Metalocalypse: The Doomstar Requiem - A Klok Opera (TV Movie 2013) Poster

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True to Dethklok! One of the best ways to spend 46 minutes of your life.
Osterman-henrik14 November 2013
Im not going to lie... I was a bit skeptical when I heard about a Metalocalypse Opera but after sitting through the first 5 minutes of the movie all my fears were quickly washed away!

I'm a massive Metalocalypse fan, been one since day one. The over the top black humor and references along with the all the wonderful satire and cliché's make it without a doubt one of the best TV shows of the last 10 years in my opinion and this 46 minute special is absolutely on par with the rest of the shows material. Its big, its dark, its bombastic and it stays true to the shows comedy styling, it's hilarious.

If you are expecting a 46 minute episode then you will be disappointed. It is exactly what it says it is, an Opera. There is singing and music throughout the entire movie so if you are one of those people that just can't stand musicals then maybe this one isn't for you. I am usually like that but I found this an absolute joy to sit through.

I'm not going to go through the story of the film as I think that's something that you should find out for yourself but the story of the movie does pick up where Season 4 left off. If you are a Metalocalypse fan or even just a fan of heavier music or the darker side of comedy I'd say that this is definitely for you. It is undoubtedly one of the hidden gems of 2013, Brendon Small has done it again!
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Not perfect as a good chunk of
SiRenfield23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And even then I partially blame that more in the inherited sins of Season 4 since while I personally think it's a bit overhated...I still at least agree that it's the weakest season due to a drastically short running time which mean we aren't given enough time to fully develop the new character like Magnus and Abigail, and there's an overall feeling of the story being rushed (looking at you final episode with half of the runtime being an exposition dump). And the special doesn't do a lot to remedy that due to the nature of being a sung through musical (except for MAYBE Magnus), especially with how DIRTY Abigail was handled.

But for what it's worth though, the rest of the special was pretty damn good overall I say. Story is admittedly a bit stock what with his it follows the hero's journey almost to a fault but the animation and music gets full marks here, the former being especially impressive since like the series it was done in Flash and is a far cry from the jankiness from Season 1. And I unironically appreciate the redemption arc aspect (especially if you interpret it as an allegory for overcoming toxic masculinity) albeit if you were to okay a drinking hand for every time they said "brother", you would be dead even if I do love me some found family.

So yeah Army of the Doomstar is easily my most anticipated film of the year!
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Don't like musicals, but this is great!
bjswcnvbd12 September 2024
As mentioned I don't like musical genre for films, but this case is the opposite. I couldn't move my attention from the show for the whole 45 minutes.

After watching the entire serie we reach this crucial point of the story. We started playing and see duration though about a special chapter like joining a few into a single one.

Didn't expected to be a musical, as didn't look at the chapter title before playing it. The first impression was good, as the music introduces well, then is song after song in a nice combination of storytelling and music.

It is so the case that personally I like even more than the movie that closes the serie. I fully recommend it.
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Awesome doesn't cover it.
mailskip16 November 2013
Never been a fan of operas and whens this landed my heart sunk.

1st time I jumped through it thinking W T F.Second time I stuck with it and can't put the sodding thing off now. The animation is what you'd expect with Metalocalypse. Brilliant. It's the audio that'll surprise you though. First I thought they might have a problem with it... I found it a crazy mix of funny and serious. I got dragged in with the funny stuff and gradually got more and more drawn to the story and arrangement.

Huge respect for everyone involved. I hope they get to tour it.

Incredibly catchy, funny, serious, fantastic, ugly and beautiful all together.

Brendon Small is a genius
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Most Epic Episode
itsthebeard15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't see how people disliked this. Since it may be the final episode of Metalocalypse, they did what they could to try to finish the story. From showing how Toki originally joined the band (through an incredible guitar duel played by Mr. Small himself) to the epic climax of the defeat of the man in the metal mask, the fulfillment of the Church of the Black Clock prophecy, and the arrival of the Doomstar this entire 45 minute long cartoon is nothing short of epic. Yes, they sing a lot because it is a rock opera. That's kind of the point. I don't understand how someone wouldn't be impressed by the fact that Brendon Small wrote songs spanning multiple genres and used a 50 piece orchestra for certain segments. In short: if you're not blown away then you're not paying enough attention.
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kijokai18 November 2021
Its not like the show and is its own thing. Think about the work put in to making new music for everything. I love the music and the vibe. Its funny too.

