Sex, Lies & Depravity (2012) Poster

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Not like anything you have seen before.
kzbrb18 July 2012
The plot is good, but you have to concentrate to follow it as its very subtle in places. Some very good acting from new people but than some very bad acting in parts. Sound and editing needs attention as it comes across RAW. The story line for me is good, hard hitting but found it too gratuitous and long in parts. I was not offended in any way regards to the gay sex scenes, but found them too long, sometimes less is more to make a point. The sound track of this film is very original and awesome. Overall i think if the sound was fixed regarding background noise (which is too Loud) and the editing is fixed regarding where scenes are cut too late, shorten the gay scenes as the length tends to make people uncomfortable, then the overall presentation of the film would be on par with what people see in the general quality of productions. There are very good points made in the plot but some scenes i did not get e.g the ice skating which i felt was a distraction and no idea why its there.
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Good Story, Good Acting, Good Watch.
mistervitez18 July 2012
Jake is a film that really touches on some major issues that normally stay behind closed doors. And the independent style really compliments this. I think that it made it feel much more real and if i'm honest, more shocking at the gruesome parts! Which is good! My only negative comment on this film would have to be the sound. From a sound engineers point of view, i feel it could have been recorded more professionally as in some parts the background and ambient noise was very apparent which unfocused my attention from the storyline on a few occasions. One memorable time was the coin being spun. Apart from this though i think that it was a great story about modern society and definitely went down a few roads that many writers dare go down. So for that, i give it an 8 out of 10 :)
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A Winner
mgold-824 February 2019
This is the first movie I've ever watched on "Amazon Prime" that not only wasn't awful - it was actually totally engrossing and thought-provoking. I especially loved Hannah's accent, and Ethan's boyfriend. The actress who plays Lisa is particularly good, but all of the acting is vastly superior to what one typically finds in a low-budget film. (Or even most high-budget films, for that matter!) Anyone with personal experience of living in a home where domestic violence is the norm, will agree that the scenes between Hannah and Jake are disturbingly realistic. Very well done. I do concur with the other reviewers who have commented that the script could have benefitted from some tighter editing. I also felt that Arran's Jekyll-and-Hyde-like behavior in his interactions with Julie didn't ring true. It's hard to say if this is due to the acting, or the writing. Aside from these minor issues, this is a well-written and brilliantly-executed movie that held my attention from beginning to end. Highly recommended.
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Tough watch, but worth it......
smcnay-420-15587311 July 2012
Okay - first let's make this clear. This ISN'T a 'blockbuster', full of special effects. There are no STAR NAMES (although some stellar performances), the sound / film quality is patchy in places and this has the feel of a true piece of independent film making.


A love story, based in the reality of the world that exists but isn't really talked about. The friendships and relationships that make us who we are (or at least make the characters who they are) and govern the lives we end up living. The overwhelming waves of s**t that roll over large groups within our communities - all life is here! Telling the story of two friends, with 'flashbacks' to childhood (and excellent performances from the young actors), alongside those they come into contact with, this is an uncompromising look at life in our inner cities.

There are some elements that will improve as the team behind this film progress - random ice skaters, some additional editing and a somewhat gratuitous sex scene at the end (although they seemed to be having fun!) are small points, but the experience would benefit from a tighter, more focused approach. Performances from the actors (all local, all young(ish), all new to the business) ALL had something to commend them, with some stand out performances and roles.

Overall, this is a film with much to commend it. The issues raised, the impact of societal ignorance / avoidance of the reality of the world (mental ill health, domestic abuse, drug / alcohol, the helplessness and hopelessness) for many and the portrayal of a descent into self destruct are all excellent. Worth a watch, if only to see the talent and determination of a group of young people to bring their vision to the screen.
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Britain's lowest of the low emerge on the big screen!!!!
ohlabtechguy4 March 2021
I am an American and I thought I was watching characters more apt to live in American slums. Only the lowest of the low talk filth to their kids. Yes...its' part of the human experience, BUT it's not something that's part of normal people's lives. So what we see in this movie are pathetic, unlikable characters representing the worst human traits possible. I come from white trash, so I've seen these types of people first hand. Have an alcoholic, narcissistic brother who actually screamed at our mother, lying postop in the hospital from open heart, that he wished she were dead. Serious mental problems do exist, but I don't need to see them on my 65 incher.
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Sex, Lies, and Depravity
mikev-vespi26 August 2013
Really well written film.

I felt majority of the acting was great and the lines were delivered with the emotion needed for such a heavy topic.

The directing was good, and gave the movie a sort of grungy feel to it, appropriate for portraying the lives of such problematic young adults.

I thought it was very clever the way the movie was written so that all of the characters were involved somehow in the same circle.

