I Do, I Do, I Do (TV Movie 2015) Poster

(2015 TV Movie)

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Groundhog wedding
TheLittleSongbird11 March 2023
Despite really liking the 'Groundhog Day' premise and loving the film 'Groundhog Day', which handled the premise very creatively, that formula has since been done to death to varying success and generally with little of that film's uniqueness. Still watched 'I Do, I Do, I Do' anyway, despite not caring for the previous 2015 Countdown to Valentine's Day film 'A Wish Come True', having liked Ali Liebert and especially Autumn Reeser in other things. And because 2015 had some good films before and since 'I Do, I Do, I Do'.

While not great or flawless, 'I Do, I Do, I Do' is still a solid entry in the generally pretty good 2015 Countdown to Valentine's Day block ('All of My Heart' being particularly good), the only disappointments being 'Just Say Yes' and especially 'A Wish Come True'. It may not be one of the best 2015 Hallmark films, but it is charming and fun to watch and a good representation of Reeser and Liebert. So this reviewer definitely recommends it, while not quite raving.

Maybe it could have done with more variety in the repeated relivings, structurally it was a little repetitive at times.

Like a lot of Hallmark films, the music is too loud, could have been used less and like the story structure could have had more variety and not felt too much like hearing the same thing or similar. The ending is a little too neat.

However, Reeser is very charming with a character that is easy to like and identify with. Liebert brings plenty of charm and zest to her role too and the chemistry is warm and natural. Reeser also has sweet chemistry with subtly charismatic and down to earth Shawn Roberts, his character isn't as meaty but he is a long way from being a blank. The characters are not complex, but they are also not too much like ciphers or too cliched. They are also not too perfect or have exaggerated character flaws, and this is a premise where the latter was a danger, having seen it happen in other films with the formula.

Furthermore, the scenery is beautiful to look at and the camera was clearly in love with it. It is very nicely shot, not static or self indulgent. The script has a natural flow, and has fun playfulness and some depth while not getting too cheesy, too sentimental or having contrived conflicts. Despite being repetitive at times, the story goes at a lively clip and is light hearted and heart warming, with no mean spirited-ness.

Concluding, nicely done though flawed. 7/10.
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A little over the top...
Design8815 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The concept was good even though an obvious take on Groundhog Day. Hallmark has used this plot point before but I've never seen one repeat the Wedding Day.

The supporting cast are exaggerated but comical. The acting is good but I didn't think there was any chemistry happening with Antonio (deliberately playing an unlikeable character right enough) but nor with his brother who she really falls in love with.

Autumn Reeser and Antonio Cupo's characters are deliberately mismatched whereas I just watched them in "Love At The Thanksgiving Parade" only a day ago and, since he was her true love interest in that one, their chemistry was great. So a good acting job on their part.

I found the "relived" days just too much. Where did they get all the different outfits? How long was it going on? It was ok three or four times but by then we knew everything we needed to know and their chemistry wasn't strong enough to keep my interest.

Of course, it was a hard role for that actor to play because he had to maintain a certain reserve since, for him, he'd only just met her and she was supposed to be marrying his brother.

Only Autumn could pull off this plot. Lots of holes and we never see the outcome of her dramatic change of heart that must have hurt and shocked the entire family and guests.

We cut to their Wedding instead with no idea of the timeframe involved. I felt cheated since the entire film was based on "timing".

We'd also seen them jumping off a cliff together in their wedding clothing so I wondered how the dress, especially, wasn't ruined. The new day had happened while wearing those clothes so she wasn't going to be able to rebuy the dress this time.
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I Did, I Did. I Did?
cbisbee-7399525 February 2021
If you are considering watching this movie, then you know what to expect. It is a Hallmark romance. You know the plot. The timing of the first kiss, but do pay attention for the timing in this movie. You don't need me telling you more than the storyline tells already. You want to know whether you should watch it?

