The House on Pine Street (2015) Poster

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Delivers quite well
marleneholmhammershoej25 March 2016
While I'm no movie expert, I am a horror fan and not easily scared. Sadly, there's so long between a horror movie which really delivers, but this one did rather well I thought. What makes it all the more joyful, is the lack of reliance on special effects. It's well paced and uses the art of suggestion rather than cheep jump-scares, a style I appreciate. Furthermore, I found myself sympathizing greatly with the female protagonist, another key element in a good horror movie. This movie keeps the viewer speculating and guessing until the end, which I find is the turning point of a scary movie. Nothing is more scary that the unknown, as we well know. This brings me to the only regret I have about this movie, -the ending. I won't reveal anything, but as most suspense movies, the ending leaves the viewer a bit disappointed. I for my part can forgive the movie for this, since it relates to the point above. It's the unknown which is most scary, the sum of possible explanations. As soon as the movie settles on one specific explanation, most of the suspense is diffused. Don't let this keep you from viewing the movie though. I promise, it postpones the inevitable solution as long as possible. All in all; no masterpiece, but delivers as a horror movie.
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The House on Pine Street
James_Lister_8222 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is an intriguing movie. Although, it's categorized as a horror it doe not really come across as one to me. It's actually more of a psychological thriller than horror.

Jennifer (Emily Goss) and her husband Luke (Taylor Bottles) move into this old house after Jennifer tries to commit a self abortion on herself back in Chicago. It's not too long before she starts hearing and seeing things in the house. While no one else can hear or see these things. The audience and her husband are left wondering is Jennifer insane or is there something inside that house?

This is a weird film and hard to review because of that. I enjoyed it for what it was the performances were pretty great and it's a pretty decent movie. However, if you are a gore hound, then this movie isn't for you as it's a slow burn. But if you enjoy slow burn movies, then I think you will like this. But I can also understand why so many find this movie boring. As it leaves a lot in the air for you to figure out. I personally enjoyed it and found it interesting to figure out what was going on.
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Shut that door!
begob25 February 2016
An unsettled couple with a baby on the way move back from the city to the wife's hometown, but she dreads their new home while everyone else thinks she's crazy.

Dialogue heavy psychological ghost story with problems in script, direction, editing and pace. The stand out feature is the photography and framing of shots, where a lot of care and intelligence is on show from the start. The dialogue is often too much or just trite, and many scenes start too early or end too late, and some of the cut aways or inserts in the editing are pointless. There is a good house warming scene, lively and well observed, but that's about it.

The biggest problem is that the ghost story doesn't measure up to the psychological drama, with no drive to it - comparable to The Babadook - and the director's overuse of jump scares is feeble. And 111 mins? 20 too many.

The parts are well played, with the lead actress giving good close up and the mother and psychic showing their experience, but sometimes the actors struggled with the dialogue and the lack of motivation within the story.

The music is good but nothing outstanding.

Overall - frustrating to see so much quality serving a weak story.
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Very Underrated, and Misunderstood.
betchaareoffendedeasily19 September 2019
This is not a film for the impatient, or those whom need everything tied up in a neat bow. If this is horror at all, and it is hard to say it is, it psychological horror only, I would call this an intense psychological drama rather. I originally watched this about a year ago, but it stuck with me, and I felt the desire to watch it again. This is rare for me, as I do not re-watch a great number of films. What brought me back to this film was it's sense of hopelessness, and the main characters lack of control. These are two things the film hits smack on the head, and it creates a sense of dread, as long, as like most spooky films, you can suspend your disbelief.

Tonally, this film is along the lines of "Rosemary's Baby", I am not comparing it in quality, which is inferior to RB, but rather it's storytelling approach. I will never understand someone using old fashioned as an insult, we enjoy many old fashioned things such as "old fashioned sodas", "old fashioned fudge" or "old fashioned taffy", etc, but when it doesn't jibe with what we think or agree, we think Old Fashioned is an insult. This film certainly has old fashioned sensibilities and storytelling, and as such, not everyone will like it.

The only terror in this film, is a lack of control. The lead character feels as though everything is out of control. She wasn't allowed to make a life altering choice, and as such, was forced by those who love her to leave the town she loves and has friends in. She is forced to move to a place she clearly hates, and this is her only means of control, hate and fear. This, in a sense scares her, but gives her power. The very things she fears, in the end come to be, and ultimately, give her what she wants. When you think about the ending in this regard, it makes the lead a fairly diabolical woman. Then ending, which I will not reveal, is not head scratcher, if you pay attention, and try to understand the themes of the film, which I believe I conveyed fairly well above. The ending is both heartbreaking, infuriating, and a relief.