The music was well chosen, the soundtrack is very good.

For a low budget and independent film, I thought a fantastic job was done in most aspects.
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dmoorejdrf4 August 2021
Be assured, any remotely positive review on here had to be written by a family member of the actors, director, producer or others involved in making this mess of a film. The plot was STUPID, the writing was STUPID, the directing was HORRIBLE and the camera work was HORRIBLE! I have sentenced myself to watching Barbra Streisand movies for a week solid as punishment for watching this movie till the end. My guess is they did not audition for the character roles, whoever showed up got a part...previous acting experience not required. It looks like it may have been filmed with an iPhone 5 or lower. Whoever footed the money to make this would ask for their $500 back. I now ordain this The Worst Movie Ever Made!
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Kitchen Sink Drama brought kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. Warts and All.
whitedove313 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's what happens in every neighborhood, and nobody talks about. The graphic scenes of violence in this film are sobering and hard to watch, but leave one with a sense of fear and sympathy as yet unequaled by other films of this genre.

I felt genuinely glued to my seat as I watched Jake spiral out of control, taking his girlfriend and so many others with him. Leigh Sorrel played the part spectacularly, achieving -with little to no obvious effort- a terrifying level of rage. Hannah (Natascha Sauer) is equally as impressive, with her beautiful accent sending shivers down the spine in her scenes of despair. Physically, she portrayed the torture and bewilderment of a woman in this situation absolutely perfectly.

One of my favorite scenes is the 'MDMA/Drinking Montage', where we see Jake, Ethan (Wade Radford) and Carla (Victoria Howlett) partying away in their flat. An excellent range of shots, sped up, slowed down, and generally made awesome with the power of editing. The obvious loyalty between Ethan and Carla is inspired. Look out for their early scene in the Gay Bar, where Jake and Ethan meet. Giggles abound, and an important storyline.

There is a lot to be said for the story, thought up by Wade Radford of Milton Keynes. You are pulled in by the rough and ready realism, the tongue in cheek humor, and the beautifully awkward moments that claw at the seams of run-of-the-mill film making. I am hopeful that more can come our way from the talented folks in this film - Cast and Crew.
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A Real Film For Real People
JasonJayWhite5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Arran regularly writes to his best friend Jake, who he believes is living a normal, happy family life just as he does. Unfortunately Jake's life couldn't be further from Arran's! Jake has problems sleeping and disappears off during the night much to the disappointment of his girlfriend Hannah. She and daughter Carrie live day to day without the presence of Jake, who seems to spend a lot of time away from the family home despite Jake not having a job. With social services on her back, Hannah is finding life hard to deal with. Jake appears to be living a delusional existence and this is not being helped by his use of drugs. Jake also regularly beats Hannah and basically treats her like she is the scum of the earth. Jake writes to Arran and gives the impression he has an amazing family life. If only Arran knew!

On a late night out Jake happens upon a club. A club he has never been to before where boys love boys and girls love girls. Asking for a drink from the barman, he starts chatting to Ethan. They start a close friendship and Jake moves in with Ethan, again filling Ethan's head with total lies about his life. Ethan becomes infatuated with Jake and even advice from his close friends about Ethan falls on deaf ears. Jake and Ethan have a physical relationship, whilst Jake insists on hiding this fact from Hannah.

Ethan falls deep for Jake, blissfully unaware of Jake's life outside of their cosy existence, but nothing lasts forever and Jake's and Ethan's lives will be shattered, just as Hannah's and Carrie's will never be the same again!


Sex, Lies & Depravity is a rare gem among the films being released this year. We seem to be continuously bombarded with remake upon remake of classic films, without any thought to developing young talent. Fortunately Jason Impey, Director of SL&D has found a new star in Wade Radford (Ethan) who is also the writer of SL&D. I feel Jason and Wade have tapped into society in general and I highly recommend that you either rent or buy the DVD when it is released this year (2013).

I was most impressed by the acting talents of Leigh Sorrell (Jake), Natascha Sauer (Hannah), Kealey Gavillet (Lisa) and Wade Radford. Wade is definitely a writer and actor to watch, which I will be doing!

It's very rare for a film to deal with sensitive subjects as alcoholism, mental health, physical abuse and same sex relationships together. It's even rarer for the subjects to be dealt with, with such compassion. SL&D is an exceptional film and I am so looking forward to part 2 and part 3 coming out.

The only fault I found with the film was issues with sound quality, but these did not deter me from watching what I believe will be looked upon as a classic in years to come :-)
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Good Earthy Film
fattyspieshop13 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Within five minutes of watching this film, you know its going to be one hell of a ride.

