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Live audience = horrible
girly-9257124 September 2022
Studio audience/live is terrible. Has totally changed the dynamic. Made the audio and sound so much different. The audience participation is valueless and the audience's feelings should not be included in business decisions for the sharks. It's a complete deviation from the premise of the show and why people truly watch. I'm shocked the sharks or anyone would have promoted this approach. If this is an attempt at a reboot, it falls very short. I have watched shark tank for 13 years and loved all the moment but I may not be watch anymore. It's awful and really now like a silly version of amercia's got talent or any of the others. It's also clear that they sharks may not be being as honest as they were when it wasn't in this format.
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jgbfox124 September 2022
This new live format is horrible, it is like watching someone trying to herd cats with a water hose. The Sharks are talking over each other, trying to be heard over the live audience, pandering to the crowd and it is all just a poorly put together mess. Everyone is putting on a show for the crowd and it seems amateurish and obnoxious to me.

I have watched every episode of Shark Tank but if this is the new regular format going forward I may not be watching any more episodes.

I really, really hope that the Sharks see this episode and all of them refuse to do any more live episodes like this in the future.
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sysgoddess25 September 2022
Everything, especially the audience was far too loud and drowned out anything being said. I was afraid but gratified that others had the same reaction as I.

Not only the audience was too loud but instead of the usual polite discussions the sharks seemed to be encouraged to interrupt and shout down one another making for a chaotic environment of no value to me as most of it I was completely unable to hear or understand. Clearly they made little or no effort to adjust the volume of various sources.

If this show is moving to this as a permanent change of format I will sadly stop watching, and enjoying, for many the many years that I have.
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Shark Tank jumps the shark straight into a dumpster fire.
LiquidFreon25 September 2022
The cringe was real. You ever watch something so cringe that you can literally feel the embarrassment through the screen? That would sum up the season premiere of Shark Tank. From the opening which sees Mark Cuban run ridiculously towards the audience like some kind of sports event, all the way to the guy resembling the Wizard Of Oz narrating from what looks like a lifeguard stand. The whole show felt surreal in a bad way. When a programs highlights consist of a product to scoop mucous from your baby and Mark Cuban offering to pay 1.5 million dollars for what can only be described as pizza Tupperware, you begin to question whether or not the whole thing is staged.

Lastly, whose idea was it to have the viewers text the show to answer the most inane questions ever? The only question viewers should have been asked was whether they believed it was time to follow Kevin O' Leary's advice and take Shark Tank behind the barn. If you saw this disaster in real time, I think you know the answer to that.
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Shark tank live was a mistake
AmarHamadi24 September 2022
Them doing the show live was a terrible idea. The usual pitch takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes and trying to condense it into 15 minutes makes it incomprehensible. Every shark is talking over themselves so it is very hard to understand what people are saying and it makes everything hectic.

Having the audience chime in on the deals like its a sit com is very cringe inducing and not what the shark tank is about. Also this format does not work with commercial breaks. There was a moment where there was a commercial break, two minutes of the show, and then another commercial break. I know they were just trying something new, but it was a complete disaster.
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Shark Tank Live = Shark Tank Drive
jameslarson-5160225 September 2022
The show is horrible to watch now with the new Live format.

First we have horrible audio compared to previous seasons where the Sharks just sound flat. Next up we have audience members cheering and clapping and also booing. Then also voting on questions pitched to them from the Sharks - what a joke.

Lastly we had the Sharks all talking at the same time by the second pitch and we didn't even hang around to see if they got a deal or not because it was just horribly painful to watch anymore and we couldn't even care what I assume was going to be the third and last pitch.

We were so excited when a new episode came along but sadly this turned out to go in a direction that doesn't make us want to watch the show anymore - let's hope they quickly revert back to the original format and that this was just a single failed experiment.
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Terrible. gave kindergarten show & tell vibes.
lilpinay_gurl26 September 2022
I'd give 0 stars if possible. I have been an avid & loyal Shark Tank fan since episode ONE. If live with an audience is how it will now be, I'm never watching again.

This was so cringe and I felt so bad for the entrepreneurs- it's so disrespectful to them to have all the noise and distraction from the audience- the fact that the audience pressures people into making thier life-long decision is dreadful. So rude for the sharks to interrupt the pitch to talk to the audience or wait for a text vote.

