Day of Disappearance (2022) Poster

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Lots of work put into it
joyandpeace-8956015 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I got the dvd and believed what the back of it said, but a few things happened which made me realize it was not a true story....he never checked on the communication again w/U online, he never ran upstairs for his aunt and to protect her when the night time stuff started. The cat never came home and finally he was being taken over supposedly by a spirit or something....some clues just started unfolding that these events were not real....not a true story. I will say...lots of hard work and thought was put into the making of this movie......decent piece of art by an amateur, he is creative......
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Some thought this was real?
divedeep-4670420 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay first off it would have had a higher rating if not for the annoying lead actor (yes this is an actor). It got to the point where I was just thinking "go ahead and get this guy, dark mysterious ominous force lol" The movie also spent too much time on showing his character prior to anything interesting happening (just fast forward those parts).

Other than that not bad. Had some good scares and some of the lead up was not bad. I myself love found footage horror so I may be impartial.

However, what I struggle to understand is how individuals believe this may be real. The lead up, the exact positioning of cameras to show the entity appearing, ect all clearly shows this is a MOVIE.
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Take it or leave ir.
floydtaylor-3295922 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Started out good and believable then slowly became unbelievable with some of the production, story with Auntie K ,- someone in her condition would never have been in the house by herself before he came in the first place, and the ghost or creatures.. costume that walks accross the hallway.. terrible.

I like how they were pulling this of as If it was based on a true story, to bad it wasn't because it at habe been alot better.

Don't go into the movie with high expectations and don't watch it like it's based on a true story cause that really changes your expectations.

Anyways over all a 5 out of 10.
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The Fakest!!! Save your money!!!
yvettecmercer27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OMG. In my top 10 of dumbest movies ever. It got faker and stupider as it went on. Whatever happened to the skinned cat? Not to mention the fake Finding of the cat. Why the heck did he not grab his aunt when that fake creature was in the house?? He leaves his aunt to run to the car and take off?? The rock scene is so stupid. Its clear that it's either on a tri pod or someone is holding it because it zooms into the U on his arm. There are 1000's of more problems but the Worst is when his flashlight just coincidentally has a tape deck attached to it when he finds his dads stuff. I can't Even with how stupid this movie was... Don't forget about the fact that as soon as he mentions his dad, he gets an email from someone knowing his dad. He's not Google or FB so that's ridiculous. Oh, and what about digging up of his dads grave at the cemetery?? Lol!! That was so ridiculous. Save your money!!!
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This should be free and that is still too much
ltopher1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like I should have been paid for watching this trash. If you would like to watch the main character cry ever 5 minutes when nothing happens or watch scenes ripped for paranormal activity and Blair witch then watch this movie. But not one part is scary and the way this guy reacts to everything is so over the top, nothing is believable. The 10/10* reviews are either people who want others to suffer or they were definitely paid. When you are an hour in just be ready for the next hour to be the same thing over and over and less scary as you go. Absolute trash of a movie hopefully this helps others avoid it.
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Should be called Day of Disappointment
gen-20008 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, it is October, and as usual, I'm looking for a little fright on a Friday night. Came across this movie on Amazon Prime and decided to rent it since the stars were high and I hadn't seen it before. What an absolute waste of time and money! It is low budget fake from the first "scare" all the way to the end, the story is weak as heck, the point of first person scare movies is for there to be a reason why he has the camera the whole time and there wasn't, and holy moly get that man an inhaler cause his exaggerated breathing at everything was too much by the end! I was rooting for the monsters or spirits (still not sure what they were) to just take him by the end! It was so bad and lame, my 6yo princess was laughing at it! Unless you want to spend the majority of the movie saying "really???" then I would give this one a hard pass.
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Awful and boring
matthewmillerwriter12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you love movies where literally nothing happens for most of the movie, and the main character is incredibly annoying, as well as cruel to animals, then boy, is this your lucky day!

I don't think the guy was acting; I suspect that he really is like that in real life. Anyway, he chased and terrorized a rooster, and I resent that because love animals. It is not "funny", but cruel.

