Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws (2015) Poster

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Just when you thought it was safe to stay out of the water...
goldenarrow-9982318 April 2018
Love the sheer ridiculocity of this.

With an ice lolly, lube and an iron among the means the supernatural oceangoing maniac accesses their prey (ghost sharks can travel through ice, water and steam much like Ultron can use the internet) you have to admire the creative lunacy with which they approach this.

If Logan really hasn't bathed in 9 years, with that amount of exercising and his penchant for raising one arm to hold his bag behind his shoulder, he must possess either nuclear powered deodorant or incredibly whiffy pits.

Fortunately, this never takes itself seriously and a good job too as it is so patently daft - the deliberately (I hope) overacting of the main characters is entirely justified when you face a menace that can kill you to death through the medium of steam...
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Kiwi-made micro dud
Leofwine_draca18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
GHOST SHARK 2: URBAN JAWS is no relation to the cheesy monster flick GHOST SHARK, so the title is something of a misnomer. Instead this is a Kiwi-produced dud about characters menaced by the ghost of a shark. The problem is that this is a micro budget indie with no kind of budget for effects or anything of the kind. So you get a bunch of lame non-actors conversing throughout and some cheesy 'kill' scenes. The whole thing is an embarrassment and a waste of time from beginning to end.
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Yeah, don't really bother with this one...
paul_haakonsen20 May 2020
I have seen the 2013 movie "Ghost Shark" and wasn't particularly impressed with it. Little did I know that they actually made a sequel to that movie two years later. Now in 2020 I was presented with the chance to sit down and watch the 2015 "Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws". And since I haven't already seen this, of course I opted to watch it.

Granted, my expectations were slim to none for the movie, as the first movie wasn't all that impressive.

Lo and behold, "Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws" was a horrible movie through and through. The storyline was just atrocious, and felt like something that directors Johnny Hall and Andrew Todd just came up with as they went along and were shooting the movie. It was a super weak plot line, and the characters were just pointless.

And as far as this movie being called "Ghost Shark", well you hardly see the actual ghost shark for a whole minute throughout the entire movie if you count the on-screen-time together. The ghost shark actually felt like it was a mere backdrop to base a pointless storyline upon. And when you actually do get to see the shark, you just gawk at it in disbelieve. It was a still image of a translucent shark. Yeah. It didn't even move, except for some horrible floating around on the screen. The CGI team - if they had one - didn't even bother to animate a shark to make it look just a bit realistic and life-like. No, they just went with a copy and paste solution.

Some of us suffered through the ordeal that is known as "Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws", so you don't have to. And trust me, you don't want to. Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this stinker.

My rating of "Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws" is a staggering one out of ten stars. This is definitely among the top 10 of horrible movies I have had the misfortune of sitting through.
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Doesn't belong in the (insert adjective here) shark genre
markphilo14 July 2020
Well there may be even worse in the future, but for now as of 2020, this is it. And I should know as I've seen them ALL. Every conceivable variant of a shark put on the screen. Ghost Shark 1 was actually OK in the tacky kind of way these movies are set up. But this.. My God: the acting! I know it is tongue in cheek to be hammed up but it was just annoying. Storyline gets it the 1/10 star, maybe as they seemed to have a lose thread of a plot. Effects? Done by a bored child I think.

Basically, I can now cross it off my list of shark films with the knowledge I will not have to endure it in my life ever again. So you only need to see this if, like me, you want to add to your list of movies with the word "shark" in it.

On the plus side? It only comes in as the 2nd worst movie of all time for me. The 2015 Point Break remake will always hold that trophy.
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Thanks for ruinging my day!
TheNonSmoker12 September 2020
And please stop making fun of sharks, please stop making sharks a fun "comedy" subject! Please stop ruining its seriousness and horror facts!
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Don't even...
colinjbooth23 June 2020
Not even worth watching out of curiosity. Such an amateurish piece of tripe it doesn't warrant even 69 minutes of your time. Move along.
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What happened? The first Ghost Shark was a low-budget creature masterpiece, but the sequel was a total disaster.
Paragon24026 November 2022
The first Ghost Shark was a low-budget delight that clearly established its rules and stuck to its hilarious and outrageous formula with lousy CGI and acting that just added to the fun. But Ghost Shark 2 ignored everything that made the first movie fun. The idea of bringing ghost sharks to a large urban center was promising, but it failed by rewriting the rules established in the first one and, in fact, didn't connect to the original movie at all. It also felt like it was shot in someone's backyard. Ghost Shark 2 wasn't a low-budget movie; it was a no-budget movie. I highly recommend the first Ghost Shark and highly recommend avoiding the second.
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m-54750-203668 November 2019
Great film with a ghost shark that kills peoble thrugh water
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If this were marketed as satire
jjdijk-748967 February 2024
After watching this movie i'm more than sure it has been mislabeled. This has to be a satirical take on an action movie.

The main character has reach and does a great job of playing a schizophrenic or PTSD sufferer. But he looks cool doing it, I mean the way he carries that backpack. They also did a fair bit of research when it came to shark anatomy so props to that.

There's so many choices that are never explained but really catch your eye. Me and my GF were really impressed with the acting and came to the conclusion that if they didn't break throughout the filming of this movie they would be our next picks for the next SNL draft.

Defs watchable, and if they would have marketed it as a satirical take on a Michael Bay flick it would have at least 6 stars.
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