Blood Brother (2018) Poster


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If you don't wanna go to jail FLEE...FLEEEEE...!!!
candibrown-9330930 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We can't blame Trey for starring in this ridiculously written horrible movie...I'm sure he needed to get that bag...This movie was not good in anyway, shape, matter or form...and the acting was 110% HORRIBLE...and anybody who says any different is either friends or family with the cast or crew...or simply not that bright...I can't even tell you all of the stupid things that transpired in this film because it would be me telling you the entire movie bit by bit...It's a revenge movie...4 boys commit a robbery of sort...3 run away...1 stands there and doesn't run...he goes to jail...then has the audacity to want revenge for doing 15 years in prison...WHAT...? And that happens at the very beginning of the movie...that right there should let you know that this movie is not any good...don't waste your cash on this...seriously...girls if you love Trey like I do...I'm telling you that doesn't help at all...I'm such a fan that my friends are going to be shocked about how I feel about this movie...
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Just trying to get him back
nogodnomasters30 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A group of teens makes off with $3 million from a foiled armor car robbery. One of the teens, Jake, shoots the driver. Somehow he gets caught and does 15 years while the other kids make off with the money and not get caught. Not exactly explained. Sonny (Trey Songz) has gone on to become a policeman to the dismay of Jake (Jack Kesy) and keeps their secret. When Jake gets out of prison, he starts to senselessly kill people creating problems for Sonny.

The plot was questionable for a serious drama. I personally find names like Dre, Trey, and folks who use a "z" instead of an "s" to be pretentiously attempting to look cool...which is how I felt about this production.

Guide: F-word.
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Just, no.
Marc_Action18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can suspend disbelief for implausible plot points. Yes, I can. Bad Blood certainly has its fair share. However, this movie's biggest sin is that the writers expect the audience to believe that a small gang of mischievous teenage males split $3 million dollars from a foiled armored car robbery they came upon 15 years ago--and during this decade and a half of time--each male honored their pact to stash their own share until the forth crew member who took the fall got released without spending any of it; losing any of it; getting robbed of any of it; or never telling another soul outside the crew, all while living in what resembles the poverty-stricken streets of New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward? Give me a break! The movie is trash just on this fallacy alone, nevermind how horrible everything else is.
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Nothing original, terrible acting, nonsensical plot.
pauljamesessex30 November 2018
This film is terrible, I am not a writer but could write a better film than this in 10 minutes. Nothing original, terrible acting, nonsensical plot. At the start it had potential to go somewhere but after about 20 minutes it went badly wrong.
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Just skip this one!
dieperdsegat30 November 2018
The villain just got out of jail. Kills 2 people in front of his cop friend. Threatens a toddler at gun point in the park in front of his cop friend then goes shoot some hoops. Wow, this was bad. Bad acting, bad script, rushed storyline. Overall just bad. These singers should just be left singing, leave the acting to actors.
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Absolute rubbish
alanhobbs-6891616 June 2019
I couldn't work out what actually was going on. A short film but it seemed twice as long. Awful.
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Why did I watch this?
gowmitch23 May 2019
This was a pointless movie, bad characters worse script crap acting, only reason it 1 star wars because I watched free on sky movies, Do no pay for've been warned
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I paid $3.99 to se that???
ajwinslow-121 February 2019
That's 90 minutes I'll never get back. I did give it 2 stars for being filmed in New Orleans
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Not bad not great either
crosbyp120036 December 2018
It dis have some sort of plot vpbut it took me a few minutes to figure out the storyline. Slow at first but then it picks up, dumb ending though
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I Should'a, I Should'a
godfreecharlie5 August 2021
I'll read deeper into the reviews from now on. There's some insight to be had by reading thru the evaluations of others. A time saver in the least.
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had this for breakfast
ops-5253530 November 2018
Bloodbrother is a daring story about petty crime youngsters,that seredipitously watches a armoured car robbery gone wrong, they grab the lot and runs...except one who has a triggerdemon problem. he gets in jail,while his bloodbrother becomes a cop.... i was in the start afraid this were some hip hop melodrama, but i was for once wrong..its an amazing story about love and friendship,life and death ,power and money. i praise the use of music in this film, the acting are over average, the story good,and the action sufficiently done. wrong or not,watch it . i recommend it.
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intorchard-1015 June 2021
So cruising on Netflix I watch this movie. Not knowing what it's about I have nothing else going on. And it seems like this movie is a lot like four Brothers with Mark Wahlberg and also a little bit of the town of Bennett eye flag. It's your typical gangster black against white racial slurs lots of swearing. Prostitution drugs booze. Very slow at first but then it picks up at the end. Not too bad but you got a like your gang movies so cruising on Netflix I watch this movie. Not knowing what it's about I have nothing else going on. And it seems like this movie is a lot like four brothers with Mark Wahlberg and also a little bit of the town Ben Affleck. It's your typical gangster black against white racial slurs lots of swearing. Prostitution drugs booze. Very slow at first but then it picks up at the end. Not too bad but you got a like your gang movies .
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Who's responsible for rating the films on Sky Movies?
jimbo-53-18651130 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jake Banning (Jack Kesy) is released from prison after 15 years and decides to seek revenge on a group of his childhood friends who he believes allowed him to take sole responsibility for a crime they committed together. Former childhood friend turned copper Sonny (Trey Songz) sets about trying to bring him to justice when Banning starts to take out his former friends one by one...

