Circus of the Dead (2014) Poster

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Impressive, for the easily impressed
ofumalow19 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that impresses a certain kind of horror fan because it's so "hardcore," meaning it's brutal and everybody dies and there's lots of gore and sadism. It's better made than most low-budget movies that get such high marks simply for being brutal and "dark." But it still has the same problems most of them do: There's no plot per se, just a premise; nothing really "happens" apart from one murder after another; the film takes itself seriously, yet the plausibility of the action falls apart if you give it more than a passing thought; the acting is variable; even the best-played figures are two-dimensional at best, and most of the characters are just one-scene cannon fodder.

So, the effect is a bit monotonous, especially because the film is longer than it should be given the lack of any real story arc. The cinematography is above-average, the direction pretty skilled, but it's a testament to how little thought went into the writing that most of the sequences just end in blackouts. The filmmakers don't even bother coming up with enough connective thread to create a continuous suspense narrative from, so they just jump from one setpiece to another, with literally blank audiovisual space in between.

I can see why some people think this is great. I've certainly seen worse "torture-porn"-type horror films where there's absolutely nothing going on (particularly in the realm of talent) beyond lots of screaming and red-dyed corn syrup. But it's not enough for me--there has to be SOME kind of substance, some imagination at work beyond just "We are so badass! Fanboys are gonna think this is so wicked!!" Basically, "Circus" is nothing more than "OK, these scary clowns are really, really bad. They just kidnap, torture and kill strangers for fun!! Why?, like we said, cuz they're BAD! They're scary clowns. man, what more do you want?!"

Well, I actually do want something, practically anything more. This was an OK watch, despite its content ultimately being more vapid than disturbing due to lack of any sense of real-world credibility or (alternatively) nightmarish dislocation. (The movie kinda sits in the middle of those two things, not so much mixing them up as simply choosing neither.) But I sure won't be watching again, let alone pining for the sequel promised at the end.
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So bad it's entertaining
uvzncqcji7 September 2023
If you like bad horror movies this is a must watch. I'm a fan of poorly done b horror but this is like D or E level. Everyone that had anything to do with this film is terrible at that job. The actors or beyond bad, the filming is bad the story is bad the costume department is bad, but whenever everything is bad it sometimes makes for an entertaining experience and this movie accidentally does that. My favorite part is the dad who appears to maybe be 60 but is trying to look like hulk hogan with bleaching his hair then making his facial hair jet black. Once he comes on screen you know you are in for a real terribly funny movie.
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Verona17 August 2021
WE WANT CLOWNS! Said no audience in the history of entertainment. If you dig sadism, this is for you. And you like extremely stupid cops and main characters. Someone is a huge fan of Rob Zombie here and thought "Captain Spaulding + 4 other clowns." And apparently the clown posse murders and rapes in every town they stop on, yet NO one thought of any connection? Surveillance cameras EVERYWHERE? The writers know that we have telephones and computers, right?

I will say most of these other user reviews must be people working on the production or hired bots.
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These clowns left out the fun
gerilovesmovies21 March 2017
I really wanted to enjoy this movie. There have been some good reviews and I can understand how people had a good time, but I guess I just felt like it didn't go far enough in many ways. Violence for the sake of just making the film disgusting just doesn't work for me, and given how barren of humor this film is, I just felt nasty and bored. Many deaths seem similar and for a film like this, didn't really shine. Bill Oberst Jr. is very good here and he really carries the film. Otherwise, the clowns can be creepy, but they lose their scary steam and there seems to be no consequences and no connection to reality. The film is polished and it looks like they spent some money. It has some nice camera and lighting work and I think this director can do well in the future. Maybe come up with a more compelling story with less torture and more suspense.
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Film_Noob_David14 September 2019
We have to say that this was a film to watch by yourself or with other people with the same morbid curiosity as we did. modern grindhouse film with scenes that will offend more than a few. The story did start off a bit slow, but once we got rolling it was pretty much non stop. We wished it would have developed the family dynamics just a bit more so when time came you would definitely feel more for the primary character. We do love the crazy, demented and psychosis of the main antagonist and an does he put the cringe in the back of your neck. There were one or two parts where the music was cut off or didn't mesh well, but not enough to make it a point to take you completely out of the film. the attention to detail on set design and small details like costumes make it a real treat! Overall a really gritty, dark and well made film and worth a watch a few times. Looking forward to see if they make a second part.
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Watchable, but just barely.
jdollak7 September 2020
A bunch of circus clowns kidnap a guy, kill his wife, and hold his children hostage to ensure his compliance as they bring him along on a killing spree.

