Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure (2012) Poster

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good for grade schoolers, remedial and dull for adults
canjoh29 November 2012
First off, kudos to Kirk Cameron for speaking truth into the culture at its time of need. I was eager to see this, but waited long after its DVD release before getting around to view it. Unfortunately I found it largely a waste of time.

The film is Cameron's look into America's past to answer the crises that face America today. He finds the answers, but the journey is simply not that interesting. He goes to England, Holland, and Massachusetts to learn about the Pilgrims. There's not much new material here for anyone that knows much about the Pilgrims. There are a few anecdotes that are interesting, but the bulk of it is slow and plodding.

Cameron speaks with a few authorities on history and Christianity, but few are given much time to say anything of any real insight. If you're a Bible-believing, church-attending Christian, you should already know pretty much everything in this movie. If you don't, you need to find a new church.

The content is good, but it is grade-school material. This movie may be a good introduction to the Pilgrims and American history for an elementary-age child, but it is remedial for adults and simply put a waste of time for them.

I was greatly disappointed with this film. I would avoid this one. You're much better off reading a good book or going to bed early.
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What garbage
demsd5 November 2012
Puritans found it difficult to love the sinner and hate the sin and decreed the death penalty for adulterers, homosexuals and witches. Kirk Cameron, in this new attempt at Christian revisionism, tried to suggest that the founders of America (and I don't mean the puritan settlers) wanted a theocracy, which is what the the Puritan community was. However, what our forefathers envisioned was independence, patriotism, practicality and tolerance. Puritans believed teenage boredom and old feuds were a part of witchcraft, our forefathers did not.

Then there is the myth about the printing, financing, distribution of bibles by Congress. This is simply not true. Robert Aitken printed the Bible. Aitken was not appointed to be the official bible printer and, although Aitken wanted the bible published under the authority of Congress, the bible was not printed or paid for by Congress: Resolved: That the United States in Congress assembled, highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the interest of religion as well as an instance of the progress of the arts in this country, and being satisfied from the above report, of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States and hereby authorize him to publish this recommendation in the manner he shall think proper (see page 574, Journals of Congress, September 12, 1782).

Take it all with a grain of salt.
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Best lesson of burried History I've ever seen!
hollierenner19 March 2020
Not watered down and no sensationalism or conspiracies here! Just the raw, honest, historic truth of the birth of our nation and it's Christian foundation! Proof you can't deny....LOVE!
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Decent as propaganda, terrible as a documentary
steveyates1 May 2013
My rating of 3 stars represents an average of zero stars as a documentary, and 6 stars as propaganda. As a documentary, the film relies largely on opinions and when it does present actual historical events, it tends to spuriously shoehorn god into those events. It makes for decent propaganda but is largely preaching to the choir, which doesn't include me. I was left unconverted.

While I think Kirk Cameron is well-meaning, I also think he is misguided. Using the Puritans as an example of strong morals and religious tolerance is problematic. The strict piety of the Puritans was borderline Taliban-esque, and they were all for religious tolerance as long as it included only their religion. The documentary fails to mention that part of the reason the Puritans left Holland was because they felt the Dutch were too tolerant, and had difficulty co-existing with Jewish people. However, this is a bit of a digression.

The film uses questionable and biased sources. The highlights are Todd "legitimate rape" Akin and David Barton, author of The Jefferson Lies, "the least credible book in print," according the the History News Network. Note that The Jefferson Lies is no longer in print, as the publisher withdrew the book citing lack of confidence in the book's details. Also heavily featured is one of the co-writers, "Dr." Marshall Foster, who serves as the film's historian. Foster's "doctorate" is not in history, but in Divinity. As a side note, I do consider a D.Div to be a legitimate degree, but not when it comes from Cathedral Bible College as his does, which as far as I can tell is an unaccredited degree mill.

The production quality of the film is competent, but not spectacular.
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The rating for this movie is too low.
billja-140-55519730 April 2020
An eye-opening history of our republic & should be seen by every American-loving citizen from 10 to 100. Excellent history lesson which has been largely ignored by our educators.
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Rage to the point of writing my first review
meggs027 December 2014
I've never written a review before but it also seems that Mr. Cameron has never seen a documentary before. I admittedly skipped over some points where Cameron is beyond perplexed and where he is subjected to painfully slow, rhetorical questions given in Sunday school format. However, I will attempt to cover some of my personal high and low points without rage quitting like i did this film.