This is an underrated psychological film with a great deal of subtext, and it really requires two viewings to catch what is truly going on here, it isn't as simple as it seems on the surface. The reason people don't enjoy this film is because they want something straight-forward where you take everything at face value, this is a slow-paced subtext heavy film, if that is not your cup of tea, avoid it please.

God Bless ~Amy
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chroberts-12 September 2020
I swear, some day I'm going to write a script for a horror movie where the significant other actually believes, listens to, and respects the person who is clearly being terrified by something. This movie is exhausting and frustrating.
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Plain awful and very old-fashioned
molly_lyon10 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So essentially all the characters in this are just forcing a young woman to carry a baby that she doesn't want, because her wanting an abortion is them perceiving her as crazy? I'd assumed for the majority of the film that from the reactions of the other characters the female protagonist had become suicidal after finding out of her pregnancy, but it was only an abortion and everyone acts as if she's the most insane person to have ever existed. The entire film is built upon this concept, too... the bumps in the night, slamming doors etc. are all explained away by how crazy she is. Pssh. Gutted I gave this one the time.
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Cheap dull boring and definitely not scary
Thepoltergeist4428 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to skip through this one on Netflix as it was just to boring, I can't write or say a lot because not a lot happens apart from her husband doesn't believe her everyone thinks she's crazy but the husband dies at the end proving to everyone she was right all along.

So all I can say is avoid this one, watch insidious conjuring or the autopsy of Jane doe instead they are a thousand times better.
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Great Movie Ruined By The Ending
ladymidath17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed The House On Pine Street right up until the ending, it had everything, a great atmosphere and a story that kept me that was keeping me invested, right up until the very end. I have to admit, I really don't like movies that are a fake out. If you are going to have a haunted house story, give the audience a few ghosts. Not 'energies'. In other words, don't promise us cake, then serve ice cream.

Also, there seemed to be a very strong anti-woman vibe through the movie, the wife being gaslit, her terror ignored and the told that she was at fault. That her anger and hate was the cause of everything. Wow,

As much as I enjoyed the movie, the scares and build up of tension, the ending was what ruined it for me.

It's still a scary movie, but would have worked better if their had actually been a ghost or demon, or anything.

The film is very reminiscent of the old horrors made decades ago where the woman is experiencing something terrifying and their husbands, boyfriends etc abuse them verbally and dismiss them as being selfish or hysterical. I was hoping that films had moved beyond that trope but apparently not.
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Is there something wrong with me?
florinaslayer19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
All over the Internet I've seen countless awards for this movie, a lot of positive reviews about it and this is completely baffling for me, going as far as to make me think that I've seen a different movie. I can't understand how is this production so praised, when almost every tense moment was nothing if not predictable, when the acting of most of the actors was not only visibly uninspired, but also irritating (I could barely stand the scenes where Jennifer's mother was featured). Besides this, I cannot cope with the fact that I have watched a ghost movie WITH NO ACTUAL GHOST featured in it. Also, the ending, with the "energy" explanation is so far-fetched and rushed, I felt it ruined the already bad impression I've had. The death of her husband was completely unnecessary, it felt misplaced, not to mention the almost full recovery of Jennifer from it in a matter of days. The plot in its entirety was a generic haunted house story, with no original aspects save for the actors, basically I felt as if I was watching another episode of "A Haunting", although I am inclined to appreciate the show a lot more for ACTUALLY FEATURING GHOSTS in it. I tend to believe the movie was biased for being successfully funded through Kickstarter. Other than that, there is a single way to describe this production : Unconvincing and generic.
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Are There Ghosts in the House on Pine Street
erikghost29 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Review by Golden State Haunts and Events

Aaron and Austin Keeling have created a creepy and atmospheric haunted house movie with "The House on Pine Street". In the movie, seven months pregnant Jennifer (Emily Goss) has moved to a Kansas house with her husband Luke (Taylor Bottles) which is a step up from their apartment in suburban Chicago. It turns out the move was facilitated by Jennifer's overbearing mother Meredith (Cathy Barnett) who wants Luke to do more with his life than be a bartender and wants the baby to be born in a more rural environment. Meredith imposes herself by throwing a housewarming party and inviting her own friends including Walter (Jim Korinke) a so-called psychic who states that the house has weird energy. Absent from the party is Jennifer's friend Lauren (Natalie Pellegrini).

Jennifer receives weird stares from the people in the neighborhood as if they're holding a secret. She starts to experience weird events in the house such as seeing someone in the bathroom, having the crockpot lid move on its own and hearing weird noises coming from the attic. The film was shot in an 1800's house that is supposedly actually haunted and the cinematography uses the environment to perfection. Jump scares aren't something you'll find in this movie, but rather a slow buildup and tension.

