"Young Sheldon" Ants on a Log and a Cheating Winker (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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embailey-6052819 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like how this episode shows how the house changed after Germany. My favorite parts were how Missy and Mary connected after Taylor broke up with her, and the hidden reference to the Big Bang Theory that explains why he knocks 3 times, and I am not sure very many people understood. I also liked Sheldon's new friend and how he kept talking to him, even though he never knew anything about him. It was funny when Sheldon said he fell asleep in the hallway on the way to get a Yoo-hoo. Also, when Sheldon saw there was a bathroom schedule, and accepted that it was Georgie's turn to go to the bathroom.
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Good Episode, But Very Flawed (7/10).
rylandixon0724 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode Is Actually Kinda Cruel To Sheldon At Times. Everyone, Including His Mom, Mary Is Seeming To Have A Lovely Time Without Him. It's Almost Like They All Despise Him For Whatever Reason &amp Enjoy Leaving Him Out Like They Did To Missy In S6: E14-16. If For Missy Rather She Actually Is Having A Lovely Time Without Him &amp Actually Is Happy About It To Give Him Karma For What Him &amp Their Family Is Involved With For Doing To Her In Those 3 Season 6 Episodes I Mentioned Or She Doesn't (BLEEP) Care About It. Now As For The Rest Of The Coopers, They Probably Rather Didn't Know How Sheldon Would Probably Feel If They Did Anything Like That To Him, Just Like They Didn't Know How Missy Felt In The 3 S6 Episodes I Keep Mentioning. This Is The Only Bad Quality Of The Episode I Find Is Sheldon's Family Is Welcoming Home Him &amp His Mom. &amp When They Get Home, They Getting Mary Involved, Just Wanna Treat Him Poorly?! I'm Kinda Thinking That They All, Especially His Twin-Sister Missy (Who Is Actually My Fav, BTW) Only Miss Sheldon, Just Because They Miss Being Mean To Him. I Could Be Wrong, Though. But Coopers, I Love You All. Especially You, Missy, But Y'all Need To Stop Treating Each-Other Badly. But Other Than That, This Episode Is Enjoyable.

RATING: Good Episode (70/100).
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Great job keeping true to The Big Bang Theory!
ansonthepants-2086613 March 2024
There was a lot of talk for a while about Young Sheldon rewriting the story laid out in The Big Bang Theory - that George was being a loving and devoted husband rather than the cheating husband Sheldon once described. I don't like when writers of prequels retcon an established "fact," so when George hadn't had the affair we were all expecting and became ever more unbelievable that he would do so this season, I was becoming disappointed that such a huge milestone event would go unaddressed. Sheldon's knocking three times was so integral to The Big Bang Theory, that not seeing its origin story play out would be a great let down. So the fact that they kept that origin story while finding a way to make it true to Sheldon's telling of it AND being true to George's character development was VERY IMPRESSIVE! We've accepted a man's account of his (roughly) 20 year old memory as infallible truth... A man who doesn't understand sarcasm, politeness, empathy, boundaries, etc. This episode perfect played out Sheldon's memory while acknowledging Sheldon rarely "gets it." He's book smart, but not people smart. The writers showed ingenuity in providing depth to a story we've waited years to actually see play out.
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caitriona-shanahan12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout this series, we've been working to understand how the honourable, decent George Sr (who gave up a job as a college coach because he refused to participate in something dishonest) became the drunk cheat described by Sheldon as an adult.

A couple of seasons ago, it seemed we were building to a situation where George was going to cheat on Mary with a neighbour - but that unknown to Sheldon, Mary herself would also be a cheat, and it seemed that she would be the first to do so.

Yet the writers had different ideas. Slowly, George and Mary began to find each other again, both having considered cheating, and choosing not to.

Mary being betrayed by her church community over George Jr fathering a child out of wedlock (she was expelled from the church) got her to see how hypocritical that community was. And while she wasn't going to give up bible study, she remembered a little of who she was when she fell in love with George Sr.

I adore the fact that the real reconciliation happened through letters, written by George and Mary to each other while separated for a summer because of Sheldon. It was natural and unforced, unexpected and romantic. To be honest, seeing Mary holding the Polaroid of George Sr kinda broke my heart, as Sheldon's deepest darkest secret about his father loomed large. And there was no way to see it other than as a colossal wrong. But Sheldon had seen his father having sex with another woman, and that is not something that could be waived away.

The postponement of post-separation coitus due to jet lag was again sensitively written, again showed George Sr as a good man, and flowed past, less than 10 seconds in the show.

Mary has a little surprise for George? That's cute - I thought maybe some covert German beer. Didn't register at all that George and Mary were going for some afternoon delight.

Then Mary stepped out in her naughty fraulein outfit, complete with wig, and it all clicked into place. The horrible tragic misunderstanding that was never discussed by the three people involved - and Sheldon lost his father. A good and decent man who had grounded him and been a touchstone for him. And it helps explain his willingness to isolate himself, and his reluctance to be open to friendship, love and even marriage to his beloved Amy.

I'm not sure when Chuck Lorre decided what Sheldon saw that fateful afternoon, but all these years we've been watching a tragedy disguised as comedy.

Bravo to the writers, and the cast for delivering this life altering twist - and the long, long game that was played.
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Cowardly writing
ossie8510 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After Sheldon talked about a traumatic experience of witnessing his father having an affair in The Big Bang Theory, the writers of Young Sheldon have toyed with this bit of history by teasing a potential affair with George and the next door neighbour Brenda.

But, as basically a throw away tag of this episode, they played it off for humour, with Sheldon walking in on his father and his mother in a costume.

This betrays the patience of viewers, and shows a lack of courage by the writers to build Sheldon as a character, and create some drama with the family. It's not like the show hasn't had dramatic moments in the past.

Basically.. lame.
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The episode felt odd and strange
zrngbarznjee11 March 2024
I was low-key thrown off by this episode of "Young Sheldon" - it just didn't vibe with me like the previous ones did, you know? I've always been super into the show, but this ep left me feeling kinda meh about it. I really hope they switch things up for the rest of the season, 'cause I'm not feeling this vibe.

The earlier episodes were fire though! Sheldon's comeback and his moments with his mom were straight-up awesome. But TBH, the dialogue and facial expressions in this ep were kinda off. It felt like they were trying too hard, you feel me?

It's like they rushed through making this episode or something. It's a bummer 'cause it could've been way better. Here's hoping the next ones bring back that dope vibe we know and love.
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