RWBY: Volume 8 (Video 2021) Poster

(2021 Video)

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Another great production from CRWBY with a bit of writers block here and there.
zachkayak1 December 2022
Seems like this volume got review bombed a bit but those bombers did have some valid criticisms at times.

Without spoiling anything (because I do recommend this series). RWBY Volume 8 is a great wrap up of the atlas story taking a more gritty political approach to its story telling than previous volumes.

This does some great things for the tone of the volume but also seems to have highlighted CRWBY's writing team's lack of experience with that genre of storytelling. Many of these you will definitely notice during your watch through but they where never so problematic as to ruin my experience with the season. Although I hope that the writing team does learn a bit from this experience.

Animation and art is yet again on a new level (still dont like Yangs new glasses from last season! Aviators are way cooler!), keeping RWBY at the top of its genre of 3D anime yet again!

All in all its worth a watch and you'll get to know and care even more for team RWBY, JNPR and their entourage.
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Great but could have been better.
christopherbhenson5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This volume did a lot right and had a great first half and a great finale.

However, this was an interesting volume for me because where exactly I rate it is dependent on what happens in future volumes.

If Ironwood's death is actually a fake out and this is the absolute low point of his character arc that allows him to turn himself around like Ilia, Emerald, Hazel, or even Harriet, then this volume is an easy 9/10.

But if this is really where his story ends, then it feels like his life, and by extension his death, really didn't actually matter in the grand scheme of this story. He was just a generic obstacle for RWBY to overcome and nothing more. If this is the case then I would give this volume a 7/10.

So until I know with absolute certainty which it is, I'll rate this a solid 8/10.
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second best volume if you ask me.(volume 3 is still better)
mklarnahara15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Overally the story writing and the event were truly satisfying. The fact that there are multiple side sharing the same event each one fighting for their own was truly a point of strength for this volume.

So this is my reason why i didn't give it a 10 out of 10.

1_ why ironwood was the only one who made decisions that actually made sense? Even though he was afraid, he was the only one who believed that a group of people must be sacrificed to increase the chance of survival fo the rest. While others( not only the team rwby but also every single grown up and experienced people except clover) believed that the people of mantle must be saved even if that means the destruction of atlas and mantle at the same time. They literally sacrificed humanity's most advanced source of weapons (wich was required for its survival) just to saved the lives of some people who can not protect themselves. Specially now because they're literally out of weapons and armors.

2_ why the hell qrow cried for clover like that? Bro get yourself together. He ain't your best friend or something.(unless he was crying for his guilt and mistake of teaming up with the scorpian guy)
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larissaosborne27 February 2022
Unexpected things happened and I couldn't love it more. Music. Amazing. Animation, GREAT. Everything about this volume was stunning. They always surprise us each volume.
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One of the best Volumes yet.
jsbudden7 January 2022
A fantasic volume full of suspence, drama, incredible action and fantasic music. A grand continuation of what makes RWBY such a wonderful show to begin with, while giving us more backstory for characters.
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What a cliff hanger!
ryanbuzan27 February 2022
As I stated in the last review for Volume 7 there are toxic members f the FNDM that are aren't part of the crew but not only that but they are angry that their fanfic ideas aren't cannon.
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Honest Review Warning: Spoilers
It was a horrible season that failed to showcase any of the show's strengths while being blatantly unfinished on a writing or production level, alongside containing horribly offensive messages in Penny's arc and sidelining Team RWBY to an almost comical level. Not even touching on the Ironwood stuff, but Penny's arc being an unironic message of "Yeah just kill yourself and everything will be OK" alongside Team RWBY being given so little (especially Weiss and Blake) are such giant black marks against the season. I'd almost call Penny's arc misogynistic and I will depending on how Volume 9 handles the death.
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An ambitious sucess
Farkos23 July 2022
Seeins some weird review bombing for this one, so writing a quick review :

Volume 8 is the most ambitious RWBY has been since it start. And while it stumbles there and there because of lack of time, for the most part it suceed brillantly at what it wanted to do since Volume 7.

Warmly recommend it.
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Best volume yet
chrismatrixdragon7 January 2022
A three way war between the queen of all evil, a terrified military general overthrowing a democratic government, and everyone else caught in the middle. Several major plotlines from previous volumes reach boiling point here, character backstories are revealed, relationships grow in believable ways... Great fun, and the best animation the show has had yet.
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Back and forth but satisfying
dkrzftqgz30 April 2023
Enjoyed this season and a very nice back and forth between both sides of the story. Strongly enjoyed and loved the music so much.