When Lauren comes to visit the house we're introduced to her toddler son who is very creepy. He stares and talks to only something he can see. Experiencing paranormal events herself Jennifer is very concerned and her and Lauren hold a seance. Things only get worse but Luke and Meredith think that Jennifer is going crazy and having a mental breakdown. Jennifer didn't want to leave Chicago and isn't happy that she's having the baby. In fact we find out that she tried to self abort.

Emily Goss portrays Jennifer with a genuine feel that makes you empathize for the character. You're left wondering if she's really going crazy of if the house is actually haunted.
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What A Bad Movie!
angelgrojas2 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie itself was somewhat interesting but there are parts that don't even make sense in the movie. Why did the neighbor tell her story to the main character of the story just to make the movie a but longer they couldn't find something more interesting to put instead. Also why did the whole movie want everyone to think she was crazy and then at the end make it to were she isn't crazy and the husband dies by the evil spirit and then they do not explain and expand what is happening or what happens in the house. Every movie has to have a good ending or the whole movie is bad and this movie had a great idea which they could've worked with but then they went somewhere else with the story which ruined the movie.
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Excellent Psychological Horror
Kazombie22 June 2016
After reading so many negative comments on the IMDb message board, I was very skeptical about watching this film at the local cinema. But I decided to go against all of the negativity and give this film a chance and I'm very glad I did so.

I was the only one in the entire theater (which is always a plus for me as I hate the annoying moviegoers using their cell phone or having a loud conversation with one another).

So this movie is not your run of the mill 'Horror' that Hollywood is churning out these days with the usual creature make ups and jump scares. For me, none of that is scary. It never makes me feel uneasy. It's rather just a cheap ploy to make the viewer jump the same way a child might do by hiding behind a corner and scream boo!.

This movie is a rather fresh take on the entire paranormal phenomenon and it lets the viewer decide what they think is taking place and whether or not it is real. The story made me connect with the protagonist, the husband and even the mother in law at the same time making me change my mind about each one of them throughout.

Of course it uses the typical "husband won't believe what the wife tells him" but it is used in a very clever way.

I do not want to give away too much but I thought It would be good to give my two cents on the review section and let people know that there was never a dull moment in the film for me. The shots were tasteful, the acting was very good and the 'horror' bits were unsettling without the use of cheap tactics.

At the end of the film, I was very pleased and I would recommend it to any true fans of the supernatural/psychological horror genre. Not recommended for fans of Jump Scare Horror. It's a solid 8/10.

It is not a masterpiece, but it's a great little film.
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I need wine
nogodnomasters11 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Luke (Taylor Bottles) and Jennifer (Emily Goss) move back to her Kansas home town after an incident in Chicago which leads us to believe Jennifer is mentally unstable. Her condescending mother Meridith (Cathy Barnett) is eager to help out her resisting daughter. Soon there are ghosts, but they only seem to effect Jennifer, who also has issues outside of the house. They drag the ghost story on way too long until I thought this was going to be a Rosemary's Baby film which would have been better than where this went, which was nowhere.

The ghosts are explained by Walter, the atheist (Jim Korinke) in a confusing mess that even Jennifer couldn't buy. The ghost seemed to center around the bedroom closet, whose door doesn't fit the door seal due to house settling. And what was with the mute neighbors? Was that supposed to tie into something? Guide: 1 F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Top 5 worst movies
helenkolby-409504 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm genuinely confused and a little miffed. I decided to watch this because it had a fairly good rating on prime. Almost 2 hours of my life I'll never get back because I was convinced at some point it would earn the decent rating. Literally until the final seconds of the movie I thought, oh this is it! The big reveal or twist or SOMETHING. I even rewound numerous times in case I missed a good part. Yes I'm going to ruin this. Woman doesn't want her baby. They move closer to her mom who is a b%&[$. Throw in time knocks, creaks and squeaky doors. Everyone things she's crazy. Creepy neighbor makes an appearance, for absolutely no reason, adds nothing to the story. She gets thrown around by an invisible something/one. Husband bites it. She drives away. The entire story line could have been filmed in 20 minutes. Then I saw it has a bunch of nominations and award wins? If I knew someone who raved about how this cinematic dumpster fire is the epitome of horror (as many reviewers seem to think) they would be removed from my life indefinitely.
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Eschews the gore but not the bore
rooee10 January 2016
If it's gonna be dumb at least make it fun. That's surely the unwritten rule of horror. But this bland and generic haunted house indie makes the fatal error of trying to keep a straight face throughout, however predictable the events and however skin-crawling the dialogue. It's restrained in its deployment of violence – but also, sadly, in terms of enjoyment.