This is just another totally amateur movie made by people who think that they can make movies because they own a camera. Don't waste your money or your time. I cannot think of a single redeeming factor, except that I got to see some of Hawaii.
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Gripping and Compelling!
tmccull5216 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was remarkably gripping and frighteningly compelling! I found myself so gripped with mjnd-numbing boredom trying to watch it that I felt compelled to fall asleep after about 15 minutes. I did wake up in time to see the obligatory "Blair Witch" inspired mucus loop trailing from the main character's nose and mouth as he blubbered for someone to help him. I really can't tell you much more than that as I felt myself helplessly compelled towards a blissful slumber once again shortly after that scene. I will not attempt to rewatch this rancid turd of a film. I'm sorry that I saw as much of it as I did to begin with.
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Everyone's so Critical !
michellemariebrochu6 November 2022
Don't read the trashing.

Watch for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

There was obviously a lot of work put into this movie,

Wake Up Folks- everything doesn't have to have have Hellyweird Satan Cult Garbage theatrics to be a good movie.

People are very Programmed & out of touch with what is Artfully creative.

I think the acting is good the storyline is interesting and kept my interest throughout- seemed pretty real. Gram did a fantastic job and I was a oil convinced that it could be real.

The cat did an excellent job too!

I'm impressed. Would recommend and I give the film all 👍🏽 all Thumbs Up!

Great Film ! Especially for Halloween ! Love that it didn't need a bunch of trashy filth to keep me engaged & I'd even let my older kids watch.
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Asthmatic Austic Goes to Camp
Doctor_Enigmatic21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I say spoilers, but that's imply there was a story here to be ruined by sharing of details. Fear not, hopefully you won't decide to watch this and save yourself the strain of eye rolling.

So a rich kid spends the first half of the movie constantly stuffing his face with loud food. He's watched some superior films in his life and makes notes of them. It's too be that didn't rub off in anyway other than a few random quotes.

My dude is flying to Hawaii at the start. Apparently he is going to college there. I find the ability to suspend my disbelief broken upon this premise. I don't believe he even got a GED. "Story" structure would show adequate proof of my claim. The whole thing plays out like an advertisement to a channel you'd dare someone you hated to watch.

In order for these folks to work you got to have a protagonist you care for; at the very least you don't want him annoying. Welp that's not happening at all. My dude wears these blue light blocking glasses as his "glasses" so you know when he is him, later in the film. I have a pair l, so I recognized them when they are constantly showing a mirror image.

He makes a vlog for his granny in Arizona. I guess there are people out there that's watch stuff like that. If you or someone you love watch annoying streamers or anyone on YouTube then you know the type of character you would be dealing with. It's like a special needs school of the Internet in so far as a bunch of mentally retaded people threaten and spell incorrectly with impunity, all the while needing much more schooling to make it in the world.

Random crazy stuff happens, in so far as a shadow and some random noises happen. Maybe if people locked their damn doors they wouldn't have all kinds of whatnot. Apparently there are microscopic life forms buried in rocks that can appear in the form of the main monster from my childhood book "Where the Wild Things Are."

He's a kid who is years late going to college but randomly drops made coin ti randomly buy a new iPhone. This is on top of this giant house he's living at in Hawaii. Got lots of expensive Apple toys. So Apple and YouTube are basically paid sponsors for the content of this film. Which is to say morally and thematically empty.

You want found footage door right, this movie felt like 4 hours. I watched The Blackwell Ghost movies 1-5 and only stopped to sleep because it was 9am. There's people you want to see and make a compelling narrative. Then there are the mouth breathers who spend the second half of the movie sounding like they just ran 40 miles uphill both ways with cars strapped to his legs. This is his "scared" acting heavy, heavy, heavy breathing. I'm not in shape and yet I can go more than half a foot without sounding like my lungs are in danger of imploding.

