Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) (2023) Poster

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Notice how everyone rates this either 10/10 or 1/10
jygryphco29 May 2024
Trying to be objective, this is a really well argued film that puts forward arguments about climate change that go against the consensus. And there we have it. The world falls into two categories: people that think the climate science is incontrovertible and are trying to convince the rest of us that we are on the brink of disaster for sure. And another group of people who remember the many times we've been fed a lot of BS like this by "the science" on other issues where the data is absolutely without doubt....until it isn't. One side isn't going to be convinced by the other because we live in a world where objective truth, as an idea, is dead - everything is "my truth" and a political argument. On that basis, enjoy. And maybe the best approach is that of Warren Buffett: it might all be BS but if it isn't, it's pretty bad so why not take out some insurance by cutting emissions anyway.
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Superb exposition of the truth about the climate
wrxsti5424 March 2024
Climate The Movie does as it says, present the Cold Truth. It gives a good overview of how climate change came to dominate current political discourse. It features a raft of prominent scientists, physicists, climatologists and Patrick Moore the founder of Greenpeace who dared to dispute the prevailing consensus that the science is settled. The documentary meticulously details the 4 other more reliable measurements of temperature change (rural surface stations, ocean gauges, satellite readings and atmospheric balloons) to show that all the IPCC reports and models are mostly based on sites that have been engulfed over time by urbanization and hence subject to distortions in the record by the urban heat island effect. The 4 methods confirm only a slight temperature rise and this is reported alongside the long term historical records going back centuries and then tree ring and ice core testing going back millennia to show that we've been warmer before when there was no industrial output to blame.

Finally many current media myths and obsessions were debunked including no increase in hurricanes and storms, hotter daily temps in the 1930's than recently and significantly fewer modern forest fires than the '20' and '30s.

The way prominent scientists, environmentalists, politicians and the media exaggerate and distort the truth to manipulate the masses into accepting all of the constraints on lifestyle and escalating costs of enforcing net zero is dramatically laid out. This documentary is an important contribution to the debate of climate science that is in reality far from settled.
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REAL experts who aren't afraid to present evidence
donmustill24 March 2024
You'll notice that most of the experts are long in the tooth. These people have won their awards and established their reputations over decades. They are not afraid to speak out. They have no grants to worry about. Their only goal is to defend science itself. Climate Change alarmism is entwined with computer models - virtually none of which can duplicate the past and have been PROVEN to over-estimate any warming in the future. This movie summarixzes REAL science and what REAL Climate Change is all about.

The only "deniers" are those who REFUSE to even CONSIDER that maybe, just maybe - humans are just not that important in the complicated melange of Climate Change.
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An eye-opening film based on real knowledge
ciroro24 March 2024
Sensational video showing what the state of the Earth's climate really is. Scientists, Nobel laureates, climate researchers, astrophysicists describe what is really happening, and what is our real threat. The best of it is that they are independent of the government, of grants, of the mercy of the media. A true picture of the "climate fight" on many levels.

For me, often shocking, because I remember the days of Stalinism in my country. Back then, the science of Marxism-Leninism was undeniable, where there were chairs at universities, tons of books were published, and conventions were bigger than today's WEF or COP. And you could end up in a labor camp if you challenged the dogmas of this "science." I highly recommend this film.
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jme-6038424 March 2024
Climate The Movie is a must-see film for anyone concerned with the future of science and humanity. Features distinguished scientists (Nobel physicist, Princeton astrophysicist, among others) showing how climate "science" has been corrupted by politics, money, and the lust for power. Presents extensive data and reasoning showing that CO2 has been purposely demonized as the alleged key to climate control, knowing that this implies control of the vast majority human energy resources (fossil fuels). This completely ignores the obvious source of historical climate change - solar radiation and its variation with cloud cover, orbital parameters, and the sun's magnetic and thermal changes. Well-presented, in a calm and non-apocalyptic manner that stands in distinct contrast to most climate alarmism. Wonderful piece of work.
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Such an important documentary
Paynebyname27 March 2024
I know you all have lots of demands for your time but this really is an excellent film all about the Green scam.

I'm always looking for concise and precise documentaries on subjects that I can say to people 'if you watch one documentary on a subject, then watch this' and this one is that.

It uses amazing data to showcase the lunacy and then has a brace of bona fide scientific experts dismantling the clearly fake agenda behind this tiresome charade.

It's very well produced and really hits all of the key points from the vested interests to the politics to the corruption.