Jennifer (Emily Goss) and Luke (Taylor Bottles) move into a big crumbling house in a sleepy Kansas suburb. She's seven months pregnant and reluctant. He urges her to give the place a go. They're soon visited by Jennifer's overbearing mother, Meredith (Cathy Barnett), whose presence seems to trigger memories in Jennifer of a previous breakdown. So when the house starts taunting 'n' haunting, the assumption is that Jennifer is simply on the turn again. Most of the horror (and accompanying tedium) emerges from the fear of not being believed, and the threat to mother and child.

It's a familiar setup: giving a chance to an instantly creepy house; one partner who's nervous and one who's patient; the forbidden room; the secret past; the strange staring neighbours. I was surprised when no one finds a box of old video tapes and newspaper cuttings. The 'Better Movie Checklist' looms large: The Omen (creepy child); Poltergeist (tossed furniture and a visiting psychic); The Shining (ambiguous twins); The Haunting (a chilling case of mistaken identity).

But more than anything there's the presence of Rosemary's Baby: motherhood anxiety seeps into the very fabric of the film; particularly its best scenes, between Jennifer and her scheming, possessive mother. There's a moment when Jennifer goes to her mum's house for solace, and they seem to slip back into roles that have existed since Jennifer's childhood. There's enough eerie tension here to suggest the story may be turning towards an intriguing third act. But that junction is promptly passed by.

The overarching problem is, the cinematic influences are great but where's the USP? The drama is rote, the plot is plodding, and the scares are imaginative only on a micro level: mouse traps triggered by an unknown force, or boxes inexplicably moving of their own accord. Like many a horror movie without an identity, it starts well enough, with some intriguing, subtle spookings. But alas, it becomes quickly clear, through formulaic plot beats and zombified dialogue ("There's no such thing as ghosts"), that this is a movie lacking a unique personality.

Speaking of which, Goss and Bottles put in a pair of performances which are adequate at best. Having far more fun are Barnett as the mother and Jim Korinke as the possibly-psychic Walter. The latter gets the best piece of bad dialogue: a WTF climactic speech about the forces of energy (or something) which is presumably meant to tie everything up, but which is so rambling and bizarre that you have to wonder if the actor himself knew what he was on about.

The photography has a pallid appearance, all autumn hues and naturalistic lighting, which only serves to highlight the unconvincing characters and jars with the laughable events. When Jennifer is being tossed around by the poltergeist, a different score would have made it comedy gold. But instead we get by-the-numbers ambient doom music connoting something much more horrifying than what we're actually seeing.

Remarkably, at the end I was left unsure as to whether a key character was meant to have died. The reactions of the other characters just seemed incongruent. I'm not sure if this was unforgivably poor writing and editing or whether I'd simply stopped caring by then. Either way it does nothing to endorse this very uninteresting and uninspired film.
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I've had scarier farts.
hannahmew-2880429 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've got to wrote a 600 word review.....

Woman's nostrils flare....she looks around a lot....doors slam....they shout 'Jennifer' a lot.

Woman's nostrils flare....she looks around a lot....doors slam....they shout 'Jennifer' a

Woman's nostrils flare....she looks around a lot....doors slam....they shout 'Jennifer' a lot.

Woman's nostrils flare....she looks around a lot....doors slam....they shout 'Jennifer' a lot.

Woman's nostrils flare....she looks around a lot....doors slam....they shout 'Jennifer' a lot.

She has the baby. The baby cries.

Man finds the mobile moving in the babies room.

Hence.....I've had had scarier farts.
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Don't Bother
tonitrish17 January 2022
Unless you enjoy pointless and not even mediocre, writing, acting, production or coherent plots. Absolutely shocking and not in the way it allegedly set out to be. Characters are wooden except I think for the main protagonist. She had something but it was not her best move saying yes to this nonsense. Other characters were given a sub plot which could well have been interesting if it had had any bearing on the story at all. Clue: Weird neighbour and her selectively mute kids????? Believe me, I really thought, YES, this is were its going. Alas, No, no, no, no. Just plain strange, totally useless addition to an utterly clueless film. Apologies for the rant but my God, this deserved it and more. So annoyed that I wasted nearly 2 hrs hoping it would come to something, well, anything other than the dross climax which is ultimately where it ended up.
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Pleasantly Surprised
cm_addison19 January 2021
Not bad for a spooky movie. Actors were good, written and directed well. Tackled a few stigmatas (life concerns to unpack) with each character. I went in with no expectations and it surprised me that it wasn't a bad watch lol
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That was 2 hours of my life I can't get back
johnnybrown5207625 December 2019
Why does everyone in this film have the emotional range of a turnip? Emily Goss has the same look on her face from start to finish. The film tries really hard to build up suspense, but is held back by bad predictable storytelling, and even worse acting. I'm a fan of so bad they're good horror movies, but this movie is just bad.
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Points for originality!
TheSchinppenSchnaff16 July 2020
It's so rare to find a original ideas in indi horror movies. This is a real gem.

