(TV Series)


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"Guess that's why Dean's in a rush"
skteosk23 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The comedy plot line of Marilyn and Roo, um, not talking to each other feels like an unnecessary intrusion in an otherwise tightly focused episode, although that doesn't become obvious until the closing scenes, when two apparently unrelated plot lines nicely segue.Given Alf's recent history as a peacemaker, he might be better off staying out of it.

Bianca and Liam's rather manic search for the man she saw, and the meaningless description she gives Avery, underline the hopelessness of her situation.Liam's continued attempts to help her and their subsequent scene on the beach are rather sweet.

Xavier continues to stick up for Kelly in the face of a certain amount of opposition and his suspicions of Dean ultimately prove accurate, although he has no way of knowing just how much.It's a brilliant moment when, after pouring scorn on Xavier's ideas all episode, John instantly leaps to his defence when Dean gets physical.It's hardly a surprise that Dean turns out to have been Bianca's rapist-after all, who else would it have been?-but the closing scene is nicely dramatic.
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