First, the good stuff. Technical work is proficient. No notable problems with editing or sound. Lighting is dark, but most likely was intentional. It was nice to learn about the existence of the strange arcade game, Gals Panic.

Second, the bad stuff. The movie doesn't have that much in way of plot or development of anything. It's one violent encounter into the next. It's mostly an exercise in testing the viewer limits. I don't have resistance to that in particular - after all, I was able to watch this without issue.

But there seems to be a breakdown in understanding what makes thing scary. We should care about the captive, and his children. Without time spent developing him and giving him character, the movie amounts to a big shrug.

The budget limitations are mostly apparent with the lack of any other acts at the "circus". There are extras for an audience, but there only seems to be a ringmaster.

There are a handful of movies that seem to be influences. In particular, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Devil's Rejects. And for some reason, I'm reminded of Bloodsucking Freaks.

By the end of this, the viewer is left wondering where the story was. For a movie that runs over an hour and a half, with the lack of development, the whole thing could have been trimmed down to about 30-40 minutes without much loss to how effective it is.

Why am I bothering to write this review? Because the 5.9 on iMDB right now is seriously misleading. Even for fans of pushing horror to extremes would be disappointed.
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You do not watch this film, you endure it.
devlinarmsco20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers

I am a fan of horror. I have been a fan of horror since I was a child. As a consequence I have never been a fan of clowns. Not because of horror films, or stories, but from an illfated trip to a circus where I absolutely hated the notion of grease paint on disgusting and smelly human beings. I have horrible associations with clowns, mostly due to the fact that I have encountered ZERO who made me laugh.

Which brings me to my viewing of Circus Of The Dead.

If you have not seen this film, and just want a brief summary, here it is. Bad things happen to bad people, and good people and it is a tale of incomprehensible violence and insanity. Please watch it.

If you have not seen this film, and want to read a full review, here it is.

You do not simply watch this film. You are a victim, and or a passenger on this ride into clown caused hell.

The film opens with unspeakable violence. It is not pleasant to watch. Eventually we get to the protagonist Donald, who takes his family to the circus. It is this choice that he made that brings attention to him, and his lovely family from the eyes of Papa Corn. Papa Corn is the lead clown in this film, and I think that in all honesty that if there were someone who should be auditioning for the Joker Movie, it is this man.

Papa Corn, and his clown gang fake a grand prize in order to go after Donald and his family.

Donald is escorted off stage and gives his personal information to Papa Corn and that begins the set up for probably the most horrible set of circumstances to follow. Corn and company go to Donald's house where they catch Donald's Wife in a torrid love affair with a police officer. Corn and company decide that it is a good time to act, and put an end to Donald's Wife's infidelity.

Bad things happen. Worse things happen when Donald gets home. Donald is kidnapped and essentially forced to do the bidding of Papa Corn, and from there the story seems to meander a bit taking us in a few different directions of homicidal madness culminating into an ending that quite frankly left me a bit shocked.

Which I will not spoil for you here, as I would really like for you as a movie viewer to rent or buy this movie for yourself.

The Good of this film, is that it has a very surreal color palette, that makes it feel lived in, and at points horribly grotesque. Especially the sequences where there aren't any clowns. There is a veneer to everything that hides things that quite frankly could be more diabolical than a band of killer clowns.

The story itself had a lot of good going for it, but I think that I would have liked to have seen some things happen with the characters that would have made it more powerful. Because there is this card game that plays a part and essentially drives the main villain Papa Corn to deliver "Justice". With the Donald Character being an essentially good person, albeit unhappy with his life, I would have liked to have seen a different approach to that character, and how his story line ends.