The time anomaly angle gives the story a new angle for the writers to pursue. Interesting enough and the few repeated scenes where the continuity is messed up aren't that disturbing and are largely missed. Nice message about taking risks in life. I would have given it a 5.7 and not just a 5, but it was either a 5 or a 6 and nothing in between. Watch it once!
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It's Groundhog day except ...
lra3322 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A woman keeps reliving her wedding day, until she figures out what she really wants.

It's Groundhog day except it's your wedding day. This was a cute, typical hallmark film. I must say the characters have no depth, but that's hallmark. They are one-dimensional. To top that off, I wonder how the man she falls in love with could fall in love with her that fast too, since they only had 24 hours since they met. Sorry, spoiler alert. Even with its flaws, this isn't a bad film. It's a cute let's push them out film. With that said, it's a watchable hallmark film.

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Not great, but fun
Jackbv12326 January 2024
Is this a parody? There are constant exaggerations. The mom is off the scale ridiculous and cringe worthy. Ali Liebert keeps throwing in sarcastic comments which totally fit. Autumn Reeser perfectly plays the object of so many little accidents and slights, the butt of the writer's jokes. Shawn Roberts' Max is the man of reason while Peter is the one held up to be so sensible and safe. Peter is just clueless.

If it is not a parody of some sort, the acting and/or directing of other than Reeser, Liebert and Roberts is terrible. I think they were probably directed to be lame. Those three were quite good especially Reeser.

There is chemistry between Roberts and Reeser, but I wish they had shared more screentime. There was a real nonromantic chemistry between Reeser and Liebert.

The premise, though common, is obviously impossible, so finding inconsistencies is pointless. There were a few, the biggest of which would be how did Jacyln find a way or time to be alone with Max? Who cares? The movie made no sense, but it was fun. Despite all the cases of what could have set off alarms of unreality, I just relaxed and enjoyed. I don't often do that in this type of movie.
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2nd time watching.
sparelogin7 March 2023
Its 2023 now. I'm watching it for the second time in the hope I've become less cynical . I havent. I first watched it one Sunday 8 years ago with my husband and 11 year old mildly autistic youngest son. My husband and I thought it was rubbish , our son liked it. Which was nice . But for me the acting is over the top, the concept ridiculous and makes you yawning wonder, if you're that bored, what happens in the future ? . Still the same old mother in law to deal with, and probably she wont be Impressed at the son swap. If you have young kids and nothing better to do on a rainy or snowy day give it a go. If you're in your 50's and intelligent turn if off and watch almost anything else. Sorry. Zzzzzzzz.
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This is one if the best!
abcj-220 February 2020
I do, I do, I do, love this fun movie! Autumn Reeser experiences her own type of Groundhog Day on her wedding day. She is adorable and her chemistry with Shawn Roberts is perfect. This is one of my favorites that I watch often and highly recommend!
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Profoundly Disturbing In So Many Ways
thomford-7801810 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
On October 14th, 1066, two armies gathered on the hilly fields some seven miles northwest of the seaside town of Hastings. The defending force, led by Anglo-Saxon King Harold Godwinson of England, assembled atop a steep slope, prepared to meet the invading French-Norman forces of Duke William of Normandy.

Harold's army, though weary from their recent battle with the Norwegian forces of Harold Hardrada and long march south, were emboldened by their secure position atop the slope. As William's forces assembled on the more level ground below, they came under a hail of taunts from the English forces. As battle commenced, however, the Anglo-Saxon forces quickly lost their haughty attitudes.

Waves of Norman soldiers crashed upon the Anglo-Saxon line. For a time, the line held strong, and the Norman's, acting out of either fear or deception, retreated back down the hill, prompting their heartened foes to give chase. This decision on the part of the Anglo-Saxons would prove costly. As the English raced down the slope after their retreating foes, Norman light cavalry attacked from the flanks, slowly but surely picking apart those foolish enough to have given chase.

The Anglo-Saxon line began to falter, and soon, it would break entirely. An arrow fired from the Norman lines streaked across the battlefield and planted itself in King Harold's eye, killing him almost instantly. With the loss of their ruler, the spirits of the Anglo-Saxons were shattered, and they quickly retreated from the battlefield. The battle was a decisive victory for the Norman invaders, leading to many generations of French rule in England. However, the defeated Anglo-Saxons took one small comfort in the abysmal defeat: They would all be long dead before the movie "I Do, I Do, I Do" would premiere on Hallmark Channel.