No silly jump scares, but pure tension that builds up throughout the movie.

Psychological horror is the hardest thing to pull off well, and this director nailed it!

No silly ghost lore or demons, just constant guessing - is she being haunted, or is she insane.

Well acted, well written, well cast, well done.

If you want something that differs from the norm, definitely check out this film.
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Anti-woman garbage
movielover555510 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Boring, slow, poor acting, humorless, dull...and these are the least of this movies problems. This poor woman is tormented, tortured, beaten up, thrown down a flight of stairs, treated like a child by her husband and her creepy mother, disbelieved by everyone despite the fact that several people (the postman, the little boy, the friend) all witness entities in the house. Everyone tells her she's nuts, no matter what happens. She has zero agency. She didn't want to be there in the first place, and she had no say on the house or any of the plans that her jerk of a husband informs her of. Why the heck would anyone in this situation stay? Then hubby is literally thrown out of a window while she's NOT EVEN THERE...and the movie tells us everything has all been her fault because of her bad "energies". Guess she wasn't a dutiful enough little breeder, how dare she have the nerve to want a say in her own life? Movies like this are disturbing all right... for all the wrong reasons.
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Subtle and Terrifying
tmdarby14 March 2016
The House on Pine street should be shown to any horror movie director as an example on how to make a good movie.

It's also an example of how a good story and good direction can take a movie with a low budget and make it excellent. You don't need a lot of special effects if the story is done right.

The scares are very subtle and don't even tip you off with scary music. I love movies like that, you actually have to pay attention. The acting was well done and the story left a lot for the viewer to interpret.

If you are a person that doesn't enjoy a movie where you may have to draw your own conclusions, this movie may not be for you. If you enjoy a movie that keeps you on your toes and makes you think about it, give this one a chance.
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Above Average
MugShotBlues12 February 2016
Jump to the last 3 lines! the rest of this is dribble that IMDb wants us to put in as if its going to make a difference!

I LIKE the part of the movie where if you weren't watching it would have you thinking of the last part where they tried to write 10 lines of dribble but in this case the last frame was what I expected while others might of though that posts have NO life so IMDb makes us write 10 lines of dribble.

Don't stop me I'm still trying to write dribble dribble dribble.

My pet peeves are long drown out reviews from credits wannabe's and this site forces you to put in more then 10 lines which is totally ridiculous!

My review is the last 3 lines so skip over all the BS that IMDb makes you dribble in as if we have no life and really care about others.

Everyone knows that there are very few horror/thriller movies made that are 10's so with that being said I look for quality in filming and this one is above average. IMHO its well worth the watch
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Bad Acting, Slow Plot, Unfulfilled Ending
rowhanning25 April 2016
I heard a lot of hype for The House on Pine Street for awhile when it was making it's rounds across the film festival circuit. Sitting down and watching the movie was unattainable unless I wanted to travel quite some distance to catch it at a festival.

I was elated to see that it was finally available to view privately.

And then I started to watch it....

One of the first things I noticed immediately was the terrible acting. Every motion in this movie feels like just that, going through a motion. The three main characters you'll be dealing with (Jennifer, Luke, and Meredith) all lack fluidity on the screen overall. Worse yet, they fail to bring forth any stir of emotion in the more intimate scenes.

A big supporter in the downfall stated above, is the atrocious script. The dialogue is dry and immensely boring (add onto this the white-washed filter they used to shoot the entire film, and it's basically a lullaby.) There is little to no character development even as you reach the end of the almost two-hour run time. And worse yet, the big reveal of the "evil" that haunts our protagonist at the end can be equated, basically, as "bad vibes dude".

I REALLY love and respect a good horror film. It's a genre in film that calls for a lot of finesse. It takes phenomenal acting, a good plot, and creating an atmosphere to encompass all these elements together in a package containing ample amounts of dread.

The House on Pine Street nailed absolutely none of these elements. It was an extreme disappointment.

If you want to see a good horror film from 2015, check out "It Follows".
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Booooring and meaningless movie
mrmnj-2325714 May 2021
So i watched this movie with my girlfriend, actually now she is my ex because of the movie.

Yalla bye.
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