Called to Duty (2023) Poster

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Called To Booty
nachocheeselibertad25 July 2023
This movie has a lower production value and worse acting than adult films.

It's possibly the worst movie I've seen in recent memory.

Every single aspect of film making was executed at a homemade level.

Even the lighting looked like it was rigged with house lamps and the color temperature reminded me of Sony Handycam's.

Terrible, absolutely horrendous acting. I'm not kidding, children in school plays often act better than this.

Worst story, character arcs, and screen writing that I think I've ever seen. No one who worked on this movie should be allowed back into movie production.

Movies like this don't deserve to be made. It was a waste of money and time, and it's an embarrassment on their careers.
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Call it doo doo
jonahjc-3282924 July 2023
This movie is bad just bad. I dont know how anyone can rate this higher than a 3. Somehow from the beginning . Just awful intro music that this was not gonna be good. But I gave it a chance as much as I could stand to at least I didn't make it too far into the movie before I could see that this movie was not well made. It didn't seem like anybody could act at all in some aspects it looked like a homemade movie. This is one of those movies thats going to be popular on RiffTrax. It was almost laughable, and I couldn't see wasting anymore time on it. Somehow I get the feeling that some of these early previous reviews are somehow biased. I know this seems like a very harsh review but it's my honest opinion ( I don't like misleading reviews) , don't waste your time.
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Works well as a comedy
peppertynee24 July 2023
Here we have another in the long line of 'female empowerment' movies so popular with fashion-minded Hollywood these days.

Now, I think it is quite appropriate and desirable to showcase realistic female capabilities. However, I think it is getting to the point of fantasy and revisionism when we insist that 'women can do anything that men can do, but better' and try to prove that with manipulation, exaggeration and simple fiction.

So we have an example here of ALL the top air force pilots being women. Of course they are, dear. Another comical example we have is the recently released series Special Ops: Lioness, with the female protagonist physically outperforming navy seals. Of course she can, dear.

PS. I am a (realistic, I think) middle-aged woman.
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cdatlas10 August 2023
This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, the writing was terrible, the acting horrendous and I don't care what the producers, director, writers, everyone involved in this garbage intended, it is seriously insulting to the men and women in the armed services. These people should be ashamed of themselves and not allowed to do anything in film again, in spite of the fact that they're clearly intending to do a sequel. Rather than ratings of 1-10 (should really be 0-10) you should allow for negative ratings because this movie is absolute junk, a waste of time, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WATCH THIS UTTER GARBAGE!
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Top Dumb
kruizer04-268-18670425 July 2023
Within the first few minutes you know this is going to be something you wish you never started, a couple of Russian MIGs fly within 20 feet of the deck of an American Aircraft carrier, and all these ladies are standing around mass debating over what color nail polish goes with their F18's, "oh look Russian MIGs, to our F18's girls" and the music na na na na na na na Top Dumb. A few minutes of stock footage follows showing some aerial combat, that doesn't seem to match what is taking place, so much banter and arguing about tactics, "you go left, I'll go right, you dive and we'll sneak up behind them....but you'll kill us, no trust me" a verbal high 5, "girl power (to the tune of ghostbusters) but alas... one gets hit by a Korean missile,Then a bunch of dialogue from a bunch of people in a war room that is so dumb an inaccurate, that you have to wonder how dumb the enemy is if these guys are a superpower. And then it just goes downhill from there.

None of the cast look like they have any military experience or for that matter acting experience, dialogue is best listened to with the sound off, and best watched while you're doing something else a long way from the TV.

A very good movie for the brain dead!
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Valiant Effort, but Oh Dear God !!!
vikingtales25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So now the US has all female fighter pilots, does it... ridiculous !!! O n the streaming site I found this wanna be Top Gun, trying to hard it stated 8.9 review rating, stupidly I thought I'd give it a try at that rating, but Oh Dear God, just for once the other low reviews were not wrong.

Normally If I've found this type of B style movie I'll give it 30 minutes and if it manages to impress me I'll watch further, and if it fails within those 30 minutes to light something in my interest I'll bin it.

Sadly this movie didn't even make it past 10 minutes in, and when they started playing loud rock music as they were flying over the beach, thats when my suspension of belief hit...