Please for the love of this planet and your fredoms, give this a watch and provide your mind with an alternative opinion to consider.
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silence the critics
ardrinane26 March 2024
It's like being back in the dark ages, if you don't stick to the narrative you will be burned at the stake. The arguments presented are compelling and only those invested in the CO2 theory would ignore them, either because of profit or their entire carrier is built on the theory. The documentary meticulously details VERIFIABLE data that contradicts the CO2 narrative.

You can look around in your local environment and see how biased reporting is. In my local experience there is massive media hype when a "green" initiative is implemented but then later when it proves to have been a monumental mistake - there is no reporting on that. Apply that to the global stage.
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"Fake graphs and daft conspiracy yarns" - The London School of Economics s
fjpprrz6 May 2024
"British propagandist Martin Durkin is still trying to fool the world with bogus claims and fake graphs to say the most reputable scientific organisations, including NASA, the Met Office and Royal Society, are all wrong on anthropogenic climate change.

The 80-minute film, released on 23 March, is almost a rerun of his discredited movie The Great Global Warming Swindle. [...] That film falsely suggested that changes in solar activity, not greenhouse gases, are responsible for global warming.

Following the Channel 4 broadcast, Durkin, who studied economic history at LSE, was quickly engulfed in controversy as experts pointed out that his film was riddled with falsehoods and amounted to little more than propaganda.

Climate: The Movie recycles many of the same falsehoods that featured in The Great Global Warming Swindle. But many independent organisations and fact-checkers have already debunked the many bogus claims that appear throughout the film. Meta's third-party fact-checking partners Science Feedback and AFP , along with Skeptical Science , have all identified a long list of inaccurate and misleading arguments that lie at the heart of Durkin's ridiculous rant."

Source: "Fake graphs and daft conspiracy yarns in Durkin's latest propaganda film", 2 May 2024, The London School of Economics (LSE). Available on the University's website.
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Compelling - A well done film that's worth a watch and discussion
magichourmediaco25 March 2024
Data and experts are presented in a compelling way that creates a powerful dissenting narrative to the human influenced Climate Change hypotheses. With no consensus on the science, the film takes a look at the goals and practices being implemented by each ideology. On one side there are grabs for more government control, regulation, a loss of personal freedom and centralization of power; all in the name of Climate Change. On the other there is a call for more freedom and a spreading of awareness that we are slowly losing our individual sovereignty.

It brought up for me the idea of what side of history do I want to be on. One that gave up freedom to regulators, globalists, and governments, so that they could "save us" from an invisible enemy?

Or support freedom and put faith in the ingenuity of a FREE society to persist, engineer, iterate, and survive as we have for millennia?
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Tired rehash of debunked Denial Tropes of the last 30 years
dale-lature6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I rated it '1' because there was no option for ZERO.

I will also state up front that my review is absolutely containing "spoilers" because what can be said about the movie is that it is a completely unoriginal rehashing of long debunked Climate Crisis denial tropes, collected from several "lists" of these nonsensical arguments over the past 30-40 years.

The "scientists" trotted out also represent typical denier usage of people forwarding non peer review substantiated notions, usually not even submitted for review at all. Typical MO of big money (Fossil Fuels Industry) to obscure the tenuous or non-existent relation of the credentials of these "experts" regarding actual Climate Science.
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Eisenhower was precient.
jimandsheryn26 March 2024
The corruption of science we were warned about in President Eisenhower's valedictory speech is front and center of this documentary. Trillions of dollars have been invested in an energy transition that threatens the economies of all western nations.

The enforced restrictions on fossil fuel energy in Africa and other poor nations borders on criminal. The west developed on two hundred years of cheap energy. It is shameful that much of the worlds poor are still cooking with primitive energy with all the negative effects on wellbeing.