Not to mention the sharks talking over each other. Headache inducing. Take this live audience idea behind the barn or shark tank is toast.
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Get rid of the audience
edblackham24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hated the live audience. It was bedlam and the clapping took away from the show. Shark tank is successful because they have a formula. The formula has absolutely nothing to do with a live audience. During the second pitch, it got too crazy to even understand what was going on.

Possibly the largest problem was there were six sharks. Too many when they all wanted in. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad with six without an audience.

I also don't like it when companies are coming on when they already have sold $15 million worth of product. I admit that those companies will probably go to 100 million pretty quick, but I would rather see smaller ones get a chance.
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Terrible and Poorly Thought Out!
collectorofsorts26 September 2022
I've been watching Shark Tank since the very first episode and have enjoyed nearly every episode (some more than others). But the live show was horrible!

The sharks were all talking over each other unintelligently and the audience was yelling and clapping to the point of distracting the people as they tried to present their pitches.

And the announcer made it feel like The Price Is Right show.

I was horrified and started to change the channel several times. I can honestly say that if this is the new normal for Shark Tank, I won't be watching this season. It was too much of a circus. Hopefully it was just a one time thing.
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Completely Unwatchable
csanchez-5612825 September 2022
Such. A. BUMMER!!!

This is one of those shows that my wife and I make a mini event out of to watch together. Two days ago she shouted from another room, "Babe! We got new Shark Tanks!" Fast Foward to now... I would have never believed that we would be so annoyed that we would turn it off after the first pitch.

This was such a train wreck! The audience served no purpose and was distracting and annoying. Seeing the narrator served no purpose. The Sharks were talking all over each other and being quite 'extra' because now they are trying to entertain an audience which distracts from the deals. Then, the poll taking! This greatly cheapened the show. I would bet a lot of money that no one on planet earth is watching Shark Tank to find out how often people change their underwear in a month. It was beyond stupid and once again, served no purpose.

Suddenly my wife and I saw one of the sharks walking up to hug the business owners and we looked at each other and we're both like, "What just happened?" The audience and other sharks were so distracting we missed the deal.

This is another example of some idiot executives trying to fix something that isn't broken and that no one was asking to change. Seriously, such a disappointment.
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Phony & Obnoxious
tdockery-7427226 September 2022
The worst idea ever! The sharks playing for the audience! Shark Tank literally jumped the shark with this episode! Mark Cuban running toward the audience like he's their best bud! The audio mix is absolutely horrid! Most have been mixed by my drunk Uncle Slappy running the board he bought at the Hootersville Flea Market. Kevin giving a phony assed speech to wrap it up ! I really wanted to vomit! I do enjoy the show, but this was a mistake! Oh, the first product up was compostable underwear, to which these greenies all suck down like a cold beverage on a hot day! If this is the new format..." I'm out!" LOL.
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Not in to this shark tank live.
mindlessmoviemaster28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not into Shark tank live, the crowd being there made the tension that the show gives just faded away with the crowds reaction. It just doesn't have the same feel as the No crowd there. This doesn't feel like shark tank it feels like shark coral reef and they are all singing under the sea, under the sea, friends watching and making decisions for me! I'm just not feeling it, and the family I was watching it with wasn't feeling it either we turned the channel half through the first person cause it really just doesn't have the greatest feel to the show anymore! It feels just more like a happy fun show! And it used to be SHARK TANK!
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bobby-schiano27 September 2022
This was so bad I couldn't finish. Every shark was so fake except for Kevin and Mark. Robert was so fake and cringy I lost all respect for him. I can will never watch another episode if this show is live again. Every product they would stop and have this weird moment with the audience where they would turn around and ask some dumb question. Then they would creepily look at the camera and ask a question. Then the audience at home would vote via text. This is literally so bad it's hard to fully describe. Avoid this episode and pray they don't continue this going forward otherwise this is will definitely be the last season.
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Live audience? No No NO!
ctsa-nilsson25 September 2022
I have watched almost every episode of Shark Tank scince season two.

I coundn't finish watching this episode.

