"Manifest" Mayday: Part 2 (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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What the Heck?
messi8605-934-96505512 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is officially crazier than LOST. And that's saying a lot.
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nebilcs-168-16529820 June 2021
A 6 season arc was laudably ambitious but there just hasn't been the depth and tension to sustain the interest past this third and (most likely) final season. "Lost", to which it is frequently compared, had a similarly beige lead male protagonist but set up many compelling mystery strands even in the first few episodes, significantly helped by a variety of contexts in flashback sequences and by a wider range of characters, each of whom had their time in the spotlight. But the mysteries wouldn't have been enough by themselves, the momentum was kept up by intriguing and well-written heroes, villains and those still to choose sides. Manifest has certainly had its moments but increasingly finds itself in soap territory and the mystery is too narrow to allow substantial progressive revelation and to keep the viewer engaged. The audience aren't fools - if you state it's a 6 season arc based around one mystery event, it's pretty obvious that seasons 2-5 can be skipped. Padding out the narrative with one too many character allegiance swings doesn't help (and the less said about Angelina's story arc the better...).

Judging by these three seasons, there is probably ample scope to condense the remaining three seasons into one and thereby end up with a punchy finale. I genuinely hope this happens and there's an opportunity to conclude what has been an interesting story.
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Intrigue upon intrigue - fascinating
allanljong12 June 2021
Hope that the series will be extended after this season finale mystery ending... It is truly a modern day fantasy exploring into alternate universes and the supernatural current to the state of science and cosmology today.

Congratulations to the writers.
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It's never boring.
Whitneywest1011 June 2021
I don't know how we're still on the same storyline but also not. The show is unpredictable and action packed. And the ending to set up season 4... gimme! Very few shows where I'm needing to watch as soon as they air but Manifest is definitely one of the few because I know it's going to be something crazy every week.
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Mind blown plus left me wanting more
ldamena11 June 2021
I really hope we get season 4. I'm left with so many questions. My heart broke in the last segment. All season we were led to believe someone would die but I never expected how it would be it shocked me! Now I wonder what the repercussions will be and what will happen to the killer? Not gonna lie I want a gruesome death for that person. But, will darkness over come the person's partner when they find out what happened? Damn I need to know now LOL. I really hope this show doesn't get cancelled. NBC already cancelled Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, unfairly. Manifest doesn't deserve that same treatment. Plus, I want the answers so I need more.
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So angry
tmccheyne18 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After watching 3 series to have it end like it has is so typical of American TV. It's about time we gave up with all American programmes. They always do the same. Withdraw the finance and drop the programmes ....they could not care less about the viewers. What the hell leave us all disappointed as usual.

This never happens in Britain. We have a beginning and an end. This is a two finger job to all us viewers.
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Can't stop watching it!!
felicialamberti16 August 2021
I can't stop watching this show! Found myself awake at stupid o'clock a few times where I've gotten so into it and the hours has flown by! If you liked Lost then you will love this!!
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Fantastic, but I am yelling at my TV
kevinjones-6253722 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get it... Ben and Grace are in an NSA facility after Vance has just filled Ben in on a plan to try to retrieve Cal. How many rooms are in Eureka that Ben can feel safe filling Grace in on the plan? Hospital rooms where they want to monitor folks doesn't seem like a reasonable place to hatch a master plan against all the spy networks in existence. And thay's why I yell at the t.v. Doesn't make sense.
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alcantaraj-1659422 January 2022

"Manifest" Season 3 goes deeper into the mystery of Flight 828 while giving some pretty good drama, making it feel like the show - though good - is a "Lost" (created by Lindelof and Abrams for ABC) wannabe. I just hope that with mysteries still unsolved and that cliffhanger, "Manifest" will not give us the same feeling when the "Lost" finale gave us.
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So Angry in Great Britain!
jsmith98-12 September 2021
There are plans for a fourth season! You of all people should realize that we're in the middle of a pandemic and it's not easy to film a show like this! Netflix is working on season four and possibly a season five. I agree that this is further out there than "Lost" as the first reviewer mentioned, it is getting to crazier with each episode. My husband has lost interest in the show and I don't know how much more I can take either. It should wrap up in the fourth season! I don't know how or why they would drag this out for two more seasons. It started out rather interesting, but it is completely gone off the rails, wrap it up in season four!
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Just as well...
drnikic4 February 2022
I don't play the drinking game where you drink every time someone says "lifeboat" or "calling" Because I'd have alcohol poisoning by now. I stuck it out to the end of S3 (I'm a masochist). But I just want to shout at everyone; Eigan, Adrian, Ben etc to get a bloody grip.

