The Skinny (2012) Poster

(I) (2012)

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A little too late to be "Groundbreaking"
Coralknight11 March 2017
Once upon a time, there were few enough gay-themed films to count on your hands (and few enough with minority leads to count on just ONE of them). But since those days are LONG gone, we, the viewing audience, have to stop giving a "pass" to sub-par gay-themed cinema, or else it just will not get better. I think everyone here agrees Noah's Ark was as ground-breaking as it was satisfying for its day. But throwing us a bone by a cameo from Noah and Janito doesn't cut it: we're looking for something more substantive these days. The Skinny seems more of an attempt to cobble together any number of black gay fantasies; the cultured doctor, the witty Brit, the shy inexperienced romantic, the effeminate "best friend" who turns out to be wild and hot, and of course, the mandatory hyper-sexual narcissist. Unfortunately, there is just not enough time to turn these characters into anything less than clichés. And the "resolutions" to the story-line just come off as contrived and campy (once again...fine for Noah's Ark, but not if you want to be taken seriously).
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Even better than his past work...
tmanbball17 April 2012
This film shows Patrik-Ian Polk at his best, or what I perceive to be his best. His work has gotten progressively better with each film I've seen. All show gay men pretty much being themselves in their everyday lives, but the characters have warmth and heart and, of course, drama. From 'Punks' to 'Noah's Arc' (the series and the film, 'Jumping the Broom') I honestly enjoy his work. But, 'The Skinny' is better. 'Noah' regular touched on issues that affect the glbt community, this film seems to take subject of AIDS, promiscuity and the party scene a lot more seriously and to good effect. Well acted with an attractive cast, during Pride weekend in Harlem. Highly recommended.
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This movie is definitely not one of Patrik Ian Polk's finest moments
curious_md16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Race has nothing to do with the reality of poorly focused, didactic films with excruciatingly misapplied plots, in a less than perfect film. Period. I became a Patrik Ian Polk fan due to my endearment towards "Noah's Ark". I found the series refreshing, and applauded Logo for their choice to air something new and thought provoking, let alone ground breaking. After all, an all black (African American, should you prefer) cast?!!?! Bravo. You can imagine the disappointment of it's not being renewed. Yet, I digress. "The Skinny" was hugely disappointing. The premise was fine, the acting "ho'hum" but tolerable to a point, yet the directions the characters took were tiring, and above all else, wholly unrealistic. The most disturbing for me was why Polk made it Kyle's responsibility for Sebastian's actions. Why!?!?!?! Sebastian, though green, was an adult. He made the choice of indulging in drugs, though Kyle suggested he not partake. In the real world, most would say you are responsible for your own actions, albeit choices. This was the last straw in this farce for me. Next, Sebastian insists on following through with his desire to have sex with one of their closest friends in this quintet, KYLE! Kyle is promiscuous at best with no such aspirations towards Sebastian. Yet, the other 3 friends are helping Sebastian prepare to seduce Kyle. These guys have known each other since being students at Brown. Polk leads you to believe they are like brothers. In most circles, this would be considered near incest. Do not purchase this film. Catch it on cable it then.
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Unsensitive and strange! Warning: Spoilers
Summarizing: I did not like that movie. First of all: I did not see ONE white person in the movie ... Are there any white people in New York or even in Atlanta? And besides that: WHAT kind of lesbian is that, what does she want from life besides watching gay porn? Her character made ​​no sense to me at all. Okay, the movie has some sexy and fun atmosphere to it, and it is technically well done, but already after half of the movie I thought: "Where the hell is this movie going?! What is the subject, the theme?!". And soon after I thought that, the boy was drugged and raped by two guys, without a condom.... WHAT HORROR!! But worse: Right the next day, he already goes rocking and rolling and smiling and celebrating Gay Pride!! Yeah, I'd do the SAME thing after I was raped by two men without a condom until blood comes out of my butt ... How insensitive!! In various scenes there was this contradiction between FUN FUN FUN and then horrible things happening. But these opposites were not worked well at all!! The movie could have been MUCH better ... So it was a great salad of too many ingredients that did not blend.
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