I'm not going to going into a scene-by-scene analysis of this movie. If you've seen the movie Groundhog Day, or any of the dozens of knock-offs, then you understand the premise. A woman is forced to relive the same day over and over again (in this case, her disastrous wedding day) until she finally discovers what she really wants out of life. That's pretty much is.

What I AM going to analyze is the love-interest, whom I have nicknamed "Pervert Max." This guy is without a doubt the creepiest, most disturbing love interest in any Hallmark movie to date. Let's start with his very first scene: Our heroine, Jaclyn, is out for a bike ride in the woods on the day before her wedding, hoping to calm her nerves. She falls off of her bike and scrapes her leg. Pervert Max appears out of the trees and immediately starts trying to grab her leg. Now, you may say, "Oh, well, he's a doctor, he's probably just trying to help." Jaclyn doesn't KNOW he's a doctor. She's not badly hurt. A stranger she meets in the woods comes towards her and starts trying to grab her. There's red flag #1.

Next, Pervert Max jumps headlong into a little stream without checking for any potential hazards. This is presented as an admirable trait; Pervert Max is willing to take risks in life. Forgive me, but I hardly think that checking a river to see if it, I don't know, contains obstacles that could potentially impale you is the worst idea in the world. Pervert Max criticizes Jaclyn for not jumping in with him. Again, she just met him, and he wants her to frolic in the water with him.

The moment Pervert Max gets out of the water, he takes off his shirt in front of this strange woman he's known for approximately 5 minutes. Some members of the audience may think this is permissible, because Pervert Max has visible abs. However, let's imagine for a moment that Pervert Max is 250-lbs, has greasy hair, and lacks 50% of his teeth. Is it still permissible for him to strip in front of a strange woman in the woods? The action is revolting no matter who's doing it.

Next, Pervert Max reveals himself to be the perviest pervert in all of Pervertsville Pervadelphia by straight-up kissing Jaclyn on the lips. Remember, she's just out for a morning bike ride; this guy stalks her through the woods, tries to convince her to join him in a potentially dangerous situation, and then assaults her. His justification for doing so? "I wanted to see what would happen." I would love to see a judge's response if this defense was used in a courtroom. Pervert Max assaults Jaclyn: Period. It's not quirky. It's not romantic. It's not cute. It's not sweet. It's sick, it's demeaning, and it's completely disgusting in every way imaginable. Again, let's imagine Pervert Max isn't "Hallmark Hot" and is instead the lovechild of Gollum and a blobfish. Is it still okay for him to kiss Jaclyn? No, you say? Again, the action is wrong, no matter who performs it.

Pervert Max's reign of perviness continues throughout the film. Jaclyn discovers that he's her fiancé, Peter's, brother. When Pervert Max discovers this, what does he do? Apologize for being a literal s***** assaulter? No. Of course he doesn't. He gaslights Jaclyn, telling her that SHE kissed HIM. Again, we, the audience, SAW what happened. HE kissed HER, and then tried to justify it by saying he wanted to see what would happen. The dude isn't sweet, sensitive, or charming. He's a creeper to the highest degree. I kept actively hoping throughout the film that Jaclyn would spend her repeated days inventing new and creative ways to dispose of him.

Because this movie is completely disconnected from reality, Jaclyn, of course, falls in love with Pervert Max. She spends her repeated days essentially going on dates with him, rather than with her fiancé. I understand that she and Peter have no chemistry, and that she's correct in thinking they really shouldn't get married. What I DON'T understand is how we're supposed to root for a romance that started out with a literal felony. Keep in mind that, as Jaclyn is going out on these dates with Pervert Max, Pervert Max KNOWS she's his brother's fiancé. That in no way inhibits him from making constant moves on this woman. Pervert Max may be the most accurate on-screen representation of Beelzebub ever to darken a TV screen.