I sat down to watch Blood Brother hoping for a decent revenge story, but instead of that I found myself watching a ludicrous story which seemed to have been edited and constructed on little more than a wing and a prayer.

For one thing, I couldn't understand why when Banning was released from prison that none of the friends seemed concerned or even aware of what he may have been planning? Surely they must have known that he would blame them for what happened and could possibly seek revenge against them. Having said that I could have accepted and tolerated this incredulity if the film would have at least been suspenseful, but sadly it wasn't. Rather than having Banning released from prison and having to seek out his former childhood friends all the work is already done for him and he tracks everyone down with ease and gains revenge against some of his friends with the utmost of ease. So where exactly is the suspense, excitement or tension in this picture I ask?? The only time the picture builds up even a whiff of suspense is when Banning steals Darcy's phone and befriends her, but even this section is too short-lived and not good enough to make up for everything else that's wrong with the film.

The only other thing worth acknowledging in this film is the acting (particularly between Kesy and Songz with the former at least trying to inject some menace to the picture). Director John Pogue bulldozers his way through the film and essentially suffocates the film instead of allowing it to breathe, but the script served up by Finch and Gajdusek is even more idiotic.

Blood Brother is another fairly crappy offering that has been massively oversold based on its rating on Sky Movies; it's rating is 4.5 out of 5 on Sky and I seriously have to question the person responsible for giving this film such a high rating. The IMDB Community with an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 (albeit with only 429 votes at the time of writing this review) and for me, this equates to a slightly below average revenge film which is a much more accurate reflection of what has actually been served up here.
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Three words OH HELL NO!!
mimiybyazphil14 February 2021
I am going to learn that if a movie is filmed in the worst looking sections of NOLA, and it had plenty of those, RUN AWAY!! This movie makes Pootie Tang look like an Oscar level movie!! AWFUL to the 10th power!!!
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kosmasp29 March 2020
The premise was quite interesting and I could see this having more potential than it actually explored. I think there is more there and it is a shame it was not adressed or rather shown. Having said that, there is enough action and suspense to keep you entertained.

Since this is a WWE produced movie, there is one Wrestler (maybe more, but I recognized one, R-Truth) from their roster. He doesn't really have much screentime and I'd say he's doing ok. The focus is on a friendship gone south (or whatever direction is bad) ... not a masterpiece by a long shot, more reminiscent of 80s action movies
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Blood Brothers
quisha-0119531 March 2021
Decent movie, entertaining, Trey Songz is fine, I give it a 5/ out of 10 it's worth watching.
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EASILYYYYY, one of the WORST movies I have ever seen in my life!!!!
boldeboy5 May 2021
How does an actor, director, cast, film company, preview a movie so garbage, and still release it? Like how? It's supposed to be a touching revenge movie between two street brothers.. I think your supposed to feel bad or kinda like the bad guy but how? His whole character is a lame cry baby. Sonny the main character, is just soft and dumb as rocks. I sincerely hate this whole movie. I hate who ever thought this was a good enough movie for people to watch! Burn this. Pretend it never existed. If I could go back in time and make the choice not to watch this for free on prime, I would. Which one of y'all is going home with TRIGGAAA!!! The movie... Take the movie, Trey.
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Hmmm 🤔
tjefferson-5536120 June 2021
Not bad for it's category, it stuck with the classic good vs. Bad. I liked the story line that we must face our demons head on. I'm not a critic nor an actor so I won't judge but I will just say I would be disappointed if I had paid to watch it but since it was free I have no real complaints.
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It started off showing promise then collapsed completely.
Brooklynsmagicmike27 February 2021
Usually I steer very clear of any movies with WWE attached to it for two reasons. One they're usually very poorly acted and two incredibly low budget. But when I saw the trailer it looked like something that would be engaging enough to watch. However by the end of the movie ended up being quite disappointed.

The premise is actually good in this film. I think the problem was more of direction. The film was just way too messy and nonsensical at times. Also pacing was definitely an issue with this one. It felt just very boring at parts. However there was some still some good action scenes. The ending was just extremely odd and bizarre.

It's not horrible weekend watch, Just don't go into it with high expectations.
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Time Killer
taralynhuber23 July 2021
It's not an award winning film, but I hope you didn't expect it to be. This is a TV Movie type that when your bored you watch. I actually liked Jack Kesy and Trey Songz acting in this. Jack is really talented. I think if he wasn't in it, it wouldn't have been as good. It's a Friendship and revenge movie. Not terrible.
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Why all the bad reviews?!
scotti-5259719 September 2020
I don't know why all the negative talk about this movie. I really liked it. Good story line and good acting. Your all tripping. Lol
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Decent movie...
imdb-9925211 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie, thought it was great actually, but the premise of him acting crazy vs taking millions and enjoying life was illogical...
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kimtaylor8910 July 2021
Plot and acting was trash. Cringed through 70% of the film, I refused to torture myself any longer.

I tried for China.
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Action quite okay but not outstanding!
kwenchow9 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is about four criminal friends stealing three million dollar and one of the friend called Jake blame his friend called Sonny for let him in jail for 15 years! Entire film desperate to copy "Superfly" style but instead not as good as "Superfly"! All fighting scene not satisfy at all! Most silly scene is the ending, Sonny handcuffed Jake but he still can pull a gun out and try to kill Sonny! And Sonny still manage to survive and kill his friend back! Should have done better! Disappointed!
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dvalleeetl8 September 2021
Bad, acting. Bad story. Disjointed. Predictable. Avoid at all cost.
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