The Bad, I think the editing was decent enough but there were parts of the film where it seemed to drag a bit. Some of the interspersed sections with the police look like placeholders for the scenes that involved the clowns and the violence. The sound quality I think could be improved.

The setting of the scenes and camera work had moments where the action was not framed the way it should have been, and I blame no one for that, because in all honesty it made the film feel less like a movie, and more like you were an unwilling participant or an accomplice to the horror you were watching.

Here is where I discuss the actors.

Ryan Clapp, whose character Noodledome The Clown, does some physically demanding things and in all honesty was probably the most unsettling of the clowns, due to the fact that he is a very big clown, and has a very imposing presence. His giggling will probably be the thing that gives me nightmares.

Bill Oberst.

I have seen him in other things before. I am not entirely sure where he went to school for acting, but if you were to show this film to a medical professional, I would bet money dimes to donuts that they would say Bill is not pretending to be crazy in this film.

This is why I believe if there is an actor alive right now that should audition for the new "Joker" film, it is this man. Not kidding. The man is absolutely terrifying in this film.

Parrish Randall.

His character Donald was actually very sympathetic and there were moments where you had some very good acting that was convincing. I think in my estimation had he adlibbed his lines instead of sticking with the script that maybe his performance would have been more organic and that is what I want to see in a protagonist.

On a scale of one to ten, I gave this one an eight. Because I think with a bit of editing and a couple minor tweaks, this film could be tightened up and reach its full potential. I enjoyed it, and absolutely hated it simultaneously but in a way that can only be attributed to having seen something repugnant as hell.

A good horror movie isn't about jump scares, or scary monsters eating people. It's not about the maniac chasing you down the hallway. A good horror movie leaves you feeling like you have witnessed something against your will, and makes you ill to think about what you sat idly by and watched. This movie holds your soul for ransom and eventually lets you go, in order to make you think about what you did.

Some people might disagree with me, it's a free country. They can think as they choose. This movie is upsetting, and will likely leave me with a nightmare or two waiting for me when I sleep.
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Like Bingo, but from Mexico
nogodnomasters12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of circus clowns kidnap, rape, and kill people. They are lead by Papa Corn (Bill Oberst Jr.). Don Johnson (Parrish Randall) is forced to go with them and be the trigger man. It has something to do with a deck of cards, that wasn't fully explained.

There has been similar films without the clown make-up. Other than the clowns, the acting of not good. Chanel Ryan as Mrs. Johnson was noticeably bad. The no witness rampage, without being caught on a security camera, didn't seem feasible even in Odessa, Texas. This was a low budget film, with Bill Oberst Jr. most likely being the biggest cost. The special effects were fair, plenty of blood and fake body parts, no squirts or sprays. Some of the scenes were simply juvenile stupid as when Mr. Corn attempts to have sex with a severed head...and the closing credit song didn't have anything to do with the film. It was sacrilegious and vulgar for the sake of being sacrilegious and vulgar. The film is in your face grotesque. The production attempts to add some moralistic creed about innocence that didn't make sense.

The movie has been over loaded with praise reviews for a "B" film. Bill did get "best actor" award at Chicago Horror Film Festival 2015 and indeed he carried the film.

Guide: F-word, sex, rape, nudity
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Every Once in Awhile you Come Across a Low Budget Gem, This is NOT one of Those Titles.
jeff_fields-460-63018629 October 2023
Awful, disjointed, illogical, poor production value, poor acting, terrible script, and trailer trashy. One of the absolute worst horror movies ever made.

I hope the distribution company imploded for saddling the rest of us with this stupidity.

This is what you get when you cross wannabe talentless hack filmmakers with easy access film tech.

Don't waste your time with this tripe garbage and horrible content. It's bad, just bad.

This movie would be entertaining and more intelligent if you play it in reverse at 2.5 x speed. ANYTHING different would help.

There's nothing here for you, if you have an active mind.
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as if you weren't afraid of clowns as it is!
cdm7288011 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Papa corn (played by Bill Oberst Jr.) has a way of getting into your head. From the very beginning, the quote "clowns can get away with murder," starts making you think.