I would hope that the mainstream media embraces this film so we can begin the massive task of reconstruction from the delusional net zero project.
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Forensic debunking of climate alarmism
gezandnerys27 March 2024
Some factual documentaries are simply a must-watch, and this is one of them. Climate mitigation policies affect everyone yet most people have little interest and assume the 'experts' know what they are doing. Well, they do not. The film beautifully illustrates the nonsense, futility and ridiculousness of what has become an all consuming cult, not based on good science but instead milking the government cash cow of grants. This film should be compulsory viewing. You come away understanding all the topic's salient points, it is masterfully presented with excellent contributions from the very highest level of scientists. It is causing quite a stir, and rightly so. A lot of careers depend upon the population being scared. Don't be scared, watch this movie.
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Complete garbage
kolten-541596 May 2024
An obvious conspiracy theory-driven film funded by the oil and gas industry. There is no basis for truth in anything represented in this film. Don't waste your time. If you believe this nonsense, you aren't thinking critically. Sound bites, half video clips without context, and outright lies form a narrative in this film that is so far removed from reality this should be considered fiction. Don't be fooled and be a gullible easily manipulated person by believing the nonsense portrayed in this film. Doing your own research doesn't involved watching nonsense conspiracy theory "documentaries" like this garbage.
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Great to see data
monkeybuttmusings28 March 2024
It's great to see data. I think we always knew the rhetoric was suspect. But, as we can see that there is some natural climate change, as there always has been, at last we have some answer to why there is no real discussion. At last we can qualify that human caused CC is limited and that there is no catastrophic alarm. Unfortunately the phycological damage has already been done to an entire generation. That needs to be addressed and those responsible held to account.the contributers are high quality scientists rather than just computer models and guesses. Let's hope this gains traction so we can opening discuss rather than just give in to the loud minority of bad actors.
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Explains The Science and how The Politics has subverted The Science.
brett-online29 March 2024
So far the ratings are either 1/10 or 10/10, clearly this is a marmite subject! Most viewers will either be 'sceptics' and have their ideas confirmed or 'believers' in the Climate Crisis and probably won't watch to the end.

A lot of excellent interviews with credible people, clearly sensible and not the swivel-eyed-loons we're told to expect.

In the last few minutes it touches on causes: the rise of the new class of anti-capitalist left-leaning folk (the swamp, the elite), who use their positions in society to silence descent against the message.

I could watch on loop the clip of working people, trying to get to work, pulling an Extinction Rebellion protestor off the roof of a London Underground train.
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Galileo Galilei 2.0 versus Inquisition 3.1
ober-on1 April 2024
A lot of scientific facts are used as a battering ram against the church of climatology.

The movie comes with a lot of honourable and price winning real scientists that are old enough to tell the truth without beeing in fear of their carreer. Step by step in shows the average temperatures in the last millions of years, that were surprisingly most of all the time higher than nowadays.

And the movie shows hom the story of glabal worming gets more and more religious and went to big business.

This movie is highly recommenden for young people to heal their fear, sick and illness about the daily weather. Watch it and break free!
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A very, very important film
FredJ-300832 April 2024
As someone who has spent a large part of his life studying science, I found this film a welcome and refreshing contrast to the incessant the-end-is-near warnings that most of us are being fed on a daily basis. It uses a very simple but effective format: short but to-the-point interviews with distinguished and experienced scientists coupled with charts and data that anyone can follow.

Aside from the scientific aspects, but equally important, the film also brings up some of the social and potentially devastating effects of the current climate policies. Even though this part may already be an eye-opener for some, perhaps the filmmakers should have spent a little bit more time to show just how futile most of the "energy transition" actually is (the current ambitions are mathematically unfeasible). In any case, this chapter should be required knowledge for all - including both policy makers and voters.

A part of the film that I found disturbing was when some scientists shared how they had been ostracized from the community, simply by sharing their results and speaking up for the hypotheses they believed to be right. This censoring, if one thinks about its consequences for the future, may be most damaging for the development of science.

Although this reviewer has a broad background in science, no special knowledge of science is needed to understand this film. It is for everybody!
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Reused old myths
chech19656 May 2024
This movie is nothing but fossil fuel propaganda based on old myths that have long been debunked. Solar activity is not the driver behind the recent warming. If it were, one would be able to point to other times in the history of the current climate pattern when this occurred. However, they can't because solar activity cannot drive this rate of warming. Simple fact of the matter is that all the natural drivers are negative or neutral.

The only positive driver is CO2 and it's all coming from our emissions. The rate of temperature rise is unprecedented. Even faster than during the Permian when natural outgassing CO2 and methane caused the extinction of >90% of all life on the planet. We are adding more CO2 faster than during the Permian.

We are in the Sixth Extinction and the fossil fuel industry knows this. Their own science proved their product's emissions would rapidly warm the biosphere but instead of looking for solutions, they buried it and started a misinformation campaign based on the same one the tobacco industry used.

Read science. Don't watch You tube.
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The economic shadows of climate change discourse
alex-25-1001914 April 2024
Climate The Movie meticulously dissects the entangled web of climate change discourse, shining a spotlight on the seldom-discussed economic underpinnings and profit models that fuel the debate. By convening an array of distinguished scientists and experts who challenge the prevailing consensus, the film opens a rare dialogue on the complexities and contradictions within climate science. It probes the integrity of current climate narratives, urging viewers to look beyond mainstream arguments and consider the deeper motives shaping climate policy. This documentary is not just a film; it's an invitation to engage, a call for critical examination, and a challenge to uncover the vested interests in the climate change saga.
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If only the facts were scientific
mikeimdb-831536 May 2024
It is easy making a film criticising climate science IF you ignore facts. There is no real scientific evidence provided.

