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Mother is a manipulative witch
anita-894345 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sad.episode. You can feel a bitter mother behind a daughter's decision to take her father to court The shrew actually laughed as her ex husband cried. And now her daughters crying too, but I'm sure it won't take long for her to convince her daughter that she doesn't need a father, just a manipulative mother and papers to show the cars in her name. The father seems like a good hearted man so I suspect he will eventually open up his heart to his daughter again. And as the daughter matures she will realize her mother's manipulation and that a car is not a substitute for a fathers love.
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cockezville4 May 2021
This was the case of an angry mother turning her kid against her father. What kind of troubled child sues her father. Judge Judy who never shows compassion showed some for this man. This girl will not do well in life with this karma. I felt lots of empathy for this man.
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Manipulative WITCH!!
dianawhellan8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I hope that car title was worth your child losing her father!!! SHAME ON YOU...AND put a bit of lipstick on lady, you look like a WITCH!
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Very Heartbreaking
mrsmarsalis4 May 2021
This really broke my heart to see this dad breakdown like that. Don't know what all happened between her divorced parents but to me looking on the outside, mom turned her daughter against her dad. You can see the daughter really rethinking her decision but damage was already done. I really hope they fix this!
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WOW Very Moving
ygk-485924 May 2021
I felt so sorry for this Dad. It appeared that the mom was controlling the daughter's narrative and alienating her from her father. I had a rough experience with my own father. I am so glad that I made peace with him before he died.
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Sad family drama
bam-748534 May 2021
It's sad to watch one parent get involved to help drive a wedge between kids and their other parent. I think this mother is doing a lot of damage to Grace's relationship with her dad. I'm not sure it even really matters who's name is on the car. Why does the kid care? Why does dad care? The car title turned into a power struggle but I think Grace's choice to remove dad from the title came from her mom so she could have the win with Grace as her prize. Very sad. I hope they both take some time to realize how short life is and clear up their issues.
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I cried..
Georgiow54 May 2021
I really understands this man's pain... I am a father dealing with a very identical situation with my 19 year old daughter because of her mom being very bitter from a year old divorce and in her ear about things that did not / don't concern our girls... I could only see my own daughter standing there as I watched and broke down... I will never understand how any parent can come between a child and either parent destroying a life long bond over petty things..

My heart is broken that my oldest baby won't even call to say Hi daddy how are you? I only get text if she needs money, and that hurts..
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Bad decision, Mom
conniedbaxter9 September 2021
This was clearly not about the title of a car. It was the extension of a bitter divorce and without all the backfill, we can't possibly judge who this family. Judge Judy did the right thing and had him sign the title over. It was clearly a gift and the child is now 18 and is entitled to have it in her name alone. Dad was super emotional- no doubt due to unsettled emotional business with his children and their m other. Mom should never have encouraged her daughter to settle this situation in this manner.
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So Sad, I feel his pain.
donlaura-905727 May 2021
In viewing this episode, it seems this had nothing to do with the car title.

Just a manipulative mother.

She should encourage her daughters relationship with her father, NOT drive a wedge.
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Absolutely Heart Wrenching!
sweetums-122-8475418 September 2021
I was very impressed by how well Judge Judy handled this. She showed a lot of compassion. It's just such a shame that daughter couldn't see that relationship was more important.
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Traumatic family exposed forever
sgcytvqc8 September 2021
I'm a huge fan of Judge Judy. This episode was aired in very poor taste.

The exchanges between father and daughter obviously motivated by a scorned mother and ex-wife will remain lifetime scars for both parties. I believe the fact that the case was aired it will further impair reconciliation between father and daughter.

The production company should have spared the family despite the legal releases signed before filming the show.

I found it extremely disturbing.
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Lost dad
vmbpsbz4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The daughter was very hurt by what her Dad said about "losing a dad". However he was also hurt by, quite possibly, the mother causing these issues. Very sad and hopefully they reconcile.
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Well I can't
PhloxSkye5 May 2021
I can't judge or anything. But the father has to let it go. She is no longer a child.

She is still his daughter...
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That poor daughter
fccla_ms28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dad was a manipulative jerk.

Even tried to manipulate the judge by warning her "once I take my name off I'm done." And paused waiting for her to change her mind.

