(TV Series)


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"In my day, camp was something you did in tents"
skteosk5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly a bit cluttered, with three story lines struggling to get out and surprising tonal shifts.After his earlier cameo, Jeff Samuels proves himself to be a jerkass of magnificent proportions leading to the satisfying moment of Steven throwing him to the ground.Then he manages to top it by facing down Don Fisher at his most jerkassey and refusing to let Steven be expelled.

Providing the light relief is the irritating Deidre.Lance and Martin have a plan.Everyone be very scared.In the end, it's a reaffirming moment from Floss and Neville that sees her sent off with her tail between her legs.

Frank falls further and further under Roo's spell and there's no doubting her intentions this time:Her triumphant look at the end means Frank should be very worried.
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