Deep Blue Sea.

Acting is way over-the-top, dialogue consists of screaming or incesseantly yelling someone's name. Sharks are fake looking, about the same level as a Sharknado And you cannot find one person making smart decisions. This is a complete miss.
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Dumb and Fun
myignisrules13 June 2024
To each his own, I think people are taking this way too seriously forgetting it's just a shark movie.

Me, I love a good stupid movie, I really do and when you couple that with some over the top shark shenanigans, you're usually in for a good time. For the most part I enjoyed Under Paris but I think the movie's biggest problem is it doesn't know whether it wants to be a serious study as to how negatively humanity has affected nature (the Siene river is one of the most polluted rivers in the world) or just a fun action movie a la The Meg. The first half of the movie wants so badly to be Jaws, you can almost hear the theme music playing every time Sophia has a flashback, but once they go into the catacombs and discover Lilith's nest, things veer into the realm of the ridiculous, admittedly the best aspects of the film.
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Thriller, Horror or Comedy?
fredrickinps6 June 2024
At first, I thought it was a movie from "The Asylum" production. That's until the unexpected and spectacular ending came about. No spoilers though. You'll have to watch it.

Pros. Very nice views of Paris. Nice camera work and pictures. Entertaining.

Cons. All the rest, including the fake sharks that make "Jaws" sharks look so real. Lol. Bad acting unless it was supposed to be a comedy. Not sure it was the intention but it's there!

Overall terrible movie released just in time as an advertisement push for Paris Olympic Games. As a bad joke the ending would make an awesome and epic Olympics Opening Ceremony. Lol. The movie was entertaining due to the fact that it looked more like a comedy than a thriller.
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Sharks swim, dumb people are in the way...guess what happens next?
jesssfrankel5 June 2024
Okay, while this movie is full of cliches--oceanologist loses her husband and deals with PTSD, bureaucrats are idiots who fail to recognize the danger, and dumb people jumping in the water when they know darn well they're gonna get et--it does have a lot of things going for it. For one, the acting is quite good. The lead actress comes across as being most believable, and the supporting cast does well.

The action, when it comes, is fast, bloody--shark attacks ain't bloodless--and nasty. If the director wanted to shock the audience, he did a pretty good job of it.

As for the direction and music, solid. Not spectacular, but solid.

Drawbacks are that the movie lags in the middle, the environmental message is laid on too thickly, and the movie's a tad too long. Still, it had a solid ending.

People are calling it the 'French Jaws' and that's not a bad description. It'll never top the Spielberg classic, but it's a watchable flick.
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Not as bad as I expected to be honest
greyKbarclay6 June 2024
As mentioned above, I actually found this film to be quite entertaining. This film is full of typical shark film clichés; stupid characters, ignorant person in power and strange looking CGI. It had some intriguing elements that stacked this film above the rest of shark films, like The Shallows or The Meg. This film feels a little bit more than a simple rehashing of a survival story. The two main characters have to battle a large, complex shark against the backdrop of Paris. No spoilers, but I would definitely recommend that you watch the entire film until the end for the ultimate conclusion. The characters here are forgettable and, once again, most of them fall easily into the stereotypical roles that people in shark films have to in order for the body count to be higher.

Overall, this film was much better than I anticipated it to be, with the middle dragging out until the tension finally starts to ramp up.
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Waste of time
Munzhedzi7775 June 2024
You are probably better of watching a movie about a radioactive snake or crocodile with lots of bimbos cos you know at least that movie was never for taking seriously. This is a mess from start to finish and doesn't really keep you glued to the screen. You can tell it had a decent budget but thats about the only decent thing about the film. The lighting is good, acting is meh, script is horrendous and the outcome is just pure mess. I don't know what they wanted to achieve with the film, but I think it is probably one of those "we need a new Netflix movie to keep us trending at least for another week"
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Like a 5 year-old making up a story
targaid19 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I'm sure a 5 year-old could make up a more logical story than this. I'm marking this review as having spoilers but it's hard to imagine how this rubbish could be spoiled.

The good parts first. It's well shot, the effects are competent and the performances are mostly adequate to quite good. That's as far as it goes.