The first monumental bowl movement of the film is in the opening where Cameron explains that we are all going to hell in a hand-basket and that the only thing that will set us straight is a revival to God's path and adhering to the saying "one nation under God." The term was only added to the pledge of allegiance in the late 40's or 50's and we all know how diverse and accepting of other cultures America was then.

The next three quarters of the film is dedicated to the pilgrims' arduous journey from England, to Holland, back to England, and then the new world in order to seek religious freedom from the Anglican church. The film almost comically takes this in full stride while prescribing religious law and a conjoining of church and state. Without even realizing it, Cameron and company come full circle back to the same environment which drove the Puritans from England. The Puritans were also relatively a small sect in colonial America. Can someone please talk about the Georgia penal colony for a fresh change?

Moving on to our forefathers, the film tries to change their beliefs postmortem. They do so by citing that 12 of these heathens financed a commemorative bible and that Thomas Jefferson endorsed the bible as a book to be used in school without the consideration of some simple realities. In the late 1700's and throughout much of the 1800's books were available but scarce. While Bostonians such as Benjamin Franklin had access to immaculate libraries, you're average country bumpkin only had one book, the Good Book. This made the Bible an excellent and accessible tool to cement literacy in the fledgling nation. Why must the founding fathers be Christian anyways? It seems to me that the point of America was that it doesn't matter what you do or do not believe in, all that matters is that you're American and wish to see this great experiment succeed. It seems that Monumental would have the creed read, "One nation under God, but only for the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.":

For the pros- I never knew that Puritan monument in Massachusetts existed. Cool.

Also, I've spent five years in a state school and have never f*cking heard of The Godless Constitution once. (That was supposed to make you laugh)

Thanks for reading! I'm a Christian!
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linkfultz18 November 2021
This documentary is very educational, and shares a bit more about the pilgrims before their journey over to America then you may know. It really shows what this country was founding on and believed, and makes you think as much as it teaches!
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Warped view of America
bkoganbing1 July 2018
Boiled down to its essence Monumental: In Search Of America's National Treasure is a blueprint for fundamentalist Christians to restore America to their view of it. According to their view of history it was when America did such things as ban school prayer and make abortion legal and available and heaven help us decide that LGBTQ people were actually citizens that ought to have equal treatment that America just lost its way.

Our founding fathers true were for the most part churchgoing folks. But they also saw how wars of religion had torn Europe apart in the previous century. They made provision that at least federally we would have no established religion and none would be given preference. Eventually each state adopted that standard as well. The skepticism of Franklin, the Deism of Jefferson, the outright atheism of Tom Paine gets nary a mention.

It's a warped view of America and Cameron whose career in mainstream entertainment went south is now a star on the Christian circuit. What really annoys me about this view of America and of life when you come right down to it works wonderfully if you accept unquestioningly their view of things. If you don't buy into it,either you are a unregenerate sinner or a person for this crowd to preach to.

Seeing how this crowd is excusing all the scandals and peccadillos of our current president who is trying to give them the America they want should show them up for what they are.