It's bad, man.
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Another bad found footage film
davewillhg4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible. Slow and boring, no real suspense. The protagonist wasn't even likable. By the end you didn't care what happened you just wanted it to end. Almost two hours of nothing of interest. Watching the main character play house, do laundry, drive his car, dig in the dirt, play video games, sleep, trance out. Just stupid and not interesting in the least. It's too bad whatever that ridiculous thing at the end was didn't get him in the first two minutes of this waste of film. Maybe it was the vlog police who got him for vlog violations of just being no content and beyond boring. How stuff like this even makes it to public viewing is the real horror of this.
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The "this is real" hype killed the movie.
bossjoem30 November 2022
It's a pretty decent found footage film for me. There's nothing new except for the Youtube blog thing. What irritates me the most is the hype that's going on around Youtube. Comment saying that it's true making the internet people idiots. I tried to comment about the movie then these hype people just kept on commenting "this is real", "i'm from "the islands", i'm from Hilo" etc. Even though the characters are straight up fiction. Lol. It's irritating. There are hundreds of found footage films released already.

We get it. We're able to see it by watching thru Amazon Prime. Millions watched it already. Please stop the over hype. It's making the movie bad.
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Lazy, Awful, Boring
chillimemphis11 February 2023
Why why why do these movies slither onto streaming platforms? There are so many other movies like this one, but indescribably more well done. It's as if there was zero effort or craft put into this. It's a guy with his cellphone. At the top of the movie when I seen it was in Hawaii I was like awesome we get to explore Hawaii. NOPE. This guy sticks to his apartment or indoors for most of this movie. And you can't even hear what he's saying half the time!

Having recently watched a handful of these movies on Tubi, it's pretty clear that the people who made this saw some of the more well done ones and said HEY LETS DO THAT!
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yolandaross-9447526 June 2023
I enjoyed this movie a lot. It wasn't a lot of jump scares which I like, but it was enough to keep me interested. The movie did drag in the beginging a bit but towards the middle and end it became real good. People might disagree with me regarding this film, but everyone has their own opinion. Advice just see for yourself and you can be the judge. One thing I love about movies like these is that there is really no orgin to the creature or supernatural being and you can make up your own story of where or what the supernatural creature is. Again, you judge for yourself b/c everyone has opinion..
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David tapped into his creativity during the pandemic
ryleilove14 August 2023
Was this a comedy?

Let me start by saying, I appreciate the fact that David got creative during the pandemic....kudos to you. However, this was no horror so please stop with the fake reviews. One thing I can't stand is a liar. I would respect your work so much more if you didn't pay people to leave fake reviews and just accept a low rating. No one is expecting you to deliver Tony worthy content.

The acting was hilarious with all the heavy breathing, the whisper talking, the crying, the subtle reactions to things that normal people would flip tf out at. And why did you have Aunty K shaking like that? Ahahahha, you didn't have to have her do that, she would have been fine delivering her lines.

I won't give any spoilers and I say if you're looking to pass time or for some background noise go ahead.

IMDb you should start allowing us to use emojis and do away with this ridiculous character limit. 3 emojis would have expressed my sentiments for this movie and so many others. It's 2023, get with the program.

David, while my rating is low, you were hilarious in this and I would watch more of your work just because *shrugs*. I will say that this was way too long. You could have completed this project in 90 min ok? Otherwise, we lose interest because nothing is really happening and the story isn't interesting but for some reason, I will watch more of your work. It's a conundrum I can't explain.
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Real or not? This is Horror done right!
sandykaloha20 September 2022
This is an excellent horror film or documentary, mystery, etc. Supposedly the director cut the film from the original YouTube Chanel of a kid who went missing. I went and checked out the channel and IT DOES exist! And the release dates of the channel uploads line up perfectly with the film. I know that they could have planned that but it seems too complicated. I'm pretty sure its real. Plus people are saying that on the Hawaii island (where the movie takes place) there were stories going around in 2019 of the missing kid David. If they did plan this and it is fake, WOW. What an Excellent idea. Anyway, regardless of if its real or not the movie was SO SCARY and SO GOOD. It provokes a sense of dread and fear. Few movies scare me anymore, but this did, because it was so realistic. Also David Hall is such an engaging and fun person! I could watch him for hours. Two thumbs way up! Definitely give this film a try.
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Absolutely fantastic horror film
fiskandhisk20 September 2022
So good. Real or not this film had an excellent story and manages to scare the heck out of you. This is the first time I have EVER seen found footage done like this. After watching the movie I went and explored the David S. Hall YouTube channel for a while!