The writing is abysmal. Not only have they clearly not made any reference to even a children's science book on sharks they have no logic or development. The characters are paper-thin or total parodies. Especially the mayor and her smug assistant.

What is the main shark being studied? Don't know. Why has it grown so unusually large? Don't know. After wiping out the protagonist's team in the Pacific Ocean how does it end up in Paris? Don't know. Why does the protagonist walk around Paris using a tracker to follow the shark but then just give up and walk away every time she gets to where the shark is? Don't know. How does the shark manage to time revealing its dorsal fin the moment she does turn her back? Don't know. How does a pelagic shark manage to adapt to live in fresh water? Don't know.

The film is just riddled with floating plots holes that need to be addressed but never are. Clearly one of the writers - there were many- thinks that Mako and salmon share the same life cycle or thinks that mutations occur in living individuals for no reason during their life.

Okay, it's a horror movie so expecting the sharks to follow actual behaviour patterns is a bit much to expect but this one makes Bruce look like a pacifist vegetarian. It never consumes a victim simply rips them apart and throws the parts around. That life cycle? From fry to eight foot shark in under two months? The food needed for that would be phenomenal and there are supposedly hundreds of them. Yes, they breed. Parthenogenically, yet another needless logical and biological plot hole.

Characters who have seen the results of the attacks don't believe the shark is there. Then they do. Then they don't. They ask the protagonist for help then refuse to listen to her. Their plans are absurd, which may be why they fail so dismally.

How this got funding is one of life's great mysteries. Why they didn't ask anyone who knows just the tiniest factoid about sharks to advise is another.

Check your brain in at the door and it's might be possible to pass the runtime just having a little fun. The po-faced nature of the script makes that very hard, though and it's clear the writers thought they were creating a scary masterpiece. It would have worked much better as a tongue-in-cheek parody allowing the over the top sequences and absurd pseudo-science to support rather than undermine the story.

In the end it's too serious to have fun with and too absurd to take seriously.
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januszlvii8 June 2024
I am a fan of shark films and obviously the best is Jaws, but believe it or not this shark might be even meaner. Of course, a lot of elements of Jaws that you can be found here including Mayor Larry Vaughn ( Murray Hamilton) who wanted the Fourth of July celebration to go on despite the shark. Here it is the politician who wanted a triathlon in Paris despite the shark. But as bad as she was the worst was Miks a Greta Thurnburg type environmentalist who thinks animals are equal to humans and is responsible for freeing the shark. In between both of them is scientist Sophia ( (Berenice Bejo). The ending which I will not spoil is shocking and abrupt to say the least. Anyway it is a good film, not the classic like Jaws ( or even as good as The Meg), but certainly worth watching. 7/10 stars from me.
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Like others, I'm cheering for the shark
niqueltosuet5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the characters in this movie will anger you. They make the dumbest decisions for the wrong reasons. Some might even find joy in the character's death. Their conversations are the most brain-rotting pieces of text I've seen in a movie.

The setting of the movie is not believable in the slightest (although it is a fictional scenario). All of the scenes are exaggerated and confusing. Although the mc obviously has to survive throughout the movie, it's hard watching her make it through these impossible (literally) obstacles.

However, the terrible CGI of this movie makes it slightly amusing.

P.s. The movie leaves you on a cliffhanger.
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Not great
mbnn5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a real shark movie lover I wanted to give this a chance, for sure. It wasnt super bad and the actors are pretty ok, but ofc there are lots of 'dumb' people that fall into the water, that run around like idiots and ofcourse there is a government not believing things etc etc.

The CGI at some points was pretty ok but at various times it failed to deliver (specially when the shark jumps out of the water), but hey... at least it's not another sharknado type of movie (although that one doesnt take itself to serious and that might be even better).

The ending of this movie was another failure imo with to much questions still left to be answered... or will there be a part 2? Who knows. Overall... nice for a one time view but if you compare it with for example 47 meters down... this is nowhere near.
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Made an account just to leave a review for this movie
joao_cavalcanti7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well, where to start?

Horrible plot, illogical developments, bad CGI and animation, poor dialogue.

Whoever made this movie knows very little about sharks (or common sense).

