The Ridges (2011) Poster


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Entertainingly bad
spiderwing4 March 2015
I watched this movie with my daughter, who is a Sophomore at OU, and frequently tells me that it's the most haunted campus in the United States. She was delighted to see this film, and recognized many of the locations.

Having said that, the film is very slow, the plot minimal and the characters are completely generic. The special effects are very odd, as far as we can tell were done on Final Cut 7, attempting to mimic film...? One or two of them were effective, most were just awkward and distracting.

The best thing that's I can say about the film is that it was clearly made by people who love the genre. There are many worse movies out there.
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New level of terrible
TXrex5 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the deal: I'm sure Brandon Landers and all involved on this film are nice people but, come on! Just because you own a camera does not mean you are a filmmaker. The Ridges is TERRIBLE! Let me make clear that this is by no means the worst movie I have ever seen... in order for that to be true, The Ridges would have to qualify as a MOVIE!! There is zero talent in front of or behind the camera on this thing. Watching The Ridges makes it abundantly clear that not only do the "filmmakers" have no idea how to cast, frame, block, pace, edit, score or shoot a film but, it literally feels like they have never seen a film before.

A few things that you should be aware of when watching this thing: It begins with the theme from INCEPTION. Not some song that sounds like the theme from Inception but, THE ACTUAL THEME FROM ANOTHER FILM! It also clearly shows computers with the Apple logo. That should tell you immediately that the filmmakers do not even have the common sense to know how ILLEGAL it is to sell a DVD with copy-written material and make you question why you should even continue. But, if you DO continue, this is what you are treated to... The filmmakers spend no time setting up characters for you to care about and when the lead "actress" (don't even get me started on that chick) has her big moment and tells two guys on the sofa about what's going on with her, she spends the whole scene (like 4-5 minutes) with her back to the camera. They got zero coverage of the girl from the other side. And that's how the whole movie is. When they go to The Ridges, we are meant to feel scared when in reality, all it amounts to is a bunch of people we really dislike, cursing at each other. I swear to god, we spend a good chunk of time focusing on some dudes chest. Not his face as he talks to us. His shirt. That's it. Terrible acting, nonexistent directing. Everything about this movie is bad.

Someone should let Mr. Landers know that it is completely unethical and ridiculous for a filmmaker to post everywhere they can that his film won all of these terrific awards at festivals that A) don't exist or B) never accepted their film in the first place. He also wants you to believe that the poster was BANNED in the US for being too graphic. Really? Who exactly banned your poster, Mr. Landers? Nobody, that's who. Look, maybe you could've gotten away with crap like that 30 years ago when the internet didn't exist, but did you really think that no one would follow up on your claims. That just shows sheer stupidity on your part. There is no way this film won any awards at any festivals and if it did, I would truly hate to see the films it beat out.

This is an insult to anyone who loves film. This is an insult to anyone who has SEEN a film, actually. You should truly be ashamed that you are peddling this crap to people on amazon (and having family/friends/cast members write glowing reviews). I was duped and am not very happy about it. While I was not expecting "The movie of the year" (as most reviews say), I was expecting someone who at least had SOME idea as to how to go about making a film. Shame on everyone involved.

This isn't even "fun" bad. It is literally like watching a bunch of frat boys drink for 2 hours. And the special features? WOW!! They don't even put them on their own menu, like most DVD's. No, they put them at the end of the movie and the viewer is given such fantastic extras like "watching people audition in what looks like an office kitchen" among others.

Avoid this thing at all costs. It's just bad.

Lastly, Mr. Landers, if you are going to put on the freaking cover of the DVD "MOVIE OF THE YEAR", be sure to put where that quote came from. I'm actually curious. Who said that, exactly? What journalist gave this film THAT review? We both know who it was, dude. Pathetic.
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A Lesson in Why IMDb Scores Can Be Misleading
graeme-206-25500225 March 2012
The lead up to actually watching this, left me giddy in anticipation - a score of 6+ on IMDb surely meant that this movie was going to "do it" for me in my quest to find the best Found Footage genre film.

Reality struck however, less than one minute into it - though the prerequisite for a first person movie are all there - shaky cam, dodgy cut aways, even dodgier fade outs - all check check check. The problem was though, that the actors who clearly improvised their way through the entire shoot, just didn't seem to want to make their minds up whether they were ad libbing, or, reading their script.

Chopping and changing as such, means the movie is very disjointed, and very uncomfortable to watch - it's easy to see the takes where the director (Landers) was actually holding the camera, and which were left to the cast to film.

As the story revolves around the alleged haunting in an insane asylum (The Ridges) - it would have been better to film more at that location, instead of limiting it to the short sequences and then filling the rest of the movie out with shots that appear to have been filmed in a local furniture store.

Again, as is the want with this genre - a movie with lots of potential, is let down badly by the direction and cast - had they spent more time on the story, then the quick fills and rapid story lines would not have been necessary - for a great example of how to make this kind of film work - look at Grave Encounters.

Don't be fooled by the high IMDb score - this movie will leave you disappointed and quite frankly, embarrassed.


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Is this(really?) Movie of the Year?!
SKRULLtheguardian6 December 2011
The Ridges is an improv movie that lives or dies on the strength of the performances, of each actors they have good moments and bad moments.

Captured on videotape, (I think) color 8mm, The Ridges is compelling as a faux documentary.

Still, a few good minutes of footage does not make a movie stellar. The movie is okay, and often funny, but it is not a horror movie more so a thriller if anything. However, for the thriller buffs or indie film fan, this is a great example of something, for you because it does not get more independent than this.

I had to rethink grading this movie after watching all of the features on the special edition. Because I was very critical on the directing and acting however after finding out that it was not any of the actors(really) directing the camera I was more accepting. Also with a outline based script I was more understanding that the director allowed the actors to use a natural feel I completely understand this project as a whole.