Eventually, Jaclyn pulls off her "perfect wedding" with Peter by doing the things she actually wanted to do instead of the things Peter's overbearing mother wanted to do. This should have been a nice moment for her - but Pervert Max lives to spoil nice moments. While practically in tears, he calls Jaclyn a coward for marrying Peter. Keep in mind, while Jaclyn is conscious of the repeated day, no one else is, including Pervert Max. As far as Pervert Max is aware, he's known this woman for less than 48 hours. Yet he feels confident enough to stalk, assault, gaslight, and criticize her.

Pervert Max is literally the most revolting fictional character I've ever had the displeasure to encounter. This movie could only possibly be enjoyable if you refrain from giving it any thought whatsoever. If they had made Pervert Max a nice guy instead of a creepy, assaulting stalker, the plot, trite as it is, could've at least been fun to watch. It's not fun watching a woman fall in love with a whiney, self-absorbed, deluded, predatory man-child, though. I hope there's a sequel in which Pervert Max gets stuck reliving the same day over and over again, and every day, he gets eaten by some new and vicious creature.
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One of my favourites!
hallmarkmov24 May 2021
I've watched this movie with my mom over and over again! Probably as many times as the day repeats! Love when it's playing on tv and will watch it any time of year. Beautiful background, great casting, and funny cute story. I enjoy that all the characters grow and realize what's best for each of them. It's a very simple premise and you don't need to think when watching. One thing is I can't figure out how she has a new outfit every day? Didn't she just pack for a weekend and yet have multiple outfits for different things to do? Even a swim suit? Or how she can order an orchestra online and arrive the day of? Quick service.
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If I Knew Then What I Know Now
boblipton15 February 2015
Ali Liebert marries Antonio Cupo. Then next morning she wakes up and it's her wedding day again. Maybe she should have chosen to marry his brother, Shawn Roberts in this variation of GROUNDHOG DAY.

This one starts out slowly and annoyingly, because Ms. Liebert is a neurotic, over-controlled woman with a squeaky voice, Mr. Cupo is an annoying author of books which advocate living sensibly and joylessly and Mr. Roberts is a kind, free-spirited individual who has flown in from his Doctors Without Borders gig, and the wedding is clearly not her best day ever. So you know they are going to get together. Once the living-the-day-forever-until-you-get-it-right plot kicks in, all becomes obvious. Ms. Liebert is engaging as she goes through her evolution in a good performance, which lifts it up again.

There's still the annoying, loud, cloying Hallmark Channel Movie Music to tell you precisely how you're supposed to react to each scene. All these elements make this a watchable movie.
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no do-overs here
momcat31627 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILERS sorry, folks. this is one hallmark movie that I will not watch repeatedly as I have most of the others I have seen. make that ALL of the others I have seen. it did not take very long to think, oh no, this is just groundhog day set to a romantic theme, even using valentine's day as part of the story. add one overbearing mother-in-law to be who insists on HER idea of a perfect day. along with her color scheme, her dress, and fortunately her other son. in very short succession after one repeat day, you can see the proper marriage take place. You can see the ending long before the fourth deja vu. I had hopes for this movie, as my connection with hallmark movies has been very successful.
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Fun movie
rich-fouts24 September 2022
Delightful movie, some great lines, and perfect chemistry between Autumn Reeser and (hunk) Shawn Roberts. Reeser's skilled comedic timing and Roberts' playfulness keep the story moving.

The supporting performances aren't as successful (they tend to overact and hit us over the head with their eccentricity). In other words, they don't quite live up to the honesty and authenticity of the two leads.

The storyline may not be original, but the way it's executed is really hilarious thanks to Reeser's comedic abilities. The way she uses her knowledge of the future to resolve past situations is absolutely charming and creates some laugh-out-loud moments.

Mostly, the two principles are so good in their roles, that any shortcomings are easily overlooked.
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Was that a comedy?
DoubleD20327 March 2018
I'm not sure you could classify this as a comedy. Were there jokes? Was there an attempt at humorous situations? I don't seem to recall either, unless the entire thing was an ironic attempt at anti-humor. I had the misfortune of being trapped in a waiting room while this movie loudly played.

