The Black Water Vampire (2014) Poster

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Strange little movie
zamboni-3663315 May 2022
This movie is exactly like The Blair Witch Project in the snow for about 9/10 of it. The acting is okay. The story is okay. Because it's literally TBWP. Then it takes a sharp turn into vampire territory. I wouldn't have minded that if it was a surprise. But, when the title of your movie has the word Vampire in it, it's hard to overlook. I kinda liked it. The vampire is creepy as hell and the ending nods to some other cult movies.
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Decent but tired.
jmbovan-47-16017330 September 2020
Found footage film borrows a bit from The Blair Witch Project and just about every other in the woods film. Standard characters with requisite annoyance and singular focus on "the project" without regard to common sense. The creatures have a certain creepiness to them, but that doesn't make a film. Townsfolk bring a minor element that adds something different to the mix, but it isn't enough to save the film. Okay enough if you like this type of film, but it's nothing new or great.
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Half decent. A sincere effort.
WisdomsHammer19 October 2021
The problem with this movie, for me, is that it's just not that compelling or original. The story follows a student documentary project about a series of murders. It starts well, with background on the murders and the man convicted for them, but then we see a lot of boring interviews and filler of the crew talking amongst themselves, then traveling to the scene of the murders in the woods, where of course they get lost and start bickering with each other. Who wants to watch that? It takes way too long for the movie to get going, but when it does, I was definitely more interested. But even then, nothing really shocked me and too much of it felt like a rip off of other movies that did it better.

I gotta give the cast and crew credit for throwing themselves into this. I thought the acting was above average, but not great. Still, it felt like they were doing everything they could to try to make this movie work. The makeup effects were great. It looked a bit like the vampire from Salem's Lot, and that's not a bad thing. Unfortunately, the story is too thin and cliche'd, and drags through most of the first half of the movie. The end doesn't feel satisfying, it feels like a mishmash of the endings from other movies.

I felt like this was a sincere effort from those involved, and I'm giving this a generous 5 out of 10. Reviews here are all over the place. It's honestly not that bad, but it's honestly not that good either. I like good found footage movies, and there aren't that many of them. The worst of them have amateurs who think they can just film themselves for an hour and a half and show something lame at the end. This was not that. This was a crew of talented amateurs who were really trying to do something good, and I could tell they put their hearts into this. I'd like to see what they do next. I hope they come up with a better script.
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Oh my God, Why?
waynehackett630 January 2014
This is just terrible. There was a long drawn out beginning that amounted to a very poor middle and a pathetic end.

I get the concept of "Found video tapes" but feel that it was done and gone away with Blair Witch.

This film and story line would have suited a traditional filming method but the ending should have been given a lot more thought.

There is no originality with this film, which is a real shame because there are so many books out there that can provide the film makers with a truly terrifying story that could be portrayed on film.

The vampire him/itself was very much along the lines of the original Nosferatu, with no fangs to speak of, but actually the only highlight of the whole film.

Opinion is really a personal thing, and if you like this whole found tape thing, then you might enjoy it.

Me, I am going to stick with the proper way of filming and watch the "jump out of your skin" films.
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Almost put me off Found Footages movies for good!
atinder15 March 2014
Yes, I am still fan of the Found Footages, there are some good one out there but those get over shadows by so many bad ones, just like this movie.

First hour is was just re-make of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT , instead word Witch was Vampire.

The set up of movie was same as ^.

How they interview the people about Witch in TBWP, the same thing happens here, then they Vampire makes marks in the wood, just like the Witch made those signs in the wood.

And did something mark there tent, yes, a bit like the rock signs out of the tent in TBWP and if that was not bad enough , the first hour of the movie, was very, very, very, very boring.

However unlike THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT , they do show creature and the last 20 mins were things start happen. ( I was so bored by then, I could care less what happens, I just wanted the movie to end.)

When finally get to see the Vampire looked more like creature then anything, I didn't find it scary at all, I actually find it funny looking and every time appeared out of the blue , I laughed .

