"Scorpion" Talismans (TV Episode 2014) Poster

(TV Series)


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Amazing flight time
next-334461 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I got into this series only on the 25th August 2020. I felt compelled to write about this particular episode as now the formulaic writing is apparent. It works well with the team almost finding a solution, to then be scuppered and then, like in House, a ping moment where something said or seen gives a member of the team the solution. This episode did make me wonder how great the transport they have is, no pine hours from the US to Bosnia? That aside, it is becoming a great series to watch.
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Nerds out of their comfort zone
DebbyNessie12 November 2018
This episode is great as it reminds us that the team are geeks at heart. The scene when they are getting on the plane with papers flying around and Happy sorting her trousers out is priceless. Toby admitting his feelings to Happy is overdue and sweet.
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Just Curious
gw1110-169-85884416 August 2023
Can someone tell me the Name of those Flowers in the Mine Field... I am looking for some Ground Cover for My Fence around My yard and I like those...! TIA.

Good Shows even tho they are basically on the same premise, still Entertaining with the Solutions... Wish it was still being Made, Stories like those are "Good Feel" and We could really use more... Thanks for having them here... I usually watch thru OTA Setup and some days are harder to receive a signal than others so it is Nice to have a Back-up Plan"... Will bee checking in more often as My ISP has Grown up to 50mbps now and I believe it will soon bee Unlimited in usage... Have a Good Day and May GOD Bless All...!!!
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Continual Implausibility
user-558-61010018 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Suspension of disbelief", as paraphrased from wikipedia:

By infusing human interest and a semblance of truth into a fantastic tale, the reader would suspend judgment concerning the implausibility of the narrative. The willingness of the audience to overlook the limitations of a medium, so that these do not interfere with the acceptance of those premises.

Scorpion is a highly fictionalized story based on presumably actual events. Granted, many elements of this series are clearly fabricated and grandiose. Each aired episode fails plausibility not in the plot, but instead in the more obvious details. This is particularly true with the continuity from scene to scene.

S01E10 has the team heading from the Los Angeles area to Bosnia & Herzegovina (referred to simply as "Bosnia") to retrieve information from a downed military vehicle. The premise and the plot are convincing enough. However, as with every episode, there are several holes and factual errors.

It doesn't take any sort of experience or expertise to surmise that the C-130 they board shortly after leaving their LA office doesn't have a long enough range to reach the location to which they are flying. Not without refueling. It would be cheaper, more secure, quicker & more practical to charter a private jet or even use commercial transportation.

There is no aircraft on any flight path that has the ability to travel this distance in only 9 hours. So, what is the point to place the travel time on the screen if it's wholly impossible? This is just one example & this is the type of implausibility that plagues each & every episode of this series. Even the most far-fetched storyline is plausible as long as the writing stays within the parameters of the plot.

Once again, Scorpion develops a unique plot and rather than use device & writing to make it plausible, the writers tend to do just the opposite. They create several unnecessary holes and impractical variables that argue against the reality they are attempting to establish.
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Fairly good episode except.....
wkozak2211 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode pretty much. The story was good. The action was decent. We finally meet Walter's sister. The problem I had was Megan. She was given the affliction of m.s.. I remember that storyline. The problem I have is that she dies early of the disease. I met a radio star that was at the time 70+. He had the affliction, was in a hospital chair but was still able to function. That is the storyline I hated. Why did she have to have a doomed storyline?
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basshunter_bundo4 February 2019
Igor guy, his "croatian" is so bad, like they didnt even bother to make him sound a bit more Croatian and a bit less Russian lol. Second thing, 9 hrs to get from USA to BOSNIA ? Impossible.
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