Bad Girl Boogey (2022) Poster

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Very unenjoyable film
timhatridge17 February 2024
I tried watching this last night on Shudder, and ended up shutting it off about 10 minutes before the end. I just couldn't tolerate it anymore.

I doubt anything would have happened in the last 10 minutes to make me change my mind about this movie.

I thought the acting was bad from the opening scene, and didn't improve throughout.

The characters were so unlikable and unpleasant, I really didn't care what happened to them. Perhaps it was because the acting and script were bad, but I just felt no sympathy towards them.

It was quite a boring pic for a slasher film too. It seemed to care more about being preachy than scary.

I'm a huge horror fan, but this one was a disappointment. Typically Shudder has a pretty good selection of horror, but I'd recommend skipping this one and picking another movie instead.
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Music Too Loud
sheilasalami-2123422 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Like the idea of the movie, but a lot of it is loud music instead of dialogue. I had to keep turning the volume up and down since the dialogue was so low, but the music was so loud. I couldn't even understand the killer explaining his motive. Guess I can rewind and put subtitles.

Love Bill Moseley's part, even though he's just a voice. I'll watch anything with his name.

The cop touching the cigarette at each crime scene instead of trying to get DNA. Laughable. The killer was predictable and cracked me up that they were supposed to be in high school when he looked 30.

Not terrible for the budget. Like the LBGTQ+ inclusion.
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Bad Girl Boogey is a noteworthy addition to the slasher genre, though it doesn't fully realize its potential
kevin_robbins7 March 2024
I recently viewed the Australian 🇦🇺 slasher Bad Girl Boogey (2022) on Shudder. The storyline follows a mask that causes anyone who wears it to experience extreme hate that makes them want to viscously control and kill people. When a group of friends discover the mask they start killing each other. Can the friends figure out what's going on and why before they're all dead?

Directed by Alice Maio Mackay (T Blockers) and featuring Lisa Fanto (Love, Guns & Level Ups), Toshiro Glenn (T Blockers), Georgie Cufone (The Cottage), and Chris Asimosb (Danger 5).

While the film initially captivates with a gripping opening kill sequence, unique slasher elements, and solid gore, it falters when attempting to explain the events, causing it to unravel. The acting is decent, but a forced love story towards the end introduces cheesiness, impacting the overall experience. The ending couldn't get here fast enough after that subplot is introduced.

In conclusion, Bad Girl Boogey is a noteworthy addition to the slasher genre, though it doesn't fully realize its potential. I'd give it a 4.5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Probably the most noticeable aspect of this movie is the soundtrack
thelastinlineloves7 July 2024
I must admit I loved many of the songs that are here, and, to light things up, I would say is it crystal clear where a big part of the budget went.

But as much as I liked them, (and are now on my playlist) I felt like many were not the right choice for the moment, or in general for the mood of a horror picture. In few scene the music literally set me far away from what I was watching, which is not really what you want from a movie. A cool song, with good rhythm is not gonna create pathos neither build suspense.

Some actors did a better job than others, but the develop of the story makes it very difficult. Some killing are cool, especially initially, but the movie doesn't deliver.
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A highly enjoyable and effective queer-themed slasher
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 July 2023
After a series of strange murders, a group of friends in a small town trying to get through their lives without being targeted for their sexual preferences learns that the deaths are connected to a cursed mask worn by a friend of theirs and must try to stop the rampage before it's too late.

Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable if slightly flawed genre effort. One of the bigger factors to enjoy here is a solid and overall immersive atmosphere that makes for a generally engaging time. The lives of the group that we follow here, with their own personal hang-ups and quirks not only related to their sexual identity and orientation but also dealing with community outrage to their situation and living in a supposedly welcoming society, all come together with fervent anger at the establishment for failing to provide that. It's all immensely topical about the needs of the community coming under attack which is revealed in a fine way later on tying the killer's antics to black magic science and the unleashing of repressed feelings. That becomes a prominent point throughout here with the way it's handled and manages to be a highly endearing aspect of this one going forward. That allows the film to generate a solid sense of including the generally impressive slashing scenes throughout here. The background given here about the history of the creation and how it affects the killer going forward adds a sense of brutality just as effectively as the sequences themselves with the way they're carried out as the opening attack on the group absent-mindedly conducting the ritual that returns the iller to prominence or the later attack in the nightclub. With these scenes often taking place amongst a swirling of discordant color schemes and neon-lit surroundings, there's a rather extravagant attempt at stylizing these scenes against the more natural attacks later on including an ambush amongst a parked car or the final confrontation that still features some inventive sequences alongside the solid practical gore effects. These manage to generate a lot to like with this one even if there are some issues here that do hold this back. One of the biggest factors to be had with this one is the film's more focused sense of their queer lifestyle and the persecution they receive that tends to hold the slashing down at the wrong times. While it's handled well at the beginning with the first half bringing us into their community group quite nicely, the second half continues this to the point of dragging the pacing down considerably. Excessive sequences in their parents' house arguing with combative adults, going around in circles discussing how others aren't more receptive to their plight, or just getting dragged down with resolving personal squabbles which all come at the expense of the more engaging slashing antics at this stage of the film so it can feel repetitive in spots. There are also bits about the budget on display coming into question with it but it's not as damaging overall as the other drawback in here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Extreme Language including numerous racial slurs, and drug use.
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