I have always had a fear of clowns. Never have I thought of them coming to my house until COTD. That being said, I find myself wanting to sympathize with Papa Corn as he teaches Don (Parrish Randall) the ultimate lesson. The way he goes about choosing his victims is unique, the acting, fear, soundtrack, and shooting all are done in a unique way.

I loved the movie. It was nice to have a fresh approach. I thought it was wonderfully shot and would watch again.
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jvsrealestate20 August 2020
This is a brutal movie, very hardcore and hard to watch at times.
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Just don't
adwlf17 June 2021
I couldn't even make it 20 minutes in. The best acting is from the little girl playing the younger daughter. Pets can act better than the cast. Terrible dialogue writing. Painful to watch. I had to turn it off.
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jpcanning-3349629 April 2022
When you read the other reviews it's obvious that they're connected to the movie, way too many 10/10

It unfortunate that these review can be hijacked because I do appreciate hearing other peoples honest reviews.
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Vile movie!! Not scary just disturbing
jessiewaterhouse29 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I could rate it a zero I would. This was awful!!! I'm a huge horror fan , but this went too far. It was just vile. Graphic rape, torture and babies and children getting mutilated!!! I'm surprised amazing even had this available!
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Fake Reviews everywhere! This is pure GARBAGE!
jorgito200128 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cheap looking and a paper thin plot are your thing even by horror movie slashers, CONGRATS..this is your movie. An extreme cheese show showing off extreme gore and violence. For the record I'm NO prude. I enjoyed Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects and 31 & many others for what they, it looks like cheap camcorder torture footage my neighbor made...and not in a good way. The only redeeming thing was the very sexy Chanel Ryan playing the mom...but...don't get too attached, or expect her to be nude for that matter (whaaaat?!?). The after credit scene hints at a sequel...I guess ONE silver lining from COVID-19. At nearly a 2 hour running time, don't waste your time!
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Almost perfect
dgonzalez-4079715 June 2021
I loved this movie. I would say it is one of the best roles I have seen Bill Oberest play. He makes such a good antagonist!! This is one of the few torture porn movies that I can actually enjoy. Although papa Corn was an absolute savage, I loved him at the same time. Don't know what that says about me as a human, but oh well.
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kyralynne-9024718 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just god awful. Despite how much people refer to it as such, it was not nearly as gory as titles like Terrifier. It had some scenes with blood, yes, but it is not comparable in the slightest.

