Rise & Shine: The Jay DeMerit Story (2011) Poster

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A labor of love went into this great, inspiring story.
ktowny10 July 2012
Rise and Shine is a low budget documentary and it shows at times. However, don't let this detract you from the story. Its truly not only an inspiring story, but its one of the greatest underdog stories you'll ever hear. Jay's story is told with humor and humility. He's sure of himself, but not full of himself. He also has some funny stories about how sad his situation was along the way, but instead of feeling pity, you just laugh along with him.

The best part of the documentary is when the playoff match between Watford and Leeds is highlighted. This shows the potential the filmmakers have if they choose to pursue a career in this field. I won't go into the match details, but the way they dissect what happens is brilliant film making. It will truly stir you.

For all the great things this movie has, it is not perfect. I have a few issues with it. One is the corny country music they used when showing scenes of the town of Green Bay. The town is more middle America than rural America. Some of the interviews you can hear wind blowing through the mic. And the end credits look like a home made video. Minor complaints, really.

We have to give credit to the two guys who made this movie. Nick Lewis and Ranko Tutulugdzija put their hearts into this movie. They were also funded by 2000 soccer fans on a grass roots level.

Overall, it is worth renting/viewing if you can find it. Americans may have a hard time grasping the magnitude of Jay's journey, but what a journey it is. As a soccer fan, sports fan, and 'underdog' fan, you should enjoy the story. For soccer fans, its highly recommended.

Disclosure - I'm a soccer fan and helped fund the movie through the producer's grass roots fund raising efforts.
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The Jay DeMerit Story could be my story... Or yours!
ardealul5 November 2011
Rise and Shine, The Jay DeMerit story is an excellent documentary not only about Jay's soccer journey, but about hope, faith and dreams... A journey that starts in Green Bay, Wisconsin and continues to London and then to the World Cup. Playing soccer in England at the lowest level for no money, to get to score the most important goal of your career in the most important game, to be named the captain of your team, then to play top teams like Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham or Arsenal, tells how much Jay wanted to make it, to fulfill a dream. His dream! And what greater finish for any soccer player in this world, than to represent and play for his country at the highest level possible? Jay did it! The World Cup 2010 in South Africa This movie should inspire kids, teenagers and adults as well, to follow their dreams no matter the obstacles in life. To believe and to go on! Jay believed in his dream and followed his dream. Nick Lewis and Ranko Tutulugdzija believed in their dreams and directed this unbelievable story of life. Great job guys! Make sure you watch it, it's worth it! Believe in your dream when nobody else does, follow yours when the road is hard and ave faith! It's Jay's story!
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An awe inspiring documentary that feels like an action/adventure movie
memoran35 November 2011
Rise and Shine: The Jay Demerit Story is a chronicle of the impossible journey of Jay Demerit. The movie takes you from Jay's humble beginnings in Green Bay Wisconsin to the top ranks of English football, the world cup, and professional soccer. Most people would have given up in the face of the adversities Jay encountered. However, Mr. Demerit's perseverance, hard work, and relentless pursuit of his dreams drove him from a substitute position in the English pub league to the English Premiere League. Throughout the movie, it becomes apparent that Jay had a lot of people that believed in him and supported him. Among his greatest supporters are Ranko Tutulugdzija and Nick Lewis who wrote and directed the movie and financed the film with their life savings, donations from the website kickstarter.com, and by going into debt. Zach Salsman was the cinematographer. Ranko, Nick, and Zach all deserve kudos for pulling together such a well structured, approachable, and entertaining movie. Jay's drive, passion, and humble personality likely influenced everyone to support him. These hero qualities make Jay a natural leader. If kids want to emulate a professional athlete, it should be Jay Demerit.