There was small sub plot near the end of the movie, were one the campers were taken by it and lead to very strange but funny ending.

I don't know if ending was meant to creepy but I found the scene odd but very funny at the same time.

3 out of 10 if wasn't for last 15 mins, I would have gave it a zero!

Avoid this movie and just Check out Chasing the Devil (2014) Much better movie and one fav out found footage genre.
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Can't get any worse
CozBee24 January 2014

Poor in every respect ...

Inane dialogue.

Badly acted.

Poor Direction (if any at all)

A very sub-par copy of The Blair Witch Project.

I've wracked my brain trying to think of one positive thing I can state about this film and I've come up empty. I have thousands of titles in my film collection and this film has the distinction of topping my list as the worst film I've ever seen.

This movie has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

One thing I can say about this film, is that it's very good to use as a sleep aid.
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harryplinkett1422 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The vampires look pretty decent. The premise was OK. The setting was fine. The actors were quite adequate for a found footage flick. Yet it was not a pleasurable experience.


The main problem with the film is that it is very unoriginal and lazy. It is a pale copy of Blair Witch Project with vampires instead of the witch.

Also, the film wastes time on characters that are totally unimportant. The part of the film where they get seriously involved with the vampires comes after a totally unnecessary and dull exposition. One gets the impression of being cheated. You have people in the middle of the woods being stalked by winged vampires that hang from trees and look pretty menacing, yet you only get to see them doing things at the very end, while the build-up to it is poorly done, unlike the build-up in Blair Witch Project, which was very effective and nerve-wrecking. The final proof of the erratic and confused approach to this film by the filmmakers comes in the final scene, where the film gets into Rosemary's Baby territory. Like so many bad found footage films, this film is lazy and throws in whatever cliché it can think of, while the end result is a film that has no consistency or sense of knowing what it is and what the story is about.

A wasted opportunity.
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paul_haakonsen14 November 2016
I would not have ventured into this movie if I had known it was a 'found footage' movie prior to sitting down to watch it. Why? Well, because I detest the 'found footage' genre with a vengeance. It is just such an indescribably ridiculous genre, and once you have seen a single movie in the genre, you have essentially seen them all. Why pay money to watch something that you could practically shoot yourself if you own a digital video camera?

True to the 'how-to-make-a-questionable-found-footage-movie', "The Black Water Vampire" follows that recipe step by step, and it makes for a super predictable movie, and a movie that really is fully and wholly unnecessary.

The movie is about found documentary-makers (duh!) who venture into the woods to investigate the strange and bizarre cases of four murdered women found naked, drained of blood and with odd bite marks on their necks. But as they are alone and deep in the woods, they realize that they are not alone, and that there might actually be some solid proof to the tale of the Blackwater Vampire.

Sheesh, talk about being generic. The storyline is the same cast mold that is used in every single other 'found footage' movie. And the recipe has grown stale and weak a long, long time ago.

Truth be told, I had my mobile phone out within 20 minutes into the movie, after having realized that it was just another generic 'found footage' movie, and I didn't put down the phone before towards the end, just to see how lame the ending of this ordeal of a movie would be. And speaking of the ending, without giving anything away, I can honestly say that the ending was just as ridiculous as the rest of the movie had been.

The acting in the movie, well I will actually say that Danielle Lozeau, Andrea Monier, Anthony Fanelli and Robin Steffen were doing good enough jobs with the limitations imposed on them from the script, the storyline, the genre, and from director Evan Tramel.

As for the effects in the movie, well they were scarce and you only get to see some in the last third of the movie, give or take. The creature effects were adequate, at least for the creature in the forest. The creature in the cabin, not so much... That one was actually downright ridiculous and it had me laughing so hard that I almost spilled my cappuccino.

"The Black Water Vampire" is as generic and predictable as every other movie in the 'found footage' genre. And do yourself a favor and stay well clear of this 2014 movie, because it just isn't worth the effort, at least if you are not a fan of this boring genre.