The plot and acting were mediocre in both thought and execution, but worst of all was the main clown. He (OPENLY) referes to HIMSELF as a SERIAL RAPIST, and we see him commit the act several times throughout the course of the movie. Too many people praise not only him, but the movie itself without giving proper context to his actions. It wasn't scary, it was just some strange rape fantasy.
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Papa Loves You!!
chockybikky13 February 2018
Circus of the! We have seen killer clowns before but not like these guys, do not want to be going to their circus. Horror these days can be so generic and has to be about credibility for many so this movie is very real in style..the thought that people like these guys could exist is the real real reason for them to be killing and torturing people just for the fact they enjoy it and it certain cases get off on it..thats real nasty horror. All the cast involved were good to great..Bill Oberst Jr as Papa Corn is truly mesmerising and can easily be said to be one the most disturbing killers on screen in recent will not forget him in a hurry. What i liked was that the other players even tho not as crazy still had their own personalities and sick nature..Noodledome the Clown just made me laugh with his constant giggle and Mister Blister was so laid back and didnt give a crap made me like him even tho he was an awful person. Parrish Randall was just fantastic as the poor guy they abduct and put through really felt for the guy. Billy Pon has created an indie classic here and would love to see this get more widespread..I saw this around the same time as Rob Zombie's 31 and i thought this was way way better than that ! So if you want to see something crazy, disturbing and yet still enjoyable check it out..will stick in the mind for a very long time
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Gore Porn Gone Wrong
hammerheadcases2 December 2023
Low budget clown gore porn with decent practical effects, but lack or story development, poor acting and gore for gore's sake doom this movie. Even the gorgeous Chanel Ryan couldn't save this film. Circus of the Dead came out one year after Damien Leone's All Hallows Eve so is it a "coincidence" that Papa Corn, the lead killer clown, looks pretty similar to Art The Clown? Please refer to Leroy Jethro Gibbs Rule #39 for the answer to that question. In a nut shell if Rob Zombie and Damien Leone decided to team up and make the worst possible horror movie in the history of horror movies as a gag, Circus of The Dead would be it. #HardPass.
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If you enjoyed Terrifier then you will enjoy this movie.. umm not so much
nmel-6486620 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a HUGE fan of horror movies and gore, I've been watching horror movies since I was 6 years old so I am pretty much desensitized to just about everything. I grew up loving Freddy Krueger and that was always my favorite franchise until Art came to the scene in Terrifer and Terrifier 2 which quickly became my favorite movie of this century so far. I am in multiple horror groups on Facebook and although this isn't a new movie, I've seen it popping up a lot lately so I figured I'd give it a shot. I made it 33 minutes before turning it off. The gore was definitely there but all it was was screaming, sex and rape.. I'm not one that necessarily gets bothered by fictional rape or sex scenes but ***** WARNING SPOILER ***** The sex scene between the cop and the wife was over the top but also the graphic masturbation of Papa Corn. I'm not sure how the movie ended because I couldn't stand the screaming and Papa Corn's high pitched and just loud voice anymore. A lot of people said if you like Terrifier then you'll love this but trust me you won't! Maybe if I had it on mute and closed caption I could've finished this monstrosity of a movie. If you're trying to find something similar to Terrifier this is definitely NOT the film for you, the only similarities is that there's a clown and there's gore and that's it!
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richardbutch-191642 March 2024
For most of the movie it is just a bunch of clowns killing people in disgusting ways. No good qualities in the entire movie. No motive for the clowns killing people other than to kill people. Where is the plot? Where is the suspense? Where is the good acting? Just torture, screaming, torture, spurting blood, etc. Etc. Etc. I did watch the whole movie with the last hour of the movie with the volume turned down really low while doing something else as I couldn't stomach all the torture, screaming etc. I always try to watch a movie to the end in case it gets better. With this movie it did not, terrible in the beginning, terrible in the middle and terrible in the end. I would not recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys a good horror movie that is actually scary, has a plot, has good acting and has good direction. I would give this movie a zero if I could.
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lithium-1956728 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that whether intentional or not, the story had an underlined biblical allegory, like the trials of job. Where Donald is tempted by the devil "Papa Corn" to save his children, or commit the ultimate sin and loose his soul. By choosing to murder, he was punished by his children being killed, and all the murders being pinned on him. And given a final choice. Capital punishment, or sui-cide. What Papa Corn was trying to explain to Donald in the Theater. Thus loosing his soul, rather then face suffering. The acting, writing and cinematography were amazing. Papa Corn's character was evil and unrelenting, but operating on a cult leader genius master plan. Really amazing performance. Definitely a multi layered evil genius Donald was playing chess against throughout the movie. Other characters were adulterers and molesters who like in most horror movies are getting their just deserts as Papa Corn said "Justice". Donald was a "final girl" character, but didn't survive to the squeal, Like a lot of horror movies, the monsters have to live so their can be a squeal. So there was no epic revenge scene. Papa Corn was a bit of an anti-hero, and lives to keep the franchise alive. I think it's really great that this is Bloody Bill Pon's first feature, and it was so hands on. Writing, directing, editing ect. Small crew inde film making should be the way of the future. And makes a lot of scene. Kubrick used 5 crew members to make a film. I love that! Also amazing that Bill Pon runs haunted houses. And. Bill Oberst Jr. Has a great horror podcast Gothic Midnight he edits himself. They are horror fans, making horror movies. And the big studios and unions have lost control. I feel this film needs more publicity, and should have been in theaters, or or on Netflix. It's been a hard film to find, but I've seen it's 5 times now. And it's a masterpiece, only a few extreme horror fanatics would appreciate it. The death scenes and practical FX were so real. Papa Corn's card deck seemed to be related to Santa Muerte. It was amazing how far the Clowns went in the movie, a lot of shocking stuff, but I could list a ton of horror movies that crossed so many lines with brutal scenes. Overall, I love it, and tell everyone to watch it. I CAN'T WAIT FOR PART 2!!!!!
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Lived up to expectations
Psy-Ko4 November 2015
I love clown horror! I had been following this movie on Facebook for awhile waiting for it to come out. Was excited for it and usually when that happens I end up being disappointed. Not this time! I got to see a screening of it at Scares That Care horror convention and it was glorious! Fun at times, creepy at times, and always at the right times! All the actors playing the clowns were great but yes Papa Corn (Bill Oberst Jr) steals the show. Daring, creepy and disturbingly enough rather sexy, his portrayal of the clown king was magnificent.