Some ridiculous facts from the plot (spoilers ahead):

  • Scientists take tissue samples out of a shark whilst they are vulnerable in the water with said shark
  • The shark swims literally the long way across the globe to go up a dirty river to reproduce next to the sole survivor of their shark attack victims
  • The characters' best way to investigate a dangerous shark is to get in the water with them without any protection
  • Mutant sharks that grow and reproduce impossibly fast somehow create a giant colony in a city river and underwater chambers without any food source
  • Somehow Paris was littered by artillery shells that did not have a fuse, but later in the movie explode due to their fuse being activated, creating explosions that would suggest they were mini nuclear warheads
  • Said explosions cause a Tsunami that flood the whole city, magically materializing a body of water that did not exist

In summary, the script seems to be written by faulty AI, the development between events is not logical, the characters have no development, are shallow and act like dumb NPCs and the ending is a joke.

It is the kind of movie that would make me never want to watch another production from the same director ever again and that pushed me into creating an account just to leave this review.

It is a shame that we are doomed to be submitted by these generic, poor quality ghost of a movie genre. By comparison, The Meg feels like a cult production.

Watch at your own peril and thank Netflix for yet another trashy movie made for Zombies with dementia.
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Decent sharks thrills
davidwalker-944719 June 2024
Shark movies as a sub genre really do cover an enormous spectrum of quality and watchability.

One end has movies like Jaws and the shallows, whilst the other end has titles like mega shark vs giant octopus and ghost shark. I'd put this one on the better half of that spectrum. This is better than a whole host of shark movies I've sat through and I really quite enjoyed it.

The undertone is strongly one of climate change but I don't think it harps on like it's a statement kind of movie and there's a fair amount of fun here.

The CGI is a little ropey in places but the cast do a decent job and the end is interesting.

Mainly though, the attack scenes are all pretty good and there's plenty of blood and chaos.

I'll watch any shark movie going and I did enjoy this.
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Ok with a bit of humor about the incompetent Paris mayor
jordan_bel6 June 2024
The actors are ok, the script is pretty much as bad as any shark movie, but it lacks explanation about why the shark goes to Paris, why has it tripled in size, why it can self reproduce etc... a bit of logic never hurts.

The main focus is actually the Olympic Games in Paris put in the limelight by the lack of preparation from Paris City Hall. Anne Marivin does a good job playing a completely incompetent, dishonest, ruthless, politically driven mayor of Paris that everyone will recognize easily. The only differences are that she's pretty and she can speak French. Shame she doesn't get gulped by the shark.

Ok movie, worth a watch just to break the rhythm of the Netflix TV series.
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Good shark movie
texasbooty7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So many negative comments about how sharks couldn't be outside salt water etc (please do your research), how the movie wouldn't make sense. Thing is, it all does make sense. Especially since nature is unpredictable. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie. I love a good shark movie and it's hard to pull off a good one. People these days are such harsh critics wich is a shame. I don't think any shark movie would rate a 10/10. Not even Jaws, even tho that was the first of it's kind and a classic. The storyline was not to deep, no need for that since we don't really care about the actors in movies like these. We want to see some shark action right? And that's exactly what you get.
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Highly recommended for all the wrong reasons
jamiewalton24 August 2024
Looking back over my reviews, I noticed a trend of only reviewing films I really disliked. To buck the trend, I'm here with Under Paris, even though I wouldn't call it a good a film.

It's inevitable that Jaws gets brought up whenever a film features a shark (or even multiple sharks) because it's a classic of cinema. The downside of Jaws was it spawned a whole subgenre of (usually terrible) killer animal movies. The eighties was rife with them but - as Under Paris proves - they've never really gone away.

A real cliché of this subgenre is some political figure (often a mayor) refusing to believe the heroes when told there is a threat and refusing to close (x) because of (y.) In this film, it is a mayor who is refusing to close (the river Seine) because of (a triathlon.) Under Paris slavishly follows every single Jaws rip-off cliché in a way I haven't seen for years and it is glorious.

