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It's Off the Mark a Bit
Hitchcoc31 July 2023
Leonard is the focus of this one, that is the halfway house he and his partner have formed for ex-convicts in transition. They are not very popular because people feel they present a danger to the community. Most of them are thieves of some sort, but no murderers or serious felons. They do get into conflicts because of their rather abrasive personalities. After a particularly hard day, Will, who helps out, is asked by one of the men to listen to his confession. Will starts to do it and then departs. The man has told him that he was responsible for an unhappy young woman losing her life. He expresses thoughts of killing himself. The next day, while Leonard is away, the man is found in an outhouse, his wrists slashed and with a serious blow to the back of his head. But there is little bleeding from the wrists. Will continues with his issues of faith, carrying a ton of guilt because he didn't pray with the guy. Well, there's a much more exotic plot that plays out. I must say that Will is really getting tiresome and the setup for the next episode is going to add fuel to that fire. All in all, the last couple episode were pretty contrived. Will needs get through his sobbing and whining. Leonard's friend makes a speech when Leonard is feeling persecuted. Will could use the same speech.
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Nothing has changed
hazangel-899102 May 2024
This episode was not that bad. My problem is with Will. I had stopped watching and picked back up again with this episode. Will is still insufferable. It is so hard to watch scenes with him in it. He just sucks the life out of each situation. Somehow he makes everything about him. Everyone has issues. Why is it so hard to help others without being consumed with his issues. It is exhausting!!! It just ruins the show.

I wish the original guy would come back. The series was so good back then. I will continue watching but I dont see any chance of Will's character getting better. I believe this is a character trait.

I must say as much as I love Leonard he is being a little too selfish and mean to the people who love him but I'm sure he will see the error of his ways soon enough.
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Episode 4
Prismark1017 February 2024
I tell you one thing. If I lived near Leonard's halfway house. I'll be against it. It's a magnet for trouble.

The halfway house really has been the focus for the police in this series. No wonder Daniel looks unhappy and it is not just because his camera got stolen.

As for Will he has a crisis of faith and his wife is acting like a ghost.

Will is asked to pray by Alfie. An Italian Catholic immigrant who is a resident of the house. Alfie confides in Will that he feels suicidal and that he once let a girl down badly in his past over his behaviour. Only Will cannot pray or him. He himself has doubts.

Will feels guilty when Alfie is later found dead. It looks like suicide but Geordie is not convinced. It looks like murder to him and he believes someone from the halfway house did it.

It was good that some of the characters in the house like Keith were introduced in earlier episodes. So they were not all just random residents for this story.

I did wonder why the culprit staged the death like a suicide. Were others privy to Alfie's state of mind or was it just a random thing?
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Duller than dishwater.
Sleepin_Dragon26 February 2024
Leonard is devastated when a halfway house resident is found dead. The man confessed suicidal thoughts to Will, but is this suicide or murder?

It pains me to say it, but what a boring episode, I genuinely struggled to get through this one, it felt endless, and I just couldn't wait for the credits to role.

I know we're asked to accept a world that simply didn't exist at the time, but here it's just too much, the idea that a group of burly ex convicts would take up residence at a halfway house run by two gay men, I'm sorry, it's impossible.

Way too much attention on ticking the boxes, so much so that they ignored what used to make this show so great.

First off Lionel's coffee shop didn't work, now his home isn't working, series 9, a zoo that doesn't work perhaps or an unsuccessful cheese factory, who knows.

I am liking Simone Lahbib's Martha, I think she could definitely develop as a character, she seems like she's going to be feisty.

If you're a big fan of the snow (as I am) you will get through it, but it's a real slog.

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