Its heritage was clear from the start; it felt like a Hallmark card. Cheesy, impersonal, mass produced, and not courageous enough to attempt anything actually funny.

Shrill caricature of a main character with no idea what she wants gets stuck in a time loop until she...wow, even writing that out is boring. Its hard to include spoilers in a review when you know how it ends after the first 15 minutes. If you hate surprises, well written characters and dialogue, and unique situations, this is the movie for you. If purgatory played rom-coms this would definitely be part of the playlist. Its about as exciting and nourishing as a meal consisting entirely of white rice. It may pass the time, but why bother? If its all you eat indefinitely, you(r brain) will die.

I was trying to think of a worse movie I've seen to justify not rating this 1 star. I really can't come up with anything. I'd rather watch an ice-pick lobotomy. At least that has educational value.
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Gets funnier and sweeter every day
TheCheeseMistress23 April 2021
I wish I could give this movie 5 stars for its first third and 10 for the other two. Why do so many Hallmark movies start off so bad just to become great after the point in which a lot of viewers most likely stopped watching it?

You can read my review on the movie "It was always you", it applies to the first part of this movie just as well since the two are practically identical. Then it takes a turn for the best and becomes both legitimately funny and legitimately cute and romantic, unlike a lot of movies labeled as "comedy/romance" in which the comedy is just silly and cringeworthy farfetched dialogs and the romance is the two leads deciding they want to get together in the last minute before the ending.

This one, however, and despite the fact that the premise has the potential risk of falling into a boring and repetitive execution, manages to stay dynamic and entertaining adding continuity and uniqueness to each of the same day she relives.

I liked to see fantasy being used outside Christmas. There's still a little bit of cringe though, like when she relives the wedding for the first time she acts fully aware of the time loop mechanics for some reason while she freaks out the next time, but what kind of made-for-TV rom-com would it be without a little bit of cringe, right?
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Just Another Groundhog Day
kupcr17 June 2020
I watched this one morning and the premise is about a girl named Jaclyn (Autumn Reesor), an architect, who relives her disastrous wedding day over and over until she faces her fears and discovers what she really wants in life. It's not bad. It has some humour in it and the scenery is wonderful, but it's been done before called 'Groundhog Day' with Bill Murray. I gave this a low rating because of the cliche of a gal gets married and has second thoughts. I was a little disappointed with the plot, but if you're an Ali Liebert fan as much as I am, then this movie is for you. Not worth your time.
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I wish I did not
Prismark1010 March 2015
Groundhog day revisited. Neurotic Ali Liebert is an architect who marries author Antonio Cupo. The wedding is planned by the mother in law to be and it looks like Cupo has only got married for career advancement. Liebert bumps into her brother in law to be, Shawn Roberts who is a doctor in Africa and who is a sort of a free spirit.

As the wedding does not go according to plan she has to relive her wedding day every day and decides to make small changes such as learning Italian, learning to dance, finding out what she wants in her life.

This is a cheap looking film, with cookie cutter production values. I swear the music in the film has been used in other Hallmark films. You can tell straight off that Cupo is unsuitable for her and the rugged Roberts will be her suitor.

The film is annoying, poorly acted and has absolutely no flair or fire in its script or direction.
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Surprisingly, one of the best Hallmark movies!
jasminechai1713 February 2019
It is definitely a different spin on the regular Hallmark fare, but it is definitely a "keeper". I even would buy the DVD for this one!

It didn't start off that great, I found Max too much like a "player" at first. But the movie started to get much better 1/4 of the way into it. It was a refreshingly honest movie about what not to do when getting married to someone one barely even knows (I've been there). This movie really spoke to me unlike a lot of other Hallmark movies that have no deeper meaning behind the gloss. I highly recommend this one especially to anyone who has married the wrong person due to lack of getting to know them well prior to going down the aisle.
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edwagreen26 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Groundhog Day revisited. An architect has to relive her marriage day after day until she comes to the realization that she has to assert herself with an overbearing mother-in-law to be and that her intended marriage is nothing more than one big mistake. During all this confusion, she finds the true meaning of love and understanding with her brother-in-law to be?

