Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • More often than not, one of the characters will make a comment referring to phallic imagery or refer to other sexual content but only on a comedic scale. Hardly ever is there a profane word used to describe these jokes/comments.

Violence & Gore

  • There is a reoccurring joke at the end of some videos where an extremely loud and violent explosion is shown. Though, this is nothing more than just stock footage from some dynamite test video and no one was harmed. Some people may want to consider turning their volume down near the end for a majority of the episodes.
  • Sammy and Shawn often play games where there is a lot of violence. I.E. shooting, blood, stabbings, gore, etc.
  • There are quite a few episodes where characters will hold and shoot guns at each other, usually resulting in a poorly edited chase scene. There's almost never any blood and whenever a character is shot, they never show signs of real injuries or lose any parts of their body. The guns that they use are clearly fake.
  • In "Confined" Shawn is sitting down against a wall, supposedly dead or dying, while Pazuzu's face from "The Exorcist" insistently engulfs him. There is a loud explosion.
  • In "The Quest for Excellence" a small child runs into a wall, hits it and splats into a poorly edited green screen blood effect. The blood looks more brown than it does red.
  • "The OTHER worst scene ever made" contains very little blood when soldiers are shot.
  • In the beginning of the short film "Somebody" Shawn finds the dead body of Sammy. But Sammy's body has not decomposed yet or shows any true signs of death.
  • In "Shawn vs. Sammy... 3?" Sammy beats Shawn senselessly with a blackjack. Shawn is shown several seconds after with no bruises or marks except for his face covered in (supposedly) purple blood.


  • 85 uses of the word "fuck", 36 uses of the word "shit", 20 uses of the word "hell", 18 uses of the word "dick" and 15 uses of the word "ass". Other inappropriate words are used less often like "douche/douche bag", "tit(s)", "bitch", "piss", "cunt", "pussy". There are very few words that are ever bleeped out.
  • Very few uses of the word "nigger". There are several racist comments, but they are all jokes and not meant to be taken seriously.
  • Most of the show's TV-MA rating stems from the use of so many swear words. There's hardly any violence/gore/drugs/alcohol and never any nudity.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • There is never an episode where drugs or alcohol is seen, and whenever there is a reference to drugs or blatantly shown out in the open, it's often meant to look extremely fake. For example, in "The Whitest Kids U' DON'T Know" there is a scene where Sammy inhales as if he's smoking crack but what he's holding is clearly a small white stick used for suckers.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The explosion at the end of some videos is loud and may frighten new viewers who don't expect it the first time.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • In the beginning of GM3 Bill refuses to leave his home which results in him getting blown up by a missile sent by Jimmy. However there is no explosion, only a white flash for a few seconds before finally fading out. Bill actually turns out to be alive and only needs to have his body parts connected back together in order to move around again. He shows no sign of injury.
  • In the beginning of GM3 Jimmy rises from his grave after being revived by Spot and is shown to be old and zombie-like. Not all too graphic, for Jimmy is nothing more than a drawing on a cut out piece of paper for comedic effect.
  • In GM3 a scientist is turned into a Mad Jimmy Disease monster. But is then transformed back to normal after Greg plays the flute handed to him by Anne.
  • In GM3 a fake Dr. Blazes transforms back into a semi-robotic form and attacks and kills fellow scientists.
  • Spot's respiratory cables that hang out of his mouth are pulled apart by Greg. Spot suffers and gasps for air and is then decapitated.
  • Spot's reincarnated floating head is shot and destroyed into several pieces after Bill figures out how to control his true power.
  • In the short film "Nobody" Sammy walks a long path to look for other living people and food but to no avail. Eventually he gives up and finds a spot near a school to lay down and starve. He passes away in a slowed-down reversed zoom-in sequence.
  • In "Shawn vs. Sammy 2: The Embodiment of Evil" Sammy shoots lasers out of his hands and mouth. Shawn dodges all of them and is rescued by his clone from "The Shawn Ultomato". Sammy comedically admits defeat but then gets up and uses the shouting spell from "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" to bring them both down. Sammy gets completely up and tumbles while giggling only to get shot through the chest with a bright green laser. His insides are briefly shown.
  • In Shawn vs. Sammy (remastered) Shawn and Sammy fight each other with poor shooting skill and Sammy is eventually shot several times into a corner, but shows no sign of damage on him anywhere. He slowly falls over as Shawn walks over and fires at him one last time. Blood sprays on the screen.

See also

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