Seriously on this occasion, believe to poor reviews, I've tried to be kind in my 3/10 rating, at least they tried, but Top Gun it is not.
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WASP (Woeful, Awful, Stupid, Pathetic)
csearchfield26 July 2023
At the end of this movie, they honour the WASP's (WW2 female aviators). I guess WASP was an acronym for the movie. Not since the Valley of the Sasquatch, have I seen such a bad movie but at least I laughed at how bad the Sasquatch costume was. The plot is far reaching, yes it reaches so low it would be difficult to go any lower. The acting was awful, the holes in the plot you could fly a plane through it and let's be honest there was nothing good about this movie.

Not sure what the early reviewers were watching but it was not this movie. Do not waste your time, do not think it gets better and do not pay for it. Even worse they left it open for a sequel - yippee!
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Laughable attempt at best...
paul_haakonsen25 July 2023
It should come as no surprise that I hadn't heard about this 2023 action movie titled "Called to Duty" prior to stumbling upon it by random chance. And with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to sit down to watch it.

Initially, I figured that this movie was going to be a female-lead cash-in on the "Top Gun" movie success. And without having heard anything about the movie, I didn't really know what I was in for.

And I managed to endure a staggering 32 minutes of absolute boredom, cringeworthy dialogue, and rubbish storyline. Writer Bobby Hammel put together what can only be described as a dumpster fire attempt of a movie script for director Ashley L. Gibson to bring to the screen.

The character gallery in "Called to Duty" was every bit as cringeworthy and shallow as the dialogue, so at least those two things went hand in hand.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "Called to Duty". And after what I witnessed in the 32 minutes of mind-boggling boredom that I sat through, I can't say that I was impressed with the wooden, rigid and amateurish performances. The dialogue was delivered with the elegance and grace of a coal shovel in the hands of wooden marionettes.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this airplane crash of a movie. It just simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.

My rating of "Called to Duty" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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Flight of Frustration: 'Called to Duty' Lacks Quality
dingdongdang27 July 2023
The all-female jet movie, titled "Called to Duty," initially held promise with its terrible groundbreaking concept, but unfortunately, it fails to deliver on multiple fronts. The film is marred by glaring issues, including subpar production quality and cringeworthy acting displayed by the entire cast. Even after reading some seemingly biased positive reviews, the movie's disappointing performance couldn't be overlooked. Attempting to salvage the experience, I resorted to skipping scenes, but it did little to ease the burden of enduring the film's shortcomings.

Despite the commendable concept of an all-female jet movie, "Called to Duty" struggles to soar to greater heights due to its lackluster execution. The potential for greatness is evident, and with significant improvements in production values and acting, this film could have been a remarkable and empowering experience. Alas, as it stands, "Called to Duty" remains a missed opportunity, leaving audiences with a sense of disappointment and a longing for what could have been.
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6x I tried to write a positive review. I guess I understand the bias for this film now
linmarcus30 August 2023
This is the 6th attempt I've made trying to write a positive review of this movie I watched weeks ago with my wife. I think that speaks volumes. What I noticed over those weeks? Positive reviews vanished, and negative reviews were listed. Is this film perfect? Of course not. I am not in the army, so patches or correct terms did not bother me. If you want an entirely correct film you might as well just go to bed because the movie will only put you to sleep out of boredom. I loved EDGE played by Cabrina Collesides. Amazon reviews on this movie constantly have this character as their favorite and I agree she carried the movie and was fun to watch! I loved her even as she disobeyed orders (which would not happen in real life. Yeah we get that guys, a real life image of this type of film would be boring). I see many negative reviews with the acting. I suggest maybe getting help if you think EDGE was terrible because that actress could very well be in big budget films with the likes of Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. Her supporting cast was NOT good. Maybe that is why people are commenting the acting as a whole. To me, she was the shining point in this film, and I was pretty pissed when the leads changed with 20 minutes left of the movie. I also am letdown we did not get to see EDGE and JEETER come together in the final battle. I am hoping part 2 we will see that. I have to be honest, I would rather watch a low budget indie movie such as this than watch a 200 million dollar budget film with CGI and a bunch of effects. This film created great imagery in the sky, solid music, and a great leading lady. EDGE, JEETER, COUNTRY did their part, even Joseph Baena. The rest of the cast should work on their reactions. Maybe cut down a few of the cast members and get rid of the throw away lines that do nothing to further the story. Overall, I am impressed with what this small team were able to get done. For an indie film, it is one of the best ones I have watched, and the jets were decent. I will keep an eye out for part 2.
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"Horrible, horrible... just horrible."
throwaway-6900129 July 2023
I'd like you to picture the scene in Home Alone when the McAllister parents have realized that they've left their son at home. The cheapskate uncle says it. His inflection and intonation. That's how I say it.