Coundn't stand the constant cheering for every sentence the audience percieved to be positive.

(In reality there is someone who's signaling to the audience "Cheer now! Laugn now!)

It really changed the show completely.

No longer can you feel the sheer brutality that especially some of the entreprenoers must feel when they stand there exposed in front of "just" the sharks and the cameras.

Now there is this stupid audience who cheer or boo after almost every singel statement which definetly affected both the sharks and the participants.

I am actually curios on what exactly you want to achieve with this approach?

Charge viewers who call in to answer the "surveys"?

Or are you in any form benefiting from adding an extra layer of politikal correctness (becouse extrea PC gets more cheers)?

This show felt like I was watching some completly other show.

I'm not about trying new things, but this was a horrible idea and as long you go back to Shark Tanks roots I will continue to watch your show.

If not, I thank you for all the great years.
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High School Pep Rally
rainyb24 September 2022
What a mess! This episode was complete chaos. The absurd amount of talking over one another made it incredibly difficult to follow ANY conversation between Sharks as well as with presenters. There is always a lot of talking over one another on this program but this was completely out of hand. It NEVER ended. It was like a three ring circus held in one ring.

It was clear when the Applause sign went on as the audience would clap hysterically, not in the least bit spontaneously, although later in the program boredom seemed to set in with many of them and some appeared to be looking for the exit signs. I don't blame them. What a waste of a Friday night.

It was advertised that it would have home audience participation. Silly me. I thought that meant the home audience might have some input into what they thought of the product being pitched or which of the Sharks should get the deal. No. A couple was pitching compostable underwear. The question for the home audience about this was "How often do you buy underwear?"

The Sharks seemed to be trying to outdo one another by standing out and gloried in the attention of a live audience. It was like a Madonna moment. Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Why they thought acting like buffoons was a good idea and why the director didn't take the opportunity during a commercial break to tell them to freaking calm down baffles me.

I enjoy Shark Tank. I considered switching channels, but it was like watching a train wreck. I won't be sucked in another time.

I will never watch another episode with this format.
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Why I Don't Watch Reality Shows
lorinfink27 September 2022
Let me weigh in on the subject of live audience and home audience texting. It's phony, chaotic, and time consuming. Usually, the format is to have four pitches to the sharks. On this episode, only three pitches.

If the next episode features a live audience and the other nonsense, they have lost me. I was a loyal viewer who had seen every episode and I have even purchased a couple of items that were pitched. One of which I have been using in my car for years (Drop Stop).

I was hoping the episode would get better as it went along. Fortunately, recorded the show for later viewing without commercials, so I didn't suffer too much.

In conclusion, if the producers happen to read these reviews, PLEASE STOP.
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Cringe Worthy
strangeces28 September 2022
I created an account just to rate this episode because I couldn't stand it so much.

At first it seemed as if it would be a nice change of pace to have a live audience but then within the first 2 minutes, I asked myself what do they add to the show? They only add two things, volume (they were cheering and screaming at everything), and scripted sharks (they had to have known all of the financial details before the entrepreneurs got to the carpet).

What I love about Shark Tank is that it feels like I am allowed in on a meeting and that these people really are genuinely there to try to make an offer (minus those that come in with extremely horrendous offers that just want the publicity). I like learning about business and what it takes to keep them running. I like trying to guess what the sharks will offer or if the entrepreneurs will take the offers. However, this whole episode felt like it was one long commercial and no business was involved.

Lori has her QVC voice on and was pretty much selling each product as if people would buy it right then and there. Robert was even more loud and annoying than he usually is. Talking over the other sharks repeatedly and trying to get the audience to cheer was weird.

The audience was so annoying and loud everyone was screaming all of the time at the most random things. All of the sharks seemed to be playing it up for the cameras and the audience and it felt as if at some point they would announce the entrepreneurs would win a new car or an all expenses paid vacation. It never felt like they were actually trying to learn about the companies to gain information on if they want to make an offer.

The polling was an interesting idea but done very poorly. They had to be predetermined questions so the sharks were very forced when trying to ask the polls. Also, Mark being cut off mid offer was super awkward and didn't feel like a cliffhanger, just more cringe.

