Bicycle Day (2011) Poster


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Great for what it is Warning: Spoilers
This film fuqing BLOWS and Damian Morter is a poof.

This film fuqing BLOWS and Damian Morter is a poof.

This film fuqing BLOWS and Damian Morter is a poof .This film fuqing BLOWS and Damian Morter is a poof.

This film fuqing BLOWS and Damian Morter is a poof.
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Seriously good for a no budget feature
dsthrace30 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to point out straight off that this films budget was around £90. Which for a feature film, even by independent film makers, is truly a testament to the ingenuity and ability of everyone involved.

I went in with some doubts about the film, I must admit. I found it hard to believe something so cheap to make, and gritty in style could really grab me. But, I was truly completely wrong, do not judge this by budget or equipment.

Straight away I was enjoying myself, the witty banter between Jay and Damian's characters is a great way to start off, and then introducing the last two of the group builds a dynamic between the four that feels right.

As the film progresses you may already have a feeling that something is wrong, but the way plot specifics are uncovered is done subtly and really helps emphasise the characters states of mind, especially Simon (Paul D Morrison).

The drug scenes were done brilliantly. Too often we watch films that have references to or experience of drugs in them, and they tend to be done terribly inaccurately, done more for affect than accuracy. In Bicycle Day, the scenes are powerful visual representations mixed with emotionally charged psychological battle between each of the characters.

Overall the film is really impressive, for what they had to make this film, it's unbelievable the quality of the production they have made. I thought Paul really stood out in his role, he seemed so weak to begin with, almost as if he shouldn't have been cast as this role. But as the film progressed his underlying angst rose to the fore and any hard time I had with him at first dissolved and then truly added to the psychotic change in his character. Damian was a great lead man, and even after what he had done you could see he was a good character at heart and a strong person. It was no surprise his character had the mental strength to take the LSD and save his sanity (ish).

I could go on for longer, and pick out so much that was great about this film. Instead I'll just say, watch this film, you will definitely be glad that you did. Expect nothing, but a psychological trip, with an intense vibe throughout. Great cinema.
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A thriller worth watching
gaz-hopkins28 May 2011
Bicycle Day is a brilliant movie with dark and scary tones. Viewing a trip in the woods through the LSD drugged individuals is a unique slant on this kind of genre.

Damian Morter is not only a remarkable director but also a very entertaining actor. Seeing his character develop throughout the film was very enjoyable. Not only that, but you can't help connecting with the characters because of their humour and weaknesses.

With the sudden surge of releases in this genre it can be hard to find something that rises above the rest and provides the viewer with an enjoyable experience, but luckily Bicycle Day is one of those few films.

With plenty of blood, swearing and thrills this is a must for anybody who enjoys this genre or is a fan of indie films.

Well done Damian Morter (& crew)!
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Bicycle Day
tommysheffield30 April 2011
I was lucky enough to meet up with Damian Morter not long back. Although I had seen the trailer I had no idea of what the whole plot was for his movie Bicycle Day. I loved the trailer so when I was given the opportunity to watch the whole thing I jumped at the chance.

Its difficult to describe the movie any more than what has already been released publicly by Safehouse Pictures without giving too much away but what I can say is I was not disappointed. This movie is gripping stuff and at times very shocking and its easy to forget that it is a very low budget independent film because you really do want to know what happens next. Never a dull moment.

Check this film out. I was lucky enough to watch this as an outsider and I'm more than certain that Damian Morter is a name we'll be hearing much more of in the future.

Don't take my word for it, see it for yourself!
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Very Exciting Times
estrellita2851123 September 2011
Wow..... I need to peel myself off the ceiling! I wasn't expecting that!

If you go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. Being a northern girl I really appreciated the introductory scenes of typical northern life and banter and found it all somewhat comforting. But not for long. I was soon unsettled and anxious of what was to come and it was certainly tense.

As the dark and emotional, drug fuelled plot began to unravel my nails dug deeper and deeper into the palms of my hands and the adrenaline was pumping hard.

The acting is top class with a terrific performance from Paul Collin- Thomas. I was captivated throughout and taken aback at how gritty and true to life some of the scenes were. Very clever camera work and resourcefulness make it so hard to believe that this was completed with less than a £100 budget.