This movie will be enjoyed by sporting enthusiast, families, and anyone that needs some inspiration in their lives. Many people in the United States are suffering from our recent economic decline, whether it is from lack of work, under pay, or stress from being over worked. Oddly, this movie is about the United States. We are facing rough times and issues that seem impossible to resolve. We were knocked down in 2008, but we need to get ourselves back up and realize our potential with support from our friends, families, and neighbors; just like Jay Demerit did with his life. This movie is exactly what we need to re-energize our spirits and face the adversities of day to day life. I recommend watching this movie a few times and bringing friends or family that are having a rough time or are facing challenges in their lives. I hope teenagers watch this movie and learns from Jay's personal qualities and tenacity.
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Every American Soccer player should see this movie
jhope1-205-5276285 November 2011
Fantastic movie. This movie will inspire and motivate you to achieve any dream you so desire. If you are a soccer player who wants to get to the highest level then this movie is for you. If your not a soccer fan than this movie will show you that any dream is possible. Its an incredible story of determination an desire! It's the story of a soccer player that nobody would give him a chance in the states. So he sets out to do the impossible. He heads to England to play. Bicycling and jumping trains to tryouts he finally gets his break. Living on beans and toast while living in an attic. He goes from the lowest level in England to the highest division in the land, the English Premier League. But Jay is not through yet. He sets his sights even higher and eventually makes it to the World Cup. Dreams do come true. Don't miss this movie!
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A true story of beating the odds and living the dream!
emundine6 November 2011
Rise and Shine The Jay DeMerit, at first glance, might seem like just another feel good sports movie. Good guy works hard and wins the big trophy in the end, but this movie is far from that version. This is the true life story of a young American soccer player with a big dream in his heart and a mountain of obstacles in his path.

Born and raised in the heart of football country and struggling to find a way into the the American professional leagues, Jay chose to do the unimaginable. He headed to Europe with hardly any money, but with pure determination to make his dream come true. From the lowest version of league play he worked, trained and believed his day would eventually come. Hearing about his journey and seeing where it leads is something even the youngest viewer will find inspiration in.

Anyone who has ever had to fight against the odds will be able to relate to this movie. You'll leave feeling like anything is possible and I promise you that you will walk out of the theater with a smile of your face and new strength in your heart!
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A great story about determination!!!
louis098 November 2011
This movie shows everybody that anything is possible, if you just don't give up! The easiest thing to do is quit and Jay shows us that QUIT is not in his vocabulary. I saw Jay play against Arsenal and was lucky enough to read his story before that match, I was happy to hear it was being made into a documentary! A must see for not just soccer fans but any athlete that has dreams of going Pro. I was upset that not more people saw the advance screening at Stony Brook. The movie was well shot and had a great story line from his high school days all the way up to now. The movie has great stills from the EPL as well as great footage of his days in the Championship level for Watford. A true Must see.
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Worth the wait!
heidifosberg5 November 2011
My family had been looking forward to this film for a long time... It was worth the wait! Jay is truly an inspiration & an American icon!

The film follows Jay Demerit on his journey to soccer greatness: playing, at first, for free in Sunday Pub Leagues, working his way up, eventually playing at the highest level in England & in the World Cup. Jay shows that through hard work & determination, all things are possible. He also "keeps it real" and describes how difficult things were at times. Jay is a great roll model for today's youth, showing that hard work & perseverance are worth the effort!

Although this is a soccer story, it is also SO much more! This film will appeal to those who love documentaries, root for the underdog, love an inspirational story or anyone who believes that we should all follow our wildest dreams!!! Thank you Ranko, Nick, Jay & everyone else who made this documentary "the little film that could"! :)
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Inspiration. Enough said
cmolenik5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Truly inspirational. A film for the whole family. Live the dream.

Anyone with a dream should see this film. No matter what the dream, this will inspire you on ALL levels.

The greatest joy of this film are the pictures of the young kids with smiles ear to ear... This is why it was made. The greatest part of the film is watching how it was made. It was made with the support of thousands of people who believed in the project and made it what it is today. This is rare in this day and age when the same films, by the same people/ studios, keep getting remade...