I am rating this movie a generous two out of ten stars, solely because that the four main acting talents did manage to salvage some of this ordeal.
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Nothing special, but great monster makeup and a suspenseful finale saves this movie.
CameronCashman18 February 2014
I have to say, after reading some reviews I wasn't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't great, for sure, it took from pretty much every backwoods horror/Blair Witch Project type movie, but at the end of the day, I really like those kind of movies.

I was most impressed by the monster. The makeup was actually quite spectacular and creepy, it looked great. There were only a few jump scares but they weren't cheap, there were genuine jump scares without that annoying loud "bwong" sound. (You know what I'm talking about.)

It starts out kinda shaky, the beginning of the film builds and loses atmosphere and it feels kind of awkward, the acting isn't anything special; but the last 40 minutes were great. The ending was kind of darkly comedic and a little goofy, but it tied everything up very well without just coming out and explaining the movie.

Overall nothing new or innovative, just another entry in the ever growing library of found footage movies, but entertaining at the very least.
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yaktheripper24 February 2014
This is a snore fest. If you loved the Blair Witch (I didn't) then you'll probably be pretty mad that the guys who saw this said..."Say, let's remake the Blair Witch but rename it Blackwater Vampire or whatever the sodding title is. Chick decides to do a documentary about a murder she thinks is fishy, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then blah. The vampire was a pretty good design. The vampire screaming was okay but needed to be toned down a bit. The rest is rubbish. A slow, trek through a woodlands in search of an answer to something troubling the filmmaker...but this time with SNOW! The ending...oh my dear god...was just STUPID. There I said it. I'm sorry...but guys you gotta do better. Where's the originality?
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Terrific last scene!
UnderworldRocks21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly one unique and enjoyable vampire film, the only vampire film of found footage style that I know of other than "Afflicted".

I saw this film a few weeks ago, and even now find the last scene chilling and terrific. It brought the entire film to a stunning conclusion.

I have seen over 100 vampire films ranging from Nosferatu (1922) to the latest A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (2014). So when it comes to vampire films, I am not easy to impress. But I gotta say The Black Water Vampire rocks. It stands out amongst my collection of vampire films.

Love this Blair Witch Project genre!
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Vampire found footage
victoryismineblast27 January 2014
In the town of Black Water, WA, four women have been killed in the woods within the last forty years. Documentarian Danielle decides to make of movie about the events and brings a production crew of three to the town to investigate.

The women had been found mutilated and with bite marks. No blood was found at the crime scenes. A man is on death row for the murders and Danielle doesn't believe he is guilty.

They interview the convicted man, who seems crazy, and writes a symbol on the partition glass in blood, but doesn't give them much by the way of answers.

Next they go on a hike in the snowy woods to visit the crime scenes and gather what information they can. This is where the real action starts. The movie gets pretty interesting here as they are stalked in the woods.

People will draw comparisons to The Blair Witch Project here, fairly, since it does follow the same formula. The one review I skimmed said that it was wrong to show the creature, that what you don't see is scarier, a la Blair Witch. This is not true of course. Depending on what movie you are making and what you intend for the audience, both ways can be very effective, and it works here.

I had a lot of fun with this movie, especially the last two scenes, which pay homage to two very popular horror movies. 7/10.
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Baby vamp... what the......Are you f-ing kidding me right now?
angiris17 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lets just start out pointing of that this film is pretty good. It's without question entertaining and not cheap looking in design, acting or such typical ways... All in all this could've easily been a 5-6 out of 10 if not for some few but major flaws.

One could argue that this is the poor mans Blair Witch with a bloodsucking twist.

The story is about this small documentary crew (wannabe's anyway) who wants to find out what truly happened for a couple of brutally murdered girls several years ago. They travel to some backwater town and really weird stuff begins to unfold... That's basically what happens without spoiling too much.