Beyond the awesome story and fear factor this movie had great creatures, spooky scenery, great characters, great acting, and a touching story above all. If you are a fan of thrillers, mystery, horror, or even just well made movies, you must watch this film. I am not associated with its production at all for the record. Absolutely scary and keeps you thinking for days after the film!
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majarajamusic22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the perfect title if you are looking for something awesome, fun, and insanely spooky this Halloween. This movie was incredible. The way they put it together was so well done. I also would recommend finding the actual David S. Hall YouTube channel after and browsing the videos. There is so much more to see! And going on right after watching the movie made it all the more creepy. I spent all night after watching the movie creeping the hell out of myself on the actual channel. You can actually see the conversation he has with the creature or whatever it was messing with him on the computer video. This whole thing is real. Some people say its fake but I have been diving deep and its real. I even called the phone number on the movie and this real too. Anyway, this movie was slay. As slay as it gets! And the story behind it is as freaky as hell!
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Original and Genius! A Reminder Why We Love Horror!!
returntosenderhawaii7 November 2022
First of all I must say, I live in Hawaii, where this film takes place. I'm not 100% sure if the whole thing is real or not, but I don't care!

I watched this movie with my girlfriend on my couch in the comforts of my own home. I am a huge horror fan, not just a gore hound, though I do enjoy some good gore f/x from time to time, but I love a good scare and a GOOD STORY most of all!...which both together, are really hard to come by.

Films that have scared me often lack in the story telling arena.

And let me just say THIS FILM HAD IT ALL!

This film is a lot like Blair Witch, Paranormal, Cloverfield in the use of the home camera, but the way in which the David Hall character in approached his situation is the most realistic and believable I have ever seen. The characters in the movie are like normal people, not Hollywood types. The acting is amazing (if it is acting???) And the David Hall character is SO fun and likable.

Thats why I'm not sure if this is real or fake. It all seems SO real. Plus there have been stories going around on the island about the David Hall kid for two years now.

On top of all of this the David S Hall YouTube account REALLY EXISTS!!!! And it is so crazy to be able to watch the movie then go browse the Youtube channel which has a lot more content. You can even dig deeper.

And the website and phone number to call about helping find David is real too!

If this is fake, this is the most ingenious incredibly done film I have ever seen.

If it is real (which I'm leaning towards that) it is still incredible the way they cut the film directly from his Youtube channel and the way they decided to tell the story.

DAY OF DISAPPEARANCE is the film to watch at home with as few people and distractions as possible. It's groundbreaking as far as found footage films go. I applaud the filmmakers for sending some chills down my spine and giving me a great new horror to love. Thank you.
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Excellent found footage film
TheLatestAndGreatest20 September 2022
As a fan of found footage films I have seen them all and I know the difference between a good one and bad one. And this is a good one. First off the lone problem. It's slightly too long at an hour fifty. I might have shaved 10 minutes off. But some brands of horror is often long running and that's that.

Otherwise we get a good story, superb acting (if it is acting?), an EXCELLENT PREMISE, and some of the most incredibly eerie moments and creepy scares I have ever seen in found footage history. In general this is just a damn good found footage movie in a damn good setting. Also the emotionally charged story really keeps you rooting for the protagonist the whole way as it centers around an extremely likable troubled kid and his past regarding his father and mother.

Just a damn good film with plenty of scares, moments, and more. Give it a watch.
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Really fresh and done right
bmasteller1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love the concept. It is really well written and acted. Although I cannot watch films if an animal gets hurt or killed. I just know that David ran over a kitty and his paw was hurt. There is a scene we're his paws is all bloody all over the house. I know there is a YouTube channel for this movie. I'm just not sure if it is real or not. You think if it was real it would be all over the news with what is on the film. I just hope there do not hurt the kitty. I know I'm a big softie, but I can't help it. It's hard to tell if it's real or not because the main character is awesome. He is so believable and makes you question if it's real. He is walking through a cave with no shoes on. Plus cutting his skin with what looks like a real lava rock. Just a really good movie. I hope it's not real and just a story, because how sad if it is real and terrifying.
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Good for a low budget film set in Hilo, Hawaii
vegadu14 August 2023
I really enjoyed this movie! I've watched countless found footage films & it's my favorite horror genre. David is a very likable nerdy character & you root for him the whole movie in the hopes he can figure out what's going on.