While I'm not a fan of some characters I do love the way they grow a little every dragon. I think that is my favorite thing about this show. They don't give you everything at one time but they find axis to make each season move along the story overall.

Everything has a time and place in the story. New characters are so exciting to me at least and finding out every season what comes next always brings me back for more. I would do anything for more and would die to see this through.
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An extremely strong season.
Citadel_Of_My_Thoughts7 January 2022
This season was epic with our protagonists having to deal with fighting on multiple fronts and learning that some allies weren't allies. Strong commentary on the dangers of nationalism and and letting fear influence our decisions even to the point of abandoning innocents to death.

I found the writing to be excellent along with strong VA performances from all involved.
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jimvandemoter-5023618 December 2021
I love it! This show has had its critics but I think Monty would be pleased at the direction it's taking. This series leaves so many unanswered questions I can't wait for the next series. I'm not going to give anything away, you'll have to watch it yourself and draw your own conclusions. Keep up the good work.
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For Every Life
TheAlanomaly28 April 2023
Picking up immediately where Volume 7 left off, RWBY Volume 8 promises non-stop action, even in the times when it slows to let the story catch back up with itself. A story which takes place across only two days but manages to do so much with the time allotted, and also being the RWBY Volume with the longest runtime thus far. The continued downward spiral of Ironwood on one side, and the arrival of Salem on the other, brings the greatest internal conflict the heroes have faced up until this point with disagreements on how best to save not only Atlas and Mantle, and the rest of Remnant as Salem's tirade continues.
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The Tensions Boil over, and it changes everything
thepartygod29 April 2023
The tensions that were boiling over last volume have finally blown over the top. The Nation of Atlas is stuck between a three-way war. Ironwood and his military, Salem and her forces, and Team RWBY and friends.

Everyone's thoughts and feelings on how to proceed forward are just as divided causing our heroes to make some tough choices.

This volume was massive in both scale and what it wanted to accomplish. And for all of that, I think it managed these goals rather well. The chaos and stress the characters were in and under was very evident from even the start. Couple that with hard-hitting reveals and powerful moments and surprises and it was a fantastic volume. Only thing it could have done differently is let a couple of moments breathe a little longer, but, other than that, another great volume!
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A Great Volume with a Heart wrenching finale.
mweist28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We start off seeing the results of leaving a man with too much power unchecked as he has his entire military overthrowing the government which he himself hold two seats on the council, and our heroes are split into two groups due to a conflict of priorities on how to thwart the plans of the Main villain who has now come out of hiding and is currently planning a siege on the Kingdom, one group to help evacuate the citizens abandoned b the military, and another to break into the military base for the codes necessary to launch an emergency broadcast to the entire world, followed by an nice touch of horror with the introduction of a new type of enemy and the reveal of it's true nature, as well as certain antagonists choosing to go against their superiors and help the heroes, and i guarantee you will be left heartbroken at this volumes finale as I was.
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nickgerard-7980129 April 2023
Super, super intense and dark, but in all the best ways. The sense of scale and stake is incredibly well-built, and the story and the actions of the characters really convey how hard it can be to make the right decisions when the world is crashing down around you.

The animation is great as always, and the fight scenes are top-knotch. This volume more than any other really feels like the one where everything just comes to a head, where everything the show's building towards is finally here, and in my opinion it doesn't disappoint! It is definitely an emotional, gut-wrenching ride, though, one of the darkest volumes for sure.
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The start of the downfall of Atlas... and Ruby Rose
shslruby28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This volume is dark. And I mean really, REALLY dark. However, it's through this arc that really showcases some of the best out of characters like Penny, Nora, Ren, Yang, and Oscar and their journey as themselves. Some of the best in the music, and while I believe the fights are not as good as Volume 7's overall, it more than makes up for it in pure spectacle. This also is when Ruby starts to doubt herself as a leader, and as a person, and sets up one of the best character arcs I've ever watched. A beautiful volume that will break your heart, but one that will leave you wanting to watch more immediately.
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Sometimes It's Worth It All To Risk The Fall and Fight
winryism28 April 2023
Salem has now arrived to destroy Atlas and obtain the Relic of Creation. General Ironwood declares Team RWBY and co. Enemies of the kingdom, and with the gang being fugitives-it makes it a lot harder to save Atlas and Mantle from destruction. Team RWBY and co. Splits into two groups, but make no mistake, they are far more united than divided.