If this film makes an impact on just one person, all the effort that went into is all worthwhile...
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See it. Really. No, really! See it.
dickmac9995 December 2011
This documentary follows the life and adventures of Jay Demerit, an America soccer player. Demerit flew to England to get a job, with a team, as a professional soccer player. English teams don't entertain walk-on tryouts (and certainly not by an American). Determined, Demerit found himself in the top flight of English football with Watford, then playing for the USA in the World Cup.

You may not know Demerit now; but, you will like him after seeing this movie.

Made by amateur filmmakers, the movie flows, is well edited, and is a high-quality product.

I will see it again!
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A must see movie
nbrooks5037 December 2011
This is the true story of an American kid that pursued his dream against all odds, and triumphed.

The back story of this movie is that if it had not been for hundreds of soccer fans and friends of Jay - this movie would probably never have been produced.

Over 1500 individuals donated over $223,000.00 in amounts ranging from $1 donations to $10,000 to ensure that this movie production was completed and distributed.

You don't have to be a soccer enthusiast to see this movie - it is a story about perseverance and belief. The story is distinctly American.
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A story that embodies the fundamentals American was founded on and kicking doors open when all of them close
chelsea-twr7 November 2011
I could probably re-iterate what the other reviews have already said about how impacting and empowering Jay's story is, and it really is, however; I will instead explain more why I'm even taking the time to write a review. It is true, Jay truly has a remarkable story, and it is one that people, soccer and non soccer fans alike can really enjoy, but why I find it so impacting is because Jay brings back to life the American spirit of working hard and fighting for a dream, and never because he felt entitled to have it.

During a time where we live in an America that feels entitled to what it has and have a generation that doesn't really grasp the fundamentals of what America was built upon, here you can re-live a story about a man who steps out of the box and his own comfort zone and works hard for what he wants at the high chance it may not happen, when all doors at one point seemed closed. He didn't sit and feel sorry for himself, didn't wait for something to happen because he felt he should earned it simply because he tried once, and didn't wait for a door to re-open when they all closed; he instead fought harder, continued to pursue what he wanted, and kicked a door back open. Now a days we have a youth that think they deserve a raise simply because they show up to work every day and never call out (like they're suppose to). That's what I love about this film and what I think people can benefit from; being Jay's attitude, positivity, and humbleness.

So sure, you can probably read about it and get the gist of his story as well, but what you don't get from reading and WILL get from watching this film is connecting with Jay and re-living his path to achieving his dream and success. It's like you were apart of it at the time it happened, and you really do feel motivated and inspired, a feeling we definitely could use right now during times like these.
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DeMerit Documentary Scores
louiskensei22 December 2011
The poorest of all men is not one without a cent, it is one without a dream.

This is the first thing that pops up in Rise and Shine: The Jay DeMerit Story, a documentary about the soccer star to have played for Watford FC in England and the United States Men's National Team.

I came into this documentary film knowing what to expect: I have been an avid follower and fan of Jay DeMerit since his Watford side cinched a playoff place against Leeds United in the Championship, only to win it emphatically by a score of 3 to 0. What drew me the most were the rumors I would here from my soccer-obsessed friends: "He's just a guy from Green Bay! I hear he played in pub leagues!" As a soccer player from Wisconsin, I instantly wanted to know more -- and the truth -- about this man who was slowly becoming a Midwest hero to all of us soccer fans in the cheese head state.

Aside from some news articles or interviews here and there, the man who would later don a USA jersey and play in the 2010 World Cup was a bit of a mystery. Or, at the very least, we all knew bits and pieces of his story, but there was no definitive tale; there was only what could be told in the pages of newspapers or magazine articles.

This documentary gives the definitive story of Jay and his rise to soccer stardom. It wasn't a quick rise -- hell, it was about as quick as a man running through quicksand -- but one that was only made possible by his sheer determination and upbeat attitude.

