(TV Series)


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"What if that was your mum?Or your nan?Would that be funny?"
skteosk14 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to feel sorry for Colleen, who has been pretty nasty towards Brodie and the others without any good cause, yet is somehow on the list of Characters Whose Rights Must Be Protected At All Costs.The interplay between her and Morag is amusing, although it makes it even harder to take Colleen's trauma seriously.And you do wonder where Miles is.

It's an interesting episode for Brax, who seems to be more and more different from the other River Boys.Not only is he trying to keep them in line and make sure they don't harass people too much, in a way that Heath and the others don't seem to care about, but he seems to be independently wealthy, a sudden revelation that's a bit confusing as he and Angelo go into business together.

Xavier and April's break up gets brought up again after another gap of nearly a week and it's abundantly clear that it isn't making either of them happy.Xavier makes an attempt to win her back, which is sweet but dumb, but doesn't get the response he hoped for and seems resigned to his fate.
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