Why have they totally ignored current climate disasters. Many countries seeing floods causing billions of $ damage and destroying livelihoods. Sea surface temperatures higher than ever before recorded.. The deniers used to like Roy Spencer's UAH Global Temperature but because this now shows temperatures as from other ground based sources they say it is invalid.

Interviews with "scientists" who are paid by the fossil fuel industry certainly does not make them climate scientists with a valid response.

A film like this is truly unworthy of being called a documentary!!

In general it is a waste of time watching unless you follow the denier cult.
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Excellent uncomplicated information on which to base personal opinions.
robtwothirds-243725 April 2024
Well presented facts that hopefully will be seen by those who swallow the official story whole. Considering how profoundly the measures to combat the alleged climate crisis affects people on a personal and day to day basis, It is a constant disappointment how little people know about some of the undisputed empirical evidence regarding the climate. Simple things that would enable them to better judge the validity of what they have been told are presented here, for instance existential facts such as that we are coming out of an ice age and would normally be glad to see temperatures rising, or simple quantative facts, such as the amount of the human created CO2 in the atmosphere allegedly causing the damage.

As far as institutions doing their bit to support the climate crisis narrative, it is interesting to note that this site has weighted ratings for movies. As I write, 5/4/24, Climate the Facts (2019) with David Attenborough etc has the same headline rating, the one everyone see as Climate The Movie both on 7.9. I don't know how the do the weighting of scores, maybe the same sort of thing as adjusted temperature? The raw, untampered, unweighted score for Climate the movie is 8.0 whilst the unweighted score for Climate the facts is 7.1.
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Finally.. the truth
pgrieves14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great expose on how a trillion dollar green industry is socially engineering the masses and deluding us. You might watch it and say "well, there's not many climate scientists in the film"? .. and then you realise of course they're aren't because if you speak up about the truth - you become ostracised, defunded and that's the end of your career..Everyone needs to watch this at least once...and I really found it interesting and informative. Science is far too political now. Nuclear power and what about gravity amplifiers? We are all members of the doom and gloom club until you see the truth. I've seen the film on YouTube. The took it down but then it was back up. They don't want you to see the truth. Money, money , money .. manage the people.. more government.. more control over your choices and life.
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ryanfisher-6530519 April 2024
If you think the claims of this movie can't be believed. Please read a book called "The big fat surprise...." it has a lot of parallels to this "climate emergency". It's about how fats in our diet were demonized and how that happened through consensus in the scientific community and what the process was that allowed that to happen. 50+ years later it's finally being dropped that "fats make you fat" which was only ever partially true. A lot of parallels. Fully agree with the movie that climate crisis is a cult, when you ostrisize any differing opinion, and now its being proposed to make it illegal to question or deny the narrative - that's how you know you are in a cult. So to anyone who tries to say my opinion doesn't matter and that I'm anti-science or a denier: Thank you for your opinion cultist you can have your opinion and are entitled to free debate, don't deny my right to the same.
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Real science and politics
rhmnyc22 April 2024
Excellent film. Well, perhaps not from a film perspective -- why all the shots from the 50's? But as science it consolidates a lot of factual data that alarmists can't refute.

Good example is warming predominantly occurring from the late 19th century until about mid 20th century, when it starts cooling until the1970-1980 then it starts warming again and attains temps comparable to the 1930s.

It also demonstrates other easily verified factors that show that warming is minimal over the last 140 years or so which is contrary to the alarmist fantasy.

What it doesn't discuss is the adjustments made to raw temps at the temp station level. If you look at long term stations in the contiguous US (started reporting prior to 1930, 1000+ months of reporting, adjustments account for almost all warming. Coupled with the early warming from the 19th century and the urban heat island effect, there really isn't much left for anthropogenic CC to account for.
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Do yourself a favour...
kallelikesmovies7 May 2024
...and check Sceptical Sciences rebuttal of the old myths (re)visited in this movie. Just put "sceptical science climate the movie" in your favorite search engine and marvel at how easy it is to dismantle the "facts" that are brought up. Complete with fact-checked sources.,

Quick TL;DR: "Martin Durkin's recently released film, entitled, 'Climate - the Movie', 17 academics, retired academics and bloggers were interviewed. How big a proportion of them have their own page in the DeSmog database? Go on, have a guess.

It's 76%.

Climate change denial is like a kind of flying circus. This same old carnival troupe is wheeled out time and again to spread doubt about climate science. Why? Because that's what they are good at doing, with decades of combined experience under their belts."
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