I don't believe his crocodile tears for a second and the daughter looks like someone who had been dealing with emotional/verbal abuse and manipulation for a long time.

It was truly heart breaking.
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jeurich4 May 2021
Does this man know teenagers? At the daughter's age, no one can turn her against a patent; believe me, I have a 18 yr old grandson who came to live with his paternal grandparents 3 yrs. Ago. It is what THEY SEE AND FEEL, abandoned by the parent, who've sometimes started another family. No sympathy for that so called father, who forgot he's suppose to be the ADULT.
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Literally made me cry !
Ayyeliki9 September 2021
As a divorced woman, this really broke my heart - for the daughter AND father! For some reason, the mother manipulated the situation to turn the young daughter against the father! Any mother worth her weight in salt and God-loving, would ENCOURAGE and foster good relationships between her kids and her EX because it's BEST. FOR. THE. KIDS.

Very Rare exceptions, ie. Physical abuse, addictions, etc

As a mom, I'm disgusted with this woman , finances and things come secondary to relationships.

I'm hoping the dad will gather his wits, strengthen his spine and as a mature adult, not give up on his daughter! She will someday see the light...

Sigh. Great lesson for all divorcing couples. Sigh again...
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Don't let his tears fool you
mindy_lou8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Any parent who equates a car to his whole relationship with his daughter has got to be a manipulator. These women are finally out from under a controlling dictator and tears show up when he realizes he's not in charge anymore. I see why she divorced him.
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Dad seemed like a controlling meanie
jconner-15 May 2021
I'm not buying his "anguish". What was so bad about signing over the car to his grown daughter? He wanted to maintain control. He seemed like a very mean man who was ticked off that "that woman" dared to divorce him. Seemed like "I am in Control" is his middle name!
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Mom is real piece of work!!!
reinsvoldjoylene9 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but a mother using her kids to get back at a dad or vice versa to me should be considered child abuse. The daughter knew too much about their divorce, Oh he hasn't paid my mom's alimony, People she's a spoiled rotten brat. She was supposed to work to pay car off, instead her mom pays it off from a sale of a company van. I don't feel sorry for the mom or the daughter. Mom stayed home didn't work(contribute financially to those that comment about stay at home moms) He gave her the house, his daughter horses, He wanted to show his daughter responsibilities in life because real world you have to pay real bills as she will learn not by her mom but as life smacks her upside the head with a dose of reality. People comment about him being the "Man not in control any longer"How do you know he wasn't the one who filed for a divorce? Anyways I understand what he meant by I'm not bound to her, meaning If you need tires, a motor, mechanical work done, you get into an accident and no car don't come looking for a hand out, Let the daughter pay for insurance and be grown. As for the mom, karma is a bitch as judge Judy said he's the bread winner you lived there but you really didn't contribute financially!! So mom you want to pay for your daughter Good!!! That's showing her nothing but getting things for free and not work for it. Because you did it, He could have made her life hell fighting everything, the house, the money for van he could have pocketed it said FU, He didn't. Does he seem like he's in control? Nope and ppl who comment otherwise are morons. He could have. Kids nowadays expect things,are entitled without earning anything. His daughter knew the deal when he bought the car, you work for it to pay it off, Nope mom decided to pay it off because she's the one in control and wanted the dad off title not the daughter but she's on mom's side happens to kids they are bribed ect to pick sides. Judge Judy can read ppl well, Normally she's at times not Fair, in this episode She empathized with the dad, even Byrd. Spoiled rotten brat, At 19 she's got alot of growing up to do and reality will smack her in face and when it happens and her mom can't help her she will realize that her dad was helping her not holding her back because his name is on a title of a car, So to sum up Parents that divorce or separate keep your kids out of it, stop using your kids to get back at the other, They need to make that as a form of child abuse. Also she's got a rock on her finger hmm getting married down the road, aww sweet hopefully your mommy will pay for it cuz Daddy is out LMFAO.
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Bitter Mom and Selfish Daughter
am-813009 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very sad to see how mom helped her daughter sue her daughter's father over ownership of a car. Called his partners, his counselors to defame him. Intentionally brought her children into their marriage difficulties that ended with divorce. I feel terrible for father. On top of whatever else the mother has done, she gets enable daughter to sue father. She chose to home school the children and who was that for?? Mother is spiteful in my opinion. On TV of all things.
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