Darkest of Lies (2023) Poster

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Deeply Unsatisfying
silvio-mitsubishi24 February 2024
A story that only seems to come to life in the last few minutes, yet still remain unresolved.

A couple move from New York to Nevada for her job; he is an artist, so can work anywhere. He is an unconvincing military veteran; she an unconvincing lawyer. The new house is close to the home of her old friends, but his mental health degenerates and he becomes violently unstable.

The problem is that nothing is convincing. The script needs us to believe the couple love each other, despite what the obvious hatred in their actions. Intimate partner violence can make people do irrational things, but deliberately pressuring a mentally unstable person to drink wine still seems unlikely. A visitor to the house would have been able to announce his visit in advance, but turns up unexpectedly, excuses himself on the grounds he was told there would be someone home, then asks the male occupant to tell his partner of the visit, despite working in the same office as her.

I had the impression of incidents and dialogue being inserted to make the plot work, even when they jarred with other elements of story and characterisation. Themes - infidelity, 'bad energy', ghostly presence, PTSD - were picked up and dropped without going anywhere. The military history serves no purpose in the overall tale.

This kind of drama needs the audience to identify with, to root for, at least one character. With five to choose from, I could hardly care less about what happened to any of them. A mishit.
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Wasted Potential
jenniferclark114 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A promising start fell flat pretty quickly. The premise of a couple moving to a new house is straightforward enough, and we get a hint that something strange is happening to him in the form of disturbing visions/ nightmares.

The acting becomes really awkward halfway through, he starts to recount his traumatic experience as a vet in Afghanistan, but the laughter that I can only assume is meant to make him sound unhinged is just really embarrassing... it derails from there with the pinnacle cringe scene being at yet another dinner party with wine, her friends are very feebly "threatened" by him to do something they don't want to.

Overall its boring and the ending gives very little in terms of payback for sitting through it.
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The lie is calling this a thriller.
seven-johnson17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's the most inexorably boring hour and 48 minutes I've had the misfortune to sit through since... I don't care to remember, the tedium-scars from this alone make me afraid to pry deeper into my memory of bad films.

No one on the cast is remotely likable, I kept waiting, hoping for a twist - preferably one where the entire cast and crew end up in some kind of meta-bloodbath.

Meta is way too much of an ask here though.

There's a particularly bad moment where male lead attempts to change the smoke detector battery, not only does "actor" put the ladder right on the edge of the top stair, the director decides to hamfistedly allow the worst shot I've seen outside of a student film of the ladder falling. It's like this film was made by a particularly stupid child.

It just baffles me how some films just don't get shelved, I cannot believe anyone involved in the finances of wanted their name attached. Also, worst soundtrack I've heard in a long time, probably the director's band, but - DO give up the day job.

I'm going to spoiler - save yourself the time.

Wife's having a menage-a-trois with the other couple, male lead doesn't kill her, although it's implied - I guess the vfx were too much of a stretch.
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Darkest 1hr and 48mins of my life
salahadelali17 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin, ok, this movie offers 25 major nothing points, and yet you will find nothing, imagine the following, this movie was literally shoot in 2 days max in one house with 4 main characters who received not more that a free meal as their paycheck, it has no script no plot no acting no idea what where they doing, the 1hr and 48mins where taken in a house and the only external shooting location was the pool in the house, the director has the weakest directing talent since motion pictures were invented, The main character's super suspenseful moments;
  • while carrying the moving boxes into the house
  • taking painkiller pills without a drop of water
  • getting wasted in-front of the pool while through bear bottle tops
  • while peeing, he diverted his pee from the toilet to the bath tub for no reasons
  • after spending half of the movie sculpting random ugly weird faces, a massive suspenseful moment took place, the main character decided to smash all of the statues he made in a very dramatic scene my underwear rubber band suddenly got lose from the trauma I've witnessed
  • for no particular reason he decided to get a ladder place it at the edge of the stairs to fix the fire alarm sensor and while doing so he kept on swinging on the ladder till he fell on the stairs, I thought that was it, but he managed to stand normally as if he was taking a dump and just finished
  • the end is surprising, he got back to sculp again more dreadful statues that looks like his wife who by the way the pool killed while she was swimming.
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Not quite the Shining but it'll do.
t-miecz13 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As slow as this film seems at times, I was pleasantly surprised. There's like 5 actors in the whole film and I'm guessing there was no budget attached to it, so I'm curious to see what the writer/director could dream up next.

I read another review here stating that film had uncertainties and plot elements that were unnecessary or ones that don't make sense, but I feel like everything was fitting into place just fine. The mug that the husband tries to put together, but breaks at the end is the metaphor for the whole film. And I don't see how one could say it's uncertain what happened. Yeah, you didn't see a drowning scene at the end, but you were told that the husband would never mold heads of people who survived. I don't think we need to spoon feed everyone in the audience.

All in all, acting was not THE greatest, two leads did okay, but it seemed like some of the cast was being paid with pizza and performed accordingly.

IMDb storyline for the film suggested something supernatural, and I suppose the screenplay also was hinting at that, so I can't be mad at it.

Finally the pacing made things feel as if the director was trying to make sure he's got enough material for a full length and overcompensated, or perhaps he's a fan of the slow moving pace of the 80's and tried to reproduce that? In any case, I'd enjoy the whole thing more if it was 20 minutes shorter.

Keep it up.
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Home (not) sweet home
kosmasp17 August 2024
No pun intended - from the moment this starts ... you can feel the unease ... you can feel it through cinematography, the editing and the actors in the movie itself. There is never something where you feel that there is some solace and/or peace ... or at least not long enough to make an impact. But you can't really put your finger on it. Is it the house? Does it have a vibe, does it have something ... dark hidden within its walls as one of the characters suggests? Or is it whatever the man still has inside him from war times? Good questions and maybe you'll even find an answer to them.

No matter what the case will be: this is really well done. I do watch many movies and sometimes a gem like this crystalizes and makes its way through .. had to watch a couple of ... well bad movies too! But totally worth it .. it may be a slow burner ... but when the finale comes along ... well you will not be disappointed ... just be ... patient (no pun intended)
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