Paranormal Adoption (2012) Poster

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Ugly doll film
NuttyBaby14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the most weirdest B horror I've ever seen. That poor couple lost their child and unsuccessfully can't have anymore children, so they want to adopt a baby. The adoption agency pushes them the idea to fostering an 8 year old orphan, which seemed like a nice plan at first. They take in this new daughter with her doll, who's a real person to her, but looks like the scariest doll I've ever seen.

Come to her birthday party, the only person she really wants there apart from her foster parents is the janitor from the foster home. Nothing explains why they're such good friends because he's got learning difficulties. In a way its often insulting of the film makers to portray janitors as being like this in so many of their productions. Its kind of prejudiced against working class people. Anyway the foster parents are snobby towards the janitor, and things go wrong later.

Yes a lot of unanswered questions and odd acing skills from the foster parents. I don't know why the foster dad was making weird demonic faces after a romance with his wife. This is a decent and nice little horror film.
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Don't go in expecting a Chucky style bloodbath and you should be really impressed!
IFeelCream21 August 2012
With a name like Paranormal Adoption, you make mistakenly expect yet another Paranormal Activity knock off. Don't make that mistake though please as this film is actually a really well made, excellently acted, spooky chiller which plays out much like a feature length horror anthology style episode.

Plot wise, the film features a young loving couple, Rich and Lynn, emotionally crippled by the death of their daughter in a devastating accident. After spending many months dealing with their loss and trying for another baby, the pair are presented with the opportunity to get to know 8 year old Lacy with a view to adopting her, if all goes well. As always, there is one catch in this scenario; Lacy comes with a friend, the insanely freakish looking doll 'Ms Rachel'. Trust me, you would not wish to wake up in the middle of the night to see this grinning anomaly sat at the end of your bed! Still, Lacy goes nowhere without Ms Rachel and in order to bring her into their lives, both must accept the second new addition to their family. Of course the adoption goes through and Lacy becomes an official member of the Thomas family.

Sadly it soon becomes apparent that little Lacy is not used to being denied her own way and her attachment to her doll is far more disturbing than simply a coping mechanism related to her biological parents deaths. As those around Lacy are subjected to inexplicable incidents, some far more serious than others, it becomes very clear that something is dangerously wrong with Lacy.

An immediate plus point going for this film is the acting. Both Marina Lyons and William Morse do a great job of portraying a deeply in love yet fractured pair and it's very easy to believe they are indeed an authentic couple. Likewise Piper Watts is scarily believable as the seemingly malignant Lacey. Here is a young madam you do not wish to upset believe me. There were once or two less effective performances but hey this is an independent film after after all! The film is also excellently shot, a very professional looking film for a low budgeter!

Notable scenes in the film include a nasty accident caused by Lacey against a classmate who is picking on her. This scene shows Ms Lacey physically acknowledge what Lacey has done and the damage she has caused - shudder!!! Also a creepy dinner table scene involving Ms Rachel's 'wandering' eyes.......... Whether Ms Rachel is in fact a doll with a life of its own or if there are more frightening forces at work is up to you to figure out. All I will say is that the ending provides a superbly chilling surprise which you may not have expected although it may also leave you with a few answered questions. A sequel to come perhaps?

Check out the films official Facebook page NOW! Definitely one to rent or buy via Amazon or iTunes - so go do it.... before Ms Rachel comes for you....
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sverrehu31 August 2012
Don't know why this movie showed up on my Apple TV in the horror section. But since I had already seen the rest of the bunch, I rented this one. Since I managed to see it through without going to bed, it gets two stars.

The only person doing a decent acting, is the new father. The quality of the plot almost made me think of "Planet 9 from outer space".

But then I didn't know this was an indie until I read the other comments. And I suspect most of the film's budget went into paying 30 people to give this movie 10 stars and favorable reviews.

Lesson learned: Apple isn't all about quality anymore, at least not in the TV business.
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Bad and simple
i-BT25 August 2012
I just rented this movie based on the trailer, it looked interesting. I knew this was a independent film but I had no idea that it was this bad. The actors try their best but do not show any hint of talent, combine this with a poorly written script and you get a really boring movie. I had some hope that they would make some scary scenes but it was hard to be scared when you laughed of the lack of quality throughout the entire movie.

If you have seen other independent films and expect this one to come close, do not watch it. At least, do not pay for it!

For me this movie do not meet any sort of standard for it's category.
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I loved this movie!
zondrawilson3 August 2012
If you love horror movies...then brace yourself for an entertainment adventure. Although this movie is an independent film, in my opinion, it mirror's a big budget production. It has excitement, mystery and a great cast of actors. It offer's subtle messages through out the film that will keep you holding on to your seat. It's as suspenseful as it is scary. The doll looks creepy doesn't it? I loved how REAL the movie felt and looked...especially the death scenes. What a great addition to a fun filled horror night of movies during a Halloween party. Also, Piper didn't an amazing job as the "evil" little girl. I can't wait to see her in more movies. Definitely worth watching!
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This movie is a suspenseful and dramatic movie which you will be sitting on the edge of your seat
sandymarshall4 August 2012
I loved Paranormal Adoption.

There is so much suspense,

What a surprise the ending was.

There was such connection with each character.

The actors were so believable.

What great direction and the music really fit the film.