It doesn't make anyone feel any better when they can't leave a positive review. Never before have I created an account on a website for the sole purpose of leaving a comment or a review. Ever.

Because of this movie, I have to break that 25-ish year streak of not falling into that trap. I don't like trashing movies, as they're collaborative projects, and who knows where the faults lie in what ends up being a "bad movie".

No details, no spoilers, no likes versus dislikes... suffice it to say that this movie is a project that should have been abandoned long before someone was able to cast it.
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Ok if this were High School play
billmcvoy26 July 2023
Script was terrible, acting was poor, editing terrible. They tried to make it something it was not, they made a point to show a behind the ear tattoo on one of the female flyers, this is against military rules, no facial tats. I believe the music was added as a filler ( cheaper than actors speaking) that is why on Baywatch they had music, the Hoff said the music was 3 minutes of almost free screen time. The part where a junior officer talked back to the senior officer would never happen.

I would like to see females in a team, but I think it should be mixed with males.

They tried to make it sexy by one of the females in a gym top but what was the point.

The part where the team leader was on horseback and said she had a message from here commander, and said she was on her time and would call back when she was done riding would never happen.
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Your life is worth so much more than this.
kirsty-legg27 December 2023
The most wooden Thunderbirds looking film I've ever seen! My husband is still watching it but I've had to leave the room because it's so terrible. However if he wants to leave a review on his own account he can but for me I can't even get past the fact that the crack fighter female pilots have got so much make-up on! No woman I know in the navy is on duty like that. Ridiculous.

However, if you want to have fun it's worth giving a shot to try to spot continuity errors or even Shazam the music. If you are shackled with your eyes pinned open in front of the film then you could imagine yourself acting each scene better. You could think that you were the director and how you would redirect this. You could think about how much of a telling off you would give the SFX team for the job that they have done. You could talk to your funding department and ask them why it seems the only actors they could get were ones that accepted Wetherspoons vouchers as payment or... You could go and do something better instead.
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Scopen7122 January 2024
Horrible movie, disrespectful to the military and to women. I would hope women in the military would not act like that and if they did I would think they would be dishonorably discharged. The acting was also bad and it looked like it was shot by a bunch of high school students interested in film. It might be okay to put on for noise while you do things around the house but even that is a stretch. I'm not sure how it got any good reviews. I guess the music wasn't too bad though a tad repetitive. The little girl that you see a few times was a much better actor than the rest of the cast . Avoid this movie.
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I don't have it in me to finish watching this..
HorrorFilmHellion29 July 2023
..and I've seen some really janky stuff. I stopped in to take a peek at how Joe Baena is fairing in his pursuit to be a leading hollywood man like his papa. Gotta ways to go but have to applaud the chase for it. He's definitely got his pop's drive for the American dream, nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile, everything about this movie is ridiculous as if it was only meant to recruit middle school aged girls into the air force with mandatory lunch-time school cafeteria showings. It's impossible to suspend disbelief to the levels needed to be entertained by it. The script is beyond childish, as well as most of the cast/acting, even for something that knows it is basically a fantastical spoof or tongue-in-cheek salute to Top Gun. Good luck to Joseph though, seems like a pretty cool dude.
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Worst I've Ever Seen
jrhrgnmk4 September 2023
I didn't know it was possible to make a movie that could score this low. Called To Duty has surpassed anything I could imagine that would scrape the bottom of the barrel and waste the general movie going public time with such a stinker.