I don't know where the religious crap came from, but I could really have done without it.
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How frustrating!
hanwilson1 August 2021
I disagree that this needs a season 4, I t's been dragged out to three seasons as it is. But to invest that time as a viewer and not have the finale be 20mins longer, or one more episode to tie up the loose ends - that's just mean!
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Make Season 4, 5, 6
hermesmanagementllp14 July 2021
Incredible work. Loved all the 3 seasons very much. Fan from India ...
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As wild as this is ... acting has gotten better
dbuckshnis12 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The drama and storylines continue and while it's tedious with drama anxiety in each of the characters-it's still captivates my interest. Jared has surpassed Ben as a leading man and Zeek brings in that calm factor at least. The interaction with the mythological and religious sectors of life is also fascinating.
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Great series
chris_rowe-881-1688204 September 2022
Overall this season has been great, far better than the second after an enjoyable first! Look forward to Netflix finishing it off, sad it's only one season as it has potential for spin offs and many angles but either way glad we're getting an end, hopefully Netflix consider doing that for shows like GLOW to.

The only negatives was sometimes things were just far too easy to do, mick and Ben just seem to have far too much in their repertoire to be able to do things which would be challenging for most people and frankly at times it cheapens things as a call here or connection there gets them way too much information at very little effort. The only other two downfalls was the silly rushed love angle between the long haired dude and weird girl, felt forced and unnatural and for me had such little credibility it just felt stupid, I guess both were damaged and desperate but it didn't translate well.

Lastly the over use of the term life boat irritated the life out of us, thought it was a fine description but then it was thrown around hundreds of times in quick succession until it lost meaning and sounded kinda stupid. So many other words would have worked or even referring to it as some theory but although lifeboat was a fine description, the overuse of it made it feel kinda stupid.

There's some superiority complex with Ben and other issues that I though were lazy but overall the good outweighs these issues.
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Decent Episode to End the Season [8/10]
panagiotis19932 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reaction / Review for Manifest Season 3 Episode 13: Episode 12 was ok and I gave it a rating of 7.3/10. Ok Season Finale, let's do this. So the episode starts with this new ''cult'' who has passengers for members, interesting. Cal disappeared and this annoying doctor acts like nothing has happened. Jared is right, Michaela keeps acting like a cop while she is not one anymore. Eagan this guy always creates problems, he is one of the most annoying characters of the show. They returned the tailfin so I expected Cal to come back. So Cal is gone and Angelina got Eden? Whats next someone will abduct Olive or something? Angelina is absolutely nuts. Angelina stabbed Grace? Wow, I didn't expect that, brutal. Cal came back older than he was before? That's insane. The pilot is back too? And the whole plane disappeared? So many crazy things, wow. Overall a good episode, my rating is 8/10.
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Ben stone and the end of season 3
sarahm1730 April 2022
Bens character is just meh. Started off okay but since season 2 he's just went downhill. He always seems self righteous and that person that always had to be right. Very condescending and even refused help a couple times. Which was fine the first few seasons as he was trying to figure it out and protect his family but it just comes across annoying now. He always has to be the saviour every time and it just comes across really annoying now. If he didn't have the whole calling thing going on he would be the most boring character out all of them. Just don't get his character or connect with him. Just doesn't seem believable. Feel like I'm still watching once upon a time when i watch him. Maybe they've just written his character that way but it's always the same. No depth. I'd say I even like Grace more than him now. They are the "main" characters and they just aren't that likeable or interesting. Even though I like the actors I'm just kinda sick of seeing the same with them. Would be better without them on it to be honest. Let Michaela and Zeke take the reins. I thought they'd kill off a main character this season, if they do I hope it's them. It's a shame because I thought he was the most relatable and likeable at first but now it's just a drag and I hate that because I do like him but his character the last 2 seasons and it just gets increasingly worse. It's just massively down hill and off the rails. The writers need to reel that character in because he can be likeable again.