Now... the problem that this film is first of all the MAJOR LACK of appropriate reactions to the weird stuff that happens. Ask yourself this... If a 80 or so year old woman, who you just had a super weird and creepy as hell conversation with, stood outside your rented cabin in the middle of the night... completely still...watching you..... not moving or saying anything....and then suddenly just disappeared wouldn't you be just like HUGELY creeped out! and on the verge of panicking or freaking out or something or at least on the way to get your gun or something... Now...I know I would BUT we don't see that here. Exactly what I said happens and the characters reaction to this is so IMMMENSLY passive! That IS A HUGE FAIL and a completely unnecessary one. We get force fed this super dark and scary as hell moment plus a super freaky atmosphere and even though its execution dominates the lacking behavior, which should be in accordance with it, brings upon its utter destruction.

Flaw 1: Missing reactions = The lack of the results in ruining the dark atmosphere and the awesome moments that are supposed to frighten and affect us = Fail.

The second flaw is of minimal show in the film but its something that we need to highlight so that it can be canned ONCE AND FOR ALL! STOP!!! JUST STOP WITH ALL THAT CHEAP, UNNECESSARY CGI! Cheap CGI or just CGI in general have become the trademark of a cheap and bad film. It's a mark of laziness and lack of ambition and it doesn't do the film credit in any way. One simply cannot reward CGI in a film and people who rate films because of it are desperate of finding SOMETHING..:ANYTHING to be generous...

Third and final major flaw : The Plot. I really liked this film up until that god damn ending. Are you F-ing kidding me! Vampire Baby... REALLY!! A BLOODSUCKING... MURDERING...STALKING...!!!!RAPING???!! wtf... vampire is our protagonist... REALLY! WHY!!! WHY OH WHY!!

Why did you do that to yourself. Plot holes aren't a problem here because the ending manages to sum 'em all up which I'm grateful for. problem is that the final summation! Everything becomes to comical or B-movie like and thats not something you're expecting during the beginning and middle of the film. It starts out well and the tension builds and thats all cool. The film it definitely worth a look.

The problem is that it ends in such a poor way. A vampire baby...that is what this entire thing was about. Thats why all those girls died before... its because the weird town and its townsfolk are breeding vampires... yea.... They're all like. ooooh and ahhh..look how cute it is... (focus on baby) freaking fangs and monster face and all that... Jesus... If you rate this film to be a B-movie or comical in some sense..then the ending works... BUT... I had hoped this would end more like Blair WItch Project did. Open, unexplained, weird and scary... thats cool... thats good film making because it leaves the viewers wanting more.

Here we're spoon fed, along the the vampire baby (bad joke I know), this explanation to it all and the focus of the monsters and all that which we expected to dominate the plot is just forced to step aside and the REAL masters of evil make their appearance. It fails. badly.

Hillbilly, backwater vampire worshiping, and nursing - wtf, crazed redneck townsfolk... they are our explanation to all that death and mystery... Entire town..corrupt...filled with cultists... allowing the Nosferatu vampire thingy to kill and rape women only to produce vamp babies.... fails so much that I don't even know.

All in all the film is worth a look. Its like Blair witch with vampires ...and crazy rednecks... unfortunately... its entertaining enough and not a total let down.

It just could've been so much more and so many flaws could've been avoided. I blame the director. There's just not enough build on the frightening and scary moments that carry this film. Not enough content is present ... wasted potential ...

A good film thats definitely worth a look. An interesting and different approach to the vampire genre and as stated by another dude reviewing this the makeup is pretty cool too. A bit of CGI messed with it but all in all its a dude in a vamp costume chasing people..really freaky and cool.

Recommended for sure but be mindful of the ending. It could've been a 5-6 but because of the B-movie features in the end it drops to a 4. I hate giving it that because I liked it but wasted potential must be called when seen so it won't happen again.

Dumb errors are whats holding this back. The rest of the content is actually pretty damn good. Acting is solid too with the exception of those lacking reactions and realistic behavior...again..I blame the director...