It opens with a voice over, reading a letter aloud to the title character Jake... Scenes of a happy young family ensue, doing the usual. This is followed by a super slow motion shot of a man raising a base ball bat over his head. We kick in with some heavy dub step, and the title credits roll...

An awesome start to a movie. There's a fair blend of slower, calming scenes and top notch hard core action scenes, just letting you relax before slapping you in the face with violence, depravity or just plain crudeness. The language in this film can be unsettling to some more prudish viewers, but SUCH IS LIFE. This film covers the issues it has chosen very very well, and the acting is effortless and natural.

Characters to look out for? All of them! For lip tremblingly good dramatic and emotional scenes: Hannah (Natascha Sauer) Lisa (Kealey Gavillet) and Julie (Emila Ufir)

For beautifully delivered angry and physically violent scenes: Jake (Leigh Sorrel)

For a sly giggle on an otherwise emotional journey: Ethan (Wade Radford) Carla (Victoria Howlett) and Kyle (Zachary Ockenden) not forgetting a slipped in Simon Britton!

You wont be disappointed by this film. But you will come away with a different view on life behind closed doors.
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Gritty and engaging - change from the norm
nathanielfrancis11 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with no preconceptions at all and was very surprised. It was gripping and very different than anything I have seen on screen lately and this was refreshing. It had an independent feel, but was a true depiction of violence and abuse. Covering many themes that are usually chosen not to explore. Also the clever format of the film entwining past and present so that the audience can fully understand Jake kept you guessing till the end. Great performances from the whole cast to give this a down to earth and real feel, with special mentions to Emelia Ufir who plays Julie Garett. Excited to see what else is store from this director and writer.
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Hard Hitting...
deathkitty6668 August 2012
For an independent film it was fantastic, one of the best I've seen.

As always with an indie, your going to get a few continuity issues however this didn't take away from the enjoyment of the film.

Only issues for me personally was I felt Jake's girlfriend was better in her emotional scenes, and I felt that Jake's childhood friend and his girlfriend could have maybe had less scenes, however the living room one was great!!!

The cast was picked well, and portrayed the roles great, I enjoyed Jake's mum especially , Jake, Ethan, & Lisa- I felt they all achieved higher than expected, and really brought the film together!

Over all a brilliant film, I strongly recommend this taboo drama :-)
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A Wonderful Indie Film, with 3 "Families", 1 Destiny, 1 Tragedy
parrys229 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sex, Lies and Depravity starts off with a reflective account of two friends enjoying happier times. This helps to set the foundation of the problems that are highlighted through this film by the main character of Jake. In many ways, this is true for all of us to some degree, as a person's deepest problems can be traced back to key points in their childhood.

It is with this in mind that you can begin to understand why Jake is suffering from repressed personality traits and depression and his unhappiness of where he is with his life situation and the longing for his old friendship with Aaran.

Once you understand why Jake is depressed, the domestic violence you encounter as the viewer becomes less shocking, but even more heart-breaking as you become involved as you watch, simply because you understand why. As part of Jake's story is told in "flashbacks" you can understand how physical and mental abuse can perpetuate, from one generation to another, even when you hope that it does not.

Is it any wonder that virtually all of the characters take solace from sex, drugs and alcohol, but these "highs" are only ever fleeting, shallow and ultimately self-destructive. But even here, there is a small, flickering light of hope, as one of the secondary characters, Kyle, had a beautifully, healthy and constructive escape. To find out what though, you're going to have to watch the film.

The other central character of Ethan, I found was the most honest and realistically grounded member of the cast. He "made do" to survive, as we all do and he knew how to survive. However, what made Ethan different, was that he knew how to communication and through all of the bravado you heard him come out with, he also actually cared about the people around him. You will, most definitely find Ethan's language, colourful.

I won't say any more about the film, as I would start top give things away. But after the first ten minutes you can see how this will end. It's just like being locked into a Roller-coaster, you can see where you are heading, but there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it.

In many ways, the style of this film, with the faded colour, gives you the impression that everything is filmed underneath a giant shadow. Depression can and does leave you feeling this way and the whole film captures that perfectly.

Overall, this film ends with hope and that life does indeed, carry on. If you like Indie films, that does not have the false, showbiz glitz of Hollywood, then this is the film for you.
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Jake - The prequel to the awaiting Ethan!
alexanderturian11 July 2012
Jake is such an original script portraying what all of us from the MK/Bedford area have gone through..

With excellent music and amazing acting, this is a true master piece from a group of up and coming amateur film makers.

Scriptwriter and actor of Ethan Price, Wade Radford is a genius in his own right! The rumours of a sequel with Ethan as the main character, are rumours I hope to become reality.

If you haven't all ready, then I highly recommend you watch this film. I will be personally keeping a close eye on all of the crew, especially Mr.Radford..
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