"$50K Three Ways" Breaking Bland (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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How to ruin your house with a (millennial) tasteless tart at the helm!
imdb-2528812 August 2021
Like a 4 year old with a brand new set of crayons How many lawsuits has this show been subjected to?? Blondie calls herself a designer but only in her own mind! I have NEVER EVER seen such awful reveals. BLECH! Btw, I am reviewing Breaking Bland with ditzy Mary Welch and it says hosted by mary fox stasik. I do not know who the people are in the one photo here.

So this is the first time in 3 years that I tune into this channel, hoping for some design inspiration. Oh, boy! Poultry can't even dress herself, she gets her colors and style all wrong, how is she gonna aspire to even redecorate someone's house? You guessed it, she can't!

I suppose the 1 star goes to the hilarity factor: you should focus on the faces of the contractors when she tells them her color choices and design ideas. They have to shut up and do it for her. Then enter the family. (Mind you, I have only seen 2 shows, that would be 1 entire show, one ending half and I'm reviewing in the middle of first half of 3rd show.) She asks this gay couple that are into Parisian decor "how would you like a black tile shower?" They looked at each other. The poor men were squirming, not wanting to yell their truth out loud on TV: "HELL NO! Are you crazy, woman?!"

And so she tells them she'll add emerald touches for a real "Parisian subway" touch. Mm-kay. Demented doesn't begin to cover it. Any gay man, the least stereotyped one would run circles around her in the sense of style and decorating. I am cringing waiting to see how she is going to destroy the poor couple's home!

The previous one, she ruined a house by painting 6 inch beige stripes on their pristine white walls, hanging dried flowers upside down (double no: if she knew anything about Phong Tchoowhee, she'd know that's inviting double death into the home: 1) the flowers are DEAD and 2) she hung them upside down!!) And yes, I misspelled that word, in case she reads here, she'll know what I'm talking about. I assume her to be as illiterate as she is design-blind and color-blind and style-illiterate.

She further destroyed couple #2's house by adding a lot of disgusting brass (read gaudy and dull gold) all over their living room. Just yuck! It was so funny looking at their faces: you could read loud & clear how disappointed they were and how much they regretted PAYING and turning their house over to this nut job! The wife was quick to cover with a big fake grin and gushing about how much she loved the colors (really? Gaudy gold, barf beige in 6" thick random lines across her walls and silly sage (too pale to be real sage) all over her kitchen cabinets. Just no!

This idiot looks so proud of herself. I mean who did she boff to get her own show like this? With so much wasted, unknown talent out there. Nate Berkus she is not! (Even Nate has lost his touch, the last I saw what he was doing, his former self must be rolling in the grave of his former Oprah glory!)

I guess they did a search for El-Moussa wife look-alikes and picked her. She's just as bad as the aforementioned tart. Her whole idea is "modern, modern, modern" and disharmony with the most clashing colors ever! Here comes the emerald tile shower: it is BEYOND UGLY! For a woman who is so pretty as she turned out when she exited the plastic surgeon's office, it's a sheer shame she has no eyes to see what's what, what's pretty and what's ugly.

She should stick to doing make-up tutorials on YT. If she's into more traditional masculine jobs, then she ought to have taken construction or car repair because SHE. CAN'T. DESIGN. FOR. SHIZZLE!!! The woman has zero taste.

Here come the couple. They're laughing their heads off upon entering. Houston, we have a commercial break. (Why isn't her name on this listing at all?) The episode I'm now reviewing with the gay couple is Antiquing with a Twist. These gentlemen have a lot of great eclectic pieces, but they're all over their place. It's clashing, however, not as bad as what she's gonna come up with and destroy their home... too many commercials, 3 min to go and...

Nope, just no! A sky blue kitchen except a dull blue with a hideous flower tile on the floor and cheap oak shelves all over. Way too busy! You should see the men's faces as they lie thru their teeth and say they love it but their eyes sing a different tune. Their dark blue bedroom looks painted by a year old. You can see all the ugly strokes. It is not Parisian in the least, but she sells them by telling them it is. Ugly doesn't begin to cover it. What if they don't like blue? Don't they say which colors they want? That same ugly sage in their bathroom.

This show is a complete waste of time: what you've seen, you can't unsee. Her she goes with the gaudy gold again. If only it were pretty gold but nope. Dark vomit gold . It's horrible. And back to the Travel Channel I go... Don Wildman is on, I should have never cheated on him and turning to this schlock channel.
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Unqualified Woman Receives a HGTV Show due to Privilege
francisksmith1 November 2021
Mary Welch grew up in a wealthy family who had connections from a young age with HGTV. Most of her design experience is for wealthy family and friends. Her husband is a bassist in a midlevel Jam Band which helped her profile. She not only has really awful design sense but her speech pattern is like nails on a chalkboard. If you follow her instagram account and her husbands it's clear they are trying very hard to cultivate this edgy personal but it all falls so flat. Hands down the worst show I've ever watched on HGTV.
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