I don't recommend. Save your time and watch from episode 2 once it's out. It seems like those will be normal episodes.
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Amazing Discoveries 2.0 - Live!
MC_ClapYoHandz26 September 2022
This episode gave me total flashbacks of Mike Levey's Amazing Discoveries infomercials from the late 80's/early 90's. That was fine for infomercials; it's not fine for what is likely the biggest moment and opportunity in the entrepreneurs' business lives. It cheapens the whole vibe. Some of the Sharks seemed to be putting on more of a show at times, and it felt less than authentic. Less than 5 minutes in, I was searching the internet trying to find out if they'll be doing the entire season live, hoping the answer was no. I still don't have the answer. The only benefit I can think of that could've possibly come from this live show vs a taped show is that maybe producing a live show provides more jobs to people who may not have been needed for a taped show. But if they keep up with the live format, I fear folks will stop watching (I know I won't be able to force myself to watch), and everyone working on Shark Tank will be out of a job.
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Episode 2 was redemption
mike-malotte-513-1196772 October 2022
You have no clue how happy I was when episode 2 was back to the regular format. The live format was unbelievably horrible. For the first time since the series premiered, I almost couldn't make it through the entire episode.

Polling the audience was a mess and so obviously staged. Half the time, you couldn't hear the Sharks. It was chaos from the word go and all pretense of professionalism went out the back door when the audience came in the front. My biggest fear was that this was going to be the format for the entire season. This would have killed the show. Looking over the other reviews, it's clear I'm not alone in this assessment.

Please please please NEVER do that again.
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Shark Tanked
musicali71 October 2022
Why mess with what works?! I can't believe they turned this into an American Idol type of reality show! The formula for Shark Tank was unmatched. This new version with a live audience is a complete joke! Whoever gave this idea the green light should be thrown in the a tank with gold diggers & hammerheads. I can't believe I'm required to keep writing more & more due to so many "required characters" to post this review. I feel like I'm watching a show of characters. I really hope this stupid lame idea & episode is a one & done. It's lost all of its allure & tense moments. The regular version of Shark Tank is real but this episode is so fake and a joke. And there you have it - I've finally hit the "minimum characters limit met" to post this review lol someone now slap me in the face - better yet - slap the Executive Producers of this episode in the rear end. The end.
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pgwolfe3 October 2022
Talking over each other. Talking over each other. Talking over each other. Talking over each other.

Sharks pandering to live audience. Really shows how egotistical the sharks really are...which I get; but geez is this format so juvenile.

Also the audience poll is absolutely a bad idea. I'm guessing most people record episodes and watch them after the polls are closed.

Everyone taking over each other. Not a good idea to go live...just so obnoxious. I've watched every episode from season one...most episodes numerous times. I will not watch any more episodes until they get rid of this obnoxious format. Sad because so many of the other episodes were really good.
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Why Shark Tank's Live Audience Is a Mistake
robinhio84_17 April 2024
Shark Tank, a show that's not just about business but also about entertainment. It's meticulously crafted, drawing viewers in with its professional setup and serious tone. However, recent live episodes, found on Shark Tank Global's YouTube channel, left me disappointed. They deviate from the show's essence, turning it into a chaotic, cheap imitation of itself. The audience's involvement detracts from the seriousness, transforming it into a noisy spectacle reminiscent of daytime talk shows. This departure from the show's core threatens its integrity and risks alienating its loyal fan base. I felt compelled to leave a one-star review as a plea to the producers to reconsider this direction. Shark Tank's success lies in its simplicity and authenticity, and introducing unnecessary gimmicks undermines what makes it great. Let's hope the producers heed this feedback and return to what made Shark Tank a beacon of entrepreneurial spirit and inspiration.
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OMG what this bad...
MovieCriticOnline23 October 2022
OMG, what this bad or what... I was like, is this a joke?

They were talking over each other, the audience was loud and noisy. Who thought this was a good idea??

It's the same reason why America's Got Talent with no audience was a total failure. We don't need an audience cheering or booing business deals.

No more audience shows... PLEASE...

No thank you and so much pandering trying to get the audience to like what they say. The only one that acted normal was Kevin Mr wonderful.

I'm glad I am not the only one that thinks this was a horrible idea to do and hopefully this will never happen again!!
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