As one of the professional coaches in the movies says, usually by the time a player is 19 or 20, they pretty much have zero chance at being a professional. Jay was past this magical age requirement, and the fact that such a low percentage of players get to play in England's Barclays Premier League -- the highest level of soccer in England and most possibly the world -- he still persevered.

Seeing how things are set into motion starting from the time Jay was in grade school really gives viewers a sense of just how amazing the journey is. The sheer amount of interview time given to family members, friends, coaches and others who knew Jay -- whether it be the mom in England who took him in as his own and jokes about him stepping in dog poop, or his teammates -- helps to paint a picture of who Jay is.

One of the more interesting aspects of the film is how it delves into the issues faced with being an American trying to break into English football -- or just an athlete in general trying to break into English football. Already shunned by the Chicago Fire while a member of their development team, Jay also had to contend with preconceived notions of just how good an American can be at the sport, and the background given on the many leagues and systems used to spot and cultivate talent is interesting.

Rise and Shine weaves between presenting a very personal story to the broader football aspect in a way that never feels disjointed.

This isn't just a great movie about an American soccer player, or a great story about living your dreams of playing professional soccer -- it's also a wonderful sports story that really feeds on what it means to be a driven athlete and human being. Those who love soccer will love this movie, but more importantly, those who love grit, determination and people succeeding in the face of adversity and numerous obstacles will walk away having seen the embodiment of all of that.

When Jay gets his first break I got goosebumps: I already knew how his story would end, but the film does a great job of building up anticipation and kind of subtly, and quickly, going through all these key moments in Jay's career.

The only knock on the movie is the fact that there is very little footage from the 2010 World Cup. Since it is the pinnacle of Jay's career, I would have liked more. However, with a minute of tournament footage costing about $50,000, I can understand the need to squeeze in as little as possible.

At the end of the movie viewers find out that Jay is not only at the Vancouver Whitecaps this year, but also what happened to his friend, Kieren, who first helped him out by inviting him to England in the first place. Although this was Jay's story, I couldn't help but wonder if his friend also made it too. He did.


Documentary films can either be extremely boring or extremely enjoyable. Thankfully, the story about American soccer star, Jay DeMerit, is nothing but enjoyable. It's a story about heart, grit and determination against all odds to make one's dreams come true. Soccer and sports fans alike will love Rise and Shine: The Jay DeMerit Story.
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Most would not take the leap...would you?
bradbarnett0231 December 2011
This is the most inspirational story I have seen/heard in a long time and it is brilliantly portrayed.

Back in February I broke both my tibia and fibula playing soccer for an adult league which effectively ended my playing career. Coaching recreation soccer was a way to get back into the game that I loved and I had come to the conclusion that the days of competitive soccer are over. I received the movie as a Christmas present and have watched it a total of 5 times in six days. It is that good.

Because of this story I have decided to follow my dream of coaching and are taking the steps necessary to achieve this goal. It is because of "Rise & Shine: The Jay DeMerit Story" that I have decided to make that leap.

It gets better after every viewing and I find myself wanting to watch it. The music is brilliantly done. The narration is perfect. The interviews are great. The story is phenomenal.

This is not a soccer movie, but an inspirational documentary with a soccer backdrop. It does not take a soccer player or fan to enjoy this story, or understand the message of never giving up on your dreams. It is as inspiring the first time as it is the fifth time and it will inspire anyone from age 10 to 110. Very well done and told perfectly.
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kelownafred4 March 2014
Knowing a little bit about Jay Demerit as the captain of my Vancouver Whitecaps this documentary is very much what I hoped and expected. Inspirational tale of what can happen if you dedicate yourself to your dreams. Not everyone can be a world class athlete but perhaps some that could have gotten there did not because they lacked the drive and ambition. Jay's story is about making it happen against all odds and in an unorthodox manner. It's a true tale of how one's character and devotion can overcome any obstacle if you decide that those obstacles will not hold you back. It's a well done film, plain, simple, truthful and touching.... well worth the money.
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