This movie stains the good name and those of the men and women who serve in the US Navy. Those serving or who have ever served will feel badly fit the terrible movie that was made without the department of defence reviewing or authorized the use if much stock footage shot on military facilities. It is shameful that any military personnel will ever be considered to operate as depicted in this joke of a movie.
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A big flop
Dgnerateunfiltered19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So right off the bat when someone was pointing out a bogey in the intro of the movie they said right over there. I know this is supposed to be an indie movie but that just seems like bad script writing. They had some military terms in the movie and instead of giving a term for that they said there. Come on people. I also thought the opening credits was too long. The work out scene with the guys seemed too forced in my opinion it didn't seem natural at all. The male acting seemed way too forced. The toxic masculinity didn't seem natural whatsoever. Not to sound like a broken record but most the acting and script seems very forced. There's also way too much music in the movie it feels like a filler in all honesty. The math ain't mathing. I get this is supposed to be a military movie but I'm pretty sure they don't call there fellow service members by there call signs all the time. One of the actors constantly makes the same face for everything. You can tell the movie is mostly cgi or greenscreen. The "I'll be back" seemed to be so cringey in the film it didnt flow with the movie and it just seemed like the writer wants arnold to see that he's paying him homage through his son. Its not giving. The flashback in the movie about country seemed like forced filler and didn't naturally flow with the movie. Also having a character in the movie come from no money and a not a great household forces stereotypes and gives military personnel bad reps. This movie makes no sense. I also believe edge and bells meeting is supposed to be a meet cute. That was also cringe. It was poorly executed. Also locker room talk wouldn't happen in front of their ranking officer and wouldn't be done about said officer. Make it make sense. The banter and jokes in this movie are so terrible. "Buckle up my little hamburger helper," really so gross. The actress who plays Bear is pretty good. They disobey command left and right in this movie with no reparations. It doesn't seem like a military film. It needs to have order. And a baseball game really in the middle. Make it make sense. So far only one part of this movie is where the music went along with the movie and made sense. Not with the fake crying about the chance that her sisters might die on the mission they are being sent on. It was so bad I almost laughed. Even the command in the movie is terrible. Country is by far the worst actress/actor in this movie. I do like that the intro resurfaces at the end of the movie. The combat scene isn't that good though. No one sounds scared in the fight scene. There isn't really any emotion in it either. The ending was alright it was better then the rest of the movie but still not good. The make up on edge doesn't look good either when she is in the hospital bed.

I don't know if it's the movie or if it's just the actors, but the acting is really bad. Definitely not worth the money I spent on this. I get this is an independent film and I came into this knowing it wasn't going to be the best film ever. I was so tempted to dnf this film it was that bad. I feel bad for giving this review.
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Worst movie ever made
robkeith-691551 November 2023
All around one of the worst movies ever made with horrendous acting all around. This movie is unrealistic and just plain stupid. I can't believe it was ever made let alone aired. Don't waste your time watching this movie. 10 thumbs down all around.

All around one of the worst movies ever made with horrendous acting all around. This movie is unrealistic and just plain stupid. I can't believe it was ever made let alone aired. Don't waste your time watching this movie. 10 thumbs down all around. If I could rate it a negative zero I would

All around one of the worst movies ever made with horrendous acting all around. This movie is unrealistic and just plain stupid. I can't believe it was ever made let alone aired. Don't waste your time watching this movie. 10 thumbs down all around.
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I've loved the efforts the whole cast and crew tried to provide.
rajkhan-3959919 September 2023
Cabrina Collesides, You're such a fantastic performer. Loved your acting.......... You're fantabulous, rated 10/10 for your screen presence and everyone's efforts........ I've loved the efforts whole cast and crews tried to give......... I hope to see the next part of this project....................................... All the best for the potential sequel or prequel. Maybe the audience would love that project as well.... When a film is good with positive messages that the nation and community can learn from, it's one of the finest signs to show to the audience and teach them the way of righteousness.

Good luck..
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I tried
Amberel9720 August 2023
I watched this because the premise sounded amazing and also I had a friend in the movie. I strongly believe in supporting my friends in all that they. So I went into this with open eyes and watched it. With all that said I just couldn't enjoy the movie. There was unnecessary scenes and other content that shouldn't be in there. The script didn't seem great and the acting wasn't the best. I'm chalking the acting up to not having a good script. I feel like that if the movie had better script writers it could have been executed a lot better. I'm not going to focus on the inaccuracies of the movie because that isn't what made it not enjoyable. I don't know hiw i feel about a sequel. I will watch it to support my friend though.
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Wow what a disastrous movie
georgedyson-7419727 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not the first war movie that I have seen along these lines though.

