(TV Series)


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"Your recovery can't be about me.You have to want this too."
skteosk29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Deeply frustrating, focusing on the most aggravating aspects of the current show and having them do the most irritating thing possible. Well, okay, there are some good points, mostly centring around Alf being amiable for once and Josh and Maddy feeling like they're actually welcome at the caravan park.But what do we trade in return?

Well, after the rather bizarre moral of "Take your bipolar medication or you'll join a cult", Spencer goes back on the medication because Sasha told him to.Indi breaks all her promises to Chris and dumps him to go travelling, meaning she basically used him as a rebound while she angsted about Romeo again.April, the girl who stopped Dexter leaving with his family because she can't deal with moving, suddenly decides she wants to go to Paris.(Plus side:April might be going!)And Roo manages to completely destroy any sympathy the audience might be feeling by snapping at everyone in sight and firing barbs at people who try to be nice to her.Not one of the best episodes.
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