I almost forgot he was acting, he appeared very genuine & down to earth. Even taking care of a stray cat he accidentally hit with his car & bringing him home from the vet to recover (cat is okay the whole movie, don't worry). The storyline is slow the first half but it's not like nothing happens that's paranormal, but I will say this: you have to watch the movie closely or you'll miss the good parts.

I removed one star because the glare off David's glasses prevented me from seeing his expressive eyes for half the movie. An actor uses their entire face to convey all sorts of emotions, so for example, if a character was wearing dark sunglasses for that long, it's annoying & distracting.

All in all I thought it was a good movie and the actor who plays David did an excellent job.
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A Gripping Found Footage Gem - "Day of Disappearance"
"Day of Disappearance" is an incredible found footage thriller that masterfully immerses you in a gripping mystery! As David Hall's vlog journey unfolds with eerie authenticity, it deftly blurs the lines between reality and fiction, making you question every twist and turn. The film's tension keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the chilling conclusion lingers long after the credits roll.

The film's director, Ian Grant, masterfully crafts an atmosphere of dread, using the limited perspective of vlog cameras to create an intimate connection with the audience. The editing is commendable, seamlessly blending real-world elements with a hauntingly eerie undertone.

If this isn't real, which I lean towards that side, the cast deserves special mention for their INSANELY convincing performances. David Hall makes you empathize with his character while adding depth and complexity to the unfolding narrative. David's performance (if it is in fact a performance) seriously deserves an Oscar.

Day of Disappearance is a must-see for fans of suspense and a testament to the power of the found footage genre in delivering spine-tingling storytelling. Don't miss this cinematic gem!
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SERIOUSLY lost in the Chills -- 'Day of Disappearance' A++ Movie Review!
volcanoworldstore25 August 2023
"Day of Disappearance" takes you on an eerie journey through the world of found footage, and boy, does it deliver some spine-tingling chills! The film kicks off with the intriguing premise of David Hall's YouTube vlog, and you're immediately drawn into his world. The slow burn of suspense is skillfully executed, and you can't help but feel the mounting tension as you watch David's life unravel.

The beauty of this film lies in its ability to make you question reality. The found footage format lends authenticity to the story, and you'll find yourself pondering if it's fact or fiction. To be completely honest, I'm still not sure.

The three-month vlog timeline keeps you engaged, and every video brings you closer to the heart-pounding climax.

While some found footage films can get bogged down with shaky camerawork and clichés, "Day of Disappearance" manages to steer clear of those pitfalls. The cinematography is surprisingly smooth, and the story feels fresh, keeping you guessing until the very end.

Without giving away any spoilers, let's just say that "Day of Disappearance" doesn't pull its punches. It's a gripping, suspenseful ride that will leave you with lingering questions about what you've just witnessed. If you're a fan of found footage films or enjoy a good mystery, give this one a watch-you won't be disappointed. Just be prepared to leave the lights on afterward! 🎥👻 #DayofDisappearance #FoundFootageFrightfest.
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LOVED THIS!!! - Honest review from a professional movie reviewer
cinetropichawaii3 June 2023
"Day of Disappearance" is an unparalleled horror mystery film that blurs the line between reality and fiction, leaving viewers in a state of unnerving fascination. This gripping tale has sparked intense debates, with some questioning its authenticity while others firmly believe it to be a chilling documentary. As I watched the film unfold, I found myself drawn into its terrifying world, fully convinced that what I was witnessing was undeniably real. The sheer brilliance of this movie lies in its ability to seamlessly blend the cinematic experience with real-life elements. The fact that you can delve into the actual David S. Hall YouTube channel after the movie and witness his hauntingly authentic longer uploads is both exhilarating and petrifying. "Day of Disappearance" delivers an unparalleled level of horror and disturbance that lingers long after the credits roll. It is my hope that this remarkable film aids in the search for David, as its impact is undeniable.
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