Not to live by the claim of "Movie of the Year" this film has plenty of flaws that most can be forgiven but not all. I would love to see more footage of what they were running from! Where was it? I was expecting more but it never came about. Thank God it did not have shaken camera syndrome I would've been very upset. I would've like more character development between the characters it seemed as if they were partying then the mention a little bit about doing an investigation then "BOOM" they are there it seemed rushed. I don't understand how come none of the girls touched the camera(In the movie)because we only watched one guy in the first half of the film. I completely understand this film was made in Ohio BUT there has to be more talent there than this.

I did like the fact that some of the things were planned out i.e. The Ending. Things wrapped up kind of cool I was just expecting something different... not necessarily a bad thing. This film will most likely get compared to Paranormal Activity but I think it is more like Blair Witch than anything.
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REVIEW of The Ridges(10 out of 10)
USAMovies20 November 2011
"The Ridges" is an ingenious little horror film, so well made it's truly scary, that arrives claiming it's the real thing. Without any form of conventional opening or closing credits, it begins by the Athen, OH police department has found this footage and closes with one of those "current whereabouts unknown" title cards and a screen of copyright notices. This was apparently a film made without a director, a writer, a producer, grips, makeup, sound, catering or a honey wagon.

All of the footage is presented as if it had been discovered after the fact. They've been bothered by indications of some sort of paranormal activity in an abandoned asylum.

One benefit of the story device is that for long periods of time the camera is ostensibly left on with no one running it. It's on a tripod at the end of their bed while they sleep, and we see events while their eyes are closed. Some of these events and very minor, and I won't describe any of them. The fact that they happen at all is the whole point. That they seem to happen by themselves, witnessed by a static camera, makes them eerie, especially since there are some shots that seem impossible without special effects, and there's no visible evidence of f/x, looking as closely as we can.

But like "The Blair Witch Project," with which it's routinely compared, it goes to great lengths to seem like a film found after the event. It works. It illustrates one of my favorite points, that silence and waiting can be more entertaining than frantic fast-cutting and berserk f/x. For extended periods here, nothing at all is happening, and believe me, you won't be bored.
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As close to reality as you're likely to get
It's the found footage genre again, with an intriguing and extraordinarily well produced little gem from virtual unknown Brandon Landers and a cast who play themselves with such convincing aplomb that you'll find yourself wondering, despite knowing that it cannot possibly be so, whether this is a case of life imitating art.

It isn't. You're watching a drama. But the realism is sublime, and the voyeuristic entertainment so often overlooked in this shaky cam style of movie-making is here in spades.

The found footage phenomenon has a certain fan base, and that fan base will either love or hate The Ridges. If, for example, you enjoyed Grave Encounters or REC, you'll find The Ridges amateurish and long winded. Because it's a lengthy film and much of it is far too subtle for its target audience. In making something for the most likely target audience, I think, Landers has failed - but it's a good kind of fail because in refusing to pander to the demands of the status quo (whether by design or by accident of bad editing) what results is cult classic; an atmospheric fly-on-the-wall experience in which suspension of disbelief is virtually total and we, the audience, find ourselves as close to seeing an actual paranormal event unfold as we're ever likely to come.

The premise is simple. Collage buddies Rob and Ryan and their respective girlfriends Roberta and Alana are a typical gang, not too bright, not too driven. They have an idea for a school project which, in some vague way, involves disproving the idea of the paranormal by taking a video camera and spending one night in an abandoned lunatic asylum.

So far, so familiar, although in these things the intention is usually to prove the existence of ghosts rather than disprove them.

There's a big build up in which we become as cosy with the group and their peripheral friends as if we were part of the frat lifestyle ourselves. Ad-libbed conversations are easy, arguments are as realistic as they come and the hackneyed way the group throw together their project is such a perfect observation of modern college life that you won't believe you're watching a performance.

To his credit, Landers never falls back on screamers, ghostly apparitions of wraith-like creatures crawling across ceilings or extreme close ups of white faced, eyeless monsters with gaping mouths. if that's what you're hoping for, prepare to be disappointed. The horror here is psychological and as subtle and smart as it gets, but no less shocking for it. The final scene, which lasts perhaps no more than thirty seconds, is one of the most disturbing things I've witnessed in a movie of this genre to date.

In short, a brilliant piece of work but ultimately a failure in its idiom because teenagers will be bored, technical fans will hate the footage (often unwatchable) and hardcore horror fans won't get the gore they crave. But for die-hard advocates of smart, new and innovative indie film making The Ridges is nothing shy of perfection.
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The Ridges- Review
lunderreid11 May 2012
I do not know how to describe The Ridges??? Thriller? Mystery? Drama? Comedy? I guess the one thing that comes to my mind is Paranormal Thriller! I enjoyed the story and the direction of the movie but I was not a fan of the acting and the excessive cursing from those actors.At first I did not like the look of the filmbut...once i watched the movie again I understood that Rob suppose to not know much about camera specs.I wonder if they will decide to go forward with a sequel? Maybe the could explore more of the story/history in a sequel? I would not go in the same format as this one but maybe better acting. All in all I liked this movie.Im staying tuned.
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Its real
kk24690621 December 2022
Forget whether or the not you think the movie is scary or funny or totally made up. I graduated from Ohio University in 2010, and I have had my own experiences at The Ridges, so you may not believe it, but I've seen it!

Someone should make a movie about all the haunted dormitories; I lived in one and experienced the 2:30 am wake-up call from the dead girl's basketball team.

Ohio university is a fascinating place! Check it out for yourself! See the unmarked graves at the Ridges, spend a night in Washington Hall, eat at Jefferson Hall, walk the 1800's streets...and fall in love with the history!
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