"The Vampire Diaries" Hell Is Other People (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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What just happened !! left me in shock ..
Aktham_Tashtush29 January 2016
From now and on I want all TVD episodes to come to be like this one .. It really felt so much fun to watch each and every scene , Damon's Hell was Sad, Dark and Hilarious then really sad again, in the same time over and over again hitting "the edge of tomorrow" style 😆😆 before it really leave us stunned at the last scene !!!.

It seems like after Christmas break the writers had a clear head to do such an idea with a really well written script, but again as i said this season is by far much better than the last two seasons where the plot was shattered, and again of course "no disrespect to the character of Elena", she not being in the show made it look tighter and removed all the sluggishness and the unfollowable intersections and brought back the unpredictability.

Overall ,, the show is peaking by the next couple of episodes so i'm really now expecting so much tense, thrill and many more jaw dropping surprises to come ;)
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Best Mid season return
gjkerslone22 September 2020
This was a beautifully crafted episode all about Damon Salvatore. This episode used the classic groundhog day scenario with an enticing spin on it.
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One of the best episodes of the show
sasssin14 November 2020
Ian is something great. This episode is gold. Amazing
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emilyms-3609431 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this whole episode, from start to finish. Damon is and has always been my favourite character in TVD, and this episode showcased him, and showed him at this darkest moments in his life as a young soldier. He was trapped in the Phoenix stone for the majority of the episode, and relived the same exact event and day, to help him accept the bloodshed, and to make him feel - This is the key for Bonnie to be able to 'grab' him out of the stone, and back to normality. As Damon kept reliving the same day, he kept imagining being rescued, and kept living it, thinking it was real. He became aware that it wasn't real when his mother (who has already died) kept telling him to accept the pain, so he would be able to leave. I thought this was a really interesting twist in the episode, and i liked how they added her into it despite her dying.

Towards the end of the episode, when Damon starts to accept and feel the pain, he apologises to Lily for all of his mistakes, and his unkind words when she died. It was a really emotional scene i thought, and made me love the character more, it showed raw emotion and Ian's ability to portray him. Just as this happened, he was pulled out for real, by Bonnie. When Damon was pulled out, he kept saying 'this isn't real' etc, because the longer people are trapped in the stone, the harder it will be for them to come back; he had also lived that experience in one of his previous dreams. He went on a typical Damon rampage, and his 'killed/hurt' all of those in the room, including Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie etc… Then in the last scene, he kind of came to realise it was REAL, and that he had just done another terrible act.

In summary, this was a great episode, and cannot wait for next weeks. It was left on a hanger, and i'm so interested to see where it will go next!
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Ian is a legend
enasaljammal1 October 2021
One of the best episodes of the show !

Makes up for all the previous episodes , hats down for the writers and the director .
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Hell is other other people is a classic TVD review
jackDee-5656529 September 2021
I love this whole episode, it is the series at its best with costume designs and sets that feel like it actually flashed back to a certain time in history, I love the time loop aspect of the episode as it was something we have seen shows do before but TVD had not down this before, it even still progresses the story, there is not negative or con for this episode, Ian somerhalder and the other cast as usual give a amazing performance , this is a stand out episode that shows off all the things the show does best.
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One of the best
modernsanatani17 September 2024
I immediately looked at the rating for this episode soon as I finished watching it, and I knew it, this is one of the best episodes of TVD. Groundhog Day themed movies are one of my favourites. The writers somehow conjured up all their creative juices and poured it into this particular episode. Everything is perfect. This is top class entertainment.

Ian Sommerhalder's acting is as usual great. The psychological angle works wellt. The name of the episode is also smart. The shamans created this personal hell for vampires to torment them forever which is a sadistically clever way to punish bad vampires. Very interesting all in all.
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Showing once again how the show lost its spark a long time ago.
m-4782622 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You really have to have low expectations to think this episode was anything special. It's Groundhog Day all over again, and other shows like BTVS have done it better. I'm obviously not a Somerhalder cheerleader, but even that wouldn't prevent me from noticing how stiff his acting is and how extremely whiny his Damon character can be. It's like he spent his whole time in the show being a crybaby and throwing temper tantrums when things don't go according to his plans. And how writers force the issue on his tendency of hiding his true feelings, for fear of being hurt, is getting tiresome. Will he ever grow up? Which is another issue for me with how the series concluded. Instead of making him make lemonade out of lemons, writers eventually gave him everything on a silver platter. Preventing him that long overdue character growth some of us were expecting. As far as « He'll Is Other People » is concerned, not only does the title is misleading (because Damon's Hell is himself) but it simply pandered on his whimsical side, when at the end of the episode, he killed everyone around him in a fit of rage, like he always does. Because once again, things didn't go his way.
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Damon Reliving The Day He First Had Blood On His Hands
vivianla11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Damon keeps repeating the day when he first had blood on his hands. It is 1863 and he signed up to be a soldier to make his dad proud. A fellow soldier begs Damon to help him which Damon does amidst the blazing fires. Damon wakes up under a tent and mail call is done. Damon gets a letter from Stefan and Damon can tell he needs to go to Stefan to make sure he is okay. In order to get two weeks of leave he has to walk to a farm and bring back the soldiers who left alive. Three women cook and reluctantly let Damon in as it is the law for them to feed the hungry soldiers. Two soldiers are hiding in the basement. Damon fails to keep them alive to bring back. He wakes up to a fake Bonnie. This keeps repeating over and over until Damon apologizes to his mom.
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