Fundamentalist Christian propaganda that really doesn't stand up to critical examination.
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Great film every American should see
mtnjak-18 January 2015
This film went beyond what I learned in school about the pilgrims. It goes through more detailed events leading up to them landing at Plymouth, MA in 1620. It gives you a sense of how desperate times were in England under a tyrannical government which had no tolerance for Christians. Kirk Cameron talks to historians and experts to paint a picture of just how hard the Puritans fought to be free from an oppressive government. Cameron, with the help of a historian, discovers a hidden gem of history--a little heard about monument to our founding--and gives the viewer an interpretation of the meaning of said monument. An excellent film that every American should see.
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History Teacher
mr-lavictor12 September 2012
I use this in my classroom to set the tone for American History. We can not hide behind a false understanding of our history and expect our children just believe whatever is said in the world. They must be rooted in the truth and see that our founders understood the costs that may lie ahead, and that we must put faith first so that we can make good and proper decisions. Man will make mistakes along the road of life... that should be understood, but we must try and correct our path when light is shed upon the falsehoods and failures we experience. Sometimes it hurts to see what we really are and where we come from, but that is what we must understand if we are to see where we came from.
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Excellent film
wildwolfmom13 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this film for my husband's birthday after hearing Glen Beck recommended it. Very nicely put together and it was refreshing to hear the story of the founding father's quest for religious liberty and that unlike the "politically correct" revisionist history they have taught in the last 50 years in the schools, these men had a deep faith in God and that our country indeed was founded with Judeo-Christian principles in mind. Grounded in history the film takes you through the quest for religious freedom by the Puritans, the religious ideals of the signers of the Constitution to the writings of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It is a good basis for further study and inquiry. Truth bears scrutiny. A must for the whole family.
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Excellent & SO WORTH IT!! :)
msnfaith17 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really love how Kirk Cameron actually took tons of time to go thru history to dig up the GENUINE FACTS about our nations founding. How fun & exciting that he got to actually go to these places & witness things for himself instead of just taking people's word on it. That would be SO fascinating!! He actually went across the ocean to go to the places that our ancestors came from and researched the TRUTHS to find out for himself and his family. I don't want to give ANY spoilers, so I'm not going to talk about all the interesting facts he found on this amazing adventure. But, boy does EVERY SINGLE American NEED TO WATCH THIS!! Today kids are being raised with a REVISED/REWRITTEN history and this movie will PROVE with the facts how things have changed so dramatically from our founding & how we need to get back to it fast to SAVE OUR NATION and bring it back to its' original greatness. After watching the movie, many packed theaters stood and clapped! Wow!! We bought this movie as soon as it came out on DVD and plan to give as gifts to A LOT of our family for Christmas. People NEED to see the real truth about how our nation was really started. Awesome!! God bless Kirk Cameron & team for digging up the truth in person. :D This is a MUST SEE show!
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Awesome Documentary
ericaharris19081 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Why so many want to deny the fact that this country was founded on Christian, Biblical principles. The reason this nation WAS great was because they followed Christian laws. The current government has turned it's back on God. God will not be mocked. God will judge this nation. Of course I am not surprised by the low ratings. What does darkness have to do with light. The lost don't want the truth, can't see the truth. The proofs of how this nation without God. This nation was blessed because their were people who believed in the God of The Bible. This is a clear, honest look into the history of America. Iyt is clear how when God's law is followed, blessings come. When they are discarded destruction comes. Destruction on a global scale is coming.
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Excellent film, suggest every America watch it and learn their History
jefferysikes91110 February 2014
This is one of the most enlightening movies about the American pilgrims, that has ever been filmed. There are discoveries in this movie which will assist Americans with understanding who they are and what their country is founded upon. The film addresses the hardships Americas forefathers endured in order to make it to America. No other documentary about America has ever delved into this much detail concerning its forefathers and their historical past. Those of you who want to know the foundations of America could not pick a better movie to watch and a better foundation for your further research, than this film "Monumental". Every school child in America should be introduced to this film. This film takes you on an exciting journey, and opens your eyes to the history of America's forefathers, what they experienced, what they had to contend with, and how they finally endured the hardships and made it successfully to the shores of what is now Massachusetts. It winds through many countries as well as some states within America, covering some specific history and documentation and finally takes you back to Massachusetts and introduces you to one of the most historical Monuments in America, and one to which most Americans are unaware.
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Watch the movie 1984 in tandem with this: Watch and Learn
deputypilots5 September 2012
Kirk Cameron has demonstrated that he is not only a committed performer, he is also a committed family advocate. The movie is not about family but it shows how the early American settlers and the forefathers of the Declaration of Independence thought about family, morality and what it takes to be a solid society. Unfortunately, due to Kirk Cameron's well known association with some Christian film productions, it is unlikely that this documentary appeal to a broad spectrum of the American public. This is truly unfortunate as it is a film that should be seen and even presented in schools for discussion.

Some academics who are trying to protect their revisionist perspectives on early American history are clearly exposed by undeniable evidence. Not constructed or concocted evidence but clear historical evidence which can only be fully appreciated after seeing this documentary. I'm with Kirk Cameron, "as for me and my family...we choose..."
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The Truth Will Set You Free!
rajivness5 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an eye opener and debunks the lies and mis-information being circulated today by popular media and high profile atheists and anti-deists like Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hawkins - to name a few.

The film clearly cites facts about America's Christian-Judeo roots and how the anti-Christian agenda has taken shape and gained strength slowly but surely.

The most surprising was about how the motto of Harvard University was changed to remove Christ and Christianity from it - leaving only the much diluted version of Veritas - which means truth while removing the fact that truth can only come through the moral code laid down by Christ and The Bible.

This is a must see for atheists and historians alike - who are curious about the roots of America and its founding fathers. It also debunks the theory of the founding fathers being atheists.

