(2010– )

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Western Propaganda is raging even here, lol
info-5687029 December 2022
The bad rating once again shows the vicious reality of the Western propaganda and censorship.

Keep censoring, keep giving fake ratings, you are only revealing yourself to more and more people.

Heres' and ITV from Lee Camp, former RT journalist to enlight you on the subject: Lee Camp: "I haven't faced any threats that I know of, but simultaneously, not only did my show get ended because RT America was shut down, but also all of the old Redacted Tonight videos - over 1,000 videos - were all banned on YouTube. And they're not just banned in America. Apparently they're banned in almost all countries. So the old episodes can no longer be seen on YouTube, which is kind of incredible for a comedy show that has spent eight years and 375 episodes, trying to just be anti-war and anti-imperialist and promoting peace, sustainability, environmental health and caring for our fellow human beings. That is what led me to write and create my show. And yet here I am being deleted and banned from so many platforms.

Also simultaneously, my Podcast, which is called Moment of Clarity, was deleted from Spotify, which is one of the largest Podcast carriers. This is very bad for listenership and for the number of people that may want to access it. Again, this is a wave of censorship that is sweeping across America that is just very dangerous. It won't stop with me and RT America, it will keep going."
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