I would highly recommend this great movie to my family and friends because every moment of this movie was exciting, dramatic, and funny.

I would see it again because of the quality that the movie gives.

If you do not see this movie you will be missing a good movie.

I am sure once you see this movie you are going to want to tell your friends about seeing this movie.
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Awesome film
dwe-435-82584229 July 2012
Excellent overall, ten stars . If you like paranormal films, you will like this very unique indie film. The trailer only scratches the surface of this film, but gives you a little taste of what the film is about. There is a lot going on with some very subtle clues throughout. Good looking and believable cast with some very interesting characters. Strong acting, great storyline, excellent cinematography and soundtrack. There is as much drama and mystery as there is horror in this thriller which separates it from other paranormal films where the focus is only on paranormal phenomena. This is a non rated and very entertaining film. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys, horror, thriller, mystery, and drama genres.
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Full of suspense!
cheyguy6134 August 2012
The first thought that came to mind when I viewed this film was, "Wow, for an independent production, these are some great actors!". I'm very impressed by the young talent in the movie. Also, the exciting plot kept me on the edge of my seat, always wondering what would happen next and how the characters would pull through. There are many diverse elements that contribute to the intriguing complexity of this script. This film was well cast as the actors were totally believable. The ending was shocking and hard to predict. I had envisioned other scenarios for the ending , but not the one that really happened. Like a lot of indie films, this one falls into several genres, horror, drama, crime, thriller, mystery. Overall , I would highly recommend this film if you are into these genres.
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One unique paranormal film
hetty-447-30077111 August 2012
Quite entertaining. There are a lot of things that drew me to watch this film several times. The characters are very real. I believe that this couple are actually married. I looked up the dad ( William Morse) on IMDb to see if he was actually married to the actress who played the mom ( Marina Lyon ) and saw that he is not, but that's how good the performance was. The actress that played the little girl is Piper Watts who also gave a very real performance. Extraordinary for a girl that young. All of the supporting characters like the priest, funeral director, detective, attorney, etc were also extremely well cast. The film starts out slow as the characters are introduced, and the back stories are revealed. It doesn't take long for the momentum to build and you won't want to make any trips for popcorn during the second half of the film. I told two friends about this film and they liked it as much as I did. Ten stars.
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Good Indie Horror
scoid25 August 2012
This is not your typical slasher / horror flick.

Creepy is the best way to describe this film because of the actions of the little girl and her freaky doll. Cleverly written and well cast, this film is kind of a crime / mystery/ horror/ drama.

No big stars in this film but the acting that the main characters delivered was A list. This film is definitely one of the best independent films I have seen in the horror genre.

The music, photography, editing, casting, etc. were all first class. The story itself keeps you guessing. You always wonder when the next shoe will drop. There are some colorful and interesting supporting characters. The school principal, priest, funeral guy, and Bailey's dad to mention a few. You will get your money's worth if you like creepy, clever, horror flicks.
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Highly recommended
veronika-kosorinska8 July 2024
Still, after hours, I can't believe what I saw. Such a perfect movie to watch. Just wow, bravo writer and director Carl Wats!

First of all! I felt genuine connection with small Lacy right from the beginning.

I love how great first weekend they had, I wish I was there with them!

And the most important, the epic metaphor behind their house changes by the time and lifestyle changes.

Oh I wish I could make my husband forgive me so fast, thanks to this movie, I have finally some idea what to do.

I must admit, that it is really rare to see such a beautiful eyes as the man at the funeral. Also that kind smile that gave us father. Thanks god.

Well, time is running, but my mind is still stuck with the fact, that Henry, disabled friend who was deaf-muted, was able to drive Lacy home. Good for him!

I would like to pay a tribute to the whole cast and crew, you did a great job!

Tomorrow I make sure, that all my friends and family members will know about this film and how great mister piece it is for independent movie! Cool!

Well, I will tell them even today, that great it is actually.

Oh almost forget, the title. When I saw the title I immediately know that I need to see this. I have good intuition.
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More than a movie
juranoliver8 July 2024
Quite possibly one of the best movies ever made - and not only within it's category, which is horror, drama, mystery and thriller.

Supporting well casted actor in the beginning of the movie immediately dragged me to the omnious and creepy atmoshere of the movie.

Having goosebumps the whole time, talented movie crew gave me no time to blink as I was sitting attached to my sofa as never before.

You can literally see the strong parent-like connection between Lacy (briliantly portraited by talented Piper Watts) and unforgettable Dr. Camden (acted by her real father and director in the same person - Carl Watts) as he was trying to find the best possible parents for 8 years old Lucy and her doll.

One last hat off goes to Lucy's deaf-muted best friend Henry - it almost appears like Ed Dyer is disabled also in real life, which he isnt.

10 out of 10 without any doubt. I will try to make sure as many people as possible see this movie.
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a family horror film
lcr46612 September 2012
It's ending was a real surprise to me. It contains human drama as well as paranormal mystery. The cast is an attractive and interesting bunch, especially the little girl, Piper Watts, who is a remarkable talent. The writing is clever and subtle. It shows the excellence and innovation that can be achieved outside of the Hollywood mainstream. It's suitable for families or for people who find themselves alone at night, in an empty house. The movie seems to have been made by a creative family-like team by the way that the cast work together and the quality of the production. I want to see what else they've made, and what they might produce in the future.
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