My first irritation was the unprofessional behaviour of all these pilots - the usual male chauvinism that would just destroy any hope of having any effective air operations. A tired and stale portrayal of female members of the armed forces.

Then the high degree of insubordination. Effective forces need to be focused on the operation not head off on some individual exploit against orders.

Then the fact that these characters are far to ignorant of what war and conflict involves. 'I am not going to fight' to paraphrase Kaden. What on earth is she doing in the armed forces then?

I am not going to criticize the actors but that scrip was just awful!!!!
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Why we don't American military or cop/FBI movies
sebring-9262816 November 2023
We love action films. However, we have started watching European action movies and avoid American made action films. Why? Australian or British or other European movies use realistic looking actors, especially the females - gritty, no makeup, possibly a bit overweight, and completely believable. What do American made movies show us? Beauty queen cops or FBI agents or military personnel with perfect hair, makeup, nails, and figure. Completely unrealistic. Female leads more concerned with ensuring their lipstick is perfect.

This movie is no exception, we could tell within the first 2 minutes of watching it. Poorly acted with lots of young girls with perfect makeup......."saving the world". Sure. Better make sure "badges" are handed out.

The American movie industry seems to have gradually devolved into really shallow fluffy.....dare I say it.....garbage. Perhaps this is next generation stuff, but honestly it's hard to find anything you can get your teeth into; it's all this whimsical shallow fluffy stuff (oh wait, sorry, I said that already).

What a farce not only is this movie, but we feel.......most American movies now. The end of the American movie industry. Thank God for Britbox.
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Possibly the worst non-adult movie I have seen
franssanders-9102816 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to find the words for a movie that is so bad. The acting is so stunted that it reminds me of my father in law's home videos from the 80'ies.. Then the center of the movie, a female demonstration team. While it is great to see an all female demonstration team, it is laughable that they are just for nice demonstration flights and are not compromised of well trained and experienced pilots. The way they act in relation to their leadership is terrible and puts the airforce in a bad light. There is no way they would get away with the responses they have to orders. Especially the leader puts herself out there as a god loving woman who makes that more important than her role as team leader and operational fighter pilot. And lets forget how the attack was handled, a few planes hit but no sight on who or how they achieved the main target. Sorry, but I cannot fathom how anyone would rate this a good movie.
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nykcfcdd18 March 2024
I have watched some bad movies in my time. This is bottom 5. Writing horrible, cinematography horrible, editing horrible. Acting is bad, but they didn't have much to work with. The director should be ashamed that he let that make it to print. I've seen porn that has better scripts and acting. The 70's and 80's scream queen movies have better everything than this movie, and they were intended to be over the top bad.

I don't think the writer or director did any research on his subject matter. They just wanted to put out something on female empowerment and failed. Failed so hard that it does the exact opposite of what was intended.
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Why the hate?
freddyp197626 March 2024
Like my headline says, why so much hate for this movie?! I mean, if you went into this expecting a classic, of course you're going to be disappointed. The premise of the film was solid but unfortunately the writing was subpar. It had potential, it just couldn't deliver. I see that the actors are receiving grief for their performances and yes it wasn't Oscar worthy but these are amateur actors who probably did their best. I know I wouldn't be able to perform in front of a camera. Sure, some were just cringeworthy but not all of them. The commander or whoever is in charge, is just simply awful. He showed no range of emotion when he was supposed to be angry, happy, whatever, he had the same expression throughout. And why did he have such a large part in a movie that was supposed to be about the all female fighter pilots? Oh wait, he was the producer of the film! And fun fact? NONE of the actors received payment that they were promised! In fact, their "contracts" weren't even honored! After numerous attempts to contact the producers, they got the run around. Makes you wonder. Also, I see specific actresses being named that "stole the show". Ummmm. No. They didn't. I think everyone did their best but there certainly wasn't any stand outs. It is what it is. And Joseph Baena was in it. And? He certainly didn't take after his father in this department.

Poor musical score; where the sound mixing was terrible, questionable plot and writing and just an all around laughable performance by some, not all, of the cast is what made this movie suffer. The editor should be ashamed of themselves for their "efforts". It's a shame. It COULD have been decent. But the people behind the scenes had no idea what they were doing and it clearly showed from the poor production all around.
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