The start of this film is okay. Nothing special. Sophia (the female lead) has a shark-related tragedy that, in the long run, doesn't really matter. An irritating blue haired activist brings it to Sophia's attention there's an enormous shark swimming around in Paris and then completely ignores her advice.

It's when the activists attempt to "rescue" the giant killer shark and cross paths with the police in a flooded area of the catacombs that this movie really hits its stride. Most importantly, it's when this movie finally reveals its real strength: it is hilarious. I'm sure it's not supposed to be hilarious. The death of blue haired activist girl was surely supposed to be tragic, but I cheered. The amount of people in the room suddenly seems to multiply many times and people run around in a blind panic, even thought they're completely safe, and then fall into the water with the big shark. A policeman falls in, and you think he'd just get out again, but no - because he's immediately about ten feet away from the edge of the water. I genuinely could not stop laughing.

I would love to go into great detail about the end of the movie, because it is so hilariously stupid, but if you've got a Netflix account and some spare time, you should watch it. All restraint, common sense and logic are completely abandoned.

I'd still say it's not a good film, because I'm sure I didn't enjoy it in the way it was intended, but I nevertheless did have a very good time. I watched alone, but I'd recommend getting a few friends together and having a fun time.

As a horror or a thriller it definitely fails. But I now really want a sequel.

(PS There's a character whose name sounds like "enema." His name isn't "enema" but I enjoyed believing it was, and now maybe you will be able to do the same.)
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A disrespect to viewers
marcelinmms10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Under Paris" is a film that, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired in terms of its storyline and character decisions.

There are numerous dumb choices made by the main character that simply do not align with the behavior of a studied and intelligent person. One of the most glaring examples is when she chooses to stay silent despite knowing that the shark is an assassin, over and over. Such nonsensical decisions make the storyline incredibly frustrating and feel like a disrespect to the audience's intelligence.

However, it's not all bad. The film does have its redeeming qualities, notably the beautiful photography of Paris. If only the plot and character development were as well thought out as the visuals, "Under Paris" could have been a much more enjoyable experience.

There is lots of WTF moments that make you wanna spit on the screen.

It is a good idea for a movie with a poorly written plot.

Under Sea is a real disrespect to spectators and to cinema itself.
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Any good scriptwriters alive?
aridala5 June 2024
Starting with the fact that the main premise of the film, sharks in fresh water, is nonsense, the script itself was very empty of content. Like any horror films premises don't make sense and I guess that's okay with the genre? I don't know because I am not a fan of horror movies but I do enjoy suspense and that is what made me watch it in the first place but there was little to no suspense. No plot depth. Not much good to it actually. There are no good dialogues, no good character development and you don't really feel any attachment whatsoever to any of the characters so you don't care what happens to them. If that is not a sample of bad scriptwriting, I don't know what is. The cinematography is also plain and quite insipid... But hey, I enjoyed the lovely views of Paris a lot and that's why I gave it a 4 and not a 1.
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Got a real Jaws 3 vibe from it & i mean that in the best way
banzoozalreviews6 June 2024
I am a sucker for shark movies, so I was pretty darn excited for #UnderParis and it definitely didn't disappoint. It's part eco-horror and full B-movie sci-fi thriller-a vibe that definitely worked for the movie. It's not full of relentless action, but *Under Paris* serves enough over-the-top, shark-infested sequences to give you a bloody good time while providing enough dramatic heft to prove that it is not your average shark slasher. The effects aren't the greatest, but they get the job done. Also, the ending is ridiculously over the top and insane, and it makes the movie that much better.

Got a real Jaws 3 vibe from the movie & I mean that in the best way.
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A Waste of Resources
mxsfghz11 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For those, who are giving it 5 or 10 stars, how does a good or a bad movie look like? It was pointless to make the film. I'm shocked that this is nowadays considered to be a bad film. It is full of inconsequences, time travelers and unnatural behavior. It is really beyond comprehension who and why spends so much money and effort on this. Now that's real environmental pollution. The actors are all annoying, stupid and B-grade. You can't identify with anyone. In three years, how much more could a shark have reproduced that has now given birth to dozens of sharks in a few days? It's all a load of nonsense. What kind of shark movie has hardly any blood in it? Just so it doesn't get an R rating?
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