This is the second Billy Pon movie I've seen. Bought Doll-Boy while waiting for COTD to come out. I have a feeling his name is going to get quite big in horror circles! I do hope the big studios don't snatch him up, there's just something about indy movies that fits him. I want him to always have creative control over his stuff.

I can not wait for this to get a DVD release. I want it in my collection now!
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A horror film that will cause you fear and hate clowns even more.
donpettry3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A film that delivers on all Horror cylinders. Not since the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre have I enjoyed a horror film so much. With its cast of clowns, evil and terror has taken the big top to new heights. You will not look at a clown again the same way. What lurks behind the grease paint and colorful costume only they know. A movie not to be missed if you are a horror fan. The cast is top notch with Bill Oberst leading the pack of rabid clowns. The director Billy Pon makes the viewer feel as though they are the ones being tortured and not necessary the poor soul on the screen. If you miss this one you are missing out on a movie that will continue to be talked about for years to come.
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Circus of the Dead Will Make You Think Of Visiting One Again.
pdulski31 December 2018
To start this off I'm gonna say, this is one Circus you might want to just skip. Otherwise you'll be like poor Donald and his family within this "delicious" nightmare. The way the film was written, Clowns that take pleasure of killing, sex, and well eating or if not showing those the "way of the path" I'll say for lack of a phrase.

From winning the prize to putting down there address on a piece of paper for "Government" use, the Clowns hunt and kidnap you down, or worse. Papa Corn, the leader and mind behind the clowns seek out those by cards. There not just any cards though, there like "bingo, but from Mexico." as Papa Corn would say. Once a specific card is drawn or just skimmed through, if it matches up to someone or in this you, you might as well consider yourself dead.

Maybe I should add how screwed up these Clowns really are, especially when it comes to Papa Corn, who was acted by Bill Oberst Jr. Papa gets pleasure out of, well everything. If it involves raping, slitting, marking, torture or even sexual appearances, you'll be finding Mr. Corn touching himself. If he isn't chasing you bare bottom as well, oh yeah he does that too. Noodledoom, a large man with a mallet. You know the hammer you use to try ringing the bell, oh yes, you wouldn't want to run into this particular Clown. Who loves to eat flesh of any sort, even your cut off tongue. Mr. Blister seems to be a chill out Clown that likes to play games, and only kills when needed it seems. Jumbo, he's one clown you need to keep an eye on. He's like a dwarf that could easily not be seen inside of a vehicle to end your demise. Pepe the Mime, well add Leatherface idea to this Mime and juggling and you should understand this Clown already. Finally, Doll Boy, I wouldn't say he's a Clown, but someone who wears a Doll's face as a mask and his choice of weapon, sledgehammer.

You may be wondering the inspiration for Circus of the Dead, well maybe the beginning quote just might be the clue of this unnatural and messed up circus that we witness, at least it's on a screen and not actually inside of it. Because Papa Corn, may be watching you already while looking through his deck of cards for a match.

John Wayne Gacy, a real life serial killer who sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978 in Cook County, Illinois. Gacy became known as the "Killer Clown" because of his charitable services at fund-raising events, parades, and children's parties where he would dress as "Pogo the Clown" or "Patches the Clown", characters he had devised.

Circus of the Dead uses great practical effects with no CGI, as to what I can tell. It's all practical and nothing added by computer. The kills are just bloody amazing, and the story, well let's just remind you like I stated at the beginning. You might want to skip this one to spare your life, if not your entire families. Clowns, they're suppose to be entertainment. We aren't suppose to fear them, but then again Clowns can be scary. Don't forget, watch past the credits.
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