Okey film, decent horror but could've been more.
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Just because you CAN make a movie, doesn't mean you SHOULD
jfost7514 October 2020
This movie is what happens when movie makers become so invested in their own work that they can't see how bad it is. The camera work is nauseatingly awful, the script was written by a child and the sound work was full of cross talk. The story is about your typical dingleberry brunette who hires a few "professional" filmmakers to film a documentary about FOUR murders in her hometown area (where no one knows her) over FORTY years (not exactly a murder spree). I couldn't decide if her motivation was to solve the killings or to prove the man on death row didn't do the killings. Btw, he was barely 40 himself, so unless he was killing and an embryo... This was definitely a poor man's Blair Witch, with the addition of an extra cast member. They even went so far as to make a big deal about a paper map! Who uses those anymore?? The writer of this "movie" didn't waste any energy on trying to be original...or on camera work, or anything else. The only thing this movie offers the viewer is motion sickness and the chance to completelyan waste an hour of their lives.
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Blair Witch with snow meets Rosemary's Baby FF style Warning: Spoilers
The 1st hr of the movie you can basically fast forward if you've seen The Blair Witch. Even to the point where they discover they walked in a perfect circle. But its not as good as Blair Witch by any stretch.

Anyway the premise is, this one chick wants to do a documentary on these 4 killings. Theres a guy sitting in prison on death row for committing the murders and they go talk to him bc she believes hes innocent. They never go back to that guy or that entire part of the plot again. The writing was just really bad. So then they go do the blair witch things, run around the woods, get lost, argue, stupid sybols left at night. At one point they even realize an old lady totally incapable of trecking miles through the woods and snow is behind them watching them, but again nothing happens, they never go back to it, it never enters the plot again. Anyway they finally get to their destination and they're all standing in kind of a circle, the camera pans right, pans left again and then the only decent actor of the four just vanishes. But you can guess by now there's never an answer for that, they never find him, and it never enters the plot again. Anyway it turns out its a vampire type thing thats killing them and one girl somehow I got pregnant by this vampire and was ready to give birth in like 24 hours, and the townspeople were all there for the birth. It ends with vampire babies 1st bday. Again all the town folk were there celebrating.

Literally Blair Witch in the snow meets Rosemary's Baby with a Vampire.

This is normally a 4-star movie for me, I'm not sure why I'm giving it 5 stars, I guess because there was no point in which I wanted to turn it off or fast forward, it did hold my interest. And they got into it pretty fast, there wasn't 45 minutes of just people talking and goofing around doing absolutely nothing with the plot like in so many found footage films these days. So yea, 5 stars but should be 4.
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I didn't get it, what was the intent of the director.
evilspellz6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I would rate this lower but the director intended of portraying tribute to films like Blair Witch, which I got but there was nothing impressive or original that would make this film memorable. The whole found footage thing was well not at its best and I would've expected more chills and thrills in this format with more of an active crew. A good attempt but didn't get the job done. This was more of a tribute film than a horror movie, and simply put the whole hillbilly vampire child thing didn't make sense at all. This is a movie you could avoid and never even know you missed something. Better luck next time boys. I do agree with a review I read about this film that it should've been a normally shot endeavor rather than food footage, yes it would've changed the complexion of this movie greatly.
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If you've seen The Blairwitch
dariontinklenberg15 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You can probably pass on this one if you've seen the blairwitch franchise. Basically the same movie just different creature. Young adults get lost in the woods filming a documentary, they loose their way and start to hear strange sounds at night and something starts visiting their camp. As stress builds tempers flair between the pack of adventurers. Story builds slow and the climax delivery leaves a lot to be desired, but if you like horror you'll probably watch to the end anyway just to see how much it borrowed from other films and at least you can cross it off your list and say with certainty that it's not a gem of any sort unfortunately.
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richkiel31 March 2022
Lazy and derivative script, tons of nonsense, inability to set up anything that will later have a payoff, and every irritating thing about found footage you can think of.