Remember, the girl will still have the same mother-in-law to deal with, even with a stable situation.

The reliving of these events may become some what confusing and so very annoying to say the least.

Finding true meaning after a 2 day relationship is crazy, after all, she had 5 months to get to know her original intended.
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Again and Again
bobbyhattaway27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are very few movies I'll watch more than once but this one of those rare ones that I never get tired of watching. Autumn's performance is spectacular as she evolves from confused and angry to embracing the situation whole-heartedly.
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Loved it!
dec12043930 August 2018
VI'm a fan of the Hallmark Movies and this was excellent!
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The Autumn Reeser Show!!
butterfly-7823 April 2015
What a great romantic comedy! I didn't see the time pass by. Usually, I am not a huge fan of the Groundhog Day-type movies. But in this case, it worked perfectly. And much of the credit goes to Autumn Reeser. She is hardly off camera during the whole movie, and she's absolutely brilliant from start to finish! Fabulous actress!

It's the story of an architect who heads to the altar with her fiancé, unsure of her marriage and their future. She relives her disastrous wedding day, put together by her fiancé's overbearing mother, over and over until, with the help of his brother, she begins to face her biggest fears and discover what she really wants in herself and in her life.
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Loved IT!
happybwst1 March 2015
I like Hallmark Movies & enjoy watching them. Some are a little too corny for me or just OK. Which I was expecting for this one. I only watched it because I had DVR'd it. It was actually after I had watched the other 5 movies I DVR'd.

But, color me SURPRISED! I just loved the movie! I literally could watch it over & over again. I already watched in 2x's in a week!


An architect heads to the altar with her fiancé, unsure of her marriage and their future. She relives her disastrous wedding day, put together by her fiancé's overbearing mother, over and over until, with the help of her fiancé's brother, she begins to face her biggest fears and discover what she really wants in herself and in her life.
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Anything with Ali Liebert.
Racingphan221 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of course it goes without saying that Ali Leibert should have been the lead actor here, but Autumn Reiser has some charms. The movie has a quirky charm and fun sense of humor. I also love the Canadian extras that pop up in so many Hallmark movies.
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Wonderful movie
zwergle29 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'd like to say, I really love Autumn Reeser. She is a beautiful and talented actress. It was just a coincidence, that I found her. I've searched for a good and romantic movie to watch and found something, she was on the cast. No idea, which film is, but since then, I love her and tried to watch every of her movies. So I came to this one. I've watched this movie more then one time, because I really love the story. She, not really happy about her upcoming wedding, in which she has no say. Then her stupid fiancé, who has no idea, what she really wants. But hey, we can do it over and over again. Some day, it will be perfect. I am so happy Jaclyn used her do overs to do the right thing. Even we knew this wedding was not a good idea, but in the end she will make the right choice. Good girl. It is really a wonderful movie, full of fun and of course romantic.
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Very Good Hallmark Movie
beach-bumz7 February 2015
I must admit that I like Hallmark movies. This is a charming movie and it reminds me of the Bill Murray movie, "Groundhog Day" in which he relived that day over and over to get it right. As the trailer and title (I do, I do, I do) from this movie implies, the leading lady gets to relive her wedding day over and over until she gets it right. At first she is bewildered as to what is happening, as well as those who are around her, which leads to her and those around her questioning her mental state. But when she finally realizes she is stuck in her wedding day she takes advantage of it. Without going into specific details it will suffice it enough to say this leads to some very funny and touching moments. Familiar Hallmark movie actors / actresses Autumn Reeser (main character), Shawn Roberts, Antonio Cupo and Ali Liebert lead the cast and they are a talented bunch, too. Shawn Roberts is familiar from some major Sci Fi movies and Ali Liebert is in her normal supporting role as Autumn Reeser's sister but she is talented enough to carry a movie on her own. This movie is well worth watching.
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