I am very, very excited to see what else is to come from Damian Morter and I urge anybody and everybody to watch Bicycle Day - if you dare!
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A great first feature.
reviewsfrommatt4 May 2011
Bicycle Day is an independent feature film from the director Damian Morter who I believe has a very promising future in the film industry. The company Safehouse Pictures are a small but branching company who are promising more low budget features which I will be looking forward too watching. Bicycle Day is about a group of friends who take an annual camping trip into the countryside of Yorkshire only to find the bitter truth about each other with a little help form LSD. It did have an unexpected twisted end which was welcomed and quite honestly a little disturbing. It was refreshing to see the beautiful side of Sheffield rather then the usual dirty urban side I might add and good to watch a decent British film. I was impressed by the story and felt the start had a great character building structure and was captivated into the story from the minute go. The acting was very good and believable, Paul Collin-Thomas did however stand out for me. The soundtrack from the film was great and very fitting, some catching tunes too. I am always a little dubious about reviewing ultra "low" budget films but it is really not that obvious how little the production had spent on it. A few shaky shots but overall not a bad effort at all! A very promising first feature from Damian Morter which I think will do very well in the smaller festivals and open a few doors for the inspiring filmmaker. However I would be intrigued in what Morter could do with a budget!
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I actually liked it!
cthebackovmyand4 May 2011
Bicycle Day is a small independent horror/thriller set in the Yorkshire countryside. A group of friends back up their things and head off for a camping trip (not that we haven't read this synopsis before, but the film does become less clichéd). During the evening one of the group, a quiet, moody character who comes across quite pathetic to begin with poisons the others with a drug called LSD for personal vengeance and soon the night spirals out of control...

I thought the film was good, the story was intense and the performances were really believable. It was actually refreshing to watch a film that relied on storytelling and atmosphere rather than buckets of blood and special effects. Its good to see new British talent pulling off solid work with no money invested...well done!
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Brilliant first feature
jimmymesher8923 May 2011
I was lucky enough to be invited to take pictures for the screening and can say it's a gripping story and fantastically shot, the acting is definitely top class. Watch out for this director and the actors, they're coming up. Can't wait to be able to buy it, it's definitely one for the movie nights.

I don't want to give too much away so I'll just say that when you think you know what's going to happen, the story turns you round 180 and your right back guessing, the acting from all characters is good enough for any big box-office smash so keep your eyes peeled, I'd love to see more of them. Great story, perfectly directed, brilliantly shot. Don't just take my word, buy it when it's out. I know I'll be first in line!
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Bicycle Day - pleasantly surprised
dekdnd8 June 2011
Bicycle Day by Damian Morter contains the type of content that would usually loose my attention in a short space of time.

However this was not the case, in fact being the exact opposite, it had me captivated throughout.

The story is built at a slowly escalating pace without any irrelevant side plots or yawning voids.

A truly professional piece of work throughout, an excellently crafted story line, good cast, well acted, intelligent camera work and an atmospheric sound track.

Be prepared to be impressed.

Hats off to Damian Morter and the whole team. Watch this space.
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WOW!!! Check this out for a low budget feature!!!
bloodeyes29 October 2011
I've seen quite in low budgets in the past, but hardly any of them work as well as this one.

I went to the premiere in Sheffield and they showed a few short films before showing Bicycle Day.

I found the film very engaging and well made. It's some of the best low budget film-making I've seen for a while. The performances were spot on with the help of a solid script and careful direction. Damian and his team have done an amazing job!!! Even some of Hollywood's films make are nowhere near as effective as this. Stuff Platinum Dunes, make way for Safehouse Pictures UK!!!

Highly recommended!! You will not be disappointed!!
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Bicycle Day
I had no idea what to expect when I sat down to watch Bicycle Day. I was not expecting to be gripped for the next hour and twenty minutes right until the credits rolled. The dialogue, characters and FX left me thoroughly entertained. The sound and soundtrack were exceptional. The fact that there was a £90 budget is testament to what has been achieved here. This film holds it own with the Shallow Graves of this world and I must say I was throughly impressed.

This is the classic story of the lads weekend gone horribly wrong. The plot snakes and delivers a well put together story and plenty of drug induced action and a body count. It delivers what it promises and you will not be disappointed.

The rise of the independent film has been underlined the achievements of people like Damian Morter in this film. If anything a film like this should act as an inspiration to the many film makers out there.
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A dark and twisted psychological thriller
eirian-149-8319222 September 2011
What an outstanding film!

It had me gripped from beginning to end. A very clever and unexpected story line, strong actors, fantastic camera work and a great twist left me absolutely hooked.

It is dark, twisted, weird but believable, intense, gruesome and I can not recommend it enough!

Damian Morter has shown how multi skilled he is by being the writer, director, editor and the main actor in this film and has shown incredible talent by not only doing all these things but by doing them to an incredibly high standard. All actors suited their roles perfectly and were very natural. Even thought the plot gets crazy at times, it was still believable and this is what makes it so gripping.

Any chance of a sequel??
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