Brandon Small will always be an inspiration.
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The usual weird perfection.
universallaureat24 June 2019
Brendon Small has delivered yet another symphony of brutal perfection. Together with Jack Black, Malcolm McDowell, and Mark Hamill, he has crafted something so entertaining, weird, and utterly metal, that the word opera barely registers. This is what the spawn of darkness and orchestra would look like as it slithered into your brain, your dreams, your sickest desires. I loved it as much as all of Metalocalypse.

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Absolutely Amazing! True to Dethklok! 10 Stars isn't enough!
heyman079 September 2020
I'll be totally honest, as with many fellow reviewers, I'm not typically a fan of "musicals". However, this was absolutely incredible!

Recently became a Metalocalypse fan, and it was the best decision I have made yet. This wraps up the entire show in the best way I could have asked for. As far as show finale's go it was hands down the best I have ever seen. It's gory, creepy, serious, funny, and just down right Metal!

The people judging it harshly for being a musical lack credence. I have massive respect for Brendon Small and the other creators for delivering this metal themed animated opera. It shows a significant amount of creativity, passion, dedication, and intellect to be able to come up with something so sophisticated and be able to pull it off so well.

I need more Metalocalypse!
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Great movie
elonmusk-is_a_moron28 May 2022
Please, ignore the negative reviews written by mouth-breathers with no taste trashing this special: One of them thinks that The Hot Chick with Rob Schneider is a good movie, and that should be enough to tell you what they know.

This is a great finale for the fourth season of Metalocalypse, and is such a shame the fifth season was cancelled. Fortunately, a new movie is being made, but just because some buffons with no taste disliked it had nothing to do with the cancellation of the series. (It has much more to do with the.stinginess of Adult Swim and their reluctance to invest money in quality animated shows instead of boring live-action sitcoms)
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A9AMouse16 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Seasons 1-3. Season 4 was bad, and this... I outright hate it.

I'll admit, I can't stand when everyday events are set to song. In this case, it's even worse because the voices don't really sound like the characters, and everything seems forced. I totally "get it," but this was just a poor effort.

I found myself thinking for the first time that I could make better jokes and write better dialog than the writers. The 45-minute "song" wasn't even melodic or interesting in any real way.

The humor is totally different since Season 3 ended, and it sucks.

I literally had to stop 5 or 6 times to make it through this. Disappointing.
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talllwoood1312 March 2021
I loved the series and have seen every episode at least 4 or 5 times with a few exceptions. Yet this sticks out as the worst thing they have done. I watched again very recently when all the hype was over and still wasn't impressed. It sounded so good on paper especially with how well Brandon plays guitar but minus adding a bit of back story to characters I felt they could have summed up what happens in like a sentence.

The animation is great as it always was however. There were times I really felt they should have hardcoded the subtitles onto the screen to understand what the heck they were saying without running for the subtitles. I felt the network should have passed on this concept and let them tell this story in their usual fashion as fans don't like change. If not make a 30 minute episode out of this at best. Call me crazy but I truly believe this is why we didn't get any more extra seasons of the show after this.

Unless you're an absolute die hard fan like even the Jomfru brothers who run diefordethklok in the series would tell you to chill. Skip this. It's not worth streaming and I heard there is even an album with some of these forgetful songs out. I never bothered with it because of how awful the songs are.
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trolliyama1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No idea of why everyone is trashing this movie, but personally I think it was a pretty decent resolution for the cliffhanger at the end of the fourth season.

I guess some people is simply allergic to musicals.
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0 / 10
xacutna_6611 November 2013
I'm a HUGE Metalocalypse fan, don't care for their records at all. I honestly think it's one of the best shows that's been on TV in a very long time but this was a huge disappointment. Every breath they take is singing which I didn't like. This should have been an idea that didn't make it past the board room , something laughed at and never taken seriously. If I was to describe the experience to really get my idea across it's like when Metallica did kill'em all to and the self titled "black album" than load. It felt as if Brandon small wasn't involved with this at all and let some other people who should be nowhere near that project ruin it.

Loved the visuals , the background music and atmosphere but everything else was disappointing. Season 4 was disappointing in my opinion too , I liked the 30 minute episodes of season 3 and found it hysterical especially the Christmas special but this feels like Brandon is letting others do everything.

How could this improve? subtitles perhaps even for a guy like me who speaks perfect English sometimes it can get so muddy for their voices that I missed jokes. Granted I could have hit rewind if I wanted to but I didn't care for this at all. If I was in charge I'd just make this into a season or a TV movie where they talk and their music in it. Guess it's true fans don't like change. We did get some information like how this spoiler or that spoiler happened but all in all I couldn't wait for it to finish.

from one Metalocalypse fan to another skip this , let your friends ruin it
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