This volume demonstrates that there isn't one right way to solve and answer, sometimes you need to think outside of the box to save the world, and sometimes that solution isn't what you hoped for-but still works nonetheless. This volume has many plot twists, and many heart touching moments within its most bleakest. Despite so much horror around them, Team RWBY and co. Manage to find hope in the worst of places. Volume 8 is easily the best volume of RWBY to date.
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Full of emotional turmoil but it's okay
xxwarriorcatsislifexx28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know how else to say that this is one of the best volumes the show has made. The drama is intense (and the buildup for it! Oh boy), the songs are incredibly fitting, and the animation is at its best here. The Atlas arc is definitely my favorite of the three current arcs, especially with Ironwood. His character is subtly set up in earlier volumes and as we go through the previous volume into this one it's satisfying to see what occurs. His snapping, his loss of hope. Ironwood isn't my favorite character, obviously, but he's incredibly enjoyable and a fun anti-villain.

I'm not sure what else to say! I really adore Penny's character arc, and I think her death made a lot of sense. She's supposed to be tragic. That's the point.

If you enjoy hurt feelings this volume is for you!
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Showstopping volume and an amazing continuation of the beloved RWBY series.
shalina-6134929 April 2023
RWBY Volume 8 is a stunning and emotionally-charged addition to the series. The story continues to follow our beloved characters as they face their most difficult challenges yet, with high stakes and heart-wrenching moments that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

The animation is once again a standout feature, with stunning action sequences and richly detailed environments that bring the world of RWBY to life in breathtaking fashion. The voice acting is also exceptional, with each actor delivering powerful and nuanced performances that give depth and resonance to the characters.

The storytelling in Volume 8 is particularly impressive, with the show tackling complex and weighty themes like sacrifice, grief, and redemption with sensitivity and nuance. The result is a deeply moving and impactful experience that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

Overall, RWBY Volume 8 is a triumph of animated storytelling, showcasing the best of what this series has to offer. It's a must-watch for fans of the show, and a testament to the power of animation as a medium for exploring complex ideas and emotions.
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itstheiz28 April 2023
This has been an exciting and action-filled follow up to the events of the volume 7 finale. I felt invested in the characters and events, and the action sequence and scores are enjoyable to watch. Every year the animation, lighting, background, and prop designs get better. This volume felt like it took a darker tone than previous ones, with the exception of the volume 3 finale, and the war with Salem is beginning to become a bigger event in the series. I am glad other characters besides RWBY got some highlights too! I would love to see longer runtimes per episode and more episodes per season in future volumes!
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Absolutely Gut-Wrenching
emeryx-8869128 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I'll be the first to admit, there are a few moment's I'm not a fan of, but the show remains consistent with it's plot and it has kept me engaged and entertained. The characters make decisions that they reasonably would, and those decisions result in various problems. Ruby and Yang split the team, Salem captures Oscar, Nora gets hurt. Ironwood recruits Watts to deal with Penny's insubordination, he uploads a virus to her system. Oscar is honest with Hazel, he betrays Salem. As a result, so does Emerald. The Virus causes Penny to try to leave for the vault, everyone has to stop her.

But by far my favorite part of Volume was the end. Definitely would watch again.
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One hell of a dark, yet amazing Volume!
tophherd-1698829 April 2023
First of all, whoever review bombed this Volume, get a life!

Now for the review,

Picking up right where Volume 7 left off, our heroes are having disagreements on what to do next. Between Salem's arrival and Ironwood's dangerous militaristic attitude, everything has basically gone to hell. The fight scenes have gotten better over the past few volumes, we get a much need backstory on one of the main villains, and probably one of the darkest/ saddest endings to a volume or season that has been well done in my opinion. The VA performances and writing has been really strong with a good balance between comedy and drama.

10/10, looking forward to future Volumes.
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Spectacular, action packed and visually stunning
tobleroneyfun29 April 2023
Gorgeous visuals and musical score! The plot beats landed so well, and incredible action packed, character driven story with so many sharp twists and turns! My favourite season so far and it looks like it's only going to get better. Amazing horror sequences, raw emotional scenes. Stunning downfalls of characters as the climax and finale of their arcs. Heart wrenching qnd painful in the absolute best of ways, I was brought to tears several times. I can't believe how amazing the whole season is. The voice acting is absolutely amazing, there are so many instances of such raw, pained voice acting it feels so incredibly real. Fantastic series, amazing, just totally amazing.
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