Student Seduction (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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Old Annie, New Annie
lavatch29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At around the midpoint of the film, there is a "mirror, mirror on the wall scene" in which Annie Kreuger stares into a mirror and watches a highlight reel of the unwise decisions she has made in her young life.

By this time in the film, two incarnations of Annie's character have emerged. First, the "old" Annie is the competitive lacrosse star steeped in the honest values instilled in her by her mom Sonya. Then, there is the "new" Annie, who has been corrupted by a cheating ring at her school and drawn like a moth to a light bulb to the sleazy coach named Mitch (as in "snitch").

The world of "Charmed and Cheated" (aka, "Student Seduction") is a cutthroat, Darwinian struggle of survival of the fittest. When Annie's grades are suffering at the prestigious Kingston Academy, she is co-opted by her shallow and spoiled classmates, Delia and Regan, to participate with them in a cheating ring. Principal Whitlock also lacks a human touch in the manner in which he placed Annie on probation. Annie's main connection to reality at school and her principal source of support is her friend Camille.

The vicissitudes of the academic integrity appear to be bleak at Kingston. But the masterminds of the RIO plagiarism software had not counted on the human element of a good teacher like Miss Brewer, who recognized that the writing of several of her students could not be as advanced and polished as apparent in the papers they submitted.

The interior struggle of Annie was not entirely convincing. Except for the mirror scene, Annie never seemed to exhibit the pangs of conscience that should have alerted her not to cheat on a quiz, submit a phony paper, or to "make out" with her perverted coach. And she failed to listen to the wise counsel of Camille.

The film's denouement was disappointing in failing to tie up the loose strands. Are we to believe that Annie received no academic sanctions for her transgressions? Was Delia ever held to account for her actions, including murder? Did Regan recover from getting clocked with a fire extinguisher? Above all, was the dedicated teacher Miss Brewer eventually reinstated after indirectly serving to uncover a sordid conspiracy at the Kingston Academy?
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Far Fetched but a good Lifetime movie
lymullen23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Charmed and Cheated (AKA Student Seduction) was LMN fun, but definitely far fetched. All those girls did was cheat, shop and party. And the lengths they went to to cheat, they might as well have gone ahead and did the work.

The lacrosse coach was kinda made to seem sympathetic as he was blackmailed into flirting with Annie. But there is NO excuse. Quitting the job would have been better than taking the risk of being fired and arrested.

Annie thought she could tell her mom about the conspiracy. After she said the part about kissing the coach, of course her mother would hear nothing else. Again the movie was far fetched. Had the mom called the police when she threatened to, there would have been no chance to kill the coach as he would have been in jail.

The cheating ring was so rinky dinky--three girls? And it wasn't even sophisticated (breaking into classrooms to steal the answers for the test e etc) yet the principal was the mastermind. I would think he would have had a broader and better plan than that. And how would Annie have proven that she found the Rio drive in the principal's office?

As another reviewer mentioned, Annie would have had to face some consequences for cheating, but she was still happily playing lacrosse at the end.

Again far fetched but fun to watch.
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Fire the casting director
tauraq30 April 2024
I don't know what planet the casting director immigrated from, but their choice for the Lacrosse coach sucks and looked more like a sleazy cheesy stripper than a high school athletics coach. And what's up with that whacked out hairdo??? Nothing about that actor registered anything remotely attributed to high school education. From the way he looked at the girls should have been more than enough to get him banned from school property. And I came to this conclusion in less than 12 minutes of watching this farce of a movie..

IThis movie is so lame , that I feel like sueing the production company for the 11 minutes and 34 seconds that I wasted watching this.
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What the first contributor said plus...
haroot_azarian8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to contribute here but the other contributor here made it so eloquently and analyses and highlighted exactly what I intended to say. I will just add that Annie was absolutely stupid and oblivious to what had happened to her. The scene where she confesses to her mom about making out with coach Mitch and her mother correctly saying that men like him are predators, bur Annie quickly jumps in and says (lied) that she was the started it and pushed for it and said the most stupid line: we have feelings for each other, or did" with the stupidest confused look on her face. And still wanted to help Mitch because his career and life would be ruined! That was the lowest part of the movie. Made me want to smash my big flatscreen TV!

And her audacious fight scene with her mom was even more infuriating! Typical below average LMN movie! Oh I left out an important part: Annie directly was at fault for getting poor Ms. Brewer fired and Regan almost killed, by immediately texting Delia and telling her that Brewer was unto them! But I did not feel at all sorry for perv Mitch. He got what he deserved. Oh and I think the girl in the ponytail cheering Annie at the end and the three way celebratory hug is in fact Regan. Which answers the question to whatever happened to her. Seems she became a good girl and friends with Annie and Camille.
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Wasn't Charmed but was Cheated
klbrad196331 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Student Seduction aka Charmed and Cheated is a high school based drama that is somewhat entertaining. The story such as is is concerns a scholarship athlete who is more talented athletically than she is academically. The plot includes a bit from Mean Girls, Jawbreaker and any of a number of films with a setting in school.

While full of plot holes, the film is entertaining enough to pass time while doing something else. You're need for logic and tangible realism are not required.

Some hot takes: 1. Why is the best friend, a person of color, only there to help bail the lead out of her poor decision making?

2. Why do Annie and her cohorts of the cheating ring given the same haircut and similar hair color, making them almost indistiguishable?

3. Why is Annie more concened with her groomer's future than her own?

4. Why didn't the mom immediately contact the police after Annie's confession?

5. What does the principal have to gain other than bragging rights for facilitating this scheme, unless his salary in in the 6 figure range?
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When Temptation Is Too Enticing To Resist
alephnullfidusachates17 November 2023
There are just so many lessons to be learnt whilst watching this movie as it cleverly draws you in to the truckload of temptations dumped on the lead character who is under so much pressure to succeed. Furthermore, you can't help to find yourself subconsciously wondering if you were in her shoes whether you would have made the same choices. Quite frankly you'd have to be a saint to resist the easy path of enhanced beauty and success which is thrust upon such a young impressionable mind, not to mention the exciting chance to act upon a forbidden crush. I think we've all been there which in part is what makes this movie so interesting and entertaining.

Overall, the cast play their respective parts very well and are also attractive enough to distract you from some of the lesser holes within the plot.
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