As for the end of this season. It was a good episode but again. Why so slow at revealing things? They just give more and more plot holes and mysteries and don't even explain the ones they forgot about. Took 2 seasons to even get one answer. Now it's getting messy and just boring. I still like the show but they shouldn't have left it like that especially since it got cancelled by the network which they knew could've happened. At least Netflix is gonna give it an ending. Probably a messy rushed one because after waiting so much for answers we are probably gonna get them all at once. Just wish they explained everything better and didn't keep giving us more mysteries without answers to the previous ones that had nothing to do with the current. I'm hoping everything is resolved or explained in a good way next season. I did enjoy the show so far. Hoping it only goes up from here.
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There are no spoilers for this series
rwseidel31 August 2021
The series must have been better with the commercials. It could not have been worse. Sci-fi and fantasy are one thing. Total nonsense is another. The self-undermining premise of the story is insufficient to justify the lack of mental effort required to make any sense of it and I say that after wasting 3 three seasons binge-watching it. Don't waste your time. I.
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The religious undertones of this season are front and centre
ejarvis-657577 September 2021
I've had so many thoughts on the many flaws with this show. What started off (and still is) a very intriguing idea, very quickly turned sour with the constant melodrama filler. 3 seasons in I feel too invested to stop but season 3 has lead me to this review. If it wasn't bad enough in the first two seasons, these show runners have introduced god to the cast... not a mention of religion in the prior seasons yet all of a sudden, gods the main character. I felt like I was watching a church approved kids entertainment show for Sunday school. Like what the hell! I'm used to to the terrible acting at this point but the lack of consistency in tone has thrown me this season. With that, the finale was ok. Even though the one good actor was seemingly killed off! Netflix better had stomp this religious crap for the final season and give this characters some grit to go out with. 20 episodes of passenger of the week is not what this show needs but after what's they've done for 3 years I'm not sure it even deserves a satisfying end!
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So glad it's been put out of it's misery!
brandoman4725 July 2021
The show needed about 15 episodes at the ABSOLUTE MAX to tell this entire story.. you start dragging your feet, putting profit over content, well this is what you get. People don't want to watch 100 episodes of a mediocre series (at best)! The only series that can achieve that success, are able to make EVERY SINGLE episode and season better than the last with very little or no lull.. you can't drag it out just to make more undeserved money. You have to have new, exciting content to fill it with. The plot and characters have drastically changed. The quality has dipped. There are way too many other shows out there that can definitely compete with and beat this in literally EVERY WAY... Maybe except for being the greedier show! Manifest wins that every time! Many characters are not only completely unlikable but also horrible actors (start with "cal"). This outcome was completely destined.
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d-robold13 June 2021
Don't know what to do? Have a calling. Don't know what to do? Have someone change sides. Don't know what to do? Have ANOTHER calling. NBC cancelled the wrong sci-fi show. This is stupid, irritating, and now removed from my dvr. No thank you. If I wanted to watch confused, unhappy people running around and thinking they can save whatever these loonies are trying to save, I would turn on network news or Congressional hearings.
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Thank goodness..
colin26026618 July 2021
Well what a complete waste that was....thankfully this dreary series has now been cancelled!!!!
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Horrible acting
unsiun21 November 2022
The acting is just horrible. Poor actors, poor lines. It's like they used all the cringey stuff from other movies. All main characters except Cal have deteriorated since the beginning, but they decided to have a new Cal. Basically the only one that was worth watching was removed. The screenplay is amazing, but the execution is bad because of the talentless actors. Hopefully the idea will be taken by Koreans who really know how to make a nice series and have acting skills as well. Season 4 should be the last one, it's already up to the nose and a season 5 is just a bad idea. There doesn't seem to be any future development in the characters. The same type of callings just make you stop watching.
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GRAMMAR, please!
brennansmomma7 February 2022
While binge-watching, grammatical errors made my skin crawl. Young actors, who appeal to our young people, be it in music, movies or TV, make it that much worse, because if people hear an actor say it, it must be correct, huh? Not!! At about 15:29, Olive says, "Cal must've ran out of paper." Does the director think it is correct? We all know that it should be, "Cal must have run out of paper." Maybe nobody on the entire set knows that it is incorrect. Correct English and grammar is so easy to catch and correct. Why would they show their ignorance by allowing it? Welcome to the generation who just doesn't care.
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