The vampire could have been used so much more effectively. It's a guy in a suit, but it looks creepy in that forest.
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A breath of fresh air for fans of found footage
j-nickturner9 April 2020
"The Black Water Vampire" accomplishes everything it set out to do. Not that it has the most original script or anything, but the execution is spot on.

There are no lazy jump scares and the pacing never drags. In my opinion, there was no wasted screen time and I was never bored. It's not super terrifying or anything but there are some good scary moments.

My only complaint is that for some reason... They used a soundtrack... and it wasn't even a good one. It added absolutely nothing to the experience and slightly cheapened the feel of the film. It would've been a lot better off without it.

Oh and the very last scene was a little goofy. But I think they stuck the landing.

If you are a fan of indie FF horror, you will most likely enjoy it. If found footage isn't your jam, it probably won't change your mind. It's worth a shot though!
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Gave everything away on the 1st glance.
baunacholi-861597 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind taking inspiration from a true classic and the Blair Witch is simply the benchmark. I also had no beef with the story (far from original), the setting (woods of course), the group of teenager, not even the effects - but my biggest disappointment lies in the matter of fact that everything what could make the movie suspenseful, surprising and terrifying (and it had its moments) is revealed basically on the cover and in the titel. Instead of letting the audience guessing if there's something supernatural out there it tells u straight away - and shows u. A missed opportunity in my pov.
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Terrifying yet cliched
anikb-8709913 June 2022
This FF horror is made in a style that hundreds of other FF horrors were made , a group getting lost in the forest, hearing strange noises at night etc, it just feels like any other FF horror you have seen before.

While the one hour or so was cliched, the last 22 mins , was absolutely terrifying and insane with the last scene before ending being the most disturbing one highlighting a cult that exists in the Black Water area. There is one jump scare (related to Anthony where he got killed) as well near the end which was very well timed and really shot me off my bed.

Watch it in a cozy silent night and you will enjoy it although it feels a ripoff of many other FF horrors of this kind.
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nogodnomasters20 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Over a period of 40 years young women have been found mysterious killed at 10 year intervals of the winter solstice. Raymond Banks has been convicted for the last two. A crew of four people decide to do a film on the incident on what happens to be the 10 year anniversary. They hire a professional camera man because apparently they couldn't cut off heads and jerk the camera around on their own. It was a fairly nice size camera, that I had to think, "Is someone really running holding this thing while being chased by a vampire?"

The production has your typical bad found footage films plus needless build up garbage that doesn't tie into anything. Bill Oberst Jr. did a nice job of Raymond Banks for what little time he was on the screen. The rest of the cast read and screamed their formulaic lines as we await the tail end of the feature to see the creature...which to their credit wasn't the last three frames.

A rental for fans of found footage.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Decent and creepy as hell in the woods movie
karindesign6 June 2023
I love this movie. I don't know why it has many negative reviews or this score, because it should be higher.

Woods in the dark always creep me out! The sound effects were great, actors were awesome, very believable in my opinion compared to other ff movies.

I always liked the Blair Witch movie (also the new one is awesome andvery similar to this one, creature wise). Looks like they took all the good things from that.

The creature looks really good - considering it's a ff low-budget movie and not very known, it's extremely impressive. The last scenes are definitely the hightlights of the movie, creepyyyyy, I liked it.
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ALL the nope
tobridges11 January 2022
Paid 5 bucks to see this because I'm a huge fan of found footage. Also, because a reviewer on one of my favorite horror sites called it a "hidden gem."

After seeing it, I have no idea what the actual frack that reviewer was thinking.

The movie is exactly what everyone else is saying: A terrible rip-off of Blair Witch. And no, I do not mean an homage. It's literally Blair Witch, but with poor acting, dull, repetitive dialogue, and a rubber vampire costume.

The first two-thirds of the movie was tolerable, if boring. But the final third devolved into nothing but screams and running. Ended with zero explanation of the questions raised by the story.

And the final scene? Laughable.

Waste of time and money...both on my part AND on the part of the movie-makers.
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