I hope people in congress watch this documentary and plot a path to fix America's downward spiral. The solution is so simple - if only people had the courage the see this.
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Best history class I've attended in 30 years
meanstreak3810 August 2014
Did you know that our U.S. Congress paid to produce Bibles and put them in homes. HARVARD's motto was "Christ and Truth." And on and on with FACTS from historians that we've never heard before. Remember a certain president saying "America is not a Christian nation" and idiots saying our country was found on religious freedom and not the Bible. That the founders were against Christianity and its tenants. Well, half of them were ordained ministers, so ... the liberals that are spreading the lies are WRONG. Why has this movie been out for two years and gotten great reviews and is not on NETFLIX? I've requested it four times in the last four years. Interesting. Watch this movie and learn. A great movie.
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Wonderfully factual documentary on our founding
MoviesRT11 December 2012
There's no need for a spoiler alert since this is all based on facts. I noticed that Cameron picked the top authorities on all the subjects that he tells us about.

Also this is very well done. It's enjoyable and nicely paced. Some documentaries get bogged down and become boring. This one is fun and the time goes by very fast. I almost wished it was longer.

I was curious as to why the rating was so low, so I looked at who did the ratings. There were mostly 10 ratings, but almost as many gave it a 1, which tells me those people never saw the movie, just panned it because they knew what it was about.

That's sad and shows how many are hostile towards any truth about our founding. I guess the founders never expected such evil to take over our country and attempt to destroy it from within, but we all know that's what's been happening for the last 50 or more years.

I hope everyone who cares becomes more educated on this subject. There will always be those who spread lies, so it's brave of people like Kirk Cameron to dare to tell the truth.

Watch this if you care what happens to the most generous and free country every founded.
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An important video to see.
jre-529 March 2012
It's not a movie, and it may not be the most enjoyable thing to watch. But it's not about entertainment, it's about teaching important items on what made our country what it is, and what we need to turn back to if we are to continue, namely the Bible. For those of you who do not agree, you need to keep an open mind while watching it and really think about it. Even if you do not believe in the Bible and GOD, there is no question about it that it did play an important role in making our country what it is- a fact that is quickly being covered up and forgotten. Kirk Cameron is truly a great guy who went through a lot of work to do this. He has big plans for it, and I pray that it will have an impact on this nation.
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Ask Yourself - What is the National Monument to the Forefathers?
zigg-924-11215514 February 2014
Do you know the answer? I didn't either and I am now annoyed I was never taught about this 81 ft tall monument in Plymouth. If you answered no, you should definitely watch this movie. Education and truth is out there for those who are not lazy and seek it out. There are people deciding what is taught to us in this country and creating standardized curricula. This may be one of the greatest dangers to the future of our country and what kind of children we will sow. The movie also investigate forgotten inscriptions at Harvard University and some very interesting documents in Texas. The movie is a little slow at some points in the beginning but revs up once you get to the monument and its interpretations.
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Wonderful history & eye-opener regarding the future of the U.S.
JulzGaye28 March 2012
It's wonderful to be able to hear the TRUTH in history. We should all know how amazing our forefathers and founding fathers were. There is much that can be learned from history that impacts us even today. History does repeat itself and only fools don't learn from mistakes. EVERY Christian should see this film at least once. Even non-Christians should appreciate the history revealed within it and understand that morality is at the heart of survival. It's a much needed call to action for Americans. The future of our country and its inhabitants are at stake. There must be reformation or we will fall, as the mighty Roman Empire did.
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Information divides you from the blind
rls-479-43521617 September 2012
The director, Kirk Cameron has come along way in his career, this film proves to be the picture of his true talent. In an age where information has been the backbone to change, we are encouraged to research our facts given the falsehood of 9/11 and our current war in the middle east. The truth from which a story is fabricated can only stay true until the lie is presented. Though we are always in anticipation of the real story becoming a text in our history books, with a broadcasting of their admission of fault, this is not the case. Our future will only be given the same ill facts, the lies will be stone and the student will believe this. Solely to maintain a patriotic faith in the system. Some lies need to be told to prevent anarchy, some lies need to be re-written to correct the course we are on.
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Interesting and Factual
skillfulcota15 February 2023
I watched the movie after visiting the Monument of the Forefathers and before reading the reviews here on IMBd. Having been to the Monument and the area surrounding it, I found this movie to be accurate and factual. I am shocked that some of the reviews are negative in content and lack facts themselves! Very sad that many do not know American History nor know the reasons our forefaathers wanted to pass to us! Kirk does a superior job at investigating and explaining in this film. This is definitely a worthwhile movie, especially in an age where such a disrespect for American TRUE History exists.
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